-Sunday Servants-   10/19/2014 


-Sunday Servants-   10/19/2014 
 -Sunday Servants10/19/2014 9:00 Morning Worship Welcome .................................................................... Garry Evans Song Service ............................................................... Derek Jones Opening Prayer ..................................................... Grundy Falwell Preside ...................................................................... Seth Grogan Scripture ............................................................. 1 Kings 18:20,21 Scripture Reading ........................................................ Karl Smith Speaker ........................................................................ Jason Hart Sermon ................................... “Limping Between Two Opinions” Closing Prayer ............................................................. Bobby Fike Ext. Service ........................................... Kevin Mack, Don Stewart Sunday Monitors .............................. Kerry Higgins, Gary Hopkins Wednesday Monitors (10/22) ................. Allen McKeel, Mike Orr ‐October 15, 2014‐ INVOLVEMENT
Involvement Minister: Garry Evans
Ladies’ Bible Class—One Last Appeal Have You Met?
Serving Lord’s Supper (South) ....................................................................... (North) Jeremy McKeel ................................................... Gerald Murdock Chad Milam.............................................................. Ray Murdock John Miller .........................................................................Jim Nix Mike Morgan ......................................................... Eric Penniston Matthew Morris ..................................................... Billy Pritchard Phil Morris .......................................................... Jimmy Ragsdale The Holy Spirit—Auditorium Bible Class Jerry Holley
Alternates Grant Riley ........................................................... Franklin Rogers Gene Roberts ........................................................ Hayden Rogers Dwaine Rogers .......................................................... Mark Rogers 6:00 Evening Worship Welcome .................................................................... Garry Evans Song Service ............................................................... Derek Jones Opening Prayer .................................................... Andrew Falwell Scripture ............................................................. Colossians 3:5,6 Scripture Reading ................................................ Griffin Sheridan Speaker ........................................................................ Jason Hart Sermon ..................................................................... “In and Out” Preside .............................................. Jacob Falwell, Jackie Geurin Closing Prayer ............................................................ Landon Fike Nursery Workers—9:00 AM: LaDonna Sparks, Carolyn Page, Michaela Orr, Alayna Thompson Nursery Workers—6:00 PM: LaJeanna Thornton, Marilyn Thornton, Rachel Warmack Welcome Center—9:00 AM: Chris Spiceland, Elizabeth Thurman Welcome Center—6:00 PM: Janice Vaughn, Terri Walston Greeters—9:00 AM: Carlos Ransey, Noraa Ransey, Grant Riley, Jessica Riley, Don Roark, Floy Roark Greeters—6:00 PM: Bobby Spiceland, Rose Spiceland, Lucas Stubblefield, Brittany Thomas, Arvis Thorn, Martha Thorn -van driversSunday East & West: AM – Randy Young (270‐873‐9026) PM – Joe Phillips (270‐227‐5015) Wednesday: Tommy Phillips (270‐227‐2822) Ladies’ Bible Class has begun. By the time you have read this, we will be two
lessons into our study of the Gospel of John. No worries though. Any of you ladies are
more than welcome to drop in at anytime and join us. We meet every Tuesday at the
building in the east end of the multipurpose room from 9:30 to 10:30. Come join us! Jerry Holley
Jerry has been attending
Glendale for some time with
his cousin, Linda Pierce. We
are happy he decided to
commit his life to Jesus Christ
on August 11, 2014. He is a
member of care team 12.
Jerry lives at 53 Kathy
Drive and his phone number
is 270-978-8500.
Jerry was born in Murray
on September 9, 1959 to the
late Frank and Mildred
Holley. They moved to
Puryear, TN when he was ten
and he lived there until 2009
when he moved back to
Murray. He works at Murray
State University as a Building
Service Tech.
When Jerry is not working
he likes to watch baseball, go
explore flea markets and
watch movies.
Find Jerry and introduce
yourself if you have not met
this delightful person!
