Bais Tefilah of Woodmere
Bais Tefilah of Woodmere
בס"ד June - July, 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri תשע"ו, סיון- אייר Sat 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 שבת יֹום ו יֹום ה יֹום ד יֹום ג יֹום ב יֹום א כ"ו Of Woodmere Rabbi Ephraim Polakoff כ"ט כ"ח ‘ב ‘ג ‘ד ‘ה ‘ח ‘ט ‘י י"א י"ב ט"ז ט"ו י"ד י"ג י"ז י"ח י"ט כ"ה כ"ד כ"ג כ"ב כ"א כ"ו ‘ו Rabbi Emeritus Shaya Richmond כ"ז ‘א ‘כ ‘ז For the week of June 3 - 9, 2016 / תשע"ו, ג‘ סיון- כ״ו אייר Youth Department This Shabbat פרשת June 4, 2016 תשע"ו,כ״ז אייר שבת מברכים Erev Shabbat: Early Mincha .................................. 7:00 pm Candle Lighting.............................. 8:03 pm but not before ............................... 6:47 pm Mincha B’Zman ............................. 8:08 pm Shabbat: Hashkama ........................................7:10 am Shacharit .........................................9:00 am סֹוף זמן קריאת שמע..............................9:09 am Daf Yomi ....................................... 7:05 pm Mincha ........................................... 8:05 pm Followed by Seudah Shlishit Maariv ............................................ 9:05 pm Shabbat Ends .................................. 9:03 pm Sunday (Yom Yerushalayim) Earliest Tallit ................................. 4:18 am Shacharit .............................. 7:30 & 8:30 am Daf Yomi ...................................... 8:00 am Mincha/Maariv .............................. 8:05 pm Monday - Friday Shacharit: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri.......... 6:20 & 7:15 am Tue ( )ראש חדש סיון............ 6:10 & 7:05 am Daf Yomi: Mon, Tue, Wed ............................ 8:00 pm Thursday ...................................... 7:00 pm Monday-Thursday Mincha/Maariv .......................... 8:05 pm Late Maariv ............................... 8:50 pm Board Meeting Groups Begin ................................ 9:15 am Groups End ................................. 11:30 am Teen Minyan ................................. 9:15 am Sponsorships Shalosh seudos and the siyum daf yomi of Maseches Kiddushin are being sponsored by Dr. Marvin and Rifky Wertentheil in honor Rabbi Ephraim Edelstein, David Greenbaum and Alan Ehrenberg. Everyone is cordially invited to attend and join the group as we begin Babba Kamma. Daf Yomi for the month of Sivan is being sponsored by Dr. Marvin and Rifky Wertentheil to commemorate the first yahrzeit of Rifky's mother Mrs. Ruth (Bobby) Levine A"H and to commemorate the 45th yahrzeit of Marvin's father Mr. Israel Wertentheil A"H on the 8th day of Sivan. Daf Yomi between כ״א אייר- ' כ/ May 28th - June 3rd is sponsored by Gil and Rhoda Shuter to commemorate the fifth Yahrtzeit on כ״א איירof their son Barry Shuter, ברוך חיים ע״ה. Welcome back from Israel to Sharona and Roy Arbeit. Father’s Day BBQ Sunday, June 19th, there will be a barbecue in the Shul’s simcha hall featuring The Chosen Cholent and Adam Real Man between 5:30 and 7:30 pm. Please speak with Don Katz for more details and sponsorship opportunities. Shiurim Rabbi Polakoff’s 8:30 am Shabbos morning parshas hashavuah shiur is on hiatus this week. The Sunday morning breakfast shiur in Halacha given in conjunction with the Yeshivah Gedolah is on hiatus this week. Next Shabbat פרשת June 11, 2016 תשע"ו,ה' סיון ערב שבועות Erev Shabbat: Shabbat: Early Mincha ............................... 7:00 pm Candle Lighting........................... 8:07 pm but not before ............................ 6:51 pm Mincha B’Zman .......................... 8:12 pm Rabbi Cinamon’s shiur Thursdays at 7:45 pm. continues Shavuos Tea Hashkama .................................... 7:10 am Shacharit ..................................... 9:00 am סֹוף זמן קריאת שמע.......................... 9:09 am Daf Yomi .................................... 7:05 pm Mincha ........................................ 