A Guide To Submitting Your Assignments Through UCB Online Introduction
A Guide To Submitting Your Assignments Through UCB Online Introduction
A Guide To Submitting Your Assignments Through UCB Online Introduction The Assignment tool within UCB Online is identifiable with the image below. You will find this icon every time that you are required to complete an assessed piece of work which involves the submission of a file such a word processed report, essay or any other type of electronic file that you have produced. The procedure described in this document will help you to submit assessments electronically via UCB Online. Important: You should only use this method of submission if you have been advised to do so by your lecturer. Otherwise please hand-in your assessed work via the Resource Centre. Submitting your work 1. Once you have completed the assessment and you are ready to submit your work for marking, navigate to the area in which the assessment can be found (usually the ‘Assignments’ page or ‘Submit Assessment’ page. 2. Click on the title of the assessment that you wish to submit e.g ‘Assignment 1’ 1 The ‘Upload Assignment’ page will be displayed. 2 3. In the ‘Assignment Materials’ section, click on the ‘Browse My Computer’ button and select the file(s) you wish to submit. If you wish, you may use the text box provided to accompany your files with a comment. Note: The ‘Do not attach’ option appears next to an uploaded file. If you have selected an incorrect file, you can remove it with this option. If the same file is attached to your assignment more than once, the new file is saved with a number appended to the name. For example, Assignment1_Report(1).doc Important: If you need to submit multiple files (e.g Assignment 1 may comprise of a Report and a Presentation), you must ensure that you upload them together by clicking the ‘Browse My Computer’ button again and selecting the other file. Repeat this process until you have selected all the files that you need to upload for the assignment, before you click the ‘Submit’ button. If you forget to attach multiple files in the first instance of submission, please be aware that it may not be possible for you to submit other files for the same assignment a second time. If this does happen you must contact your tutor. 4. Once you have attached all the files you wish to submit, click the ‘Submit’ button to send your work for marking. Important: The ‘Save as Draft’ option will only save your comments to the page which you can return to and submit at a later date. The ‘Save as Draft’ option should not be used as a place to store your work. Instead you should regularly save your work on your personal computer or USB memory stick and simply use the ‘Submit’ option when your work is complete. Viewing your Submission History 1. Once you have successfully submitted your work, the ‘Review Submission History’ page will appear with a green banner displayed across the top of the screen to notify you of the success of your attempt. A red banner is displayed when the submission attempt it un-successful. The ‘Review Submission History’ page acts as your receipt for the submission of your work. It will record the date and time of your submission and also a copy of the files that you submitted. Important: It is your responsibility to check this information and to contact your tutor in the event that your submission history is not displayed. Viewing your Assignment Grade It is the University College’s policy to provide feedback on assessed work within twenty five working days of the agreed submission date. 1. 2. To view your grade and feedback click the ‘My Grades’ link under the ‘Assessment Information’ section of the module site. Alternatively you can access ‘My Grades’ by clicking ‘Tools’ from the module navigation menu. 1 Click on the grade to view detailed feedback from your tutor. The Review Submission History page will be displayed where you will find details for your feedback. 2 Help and Support For further assistance in use of the assignment tool please contact the e-learning team : Email: [email protected] Phone: 0121 232 4431 or 0121 232 4073 7th floor in the Student Support Suite, Summer Row
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