Document 6575574
Document 6575574
Bulletin of the Central Church of Christ 2722 Oakland Avenue • Johnson City, TN • 37601-1844 • Phone (423) 282-1571 or 283-HOPE October 26, 2014 No.43 Ministers Ministers Tim Hall Greg Ryan Dustin Humphreys Some Thoughts I’d Like to Share…by Tim Hall Walking With Jesus, Except … Would I have had as much faith as Peter had? Elders Gene Arrowood Gene Chapman L.A. Hamilton Steve Ingram John McKinnis Dennis Russell Mike Sheridan Deacons Doug Booton Dan Bowman Randy Brewer Jim Carden David Crockett Ben Crossman John Doyle Andrew Easterling David Erickson Jim Fillers David Frakes Ken Gilliam Phil Gilliam Chig Gunter Mike Higginbotham Danny Kellum Ren Rice Trey Robertson Sherrell Shepard Dave Torgerson Ron Whitson Worship Times Sundays: Worship, 10:30 am, 6 pm; Classes: 9:30 am Wednesdays: 7:00 pm We often chide Peter for his fear while walking on the water with Jesus. Let’s not forget, though: (1) It was dark; Matthew wrote that it happened during the fourth watch of the night (Matthew 14:25). (2) The waters were boisterous; the boat, Matthew wrote, was “beaten by the waves (14:24). (3) Peter was the one who asked to take this walk (14:28). Though he soon became afraid, he at least wanted to have the experience of walking with Jesus on water. When we choose to follow Jesus, John wrote, we choose to “walk in the light” (1 John 1:7). It’s not quite the same as Peter’s walk on a dark, storm-tossed sea. But that doesn’t mean Thiswon’t Week – “Thelook Bride of Christ” walking with the Lord sometimes intimidating. A hymn we sometimes sing says, “O Master, let me walk with Thee in lowly paths of service free … Help me the slow of heart to move by some clear, winning word of love; teach me the wayward feet to stay, and guide them in the homeward way.” Those words, written by Washington Gladden in 1879, accurately portray what it means to be a Christian. It means we agree to serve others, just as Jesus did while He was on earth. Many modern disciples are like Peter’s fellow apostles that night – they remain in the boat. It seems safer than stepping out. But is it really safer to stay in the boat? Wouldn’t it be more secure to be close to the Savior, no matter where He might be? He didn’t let Peter sink that night; and He’s not going to allow sincere followers today to sink. “Yes, Lord, I want to walk with You. Except – please don’t ask me to speak to strangers about You; I don’t know how they might respond. And don’t send me to visit the sick; that always makes me uncomfortable, and I might catch what they have. Funerals? No, I am uneasy in those situations; I wouldn’t know what to say. And those folks who no longer worship with us – I’d rather not be asked to call them; I wouldn’t want to make them mad.” “Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go” – remember those words? That has long been a favorite song. But are we willing to live the song? If Jesus asks me to follow Him on a mission of mercy, am I happy to go – or reluctant? Do I act the part of Moses, who finally blurted out to God, “Oh, my Lord, please send someone else” (Exodus 4:13)? “Footprints of Jesus that make the pathway glow; we will follow the steps of Jesus wher-e’er they go” – except … October 26: Let’s pray for: Charlie Hartman, Hodgkins lymphoma; Sue Honeycutt, hospice care; Nell Phillips; Jay Stevens; Sue Neeley; Jennifer Easterling; Buddy Barefield; Ray Markland; Harold Napier; Joyce Hall; Margaret Sams; Elayne Trent; Becky Smith; Mary Nell Lilly; Arlene Kellum; Troy Wright; Ken Lutterman; Isaac Vance; Caroline Faddis; Frank Chapo; Kerry Hutchinson; Allen Jackson; Robin Wishon; Glenn Blacklidge; Doug Grindstaff; Lorene Arrowood; Teresa Guinn; Betty Hamilton; Mike Lyons; Gay Enkema; Karen Stevens. Skilled nursing/assisted living/homebound: Calvin Ursury; Grace Muse; Harold Napier; Delora Tidwell; James Carden, Sr.; Sherry McCulley; Mildred Hall; Theresa Whiddon; Louise Welch; Velma Stables; Lola Johnson; Jesse Crabtree; Johnny & Elayne Trent; Lon & Mildred Shuler. FRIENDS AND RELATIVES: Tripp Davis, rehab in Atlanta; Barbara Ledford, lady in the community; Coraline Cutshall, 2-year-old granddaughter of Mary Nell Lilly, surgery next Thursday to repair hole in her heart; Bob Patton, mild stroke; Lillian Hanger, mother of Beverly Stephen’s coworker, upcoming surgery. Continuing problems: Sean Hogan; Valerie Merkel; Mildred Murphy; Neel Frakes; Patty Mitchell; Ray Rice; Betty and Harold Justice; Sherrill Wilson; Gary Wallace; Kimberly Holtsclaw; Luke Story; Jeff Grindstaff; John Clark; Philip Guinn; Dana Kelly; Dana Kelly’s husband’s