International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics (IJARCE)
International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics (IJARCE)
International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics (IJARCE) Vol.1, No.6, October 2014 E-ISSN: 2348-5523 Read Stability Problem of 6T-SRAM and Proposed Solutions Gaurav Hemant Patil, Irene Susan Jacob Electronics and Telecommunication, Mumbai University Email:[email protected],[email protected] Abstract- In today’s high performance world, workstations and servers demand high speed circuitry, reliable output and optimized chip area design. SRAMs and DRAMs are the fundamental building blocks of memory storage devices. 6T Static Random Access Memory cell has various problems. Read stability and reverse leakage current are the two fundamental problems associated with SRAM. Therefore, 7T and 8T SRAM cells are used. SRAMs are implemented using 120 nm technology. Read Stability problem can be solved by below mentioned techniques. In 7T and 8T SRAM designs, extra transistors are added in order to provide a discharge path and solve the problem of read instability. Thus area increases but reliable output is obtained. Applying different voltages to Word Line and cell supply voltage is good option because it neither increases 1. the area nor power dissipation. However, obtaining and managing two different supply voltages is difficult. Increase in width of Driver transistor will increase the overall area of the chip. It might introduce some extra time delay. If threshold voltage of the access transistor is increased then leakage current will be reduced thus enabling more number of bit cells in a column. However, memory fragmentation is also an option but extra hardware will be required to access each bit cell. Thus, SRAM is chosen according to the specifications. High speed, chip area, cost of production, extra hardware, reliability and stability are the parameter which should be considered before selecting a SRAM. Index Terms-Read stability, SRAM, Leakage current, threshold voltage, memory fragmentation INTRODUCTION One bit SRAM cell is designed by using 6-transistor structure [2]. The circuit consists of 2 cross-coupled inverters and two NMOS pass transistors.The cross coupled inverters consists of two PMOS transistors are called as Pull up transistors while the two NMOS transistors are called as Driver transistors. Two transistors which are connected to the Bit Line and Bit Line Bar are called as Access Transistors as these transistors provide access to the bit cell. For read and write operation ‘word line’ should be high. Thus access transistors are turned on and internal storage cell gets connected to the Bit Line(BL) and Bit Line Bar(BLB). During Hold operation, Word Line is low. Thus access transistors are off and latched data gets stored in the memory. Thus one bit data gets stored in 6T SRAM. During write operation, if BL is high then Q becomes high and simultaneously Q_BAR becomes low. Thus data on Bit Lines get latched in the memory. During read operation, Q gets directly connected to the BL and BLB. Fig. 2 shows the layout of 6T SRAM cell. In this figure, Bit Line and Bit Line Bar are complement of each other. When Word Line is low then SRAM cell is in HOLD state while when Word Line is high then it writes or reads. Fig. 2Layout of 6T SRAM cell In figure 3, it is observed that Q and Q_BAR latch the bit values only when Word Line is high. When Word Line is low, SRAM holds the previous value. 23 Fig. 1 Schematic of 6T SRAM cell International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics (IJARCE) Vol.1, No.6, October 2014 E-ISSN: 2348-5523 an open circuit during the read operation. Thus current will not flow through that path and Vds will not be generated. Therefore even if Q_BAR voltage rises above threshold voltage; seventh transistor won’t conduct and stable output can be obtained. Thus 7T SRAM eliminates the problem of Read Instability. Figure 5 shows the schematic of 7T SRAM cell. Fig. 3 Output of 6T SRAM cell 2. READ STABILITY Read stability is the main problem faced in the 6T SRAM cell [3]. If Q is low and Q_BAR is high then small voltage is produced at the drain terminal of driver NMOS transistor. This voltage corresponds to the Vds of that transistor. Very small current is passed through the driver transistor. This small increase in the voltage is observed due to the Drain-Source capacitance of the access transistor. If this increase in voltage is above the threshold voltage of the NMOS transistor then it will trigger the cross-coupled inverter pair and outputs will be interchanged. Thus stable output can never be assured. Figure 4 highlights the phenomenon of Read Stability. In fig. 4, v1 is the output voltage of the SRAM when it is high while v0 is the output voltage of the SRAM when it is low. Fig.5 Schematic of 7T SRAM Figure 6 shows the layout of 7T SRAM cell. Two separate Word Lines are implemented for Read and Write operation. Due to this arrangement, current will not flow through driver transistor during read operation. Thus, Read Instability problem is solved. Fig. 6 Layout of 7T SRAM cell Fig. 4Read Stability In figure 7, output waveforms are shown of 7T cell. Q_BAR will give the output only when Read Word Line is high while Q will give the output only when Write Word Line is high. Proper waveforms can be obtained by reducing the cell voltage. Extra transistor will add some resistance in the circuit. Therefore, output voltage decreases. 