8:05 pm Maariv ......................................... 9:05 pm Candle Lighting........................... 9:07 pm Learning/Shiurim ...................... 11:45 pm Leil Shavuot Learning Schedule Time Mazal Tov to Sharona and Roy Arbeit and Nechama and Shalom Bilu on the recent marriage of their children Mordechai David and Adi in Israel. Mazal Tov as well to Mordechai’s sister and brother, Ilana and Phillip. Mazal Tov to Ofra and Sam Sandowski and Michael Pizow and Leah Pizow on the marriage of their children, Sarit and Aron. Mazel tov to their grandparents Shoshana and Menachem Pollack, Angie and Qung Kieg Supoy, and Riva Pizov 11:45 pm - 12:30 am 12:40 am - 1:50 am 2:00 am - 2:50 am 3:00 am - 3:50 am 4:00 am - 4:50 am 5:00 am Speaker Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman: "Medical Halakha Update 5776" Rabbi Ephraim Polakoff: “Hawaii, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and the Early Shavuos” Rabbi Aryeh Lightstone: “Tales from the Trail: Halachik and Hashkafic Issues from the 2016 Elections” Rabbi Natan Farber: “Transgender in the Eyes of Halacha” RabbiWarren Cinamon: “Tehilim: Torah or Talisman?” Shacharit בס"ד Of Woodmere Youth Director Allan M. The Shul is in the process of interviewing for a new Morah/Youth Director. Anyone interested or knows of anyone who would like to apply for the position should contact Lisa Fishbein. Page 2 Support For Israel Sponsorship Opportunities Sponsorship opportunities available for Rabbi Polakoff’s shiurim - The cost to sponsor a shiur is $54.00; Contact Josh Haft. If you're interested in sponsoring a kiddush, please contact J ay F uchs. If you're interested in purchasing a leaf for the Tree of Life and/or a Y ahrzeit plaque, please contact Marvin Wertentheil The Shul is need of volunteers to join the Chevra Kadisha and Chesed committees. If you are interesting in joining please email your contact information to Josh Haft at [email protected] This SUNDAY, June 5, 2016 11am to 4pm 57th-74th Street on Fifth Avenue Join us at the CELEBRATE ISRAEL PARADE, the world’s largest public gathering in Celebration of Israel If you can’t come to the Parade, watch it live 12-2PM on FOX NY9 or 12-3PM at Help Needed Voluteers are needed to organize the seforim in the Bais Midrash. After the Parade, there will be a concert in Central Park, located at Rumsey Playfield, 72nd and Fifth Avenue, 2:30-7:30pm, featuring Israel’s UN Ambassador Danny Danon, Former US Ambassador John Bolton, Joe Piscopo, ZOA President Morton Klein, plus entertainment starring Lipa, Eitan Katz, Shloime Dachs, and many more. There will also be a Celebrate Israel Unity Festival starting at 2PM at Terminal 5, 610 West 56th Street, hosted by the Israeli American Council and sponsored by UJA Federation. Tickets: To reach the Rabbi for any questions or concerns: Email- [email protected], Cell Phone- 317-5134 To put items in this newsletter, contact Franklin Berke 404-6855 or [email protected], or Marvin Stein at [email protected] To check the eruv, please call 295-4242 To sponsor Kiddush in shul please contact Jay Fuchs at 374-1268 (home), 313-6196 (cell) or [email protected] To sponsor Daf Yomi please contact Jay Fuchs. To sponsor Seudah Shlishit please contact Marvin Wertentheil at 295-2593 or [email protected] To Layn in shul, contact Gary Weiss at (718) 551-8981 To sponsor the Sunday Morning Breakfast Shiur on Contemporary Issues in Halacha, contact Mel Grossman at [email protected] or (516) 374-1376 To register your kids for the youth program, please contact Gordon Rich To be added to the Bais Tefilah e-mail list, send an email to Jeff Grunstein at [email protected] or contact Jay Fuchs To contact our Youth Director, Gordon Rich, call 284-6288 or email [email protected] To rent the Simcha Hall, please contact Michelle Fuchs, 516-313-6872 or Ann Singer, 516-647-6851