NASHVILLE NOTES A Word from Our President—Rita Johnson Inside this issue:


NASHVILLE NOTES A Word from Our President—Rita Johnson Inside this issue:
Nashville Chapter of the American Sewing Guild
Nashville, TN
October 2014
A Word from Our President—Rita Johnson
Inside this issue:
Can you believe it is October already? It has been a busy year and we have lots
more ASG fun in store for rest of the year. October 11 is our third fashion show. I
hope all of you have made plans to “Fall Into Fashion” at the brunch, fashion
show, and look forward to our special “brown bag runway” event that day. I’ve
made my retreat reservations and look forward to getting away before the holiday
crunch starts. Then we have our holiday party…good eats and good fun! We also
have our elections coming up. So, lots of activity between now and the end of the
New Members-------------------------2
Renewing Members----------------2
Meeting Schedule------------------3
October Meeting Info-------------4
Fashion Show Entry Form------5
I was delighted to have the opportunity to attend the ASG Conference in St. Louis
and have been passing along information learned there to the appropriate CAB
members. It was great to see familiar faces, take classes from teachers I knew
and from some I had my first opportunity to meet. It is always reassuring to talk
with other chapters and see what they are doing, how they go about it and to find
out we are doing some things really well! Thanks, ladies, for all you do to make
our chapter great!
Fall Sewing Retreat-----------------6
Speaking of elections, if you have interest in running for one of the CAB (Chapter
Advisory Board) positions, please let me know. Our chapter votes for president,
1st VP, 2nd VP, secretary, and treasurer. Contact any of the current CAB members
for information about specific positions or go to the ASG website to read about the
position. Our other CAB positions are appointed to meet specific needs such as
newsletter, retreat coordinator, IADT liaison, hospitality, and so forth. There is one
position that we do not currently have, but I would like for us to fill this year; that is
Retail Liaison, a position that many chapters have. This person coordinates with
local merchants for our newsletter, classes, door prizes, etc. This is your sewing
guild and we want it to be the best it can be for all of us!
Kroger Community Rewards--9
I hope all of you register your Kroger card so that we can start “earning” from your
purchases. In the coming months we will be sharing information about going
through our website to access Amazon and Craftsy so that we can “earn”
percentages based on your purchases from those sources. As a small chapter we
are always looking for ways to earn some money so that we can offer more
programs and learning opportunities to the members.
Bring a friend to our meetings; the fashion show is a great time to show off what
our members do. Keep in mind that non-members can attend two meetings before
Rita Johnson,
December Meeting-----------------7
Pecan Pie Muffins-------------------7
Past Meetings--------------------------8
Charity Sew------------------------------9
Fat Fabrics/Skinny Fabrics--11
Vandy Sewing Club----------------14
Tips and Tricks----------------------14
ASG Facebook Page-------------15
Advertising Rates------------------15
2014 CAB-------------------------------16
Membership Form----------------17
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New Members
Welcome to our new members, Judy Duerson (Nashville, TN) and Carolyn Fletcher (Germantown, TN).
Renewing Members
We are pleased to announce that the following members renewed their membership for another year:
Marilynn Dygert
Teresa Holland
Laurie Weakley
Mary Elliott
Janet Pess
Lynne Freeman
Carole Scheer
Please remember that YOU are the only
person who can update your ASG contact
information. No CAB member can make
changes to another member’s account.
Unless you make your changes, especially
to your e-mail address, we cannot ensure
that you will receive all chapter
Go to to make your changes
Toni Hill
Claudia Sullivan
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2014 Meeting Schedule
The Nashville Chapter meets from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm, the 2nd Saturday of the month unless otherwise noted.
April marked the first month at our new meeting facility. Children’s Corner is at 718 Thompson Lane,
Nashville. Children’s Corner is in the strip mall that houses Applebee’s and is across the street from
Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s 100 Oaks Campus.
As you know this is a transition year as far as our meeting place is concerned. Please watch your e-mail as we
will get the info out to you as soon as possible whenever we will meet in an alternate location. You will also
want to check the chapter’s Facebook page for any meeting changes.
The following is our meeting schedule for the remainder of 2014:
October, 2014 “Fall into Fashion” Fashion Show and Brunch
9:30 a.m.
