H PE-FILLED HAPPENINGS WELCOME TO CROSS OF HOPE “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24, ESV). Good morning (evening), and welcome to worship and Christian fellowship. Please fill out the communication card (this is how we track attendance, take requests for visits and prayers, etc.) – list your names and check the service attending. If you are visiting for the first time please take a moment and include your address. Our services are projected. Readings: Isaiah 45:1-7, p. 522; Matthew 22:15-22, p. 19 8:30 Service: We use “Now the Feast and Celebration Liturgy” in the maroon Hymnal Supplement, pg 3, books are available from the Usher. 8:30 Songs: How Firm a Foundation – LBW 507; I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry; Beautiful Savior – LBW 518; Earth and All Stars – LBW 558; Abba Father. 10:45 Service: All the People Said Amen; I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry; You Are Holy (Prince of Peace), We Believe. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2014 5:30 p.m. Worship Service with Communion Song: Beautiful Savior SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2014 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 a.m. Liturgical Worship with Communion 9:45 a.m. Sunday School (age 5-11, Adult) 10:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship with Communion Baptisms Today 8:30 service – Cooper Robert Horn son of Jeffrey and Amanda Horn. 10:45 service – Giovanni Elijah Romero, Lilyana Miranda Romero and Mateo Alexander Velasco, children of Monica Saiz, Edward Romero, Ricardo Velasco. Let us welcome these children into the body of Christ and into the mission we share: giving thanks and praise to God and bearing God’s creative and redeeming word to all the world. Holy Communion at Cross of Hope…we share by intinction. You will receive the host from Pastor (gluten free wafers available upon request). One chalice is wine; the other white grape juice. Communion is open to all baptized who believe Jesus is truly present in the meal (regardless of denomination affiliation). Preparation for Worship At the beginning of another week, we pause to remember that God is above all and in all. Thank you, God, for all life brings! 8:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Assisting Minister Bill Wooten Rosalie Hipple Lector Mary Bresnahan Kim O’Roark Acolyte Shayna Kymes Thomas Hielkema Hosts The McNealy Family Deborah Rivera Ushers Ron Cordova Nancy Umbreit; John Stewart Altar Guild Marcella Johnson Shirley McCan Bread Karen Schwartz Temple Guard – October 20-26 – Doug Perry PERSONAL EAR MONITORS Are available. Stop at the Sound Booth to collect one. Next Week’s Readings Jeremiah 21:21-24 Romans 3:19-28 John 8:31-36 Childcare is available in the nursery on Sunday for children birth thru age 4. Parents with babies needing a “quiet space” are invited to use the “Baby Room” in the nursery. The Family Place Space is available during service for children three and under with their parents just outside the sanctuary doors, to still hear the service. Walking in the Way, Wednesdays Do Something: Our Faith Without Works is Dead! MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 12:00 p.m. Banner Babes 6:00-8:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Event (Baby Shower) Koinonia Hope TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 7:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study 9:15 a.m. MOPS Meeting 3:30 p.m. Girl Scout T10527 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout T126 (at TRCC) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 11:00 a.m. Preschool Music/Chapel 11:30 a.m. Worship Planning 1:00 p.m. Lunch Bunch (El Charrito Mexican, 4703 Central Ave NW) 2:40 p.m. Elementary School Chapel 5:45 p.m. W3 (Walking in the Way Wednesday) With Alpha and Financial Peace Univ. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 11:00 a.m./1:00 p.m. Preschool Music and Chapel 11:30 a.m. COH Staff Meeting 3:30 p.m. Girl Scouts T10426 6:30 p.m. Voices of Hope Rehearsal 6:30 p.m. Pipes and Drums FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 5:30 p.m. Koinonia Friends 5:30 p.m. Elementary School Fall Festival at COH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 5:30 p.m. Worship with Communion SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 Reformation Sunday|Confirmation 8:30 a.m. Liturgical Worship with Communion 9:30-10:30 a.m. Reception for Confirmation and Pastor Appreciation 9:45 a.m. Sunday School (age 5-11 and Adult) 9:45 a.m. Koinonia Partners 10:45 a.m. Contemporary Service with Communion 5:00 p.m. Koinonia Esperanza 6:00 p.m. Koinonia Familia This coming Wednesday evening we will learn more on how we are going to take action in making a difference in the lives of immigrant refugees here in Albuquerque. Pastor Matt and our service project group will help engage all of us in “doing something” to assist with housing needs for a large family set to arrive this winter. We will be sending out another “Perfect Potluck” sign up list with the needs that we can provide for this family of 14 to help fill their home with some basic necessities. Please look out for a way that you may assist. It also happens to be National Color Day on the 22 nd so we would love for you to dress up in either your favorite color or in as many colors as you possibly can! We will also have different coloring pages from around the world out on each table so that we can learn a little about other places while showing our skills in coloring (either in or out of the lines is just fine)! The meal for the evening will be meatball subs! Thanks to all for the wonderful ethnic food last week and for all the help you can provide this week! Please check out the link below. http://www.PerfectPotluck.com/meals.php?t=MYRH2757 OR http://www.PerfectPotluck.com Coordinator Last Name: Hielkema Password: 102214 July 1, 2014 began the new budget year for Cross of Hope Anticipated Pledges for 2014/2015: $427,630 Pledged Giving Last Week Sunday $6,181.00 September Fiscal Year to Date Revenues $ 35,137.99 $118,845.77 Expenses net of Depr $ 32,740.94 $112,661.14 Debt Reduction $ 5,757.82 $ 17,022.85 Cash Flow $ (3,360.77) $ (10,838.22) Attendance Last Week: 191 Saturday – 28 Sunday 8:30 a.m. – 87 Mortgage Balance 10:45 a.m. – 76 $824,069.93 Today the Mid High Youth group will be selling candles in the Great Hall. The funds raised from this will help us to attend the MHY gathering in Colorado Springs in January and confirmation camp next summer. Please help support our growth in Christ. They will also be selling candles on November 16. Angel Tree Names Are In!!! We have 26 families this year and the Angel Tree ministry could use your help making initial contact with those families. If you are interested, or would like more information about what those duties/responsibilities entail, please contact Deney Perkins, 505-321-5549 or [email protected] Cross of Hope members and friends, we will be celebrating confirmation and Pastor Appreciation next Sunday, October 26, between services, 9:30 to 10:30. We want to recognize our confirmands (Mikayla McNealy; Reese Mancha, Joshua Spinks) and their families as they take this new step in their life of faith. We also want to recognize and show appreciation for Pastor Matt Powell and Pastor Russell Lee, as they guide and support COH during this call process. We will have baskets available for those of you who would like to show your appreciation by leaving a note or a card for the confirmands and the pastors. Please contact Karen Erickson with any donations of supplies or food, or if you'd like to help in some other way. On All Saints Sunday, November 2 we celebrate and remember all the saints, not because they were saintly but because God in Christ has sanctified them. The works of God have shined in and through these people. This is what it means to remember the saints, all saints. We will take time in the services to remember Cross of Hope members and others who have died in faith by reading their names. If you would like someone included please PRINT the person’s name in the memory book by the sanctuary in the Great Hall. You will be able to light a candle of remembrance, giving thanks to God for the gift of your loved one on November 1 and 2 during services. In