sister; Christopher Leonard; Jeane Frizzell; Frankie Rogers; Holden Doebler; Jesse Phillips; Bobby Redd; Christy Ingram; Azona Blevins; Greg Ryan’s father; Joe Doane; Amy Fair; Denise Reilley; Sandra Ryan; Greta Copas; John Buchanan; Kristine Jenkins; Marilyn Frye Hardin; Jill Fair’s mother; David Spiece; Hunter Edwards; Mary Ellen Greer; Diane Carter; Lucy Burgess; Lucy Hagerty’s friend Doris; Mike Mathes; Kenneth Hall; Hugh Honeycutt; Rita Veselak; Doris Kessinger; Cornail Proffitt. PRAISE GOD: Mary Sheridan’s biopsy was benign! CHANGES/UPDATES UNDERLINED MILITARY: Robbie Glenn, Eli Mitchell, Jordan Heatly, Air Force; Nicole Stephens, Brittany Lobos, Army; Brennan McCain, Marines; Joshua Wyant, Afghanistan. SUNDAY A.M. on WEMT: TV Sunday School, 7:00; In Search of the Lord’s Way, 7:30; Biblical Viewpoints, 8:00. LADIES, THERE IS a baby shower for Kay Chintaleka here TODAY from 2:30 – 4 p.m.! They are expecting a girl and are registered at Target and Babies R Us. Hostesses: Sarah Booher, Chris Elliott, Sarah Faddis, Mary McCormick, Linda Russell. PANTRY NEEDS: Chunky soups. MONDAY NIGHT FOR THE MASTER tomorrow at 6 p.m. “I STILL DO” MARRIAGE SEMINAR, 11/7&8, Hardin Valley Church, Knoxville. Register at MARK YOUR CALENDARS: There will be an all-church fellowship lunch on Sunday, 11/2. There will NOT be one on the 5th Sunday of that month. “HAPPY SOCKTOBER”. April Looney is coordinating Central’s effort to collect socks for the homeless. Please bring new or good condition socks to the collection box in the foyer. JANA HOLLINS was pictured in News & Neighbor in an article about ETSU’s sports center! 34th ANNUAL BIBLICAL VIEWPOINTS LECTURESHIP, Elizabethton, 11/2-6, various speakers. AUSTIN HAMILTON has asked for prayers for his teacher as she goes through difficulty. OUR SYMPATHY to Jacquelyn Ellis and family on the passing of her grandfather. Also to Jim Bob and Linda Moore’s daughter-in-law Amanda on the death of her grandmother, Mary Lynn Haynie. RESPONSE: Donna Ray asked for our prayers last week, as she wants to be back in worship services after some time away. TRUNK OR TREAT, next Wednesday night, 10/29, after services! Parents, have your kids change into their costumes AFTER classes. Treaters, please park where indicated for safety’s sake. PUT A CROSS over your name in the Friendship Register if you read the Bible at least 5 days. Last week: 30 GOSPEL MEETING, Laurel Avenue, Damascus, VA, 10/26-30, TJ Gifford. IT’S A BOY! Last Wednesday Heidi and Paul Elliott welcomed a son who weighed 6 lb., 6 oz. Congratulations to them and to proud grandparents Ron and Chris Elliott! TENNESSEE CHILDREN’S HOMES have helped children and teens (and for a brief time, young women with special needs) through many years. If you would like to help this organization, backed by churches of Christ, including Central, pick up a coin box and collect your spare change for a few weeks in it. We will bring them back on 11/9. TIM HALL is away today as he attends a family reunion in Kentucky. Dennis Russell will fill the pulpit this morning, and Charlie Russell will speak this evening in his place. IF YOU HAVE BOOKS you enjoyed but don’t care to give away, there’s room in the old library set aside as a Lending Library. We won’t be cataloging these or checking them out; just pop in to find a good read and return when finished. “I WANT to take the time to thank everyone at Central Church of Christ. First for welcoming me into your church home. You all have been such a blessing to me. Thanks for all the counseling, allowing me and Dehee to get married in such a loving church. Also thanks for all the prayers both while I was going through hard times in my marriage and the passing away of my sweet beautiful mother. Thanks for the donations for the help of her burial. I can never thank the church enough for all that you all have done. Cynthia and Dehee Quewea” KERRY HUTCHINSON sends her thanks to all who have been praying for her during her illness, and for the many cards she has received. She asks for our continued prayers for healing and for better days. A picture of the Smile Boxes, including ours, loaded to begin their journey to Nicaragua sent by Levi Dodd, the Youth and Family minister at Highland View Church of Christ in Oak Ridge. BIRTHDAYS: Jenny Usher, Fred Roten, Sarah Booher, Ruth Ann Mowery (today); Treva Bacon, Jordan Looney (Mon.); Cheryl Chernesky (Tues.); Brittany Lepps (Wed.); Brittney Johnson (Thu.); Michealyn Quewea, Charlie Hartman, Kacey Jackson, Campbell Kellum (Fri.); Doug Booton, Lily Hutchinson (Sat.). ANNIVERSARIES: Danny & Arlene