Our lesson Sunday morning did not go as planned. We were not able to conclude
what I had intended on concluding. So, I encourage you to bring the outline that was
handed out this past Sunday morning back with you. I will have plenty of extras to go
around in case anybody forgets or needs an extra copy. This lesson is pertinent to our
study or I would simply move on. We have discussed the meaning and cause of
regeneration, but now we want to discuss the time of regeneration. There are several
views about when the Holy Spirit accomplishes His work of regeneration, but in my
judgment, regeneration occurs at the moment of one’s conversion. I am in agreement
with Frederick Bruner, who wrote concerning Acts 2:38, that “The baptism in the name
of Jesus Christ, according to Luke’s account, includes both the forgiveness of sins and
the reception of the gift of the Holy Spirit—together.” Sunday Morning Sermon—Limping Between Two Opinions As we gather together this Sunday with God as our audience, we will be
challenged to examine whom or what we serve. With every bit of respect, we will
place God on the comparison scales to be weighed to the things, stuff, and even
thoughts that have become the idols of our lives. Which will prove to be true in
the end? You already know the answer that you should give, but are you willing to
look deeply into your heart and make the corrections that are needed to give that
answer honestly? As you prepare to climb up on Mount Carmel and consider the confrontation
between Elijah and the prophets of Baal, can you think of any other confrontations
described in our Bibles? Make a list like this: __________ vs. __________. Here
are two examples: Money vs. God (Mt. 6:24); Fleshly vs. Spiritual (1 Cor. 3:1‐4). Sunday Evening Sermon—In and Out Our study Sunday evening will come from Colossians 3:1‐6. We basically want to
ask “What are you in and what is in you?” From My Heart to Yours, Jason Hart
WORSHIP—Sunday AM: 9:00 Sunday PM: 6:00 CLASSES—Sunday AM: 10:15 Wednesday PM: 7:00 RADIO—Sunday AM: 9:00‐10:00 Sunday PM: 6:00‐7:00—WNBS (1340 AM dial) DAILY RADIO—Monday‐Friday 6:25 & 7:25 am—WNBS TELEVISION—Monday 9:00 pm CH 15 (Murray Electric) CH 19 (Time Warner) -FROM TODDAssociate Minister: Todd Walker GOSPEL SINGING -THE GLENDALE FAMILY“Rejoice, Give Thanks, Pray” Hazel Church of Christ October 24th, 7:00 p.m. Broadway Church of Christ Wednesday, October 15th, 22nd, & 29th, 6:30 p.m. “The Truth About Origins” Seminar Dr. Brad Harrub, speaker Central Church of Christ, Paducah October 19th‐22nd 10:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Sunday, 7:00 p.m. Monday‐Wednesday Michael Shepherd, speaker Lynnville Church of Christ Friends and Family Day October 19th, 11:00 a.m. Hazel Church of Christ October 23rd, 25th, 26th 7:00 p.m. Thursday & Saturday, 9:50 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Sunday Jason Hart, speaker -LIBRARY William F. Etheridge (1872‐1951) One of the byproducts of our recent centennial research project was that, for the first time in our history, we have been able to organize our church historical records. As a part of our research, we collected all the information we could on the 24 different men who had served as pulpit minister up to 2009. We know very little about some of them and one of the ones that we knew almost nothing about was our very first full‐time preacher, William Fletcher Etheridge who served us from 1912‐1914. During the research for the celebration, I learned, quite accidentally, that our own Hannah Johnson Hendon is a great, great granddaughter of Etheridge. Her dad, Joe Johnson, has recently presented the Glendale church with a folder of priceless historical materials, including photos and newspaper clippings, to be deposited in Bro. Etheridge’s permanent file. Following the 2009 celebration, the church received a kind note as well as a generous check from Ms. Patsy Smith of Lakeland, TN who is a granddaughter of W. F. Etheridge. For almost a century, this man’s name had been forgotten in Murray but, due to a series of highly unlikely events, we now have a more complete picture of the life of this man who played such a vital role in the beginning of this church. Ernie Bailey As fall arrives I want to give a few updates on our fall
activities. Thanks to everyone that showed up last week to help in
the caring and sharing center last Wednesday. With
your help we got a tremendous amount of work done
and made everyone's job easier over the next few
weeks. Thanks for being a group of students that love
to serve and bless others. It is impressive what 15 or so of you are able to
accomplish when you work together. Thanks for a great
day! We will have more opportunities in the coming weeks to
go serve but I will let you know the plans later! Thanks to Josh and Lacy McKeel and the young adult
class, a Fall Fun Night will be held from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 30th behind the church building.
Activities will include games, inflatables, hot dogs and
chips, a wagon ride, and conclude with a Trunk or Treat.
All members are invited to attend or participate. A sign‐
up sheet is available on the Welcome Center. For more
information or if you have questions, see Josh McKeel. Celebration sign‐up ends this week. The sign‐up sheet is on the youth table for all 6‐12 graders. The theme
this year is #everydayclay. The dates are Nov. 7th‐9th this year. The cost for the weekend is $50 and the deadline
for sign‐up is Oct. 15th. I will be registering on the
morning of the 16th, so if you are planning on going
please sign‐up by the deadline. Fall Retreat 2014 – November 14th ‐16th ~~~~~~ 1Co 12:12 (ESV) For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the
members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For in
one Spirit we were all baptized into one body— Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—
and all were made to drink of one Spirit. 14 For the body does not consist of
one member but of many. 15 If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I
do not belong to the body," that would not make it any less a part of the body.