addition, we will be lighting candles for each person who was baptized at Cross of Hope during the past year. Music, Music, Music is the theme this year for the Banner Babe Friendship Tea. November 1, 2014, 11:00 a.m. Tickets are $12.00 . Each year the Banner Babes sponsor this tea to raise money for the fabric that is used in quilts for our babies as they are baptized and quilts for our high school graduates. The tea has been so successful that we have raised enough money that we were able to donate to several outreach ministries. What better way to sing praises to our Lord than to get together with other ladies of the church for a delicious tea, an inspiring program, the raffle of the year and lots and lots of fun and fellowship. See you there. Food allergies are a growing health concern for many children and adults as well. Our nursery has already been designated as a “nut free zone”. We ask all parents to be aware of the snacks that they provide for their children in our sanctuary during worship services, especially those containing nuts/manufactured in a facility with nuts. For those with allergies, any exposure to certain triggers can cause anaphylaxis reactions. Our goal is to keep everyone safe. We have filled one Bomb Diggity Bible Bunch teaching position for Sunday mornings in the 10:45 service but are now seeking another. If you are able to offer 15-20 minutes one Sunday a month to help train the children of our church please contact Richard Hielkema at [email protected] LAS POSADAS… Do you feel called to give leadership to Las Posadas this year? The congregational council and staff are wondering if anyone would like to take leadership of Las Posadas? If no one comes forward, we will explore what other ELCA congregations in Albuquerque might be doing this year. Please talk with Pastor Matt or Richard Hielkema, if you are interested. Nursery Attendant Wanted… Cross of Hope is in need of an additional nursery attendant for our Sunday services (8:15-12:15, two to three Sundays a month). Please apply in the church office. See Connie Orbinati, Worship Director, for details or call the church office at 8970047. Prayer Buddies Needed It’s that time of year again, when we introduce 6th graders into the wonderful world of Confirmation. We have 20 Confirmation students this year!! Including several new 6 th graders. We are looking for only 4 more people who are willing to make a commitment to pray for these students for all three years of their Confirmation experience. The commitment is long, but well worth it. If you love to pray, and send occasional notes of encouragement, you are perfect for this ministry!! Prayer Buddies are assigned to each confirmation student, and it is completely anonymous to the student. You know who you are praying for and encouraging, but they do not know who is praying for them or encouraging them until they complete confirmation in 8 th Grade. At the end of their 8th Grade year, there is a big revealing, and we ask all of the confirmation students and their prayer buddies to be there the final night of W3 so we can finally introduce them. This is a big night for all involved. This is such an important time in their lives. Please let me know if you want to be part of it, or if you would like more information about this ministry. Deney Perkins, 321-5549, [email protected] ALTAR GUILD COORDINATOR The Altar Guild is looking for a new coordinator, who would provide training, scheduling, and mentoring to those who serve in this important aspect of worship at Cross of Hope. Only a few hours a month are needed for this task. Please pray about serving Cross of Hope in this wonderful worship opportunity. Contact Connie Orbinati, Worship Director, if you have questions or want more information: by texting 328-1280 or by e-mail at [email protected]. “Advocacy 2014” The 2014 Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-New Mexico conference will be held on Saturday, November 8 at St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Albuquerque (211 Jefferson NE 87108). The conference will take place from 9:00 am until 1 pm and the cost is $15 per person, including lunch. Session