Newsletter - Bais Tefilah
Newsletter - Bais Tefilah
בס"ד תשע"ה, אדר February - March, 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 שבת יֹום ו יֹום ה יֹום ד יֹום ג יֹום ב יֹום א Of Woodmere Rabbi Shaya Richmond ‘ג ‘ד ‘ה ‘ו ‘ז ‘א ‘ב ‘ח ‘ט ‘י י"א י"ב י"ג י"ד ט"ו ט"ז י"ז י"ח י"ט ‘כ כ"א כ"ב כ"ג כ"ד כ"ה כ"ו כ"ז כ"ח כ"ט For the week of February 20 - 26, 2015 / תשע"ה, ז׳ אדר- א׳ This Shabbat פרשת תרומה February 22, 2015 תשע"ה,ב׳ אדר Erev Shabbat: Candle Lighting ......................... 5:17 pm Mincha....................................... 5:22 pm Groups Begin .........................9:15 am Groups End .......................... 11:30 am Teen Minyan ......................... 9:15 am Interested in snow tubing on March 1 st? The next פרשת ויקרא Sunday Earliest Tallit ............................. 5:46 am Shacharit ........................ 7:30 & 8:30 am Daf Yomi ................................... 8:00 am Mincha/Maariv........................... 5:20 pm Monday - Friday Shacharit ........................ 6:20 & 7:15 am Daf Yomi: Mon, Tue, Wed ........................ 8:00 pm Thursday .................................. 7:00 pm Maariv ....................................... 8:50 pm Sisterhood Purim Project As in previous years, everyone should have received an email with instructions for ordering Mishloach Manot online. If you have any questions, you can contact Michelle Fuchs, Linda Keehn, or Mimi Srulovich. youth Shabbos will Candle Lighting.................... 5:25 pm Mincha ................................. 5:30 pm be Sponsorships Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by the Stein family in memory of Michelle's father, Mr. Herbert Biller ע"הand to commemorate the Yahrtzeits of Marvin's parents, Dr. Martin Stein ע"הand Dr. Helen Stein ע"הand it is also being sponsored by Gail and Herb Kraut to commemorate the Yahrtzeit of Gail's mother, Melanie Blumenthal, מיריל בת חיים אליהו ז"ל. Yomi is sponsored by Rifky and Dr. Marvin Wertentheil for the entire month of אדרto commemorate the Yartzheit of Marvin’s brother, Dr. Alvin Wertentheil, אברהם בן ישראל יצחק ע"ה, . Mazal Tov to Alice and David Ofman on the bar mitzvah of their son, Ari. Mazal Tov to the grandparents, Shirley Siegel and Harriet and Howard Ofman. Mazal Tov to his siblings, Danielle and Menachem, Adam and Shuey. The entire congregation is invited to a Kiddush in honor of the simcha. Next Shabbat פרשת תצוה February 22, 2015 תשע"ה,ט׳ אדר Erev Shabbat: Contact Gordon so we can book tickets. Shabbat: Hashkama .................................. 7:10 am Shacharit .................................... 9:00 am סֹוף זמן קריאת שמע......................... 9:24 am Daf Yomi ................................... 4:30 pm Mincha....................................... 5:15 pm Followed by Seudah Shlishit Maariv ....................................... 6:15 pm Shabbat Ends ............................. 6:19 pm Shiurim Youth Department Shabbat: Welcome back from Israel to Anita and David Welcher. Rabbinic Search Commitee Candidates will be attending our shul for Shabbos on each of the following dates: March 7th .... Rabbi Aaron Feigenbaum March 14th....... Rabbi Efraim Polakoff If you want to be a sponsor for any oneg or Kiddush on any of these Shabossos, contact Steve Snyder or Jay Fuchs. Hashkama ............................ 7:10 am Shacharit .............................. 9:00 am סֹוף זמן קריאת שמע................... 9:19 am Daf Yomi ............................. 4:40 pm Mincha ................................. 5:25 pm Followed by Seudah Shlishit Maariv ................................. 6:25 pm Shabbat Ends........................ 6:26 pm Sunday Earliest Tallit........................ 5:36 am Shacharit ................... 7:30 & 8:30 am Daf Yomi ............................. 8:00 am Mincha/Maariv ..................... 