16 And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the
body," that would not make it any less a part of the body. 17 If the whole body
were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an
ear, where would be the sense of smell? 18 But as it is, God arranged the
members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. 19 If all were a single
member, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, yet one
body. 21 The eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you," nor again the
head to the feet, "I have no need of you." 22 On the contrary, the parts of the
body that seem to be weaker are indispensable,
Have you filled out your new involvement card?
-They are located on the welcome center- BAPTIZED
THANK YOU Fall Activities GOSPEL MEETINGS -YOUTHYouth Minister: Nick Hutchens Thanks to all the kids and adults who helped last Wednesday at Caring and Sharing. You made such a huge difference and we appreciate all the help! Karl Smith
~~~~~ Thank you so much for all your prayers, encouraging words and other ways you have shown your love for us. Please continue to pray for us as our road will be difficult at times. Don and Floy Roark
~~~~~ For the delightful ways you said happy birthday I am appreciative. In addition I am most grateful for the love and support you continue to give after Jim’s passing. Your kind words of remembrance of him have meant more than you can know. God bless you wonderful friends. Delores Lawson
~~~~~ YOUNG N HEARTS Young n Hearts will be meeting this Thursday at their regular time, 10:30, for class and lunch to follow. FOOD PANTRY Our food pantry served 51 families of our community this week. We collected 60 items from our congregation. Thank you for your kind generosity each week. This coming Sunday will be our benevolence collection during Sunday school. Any help is appreciated and used to buy food for the pantry. Ty Stom (10/7) 489 Alex Forks Rd. Kirksey, KY 42054 SYMPATHY We express the sympathy of the congregation to Lajenia Farris and family on the death of her brother, Hardeman Hendon. NEW PATHWAYS FOR CHILDREN ANNUAL BENEFIT DINNER & AUCTION Everyone is invited to come to the annual benefit dinner and auction for New Pathways for Children on October 23rd at 6:00 p.m. at Broadway Church of Christ in Paducah. No advance reservation is needed. For more information call 270‐674‐6061. VAN KEYS We are missing several sets of keys to the Ford and Chevy vans. Please return any keys that you are not using to Garry, Jeanne or the office. Thank you! -ELDERSJohnny Bohannon
Raymond Grady David Ryan INVOLVEMENT CARDS It has taken some time and I appreciate everyone’s’ patience as I have finally entered all the new involvement cards I have received until now, which is a little less than 400. I am in the process of picking public participants for Sunday morning and Sunday night worship services from the new cards. I have noticed several people who usually help out serving in these areas have not turned in a card and I do not have them on the new list. Please take a few moments to pick up a card at the welcome center, fill it out and you may return it there or give it to Garry or Jeanne. In a few weeks I will be sitting at a table in the commons flagging people down who have not turned one in yet, so it would be very helpful if you could do so before then. One of the areas that have drastically fewer people is taking the Lord’s Supper to shut‐ins on Sundays. This program is so appreciated by our members who can no longer come to worship services here. If you could find it in your heart to help out in this area please contact Garry or Jeanne or mark it on your new card. If you have any questions please call the church office at 270‐753‐3714. Thank You!! Jeanne Brent Canter
Phil Morris Kenneth Cleaver
Jim Nix -DEACONSRusty Back Jeremy Bell
Gerald Coles
Tim Coles Jody DeWitt Steve Dublin Garry Evans Andrew Falwell Joel Fisher Glen B. Gibbs Eric Gibson James Gibson Kenny Hoover Ted Howard Chris Jones Gene Paul King Chad Lawson John Mahan Terry McCallon Tommy Phillips Steve Roberson David Shepeard Karl Smith Steve Spiceland Jay Stark Tim Stark Walter Lee Steely Rob Thompson Arvis Thorn Stacey Underhill Daron Wilson Donnie Winchester Brad Young -CARE TEAM LEADERS1.
Steve Roberson
Tim Stark Jody DeWitt Garry Evans Raymond Grady Jay Stark Mike Caldwell Gerald Coles Karl Smith Marty Sheridan 12.
Gene Paul King
Billy Joe Hendon Rick Spann Donnie Winchester Jimmy Wilder Joe Phillips Derek Jones Tim Stark Vernon Gantt