topics will include advocacy basics, hunger, immigration and more. Our featured speaker will be Pastor David Vasquez, author of several Bible studies from the perspective of immigrants and refugees. Pastor Vasquez is currently the campus pastor at Luther College and recently selected as the new president of Pacific School of Religion. Plan now to attend and learn more about advocating for our many neighbors living in poverty. To register or for more information, contact Ruth Hoffman at [email protected] or 505.984.8005. Registration deadline: November 4. INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MEMBER AT CROSS OF HOPE OR EVEN RENEWING YOUR RELATIONSHIP? The Foundations Course is for anyone wanting to become a member or for renewing their relationship with Christ through the ministry journey. The 3 week course will be Sunday between services (9:45 a.m.) beginning November 16. Please RSVP, 897-0047; [email protected]. Childcare is available. A Fall Work Day has been scheduled for October 25th at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp! We’re planning on putting the finishing touches on the Ropes Course ground area. Work will include cutting, hauling, and chopping wood; trimming branches, spreading wood chips on trails, and some light carpentry for gear storage. Housing in cabins, and food will be provided for the weekend but space is limited. You are welcome to arrive Friday evening and depart on Sunday. Or, you can come for the day if you are close enough. Contact Ben Larson, [email protected], or Kyle Larson, [email protected] for more information. What Does it Mean to be a Lutheran? Discussion Begins November 12 At our last new member orientation several potential new members asked, “So, what does it mean to be a Lutheran?” Great question! Pastor Hal Nilsson, retired, will present a three week discussion on Baptized, We Live: Lutheranism As a Way of Life by Daniel Erlander. This booklet describes Lutheranism as a way of seeing, hearing, teaching, and following. You can request a copy for $5 through the church office, or order your own booklet through the author’s website at www.danielerlander.com (scholarships for the book are available upon request). This three week discussion will take place during W3, Walking in the Way Wednesdays, beginning November 12. For questions or more information please contact Pastor Matt. Prayer Partners Needs for October 18-19, 2014 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Health and Wellness Mia Archuleta and family; Lynda Fritz; Curtis Case; John Stewart; Matt Petty; Katie Hallstrom; Sue Jamsey; Kay Payne; Veronica Medina, Josie Quintana, David Dees; Marie Cannoles; Scott Sylvester; Marcella Johnson; Arline Skindelien; Kev Lister; Sarrah McWilliam; Gem Harris; Alan and Karen Schwartz Comfort the Grieving Gail Dattilo and family at the death of her husband Peter Dattilo. Ongoing Needs Julie Thompson; Gerald and Mila Peralta and Adrian and Cheyanne; Ron Lewis and family; Chad Blair; Chuck Murphy; Leon Bulger; Deb, Laura, Tyler and Clint Donaldson; Sue, Carter and Ashley Strahn; Adam and Meghan Kovarik; Sarah and Carin; Adam; William Moulton; Rick, Teresa, Jaxon, Blayne and Maria Rose; Jennifer and Tony Crumpton; Emma, Kaden and Riley Spoon; Pat and Chip Davis and family; Drake, Lucaya and Scott; Carter Bogart; Joanne and Savannah Stevens; Emma Kennedy, Denise, Jacob and Jared Felix; Connor Woldt; Todd Hveem; Mike Snyder; Peter McWilliam and family; Todd McWilliam and family; Matt Streff and family; John Streff and family; Faith Dean; Ruth Franz; Olga and family; Terri Cross; Robby Anderson; Geoff Bokan and family; The Call Committee Those serving our country in the Armed Forces Ken Bisconer; Zak Ryan; Bill Foster; Joshua Hicks; Clark Boothe; Kurt Doyle; Ryan Walker; Matt Saiz; Bryce Mitchell; Cydney Mitchell; James Burton; Collin Seanor; Rhett Turnbull; Jazmyn Medina; Jason Toledo; Josh Orbinati; Matthew Knox; J.D. Garner; James Breck; Stephanie Hightower; Peter McWilliam; Sam Fischer; Andrew Mattern; Derek Evers; Monique Freelin; Tony Savee; Christopher Toledo; Brian Stroud; Gabe Martinez; Jeremy Gomez and Matthew Padilla; Garrett