3. PROPOSED SOLUTIONS 3.1. Implementing 7T design to construct a bit cell. 7T SRAM is almost identical to the 6T SRAM except it has one extra NMOS. It has two separate word lines. WWL is high when data is latched in the SRAM. WWL is given to the gate terminal of the NMOS transistor. RWL is high when data is read from the SRAM. Thus seventh transistor will act as a short circuit during write operation while it will act as Fig. 7Output of 7T SRAM cell 24 International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics (IJARCE) Vol.1, No.6, October 2014 E-ISSN: 2348-5523 3.2. Implementing 8T SRAM 8T SRAM has separate mechanism for Read Operation. Read Word Line and Write Word Line are the two lines used for read and write operation. When Bit Line is high then output Q will be high and QB will be low. RBLB line is pre-charged to high level. Therefore, it follows the Bit Line Bar. The reason for RBLB in pre-charge is as follows. Transistors 7 and 8 are connected such that those will be active only during Read Operation. During write operation, when BL is high and BLB is low then during write operation, Q gets the value 1 while QB gets the value 0. This happens when Write Word Line is high. Similarly, for read operation, Read Word Line is high and BL is 0. Thus one transistor is on while other is off. Therefore, RBLB will have the value as 1as it is pre-charged. On the other hand, when RWL is high and BL is 1 then both transistors are on thus RBLB gets a discharge path. Thus, during read operation current does not pass through NMOS Driver transistor and hence 8T SRAM doesn’t have Stability problem. cannot be shown in Microwind software. Therefore, RBLB is set high[1]. Fig. 10 Layout of 8T SRAM cell 3.3. Applying different voltages for Word Line and VDD of a bit cell The main cause of Read Instability is the voltage generated across the driver NMOS transistor. Therefore, drive strength of the driver transistor should be greater than the drive strength of access transistor[6]. Voltage across the access transistor is Bit Line voltage while the voltage across the driver transistor is slightly greater than zero. Therefore, current flowing through the access transistor is much lower than the current flowing through the driver transistor. The formula for the drive strength is given below: Drive strength of driver(d) >>Drive strength of access ߤ ܹ݀ ܹܽ (ܸ݈݈ܿ݁ − ܸݐℎ, ݀)∝ ≫ ߤ (ܸ݈݈ܿ݁ − ܸݐℎ, ܽ)∝ ݀ܮ ܽܮ Fig. 8Schematic of 8T SRAM cell Figure 9 consists of physical layout of 8 transistors SRAM. It has two separate transistors which enables discharge path for RBLB line. It has two separate lines for Read and Write operations. Thus, current does not pass through Driver transistor. It passes through those two extra transistors and solves the Read Stability problem. Fig. 9 Layout of 8T SRAM cell In figure 10, Read Bit Line Bar is set high. In SRAM both the Bit Lines are pre-charged. Thus, when it is connected to ground it discharges. Thus, it acts as a pull up. However, similar phenomenon Therefore, to avoid Read Instability, VDD of the cell should be higher than the word line voltage. If the cell voltage is greater than the word line voltage then Read Stability problem can be resolved without compensating for extra area or delay. 3.4. Increasing the width of Driver transistor Area occupied by the Driver transistor can be increased. If width of the Driver transistor is increased then its drive strength will increase[4]. Thus, voltage developed across the Driver transistor will not be greater than threshold voltage. However, there is a disadvantage of increasing the area of Driver transistor. Though increased transistor width can withstand more current, length of the connecting paths will increase proportionally. Thus, area of the chip will increase and delay should be meticulously calculated because the increase in current will reduce the delay but delay will be more due to longer paths. Thus, Read Stability will be obtained but at the price of increased area and cost of the chip. 25 International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics (IJARCE) Vol.1, No.6, October 2014 E-ISSN: 2348-5523 3.5. Increasing threshold voltage of access transistor Increasing VTH of the access transistor will reduce the leakage current of the device. Thus, it will enable more devices to be connected in a column. If BL is high and Word line is a low then too small current flow through the NMOS; that current is called as Leakage Current[7]. If the SRAM bit cell to be accessed is storing 1and 0. However, all the other cells in that particular column are storing 0 and 1. Then due to leakage current, BL will decrease with the faster rate than BLB. Thus, Read Stability problem arises. To overcome these problems, memory cells are fragmented into smaller memories. Instead of making an SRAM of 1024*8, two separate 512*8 SRAMs can be designed. However, the disadvantage of memory fragmentation is, additional hardware is required to choose memory cells. Therefore, high threshold voltage of the access transistor will enable designers to implement 1024*8 SRAM without Read Stability problem. REFERENCES [1] Etiennie Sicard and Sonia Delmas Bendhia, Basics of CMOS Cell Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005. [2] John P. Uyemura, Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2002. [3] J. M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, B. Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits, A Design Perspective, Prentice-Hall India, second edition, 2003. [4] David. A. Hodges and Horace G Jackson, Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill. Third edition2004. [5] M. Kanda, K. Takahashi, H. Oyamatsu, N. Nagashima, and M. Kakumu, Highly stable 65 nm node (CMOS5) 0.56_m SRAM cell design for very low operation voltage, in Symp. VLSI Technology 2003 Dig. Tech. Papers,Jun.2003. [6] A. P. 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