Donelson Presbyterian Church
2305 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37214
In addition to our fashion show we will for the first time, present “Brown
Bag Runway” where members will be showcasing their creations from the
“ugly fabric” exchange at the 2013 Christmas party.
See page 4 for additional information.
Fashion Show Entry form is on page 5.
November 21-- Fall Sewing Retreat
November 23, 2014 Henry Horton State Park
See the flyer on page 6 for registration info
December 13, 2014 Annual Holiday Party
Singer-Viking-Pfaff World Headquarters, LaVergne, TN
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Future Meetings
October Meeting—“Fall into Fashion” Fashion Show and Brunch
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November Meeting—Fall Retreat
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December Meeting—Holiday Party
We will celebrate the holidays on Saturday, December 13th, at Singer-Viking-Pfaff World Headquarters in
LaVergne. More info to come as the date approaches.
Pecan Pie Muffins
Mary Elliott, Hospitality Chair, always brings a treat for our monthly meetings. Mary shared the recipe for
her scrumptious Pecan Pie Muffins.
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Past Meetings
August Meeting---Catland Forever Couture
Junior member Catland Freeze is a 16 year old designer who
began designing and sewing at age 11. Catland had shown her
designs in New York, Atlanta, St. Louis, and of course
Catland had her amazing creativity on display at our August
meeting. She spoke about her inspiration for each design as her
garments were modeled by her friends.
Catland expresses her true love of designing with unique fabric
choices and handmade embellishments for each garment. Catland has the full
support of her family as she pursues her dream. Catland is a sewing student of
member Alania Sheeley.
September Meeting—Heirloom Sewing Techniques
Member Ann Smith presented the September program. Ann’s passion is
heirloom sewing and her work is amazing.
Ann shared techniques she’s learned from some of the classes she had taken
from such sewing greats as Martha Pullen, Debbie Glenn, and Gail Doane.
She covered topics such as bias bindings, French binding, gathering
techniques, French seams, released tucks, and sewing curved seams.
Whether you are sewing for your child or yourself, Ann’s techniques will take your sewing to a higher level.
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Charity Sew
On Saturday, September 27th,
members met at IADT to make
“quillows” for patients at
Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s
Hospital at Vanderbilt
University Medical Center.
Supplies were purchased using
grant monies awarded to our
ASG chapter by the Mt. Juliet
Walmart Community Grant
Program. An amazing 75 quillows were completed.
On October 2nd, President Rita Johnson and
Hospitality Chair Mary Elliott, along with a
Walmart representative, presented the blankets to
the hospital.
Kroger Community Rewards®
By Rita Johnson
While at the ASG conference I learned that we could register with the Kroger Community Rewards program
and earn money for our chapter. When I returned home I signed us up and we have been assigned a number
that allows us to register our Kroger card and then each time it is swiped, the chapter will receive a small
rebate. This in no way impacts your Kroger gas points. It is merely a way for Kroger to give back to the
communities where their customers shop.
Below are instructions for registering your card. Once registered, allow two weeks and then you should see a
statement at the bottom of your receipt that indicates you have affiliated your card so that American Sewing
Guild Nashville Chapter will receive your “rebate”. We are assigned NPO number 29452. This is the number
you will need to enter/select when you register your card. I hope each of you take a few minutes to do this! As
the treasurer of the Atlanta chapter said, “It’s free money for us.”
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You can register online at To sign in or create an account to enroll:
Click on Sign In/Register
If you are a new online customer, click Create an Account.
Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your
email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions. You will then get a
message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email.
If you have an online account, click Sign In and use your email address and password to proceed to the
next step.
Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number.
Update or confirm your information.
Enter NPO number or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm. The
Nashville Chapter NPO number is 29452. This is what will get the credit to us.
To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your
information page.
REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your group until after you register your card(s).
Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your
Kroger Plus card number.
Go to for the rules to this video contest.
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Fat Fabrics/Skinny Fabrics
by Nancy Nix-Rice
Fabric characteristics have an amazing ability to add or subtract visual pounds from every body. Here are
some of the things to look for as you strive to “sew skinny”.