Dow; Isaiah Bryce; Beau Delgado We pray for those families who are part of Cross of Hope’s “52 Weeks of Prayer Initiative: Pete and Jan Wormwood and Draco; Andrea, Hayden and Brenden Yost; Mike and Suzanne Young; We pray for the work of the whole church and the Rocky Mountain Synod through the ministries of Elim Lutheran, Ogden, UT and Epiphany Lutheran, Denver, CO God's Changeless Word Feelings come and feelings go, And feelings are deceiving; My warrant is the Word of God — Naught else is worth believing. Though all my heart should feel condemned For want of some sweet token, There is One greater than my heart Whose Word cannot be broken. I’ll trust in God’s unchanging Word Till soul and body sever, For though all things shall pass away, His Word shall stand forever! ―Martin Luther Cross of Hope 6104 Taylor Ranch Rd. Albuquerque NM 87120 897-0047 Church Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Fax: 899-9455 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.crossofhope.org Council e-mail: [email protected] Cross of Hope Preschool: 899-0928 Preschool Director: Mary Sue Hale Preschool Board President – Robert Bye Cross of Hope Elementary School: 897-1832 School Principal: Harriet Crawford School Board President – Leeon Carrico Which Service Is For You? A User’s Guide If you prefer: ✔Saturday evening worship ✔casual intimate atmosphere ✔communion every week ✔life relevant, Biblical messages Then the Saturday, 5:30 p.m. service is for you. MINISTERS: Every Member of Cross of Hope ELCA PRESIDING BISHOP The Rev. Elizabeth Eaton ROCKY MOUNTAIN SYNOD BISHOP The Rev. James Gonia PASTOR: We are in the Call Process ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Pastor Matt Powell DIRECTOR OF MUSIC | YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRIES: Richard Hielkema, [email protected] CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR: Linda Willoughby, [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Nancy Morrison, [email protected] WORSHIP DIRECTOR: Connie Orbinati, [email protected] DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL & BUSINESS OPERATIONS: Karen Schwartz [email protected] ACCOMPANIST: Amy Ellis HeBREWS MANAGER: Kel Orbinati COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Bill Wooten, Council email: [email protected] THRIVENT CONGREGATIONAL ADVOCATE: Forrest Uppendahl HEAD USHER: Ron Cordova HOST COORDINATORS: Ruth Hinkel and Barbara Ostby PROPERTY DIRECTOR: contact Church Office If you prefer: ✔traditional liturgy and music ✔Holy Communion each week ✔great hymns of the church ✔family-oriented, with children present ✔warm, friendly atmosphere ✔life relevant, Biblical messages Then the Sunday, 8:30 a.m. service is for you. If you prefer: ✔contemporary music with a band ✔relaxed atmosphere…great for people seeking a new relationship with Christ ✔family-oriented, with children present ✔life relevant, Biblical messages Then the Sunday, 10:45 a.m. service is for you. Cross of Hope is a community living under God’s love and renewal. We respond to this graciousness by following Christ and taking up our cross. If you want to explore membership in our joyous and committed community, contact the church office, 8970047, for information. MINISTRIES AT CROSS OF HOPE Reaching Out to Grow Hope-Filled Followers of Jesus GOD CALLS US Alpha Course An introduction to the Christian faith in a comfortable environment. Next class begins September 10, during W3 (Walking in the Way, Wednesday, 5:30 pm) Contact: Jan Anderson, 362-3663. The Connection Center Information on activities at Cross of Hope. Contact: Church Office, 897-0047. Albuquerque Rescue Mission Provides meals and worship every other month for homeless men in the recovery program. Contact: Central New Mexico Correctional Facility, Los Lunas COH members minister to inmates monthly, 6:45-8:15 p.m. Contact: Elisa McLellan, 554-1311. Navajo Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, Arizona serves Navajo people in the heart of the Navajo reservation. Contact: Mary Hughes, 899-5447. Habitat for Humanity An international organization using volunteers and donations to build homes. GOD GATHERS