The Messenger Madison Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
The Messenger Madison Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Madison Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 1400 Hughes Road Madison, AL 35758 The Messenger NEWSLETTER Volume XXVI No. 18 October 8, 2014 Rev. Beth Thomason, Minister Mark Underwood, Student Associate Megan Mullin, Secretary Church Office (256) 837-8182 Fax Phone: (256) 837-1983 E-Mail: [email protected] This community of faith, Madison Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), called by God, led by Christ Jesus, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, accepts God’s challenge to: Welcome, Invite, Include, and Nurture all persons in God’s family. JOIN US AT MADISON CHRISTIAN CHURCH Thursday, October 30, from 5:30-8:00 PM for Trunk or Treat Celebration! What is Trunk or Treat? The congregation gathers at the church, opens up the trunks of their cars and the back of their trucks and vans, and kids come around to each vehicle to Trick-orTreat. Are the trunks the only thing that will take place? NO! We will have refreshments, face painting and temporary tattoos, pumpkin decorating, and more. There will be something for everyone! What can I do to help? The Evangelism Committee is so glad you asked! 1. Sign up to decorate your trunk (sign-up on the sheet in the narthex or email the church at [email protected]). You are welcome to decorate however you like and if you need ideas do a Google search of “trunk or treat ideas” and you’ll find all sorts of great possibilities. Plan on having enough candy for at least 100 trick-or-treaters. Set up will begin at 5pm. The more trunks we have the better!!! 2. You can also sign-up to provide snacks such as cookies, brownies, popcorn, and juice boxes. 3. Help us get the word out! This is a community event. Please invite your friends, neighbors, and family members. Fliers are available at church that you can take and hang up at work and give to neighbors and friends. Share about our Trunk or Treat through your Facebook page or Twitter. Join us on October 30! Come as you are or be daring and dress up in a costume, but join in the fun as we offer a safe and fun Halloween night for neighbors. Peace, Beth Beth’s Schedule Sermon Study/Prep Day: Monday Regular Office Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Day Off: Friday MCC Recycles We are recycling many items in an effort to be good stewards of the resources God has given us. Here is a reminder of where recycling stations are located in the church so that you can help us with our efforts. Though we do not have a bin for glass there is one conveniently located next door to the church in the parking lot of Discovery Middle School. Aluminum cans & tabs: Plastic bottle caps: Bulletins/paper: Church Kitchen Church Kitchen Church Entryway RECYCLING SAVES ENERGY in the manufacturing process --- a ton of recycled aluminum SAVES 95% of the energy needed to make new aluminum. In other words, recycling 1 aluminum can saves enough energy to power a television for 3 hours. Practical Christianity Class Join us Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. A new study began on June 1: “Erasing Hell.” How could a loving God send people to hell? Will people have a chance after they die to believe in Jesus and go to heaven? With a humble respect to God’s word, Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle address the deepest questions you have about eternal destiny. They’ve asked the same questions. Like you, sometimes they just don’t want to believe in hell. But, as they write, “We cannot afford to be wrong on this issue.” This is not a book about who is saying what. It’s a book about what God says. It’s not a book about impersonal theological issues. It’s a book about arguments, doctrine, or being right. It’s a book about the character of God. “Erasing Hell” will immerse you in the truth of Scriptures, together with the authors, you find not only the truth but the courage to live it out. Come join a lively discussion with an open mind. All those with a thirst for lively discussion and an open mind are invited to join us. Mission Opportunity The first Thursday every month we will be taking food to the New Futures Homeless Shelter for Families. Food must be cooked and ready to serve in disposable containers. We will have a signup sheet for those interested in preparing food each month. Thanks to MCC for participating in this ongoing project. Trunk or Treat Trunk or Treat is Thursday, October 30 from 5:30 pm until 8:00 pm. Most of the activities will be outside – weather permitting. There will be a Haunted Trail, games, prizes, trunks full of treats, and much more. There are many opportunities for you to help: 1. Participation: decorate your trunk and bring candy to hand out, volunteer to work a game, serve drinks, make popcorn, serve pizza, be a host(ess), place posters in stores, help decorate the church/grounds, volunteer to publicize the event, and pray for a safe, fun event. 2. Donate: candy, toilet paper cardboard rolls, gallon milk jugs (with labels removed), bottles of water, decorations, glow sticks, lemonade mix. 3. An old worn out twin or baby bed mattress is needed. It will not be returned. Fellowship Lunch October 12 There will be a fellowship lunch after worship this Sunday, Oct. 12. Lunch is being provided. Please sign up by emailing the church office or calling (256-837-8182) so that we know how many are coming! Disciples Men Upcoming Events October 18 Sunny Street Cafe 7:15 am November 9 Annual Veterans Dinner Madison Christian Church 6:00 pm Christian Women’s Fellowship The Disciples Women is for all women, young or seasoned. So consider and pray about attending one of these meetings this month. Upcoming Meetings / Events September 25 11:00 am “We are Beautifully and Wonderfully Made” is the theme for the Women’s Fall Retreat October 3-5, 2014 at the YMCA Camp Chandler in Wetumpka, AL. The resource Leaders are Tajuan McCarty and Alexa James from the WellHouse in Birmingham, AL. Tajuan is the Founder and Executive Director of The WellHouse, a nonprofit, faith-based and Christ-centered agency dedicated to rescuing women from sexual exploitation/human trafficking. ([email protected]) Early registration by September 19 is $115.00. After September 19 the price is $125.00. Forms will be on the table in the narthex Check out the Bulletin Board in the hall by the nursery for more information about CWF/DW. Madison Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) A CHURCH that WELCOMES and INVITES you to visit and join in worship, study, and ministry. SEEKS to help meet the spiritual needs of our community. Is COMMITTED to including all Persons. SUPPORT SPIRITUAL GROWTH in one’s journey in life. SUPPORTS EACH OTHER during life’s serious moments and shares laughter during joyous times.