Kellum, Adam & Kristy Maurer (today); Nick & Amber Kent (Mon.); Bob & Margaret Sams (Sat.). “THEREFORE, WE ARE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST, GOD MAKING HIS APPEAL THROUGH US. WE IMPLORE YOU ON BEHALF OF CHRIST, BE RECONCILED TO GOD” - ESV, 2 CORINTHIANS 5:20 10.26.14 10.26 .14 YOUTH NEWS – CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST HERE’S WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FORWARD TO! • Tonight’s Devotional: Devotional tonight at the Church’s building at 5:00 before worship. See you then! • Wednesday Service Activity: Will be at the Assisted Living this week and we need you to join us so we can brighten the day of the residents. Meet at 5:30 at the Church’s building (food provided) and then we will head over around 5:50. • • • • • • Room design: Can you believe it has been 2 years since the last room design? We are looking to do this on November 8th. Let me know you are coming so we can prepare. Papers Handed Out: You should have received a paper to fill out that has questions concerning how you would handle particular situations in discussing why we worship the way we do. This is to help me help you, so please do your best and I would like those back by 10/31. Let me also know if you have not received one and I will get you one. LET’S TALK ABOUT IT! One of the, if not the, most important verses in the Bible is Leviticus 19:2 where we are told to be holy because God is holy. This is a call to reflect the nature of God in His character. One of His character traits is Bowling on Wednesdays? : On the last Wednesday of each month, we do the service project at the Assisted Living. What are your thoughts on taking one of the other three Wednesdays and doing a “bowling night” before Church with pizza and such? Prices are cheap on Wednesdays, so there is little expense and a lot of fun. Let me know your thoughts! “truth.” So let me ask, how are November Activity: We would like someone to step up and take on an activity for November. Let me know what YOU would like to do and how we can do it. has revealed that truth in His Four Square: At Pathfinders, they had a really fun game of Four Square In the Air that everyone loved playing. The elders have approved this and now we need to start coming up with a plan to make it. Let me know if you want to help in design and build with me. be Jesus and/or the Scriptures)). Phone Numbers and E-Mail: If you need to update your phone number or e-mail so that you can receive the texts that are sent out for the youth, please let me know the updated information ASAP. You can either e-mail me ([email protected]) or call me (540-664-7257). this week. Seek to be like Jesus you doing reflecting God’s truth? We must seek the truth, and God Word (John 17:17 (whether that Here is my challenge to you for and reflect truth in a world of lies. Be courageous and help others to see truth. October 26, 2014 Contact Doug Booton if unable to serve Sunday Morning: Welcome: Gene Arrowood Song Leader: Dennis Vonderfecht Next Week: Matt Mahaley Prayer: Joe Pugh Next Week: Chig Gunter Scripture: Mike Stephens Next Week: Jerrod Tolley Sermon: Dennis Russell Topic: “The Christian Warfare: Where Are You?” Dismissal: Gene Arrowood Next Week: Steve Ingram Lord's Supper: Presiding: Everson Weekley Next Week: Butch Carden Serving: Alex Doyle, Andrew Easterling, Cary Vantine, Earl Johnson, James Hunt, Jerry Bacon, Jim Pierce, Josh Bacon, Larry Reece, Luke Whitted, Michael Rasnake Rick Farmer, Ron Elliott, Sherrell Shepard, Tom Hudnall, W.C. Ausborn Children's Training Class: the Gilliams Nursery: Angie Williams, Natalie Eanes, Kaylee Vantine Wednesday Evening: Song Leader: Gene Arrowood Devotional: Dan Bowman Dismissal: Andrew McCormick Central Church of Christ P.O. Box 4021 Johnson City, TN 37602-3961 (423) 282-1571 or 283-HOPE Sunday Evening: Song Leader: Don Wolford Prayer: Matt Mahaley Scripture: Andrew Trent Sermon: Charles Russell Topic: Dismissal: John Jarrett Lord's Supper: David Erickson, Brandon Quesinberry Nursery & Toddler: Meredith Brewer Building Security: Chig Gunter, Dave Torgerson Next Week: Brian Crabtree, Brad Sorrow Opening, Closing building: Charles Russell Next Week: Andrew Easterling For October: Communion Prep: Gay Clark Contact Sherrell Shepard, 477-2278, if unable to prepare Cup & Bulletin Pick-up: 3rd graders Baptistery: Sheila Frakes Registry Data Entry: Debbie Ingram Communion Delivery: Torgerson Report from last week Classes: 177; A.M. 324; P.M.148. Wed. 171 Offering: $9,291.25 Weekly Budget: $12,500.00 Church Building Debt as of 10/1: $1,774,269.33