US Voices of Hope Choir during 8:30 a.m. worship and special services. Rehearsal Thursdays. Sept to May. Contact: Richard Hielkema, 897-0047. Praise Team Lead worship in 10:45 service. Rehearsals: first Saturday of the month, 9:30 a.m. To audition for the praise team contact Richard Hielkema, 897-0047. Drama Group Provides dramas during worship services. Contact: Diane Pressel, 833-3118. Technology Ministry Computer support at Cross of Hope. Contact: Church Office, 897-0047; website: Brian Hipple, 350-9227. GOD ENLIGHTENS US Bomb-Diggity Bible Bunch Youth/Child Worship Ages 4-5th Grade. Sundays, in the 10:45 a.m. service. Contact: Richard Hielkema, 897-0047. Adult Education Variety of class topics. Sundays, 9:45 a.m. Contact: church office. Summer VBS Programs Rainbow Trail Day Camp Week in June. Contact: Richard Hielkema. Special Needs VBS. Contact Patty Westerfield. Cross of Hope Preschool State-certified, developmentally appropriate preschool for ages 3-4. Christian faith integral to curriculum. Mary Sue Hale, Director, [email protected]; 899-0928. Cross of Hope Elementary School Kindergarten - 5th Grade. Harriet Crawford, Principal, [email protected]. 8971832. Adult Bible Study A look at God’s Word. Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m. Contact: Charlie & Gini Murphy, 990-2031. Financial Peace University Classes held throughout the year. Contact: Hans Zimmer, 899-9722; [email protected]. Boy Scout Troop 126 Sponsored by Cross of Hope. Tues., 7:00 p.m., Don Newton/Taylor Ranch Community Center. Contact: Bob Ashe, 890-4369. Web: www.troop126nm.com GOD SANCTIFIES US W3 (Walking in the Way, Wednesdays) The time when our entire congregation (all ages) can come together to live our vision as we fellowship, eat, play, worship and grow in spirit and mind as a family. Wednesdays, 5:45-8:00 p.m., September 3, 2014 –April 29, 2015. Senior High Youth (SHY) Grades 9-12. Bible Study, service projects, special activities, fun. Contact: Richard Hielkema, 897-0047. Mid High Youth (MHY) Grades 6-8. Contact Church Office, 897-0047. Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) Time for mothers of infants-Kindergartners to meet, share, learn, and grow. Meets 1 st and 3rd Tuesdays (Aug-May), 9:15 a.m. West Mesa Christian Church, 8821 Golf Course Rd, Albuquerque. Bible Study year round at Cross of Hope. Rebecca Bodily; [email protected]; 303-810-0830; Registration Carrianne Doughty 417-8652 or [email protected]. Website: crossofhopemops.wordpress.com. Cross of Hope Endowment Fund Information on making charitable contributions to our Endowment Fund. Contact: Michael Hughes, 831-4041. GOD KEEPS US Caring Ministry Includes Shut-In Visitations and other needs. Contact: Church Office, 897-0047. Koinonia Faith and Fellowship Groups Pray, study, grow, serve together. Meet in members’ homes to grow in faith. Contact: Martha Montano, 453-8321. BeFriender Ministry A lay pastoral care ministry offering a listening presence to others. Lay people have been trained to provide this essential care to people in our community who are sick, homebound, or struggling in some way. Contact: Pastor Matt Powell, [email protected], 8970047. Hope Gardeners Experience God’s love as we nurture His creation! Fridays, April – Oct., 9:00 a.m. for devotions, fellowship, snacks, weeding and caring for the garden. Contact: Barb Ostby, 890-4534. Prayer Chain Coordinator Contact: Kay Hendrickson, 850-8795. Crisis-Care Coordinator Contact: Linda Molde, 294-8166. Lunch Bunch Cross of Hope’s senior members/friends meet at restaurants for good food and company. Meets 4 th Wednesday at 1 p.m. Contact: Stan Socha, 839-7416. Women on Wednesdays (WOW) for all women. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. September 3, 2014-May 20, 2015. Watch bulletins/newsletters for special activities and programs. Contact: Sheri Phillips, 839-4290. Banner Babes Ministry makes and presents quilts for our graduating high school seniors and to those children being baptized. Mondays, 12:00 p.m. Contact Diane Carrico, 554-1128 Prayer Buddies Be a secret Prayer Buddy and pray daily for a confirmation student. Contact: Deney Perkins, 321-5549.