Color. Lighter, brighter, warmer colors attract attention and make body areas they cover
appear larger. Darker, duller, cooler colors minimize. However that doesn’t mean we should
all hang out in head-to-toe black. Use this concept strategically to emphasize body areas
you like best and draw attention away from any trouble spots. Pants in a darker-color fabric
would minimize a dominant lower body when combined with a blouse or jacket in a more
attention-grabbing shade. Reverse the placement to minimize a full bust and showcase trim
Sheen. Shiny fabrics enlarge, matte fabrics minimize. A charmeuse blouse and wool crepe
trouser would emphasize the area above the waist and minimize the area below. Chintz
enlarges compared with challis.
Print. Print fabrics usually enlarge compared with a related solid. Choose prints for body
areas you want to spotlight. The exception: a pairing where the solid is so bold/bright that it
overpowers a darker or more subdued print. A print scarf is a great way to focus attention
near your face and away from any figure challenges.
On the other hand, a subtle all-over print can camouflage minor figure challenges in a way a
solid fabric often does not. But a bright, bold print moves the viewer’s eye all around the
garment area, often emphasizing width.
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Body. Clingy fabrics that hug every imperfection are an obvious problem. Stiff fabrics are
equally challenging; they stand away from the figure and add bulk. Softly drapable fabrics
like matte jersey, slinky knit, wool crepe and flannel, silk matka and challis are examples of
figure-friendly choices.
Stretch. Ponte knit and woven bottom-weights with a small percentage of Spandex are also
good choices because their stretch lets you combine a flattering body-skimming– not skintight - fit with comfortable movement.
Thickness. No surprise that thick fabrics add more body bulk than thinner ones. Wide-wale
corduroy enlarges; baby-wale doesn’t. Bulky, textural tweed enlarges; flatter ones don’t. But
you don’t have to leave luscious, thick fabrics in the store. Just don’t use them on body
areas you want to proportionally reduce. An inverted triangle body could balance her figure
with a thicker tweed pencil skirt and a matte solid tunic sweater.
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Find many more principles for effective fabric selection in the NEW book “LOOKING GOOD
Every Day” available at
Nancy Nix-Rice is a wardrobe consultant with life-long ties to the home sewing industry. Nancy blogs at and presents seminars on style and wardrobe development for ASG National Conferences
and chapter groups across the country.
Nancy Nix-Rice generously provided this article for any and all ASG chapters to use in chapter newsletters.
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Vanderbilt Sewing Club
Member Mary Elliott is our chapter representative to the Vanderbilt Sewing Club. Monthly meetings are
generally on the third Monday from 11-3 and lunch is provided. Participants make items that bring comfort to
the patients at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Mary asks that you bring your machine (preferably a
serger), and fabric scissors. If you prefer to cut with a rotary cutter please bring your rotary cutter and mat.
Mary has fabric, pins, iron and ironing board, pattern, and serger thread.
The meetings are at 100 Oaks. Park in entrance D lot. Take escalator up to second floor. Call Mary at 731676-7397, and she will meet you and show you where the room is. Mary says, “It's not far but just easier to
show the way than try to explain.”
Here are the dates for the remainder of 2014:
October 22
November 17
This is a Wednesday and
we will need to finish by
2 pm
No December Meeting
Tips and Tricks
Mary Elliott found a Pinterest tip for needle storage.
At the September meeting Ann Smith demonstrated using a metal teaspoon to help in turning
collars and other cureved seams. An added advantage, you can use the spoon along with your iron
to get a beautifully smooth curved seam.
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Nashville Chapter ASG Facebook Page
Are you a Facebook user? If so, please be sure to like our Facebook page. Click here to go to the
Nashville Chapter ASG Facebook page and click on the
Advertising Rates
If you are interested in promoting your sewing-related business, please contact Pat
Heil, treasurer, at [email protected].
Our rates per issue are:
Business card
1/8 page
¼ page
½ page
Full page
Classified ad
$3.00 first 25 words
Each additional word
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2014 Chapter Advisory Board
Rita Johnson
First Vice-president
Susan Shipley
[email protected]
[email protected]
Second Vice-President
Ann Smith
Doris Waldschmidt
[email protected]
[email protected]
Pat Heil
Newsletter Editor
Paceda Petrone
[email protected]
[email protected]
Retreat Coordinator
Vivian Lavinskas
Hospitality Coordinator
Mary Elliott
[email protected]
[email protected]
IADT Liason
Beverly Bowdoin
ASG Contact
Barbara Cortez
[email protected]
[email protected]
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Nashville, TN