Document 6577174
Document 6577174
DEDICATION OF OURSELVES AND OUR GIFTS TO GOD Prayer of Dedication God of abundant love, we give out of all you have given us, multiply these gifts to become gifts of abundant love for a world in need. In the name of Christ who first loved us, we pray. Amen. Offertory Sweet Rivers of Redeeming Love American Folk Hymn October 26, 2014 9:15 am DOXOLOGY 682 vs. 5 Tallis' Canon HYMN #430 SEEKING THE WORD OF GOD GATHERING WELCOME PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS FRIENDSHIP PADS *Indicates please stand in body or spirit. Congregational Responses are in bold. PRELUDE O God, Our Help in Ages Past St. Anne CARILLON CHOIR Three American Folk Hymns arr. Sharon Elery Rogers SPRC MINISTRY MOMENT Jerry Koudelka SHARING AND PRAYING UNISON PRAYER God of ages past and days to come, be with us this day. Shower us with your love and truth. Open our hearts and minds to truly love as you love us and as you call us to love. Grant us the courage to ask the questions that frighten us, that we may courageously live and grow as your disciples on this earth. Give us the wisdom to use all that you have entrusted to our care so that we may be a blessing in your name. With the confidence of Christ’s grace in our lives we pray. Amen. PASTORAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER Celebration Players CHILDREN’S MOMENT (Children, ages 4 to 8 years old, may leave for Bible Times) Jesus Christ the Apple Tree Gospel Lesson page 25 Matthew 22:34-40 The Bedrock to Roll On Rev. Dr. Peter LeValley SENDING FORTH Rise Up, O Men of God Festal Song *BENEDICTION Go forth in the knowledge and love of God. We go, confident in God’s steadfast love. Go into the world, loving without limits, caring without boundaries. We journey forth rolling on to fulfill God’s way of love. Go forth, embraced by God’s love, enfolded in Christ’s peace, enlivened by the Holy Spirit. *HYMN #117 ANTHEM SERMON *HYMN #576 *CALL TO WORSHIP God welcomes us this day with steadfast love to satisfy our deepest longings. Praise God who has been our dwelling place in every generation. Before the mountains were formed and we were still dust, God loved us into being. Praise God who created us and renews us still. May God’s favor and grace guide us on paths of love and peace. We rejoice with gladness this day! Let’s Keep Rolling, Rolling SCRIPTURE READING Robert Good Dance Prelude on “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” (This time is provided for you to prayerfully enter into worship) STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Maryton O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee arr. Douglas Wagner CHORAL RESPONSE POSTLUDE God Be In My Head Postlude in D W. Davies Armstrong Gibbs The music of the Carillon Choir is being played in honor of Ollie and Betty Clark, longtime former members and handbell supporters. The Anthem today is given by the Chancel Choir in honor of Bob and Pat Erisman for their 60th Anniversary! ASSISTING WITH WORSHIP TODAY: Head Usher: Liturgist: Announcements: Acolytes: Early Bible Times: Late Bible Times: Gloria MacGamwell Jerry Koudelka Jean Schnirel Alden Volle & Avery Vogt Ken & Amy Andrus Leann Metz PRAYER CONCERNS: Brian Martin at Roswell Park Marsha LaMorte at Kenmore Mercy Lucy Tschachtli at St. Joe’s Ellie Benzel at Wynwood Braedon Luke at CPC West Seneca Gail Klaus Bill at Delaware Rehab at home: Robert Austin Ann Hazel Kathy Moyer THE FLOWERS ON THE REMEMBRANCE TABLE are given by Carrie and Kelly Mendola in honor of our wonderful Pastoral Staff: Pastor Peter and Deacon Bonnie LeValley, Pastor Don Weaver, and Pastor Eldon Snyder. The FALL STUDY GROUPS are continuing Wednesdays starting at 1:00 pm (Upper Room Small Group Study), and at 7:00 pm (SoulSalsa by Len Sweet). Join us! WOMEN’S RETREAT Fri-Sat. Nov. 21 –23 at the Methodist House at the Chautauqua Institute. We’ll share the Friendship Of Women. All women are invited to attend. Registration forms may be found on the piano in the library. FAMILY LIFE CENTER The Family Life Center construction is complete, our new sound