Document 6563786
Document 6563786
2810 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn NY 11229 ב"ה Tele: 718.-258-.3344 * Fax: 718-258-3349 Web: Email: [email protected] October 3rd – 4th, 2014 10 Tishrei 5775 Rabbi Etan Tokayer - Rabbi Rabbi Mordechai Schiffman - Asst. Rabbi Rabbi Shlomo Wolman - Shamash Rabbi Milton H. Polin - Rabbi Emeritus Presidium: Yitz Elman & Jeffrey Grodko Board Chairman: Dr. Julian Seewald Board Vice Chairman: Jonah Meer PLEASE DAVEN FOR OUR CAPTIVE ISRAELI SOLDIERS! RABBI’S MESSAGE As we approach Yom Kippur, may we each be blessed with a full year of life, joy and good health. Rav Soloveitchik zt’l, has often been quoted, "ein kedusha bli hachana." Namely, there is no sanctity without preparation. Therefore, it is worthwhile to remind ourselves of some of the preparations that are customary on Erev Yom Kippur. 1. EAT - The Gemara teaches that "All who eat on the ninth of Tishrei are considered to have fasted on the ninth and the tenth (i.e. Yom Kippur) It is a mitzvah to eat and drink on Erev Yom Kippur. This both gives us strength for the fast and might also substitute for the usual Yom Tov meals. 2. TZEDAKAH – We should increase our charitable giving on this day to stand a merit for us on Yom Kippur. 3. ASK FORGIVENESS: Sins committed against another person cannot be atoned for until one has first sought forgiveness from the person he/she has wronged. 4. MIKVAH - Men have the custom to go to the mikvah. 5. KAPAROT - The kaparot provide a reminder that Teshuva repentance can save us from the penalty that our many sins deserve. (coins may be used and, for some, even preferred instead of live chickens) 6. VIDUY - Confession is recited at mincha (during the silent Amidah) BEFORE the seudah mafsekes, the final pre-Yom Kippur meal. 7. SHABBAT & YOM TOV CANDLELIGHTING – For those lighting candles, they must include both Shabbat and Yom Kippur in the bracha followed by Shehchiyanu and additionally they should not recite Shehchiyanu in the shul when the congregation recites it. Finally, let us remember to actively daven not only for ourselves and our families but to also pray for our friends and neighbors. The Rabbis teach, that one who davens for his neighbor, his prayers are answered first. If you have a halachic question, email this dedicated address: [email protected]. I welcome your comments at [email protected]. Good Shabbos. SINCERE CONDOLENCES Faina Brenkler on the passing of her beloved mother, Gitel Royter עה. Shiva concluded Friday morning. Condolences can be sent to the Brenkler home at 1065 East 32nd Streeet, Brooklyn, NY 11210. IN APPRECIATION TO OUR YOM KIPPUR USHERS SOL GLICKMAN AND MARK JACOBOVITCH LULAV & ETROG PICK UP Sunday – Tuesday evenings, 7:30 – 9:30p.m. in Rabbi Wolman’s office. Shabbos Yom Kippur – Oct. 3rd - 4th Mincha Candle Lighting Kol Nidre & Maariv Shiur Hayichud Shacharit Yizkor Mincha Neilah Maariv Yom Kippur & Fast End 3:00p.m. 6:15p.m. 6:25p.m. 7:30a.m. 8:00a.m. 11:30am. 4:40pm. 6:00p.m. 7:14p.m. 7:19p.m. not before not before Break Fast sponsored by Mazal & Bruce Lederman Shaharit Sun. Mon. - Weds. Mincha Sun. –Tues. Maariv Sun. – Tues. Weekly Schedule 7:30/8:30a.m. 6:30/7:30a.m. 6:15p.m. 6:40p.m. TH WEDNESDAY, OCT. 8 – EREV SUKKOT REMEMBER ERUV TAVSHILIN Shaharit 6:30/7:30a.m Yom Tov Candle Lighting 6:07p.m. Mincha & Yom Tov Maariv 6:15p.m. THURSDAY, OCT. 9TH – SUKKOT Yom Tov Shacharit 8:45a.m. Yom Tov Mincha, Shiur & Maariv 6:00p.m. Yom Tov Candle Lighting 7:11p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 10TH – SUKKOT Yom Tov Shacharit 8:45a.m. Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot – Oct. 10th & 11th Shabbat Candle Lighting before Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat & Maariv Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer Shabbat Shacharit Drasha before Musaf Shiur with Rabbi Tokayer Mincha Seudah Shelishit Maariv not before Shabbat Ends 6:04p.m. 6:15p.m. 8:15a.m. 8:45a.m. 5:00p.m. 6:00p.m. 7:02p.m. 7:07p.m. WOMEN'S CHEVRA TEHILLIM The Women’s Tehillim will NOT MEET this Shabbos. CHEVRA TEHILLIM Melanie & Tov Marmer are sponsoring Tehillim this Shabbos in loving memory of Melanie’s beloved father, Shraga Feivel ben Moshe Aryeh עה. Sign up - call 718-336-0251 or e-mail [email protected]. ANITA WEINSTEIN MEMORIAL BIKUR CHOLIM Community Hospital Cheryl Spivak * Lorraine Nissenbaum * Mazal Lederman Beth Israel Kings Hwy Hospital Rivki & Yosef Seewald POOL SCHEDULE NEXT WEEK KOL NIDRE APPEAL Please make every effort to substantially increase your Kol Nidre pledge this year. Women Mon. 7:30 - 9:30p.m. Men Tues. 7:30 - 9:30p.m. Rabbi Wolman is available for Bar Mitzvah lessons & mezuzah inspections. YOUTH CORNER PRESIDENTS’ CORNER Detailed Schedule for Davening over Yom Kippur: In an effort to keep everyone as informed as possible, you will find the Yom Kippur zemanim plan/davening times listed in the bulletin on Page 1. We hope you find this helpful. New Digital Screens: In continuing with the theme of open and clear communication, you will find new digital