5:30 pm Bais Tefilah's 27th Annual Dinner will take place on Sunday , March 22nd, 2015 at the White Shul. Mazal Tov to the awardees: Rhoda and Gil Shuter...................................... Guests of Honor Rabbi Dovid and Arlene Etengoff ......... Keter Shem Tov Award Alyssa Fuchs and Jack Ross................. Youth LeadershipAward בס"ד Of Woodmere Allan M. Page 2 Support For Israel Once in a while, a glimmer of hope for the future emerges from the darkness: The following was reported on numerous Israeli websites: In the wake of the deadly shooting attack at a synagogue in Denmark last week, a group of Norwegian Muslims intends to hold an anti-violence demonstration at an Oslo synagogue this coming weekend by forming a “peace ring” around the building. One of the event organizers, 17-year-old Hajrad Arshad, explained that the intention was to make a clear statement that Muslims don’t support anti-Semitism. Tanach Shiur More than 800 people have signed up on a Facebook page called Frendens Ring, or Friendship Ring, to participate in the gesture on Saturday. “We think that after the terrorist attacks in Copenhagen, it is the perfect time for us Muslims to distance ourselves from the harassment of Jews that is happening,” Arshad told the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation NRK in an interview cited by The Local News website on Tuesday. She noted that the group aimed to “extinguish the prejudices people have against Jews and against Muslims.” CPR A CPR course will be given in the Shul on March 8th or 12th at a cost of $79. Contact David Welcher, 295-7778 The demonstration drew praise from the local Jewish community. Ervin Kohn, a leader of Oslo’s Jewish community, said the synagogue had agreed to allow the event on the condition that at least 30 people turn up to help form a ring around the building, which is located on Bergstien Street in the Norwegian capital. “I’ve said that if it only comes to 30, it won’t be good, it may seem counterproductive,” he said. “But if you fill Bergstien, it will be very good.” Dinner Journal Ads If you're interested in helping the shul get journal ads for our annual dinner, please contact Lisa Fishbein, Simone Greenbaum or Jay Fuchs. Arshad promoted the initiative as an event on Facebook, and by Wednesday morning over 630 people had indicated that they would attend. “Islam is about protecting our brothers and sisters, regardless of which religion they belong to,” the event page explains. “Islam is about rising above hate and never sinking to the same level as the haters. Islam is about defending each other.” Another of the activists behind the drive wrote in an English-language comment on the event’s page that “if anyone wants to commit violence in the name of Islam you will have to go through us Muslims first.” We are looking for members to make small, senior friendly mishloach manot packages to be distributed on Purim Day to the residents of Long Island Hebrew Living Center. The unity demonstration comes after a shooting attack Saturday that saw Omar El-Hussein, a 22-year-old Dane of Palestinian extraction, shoot dead a filmmaker in Copenhagen before killing Dan Uzan, a Jewish man who volunteered as a guard at the city’s main synagogue. For more info, contact Nancy Schoenfeld at [email protected] or cell # 516-209-7773 Please let her know how many packages you will be making as soon as possible. We are also looking for children and adults alike to help with the distribution on Purim Day. Thank you! .............. Tzku L’Mitzvot! To reach the Rabbi for any questions or concerns: e-mail- [email protected] Home Phone- (516) 569-4809 Cell Phone- (516) 941-8222 To put items in this newsletter, contact Franklin Berke 569-9640 or [email protected] To check the eruv, please call 295-4242 To sponsor Kiddush in shul please contact Jay Fuchs at 374-1268 (home), 313-6196 (cell) or [email protected] To sponsor Daf Yomi please contact Jay Fuchs, until further notice To sponsor Seudah Shlishit or to reserve the shul social hall for your next simcha please contact Marvin Wertentheil at 295-2593 or [email protected] To Layn in shul, contact Gary Weiss at (718) 551-8981) To sponsor the Sunday Morning Breakfast Shiur on Contemporary Issues in Halacha, contact Mel Grossman at [email protected] or (516) 374-1376 To register your kids for the youth program, please contact Gordon Rich To be added to the Bais Tefilah e-mail list, send an email to Jeff Grunstein at [email protected] or contact Jay Fuchs To contact our Youth Director, Gordon Rich, call 284-6288 or email [email protected]