EXHIBITOR APPLICATION AND CONTRACT Fall 2014 Minnesota Ground Water Association Conference


EXHIBITOR APPLICATION AND CONTRACT Fall 2014 Minnesota Ground Water Association Conference
Fall 2 014
Minn e sot a G round Wa t e r A s so ci a t ion Conf e renc e
Nove mb e r 12 , 2 014
Contact Information (as it will appear in the exhibitor listing)
Why Exhibit?
Company Name
ZIP/Postal Code
Web Address
Contact Person
Contact E-mail
Cell Phone # of Your
We offer companies and institutions the opportunity to present
programs, services and products
to attendees at the Fall 2014
Minnesota Ground Water
Association Conference. This
is an excellent and inexpensive
way to meet attendees and make
new contacts.
Showcase products and
66 MGWA conferences attract
your target audience. These
active and involved professionals use environmental
management products and
services for their work at
sites throughout the Midwest
□ $ 500 Exhibit Booth/Table in registration/refreshment areas
includes skirted table, electrical outlet and one full registration
66 They want to see software
and hardware demonstrations
66 They want to find out about
new technical products and
services and what’s in the
Contact Information (for billing and conference arrangements)
Billing Name
Billing Address
ZIP/Postal Code
66 MGWA is the right venue to
reach and inform potential
Friendly atmosphere
66 Refreshment breaks and
registration are in the exhibit
66 Exhibits are adjacent to the
Attend the Conference
66 Come see what challenges
and opportunities your customers are facing!
□ Check
□ P.O.
□ Credit Card
Number ___________________
Number ___________________
(Visa, MC, Discover, American Express
Amount Charged ___________________
Card # ___________________
Exp. Date ___________________
Security Code ___________________
Authorization for Credit Card Charge: I authorize this transaction.
Signed this _____ day of ________________________ 2014.
Authorized Signature
Print Name
1. Out of respect for other exhibitors and conference attendees, these practices
are prohibited:
Allowing another company or organization to use or sublet exhibit space.
Distribution of materials other than at your own table.
Display of any advertising or signs other than at your own table area.
Inducements of any sort for activities such as demonstrations or displays
away from the conference during conference hours.
Use of loud audio or noisy equipment that would interfere with other exhibits.
No flammable or explosive materials, nor x-ray or radioactive energy emitters
prohibited by city, county, or state regulations or insurance carriers are
permitted on the premises.
2. The conference organizers reserve the right to refuse any application for any
3. The conference organizers reserve the right to curtail exhibits or displays,
literature, advertising novelties, souvenirs, personal conduct, and anything else
that the organizers deem incompatible with the character of the conference.
4. The conference organizers reserve the exclusive right to amend, modify, or
change, from time to time, the rules and regulations we have listed here. Upon
reasonable notice to the exhibitor, the exhibitor agrees to comply with such
amendments, modifications, or changes as if fully and originally written herein.
5. Liability:
Exhibitors will not mar or deface the exhibition premises, including but not limited to nails, tacks, hooks or screws, and will be responsible for any damages
that occur.
Neither the Minnesota Ground Water Association (MGWA) nor the Regents
of the University of Minnesota (U of MN) will be responsible for loss or
damage to exhibitor’s property. Exhibitors shall indemnify and hold harmless
the MGWA, the U of MN and any service contractor acting as agents of any
of the above from all liability which may ensue from any cause.
6. Move in: 7 am to 8 am November 12, 2014.
Move out: 4 pm to 5 pm november 12, 2014.
7. Exhibit hours:
Registration starts at 7:30 and breakfast service begins shortly thereafter.
There is a morning break, a lunch hour, and an afternoon break. Exhibits
should remain in place until the sessions resume after the afternoon break.
This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors,
assigns, and representatives.
Signed this _____ day of ________________________ 2014
Company Representative Signature
Company Name
Fine Print
Please sign and return this
contract with payment to:
WRI Association Mgmt Co.
4779 126th St. N
White Bear Lake MN 55110
First come, first served:
Submit your application and contract and remit payment early.
Deadline is April 1st, but early
sell-out anticipated.
Space will be assigned and
confirmed only after this application and contract is received and
payment is made.
Cancellation Policy:
The exhibitor will be obligated
to pay the total rental cost of the
exhibit space as outlined in this
contract. The exhibitor should
notify the organizers at office@
mgwa.org as soon as possible of
intent to cancel or withdraw from
the conference. The organizers
will make reasonable efforts to
resell the space. If the space is
resold, the exhibitor’s payments,
less a $150 processing fee, will
be refunded. If the space is not
resold, there will be no refund.
The exhibitor will be acknowledged as a sponsor.
Payment terms:
Checks are preferred and should
be made out to the Minnesota
Ground Water Association.
VISA, MC, Discover, and AmEx
are accepted by completing the
appropriate sections of this form.
This application will be treated
as a purchase order if it is
received without payment. An
invoice will be sent. Note: Both
contract AND the payment must
be received before space will be
assigned and confirmed.