screens in the lobby of the Zauder Sanctuary, the Main Shul. The plan is for these screens to display relevant shul information. We plan to have remote access to program them so keeping the information relevant and up to date will be a task completed with ease. Our Sincere Thanks: We wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to our valued Kingsway members for donating their time and hard earned money to the shul over the course of 5774. Kingsway provides a myriad of shiurim and activities for our families and friends throughout the year. Time honored tradition here at Kingsway is to publicly thank the Chairpeople of our various Committees. We have reviewed the list (checked it twice). We plan to take a few minutes between Mincha and Neilah to remind us all of the importance of Hakorat Hatov and to remind Hashem of the good that people do at Kingsway. Kiddushim Reminders: 1) Simchat Torah Kiddush- $100 per family. This Kiddush is a full Kiddush with stuffed cabbage, etc. 2) Rosh Chodesh Kiddushim- $200 per family for the season usually gets us 10 months of Kiddushim. Kol Nidre Pledges: In the zechus/merit of the Tzedaka you have given to Kingsway for Kol Nidre in particular, we wish you, your families and friends a G'mar Tov. If you have not yet made your Kol Nidre pledge, it is not too late. Payments can be made via check, credit card, PayPal or calling the office. Wishing a G'mar Tov to us allYitz Elman and Jeff Grodko- Presidium Youth Corner Yom Kippur Lunch - Thank you to all of our sponsors and volunteers for the Yom Kippur Lunch. The lunch, accompanied by a Youth Program, will be held in the gym during Yizkor. Sukkot - We have a lot of exciting programs planned over Sukkot, including a Sukkah Hop on the first day of Sukkot, regular groups on Chol Hamoed, a Simchat Beit Hashoeiva on Sunday morning with food, arts and crafts, and music, a Program during yizkor on Shemini Atzeret, a Simchat Torah Family Simchat Chag, Youth dancing during hakafot, and regular groups on Shabbat Bereishit. Stay tuned for more details. Prize Pass - Prize Pass Exchange will be during the Simchat Torah Kiddush. Starting Shabbat Bereishit we will be using updated prize passes and will no longer be taking old prize passes, so make sure to redeem all of your old prize passes on Simchat Torah (there will be a make up date for those who aren't here on Simchat Torah). Newsletter - Make sure to pick up a copy of the new Tishrei Newsletter. Our monthly midda this month is Simcha/Happiness. COLUMBUS DAY LOX AND LEARN with Rabbi Mordechai Schiffman "Sukkot as a Paradigm for Happiness" Mon., October 13th - Chol Hamoed Sukkot In the Kingsway Sukkah after 8:30 a.m. Shacharit Sponsored by Karen and Jake Abilevitz In memory of Jake's beloved parents, ז"ל אליהו בן אבאand לאה בת אברהם ז"ל, And Karen's brother, יהושע בן שמעון דב ז"ל MEMBERSHIP We invite you to join our growing Kingsway family or to renew your existing annual membership at your earliest opportunity. New members: $42/month or a one time payment of $500. This includes two High Holiday seats or two seats at our Annual Dinner. Returning members: $92/month or a one time payment of $1100 (includes the $600 Building Fund). For more information, speak to our Presidium, Yitz Elman and Jeff Grodko or contact our office staff, Mary Ann Shakarchi and Phyllis Tanzer. BLOOD DRIVE – SUN., OCT. 19, 1-7PM KJC MEMBERS, WE NEED YOU! Please remember iron and Vitamin C are very important when donating blood. You should start eating iron and Vitamin C- rich foods. Please add this date to your calendar, plan on coming, donating, and saving lives! THANK YOU Mazal & Dr. Bruce Lederman for continuing their tradition of sponsoring the Yom Kippur Break Fast. 5775 Kingsway Rosh Chodesh Kiddush Sponsors: Carin & Ben Dachs, Holly & Mark Jacobovitch, Joyce & Joe Schreiber, and Ellen Yager. Simhat Torah Kiddush Sponsors: Dianne & Sol Glickman. Holly & Mark Jacobovitch made a donation to the Kingsway Air Conditioning Fund. The Meiri/Popp Family made a donation toward the Yom Kippur Children’s Lunch. Rabbi Mordechai & Charlotte Zeitz made a donation to Kingsway Jewish Center. Aimee & Ron Glickman made a donation to Kingsway Youth Program in honor of the birth of Yosef Eliezer Schiffman, son of Meira &Rabbi Mordechai Schiffman. Carin & Ben Dachs donated a brick to rebuild Kingsway in memory of Leah Light עה, beloved mother of Joel Light. The Kingsway Mitzvah Fund donated a brick to rebuild Kingsway in lieu of a shiva meal in memory of Leah Light עה, beloved mother of Joel Light. Dianne & Sol Glickman are one of the sponsors for The Women’s Day of Learning in loving memory of Ethel Alinskofsky, עה, Dianne’s beloved grandmother and Muriel Glickman עה, Sol’s beloved mother. Judy & Dr. Gary Abberbock are one of the sponsors for the Sukkot Kiddush. Judy & Dr. Gary Abberbock donated a Siddur in memory of Leah Light עה, beloved mother of Joel Light. Judy & Dr. Gary Abberbock made a donation to the Kingsway Chevra Kadisha in loving memory of Judy’s beloved mother, Esther Birnbaum עה.