system and stage curtain are ordered. Children, youth and adults are already enjoying it. Fund raising is going well, but we are still short of our goal, since the costs are greater than we had hoped. Now is the time to make your contribution, or even add to what you have already given. Thanks to all who have contributed. We look forward to attaining our goal & celebrating the full completion of our Family Life Center. Please be sure you have given us a (blue) card with the dedication that you would like to appear on the plaque (for those giving a unit ($250) or more), or in the booklet (for smaller gifts). CENTRAL CITY CAFÉ—Donate frozen turkeys anytime up till Nov. 7th, after that please bring in thawed turkeys by November 9th. Our Faithfulness in Resourcing Ministry 1. Needed to Date: $247,411 2. Offering to Date: $228,966 3. Needed for full Ministry Shares: $271,435 KENMORE UMC FALL FESTIVAL TODAY October 26 - 12:00-4:00 pm Join us for a chili lunch, UMW homemade pies, pumpkins, crafters, jugglers, face painting, and Buffalo Zoomobile, (2-3 pm). SARA'S MINISTRY is selling BonTon Booklets ($5.00) good for November 14-15, & jewelry. Proceeds support Corner Stone Manor & the YWCA’s of the Tonawanda’s! Today is our Sunday Community Supper beginning at 12:00 noon. We will share our chili, cornbread and apple crisp at the Fall Festival, with friends and guests who need or desire table fellowship at our monthly Community Suppers! “LIKE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK” FACEBOOK 32 Landers Rd, Kenmore NY 14217 website: e-mail: [email protected] phone: 875-5091 Fax: 875-5092 Just go to Kenmore United Methodist Church Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Peter W. LeValley Pastoral Associate Deacon Bonnie M. LeValley Pastor for Pastoral Care Rev. Dr. Donald L. Weaver Pastor Emeritus Rev. Eldon Snyder Youth Ministry Coordinator Jeremy Loucks Cherub Choir Director Muriel Small Crib Room Attendant Karen Batchen Praise Band Leaders Chris Moyer & Carrie Truesdell Leann Metz Organist/Choirmaster Marilyn Obermeyer Robert Austin APM Services Amy Goudy Church/Financial Secretary Judy Melia Children’s Ministry Coordinator Treasurer The Mission and Vision of Kenmore UMC is to be a Fruitful Congregation for Jesus Christ through our: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk Taking Mission & Service, and Extravagant Generosity. CHILDREN CHILDREN: Worship & Bible Times UMW will meet Thursday, Nov 6 at 12:15 for lunch, prepared by Inner Circle, followed by a program presented by Barb Weaver and the Piecemakers. A sale of homemade gift items will precede and follow the lunch. All women are welcome! Faith in Film - Monday, October 27 at 7:00pm Parlor Good Will Hunting - follows 20-year-old Will Hunting, an unrecognized genius who, as part of a deferred prosecution agreement after assaulting BEGINNINGS GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Thursday, October 30 at 10:00 am Parlor. A journey a police officer, becomes a patient of a therapist and studies advanced mathematics with a professor. from grief to life with those who have known grief through a variety of losses. On Saturday, November 1 - 9-noon, join us for CARING FOR THE CAREGIVER led by Tom Sunday, November 2 DeLoughrey, chair of the Upper New York Second A Time for remembering those who in the past Half of Life Ministries Lisa Rood, Erie County Oldyear have joined the Church Triumphant, and er Adult Services and Jim Bender, Hearts and Hands dedicating our Memorials! Community Outreach. Today’s message is based on: Matthew 22:36-39 “All You Need is Love” 9:15 am - 12:30 pm Crib & Toddler Care available in the nursery S U N D A Y S CH O O L at K enm o re UM C Discover: God Creation Self Church 10:30 am - 11:30 am * * Sunday October 26, 2014 9:15am►Early Worship Service 10:30am►Sunday School 11:30am►Late Worship Service 12:00pm►Community Supper FH 12:00pm - 4:00pm►Fall Festival Monday October 27, 2014 12:30pm►Senior Fellowship Lunch FH 7:00pm►Faith In Film P 7:00pm►Nursery School Board Mtg. 7:30pm►Carillon Choir 3 Tuesday October 28, 2014 Wednesday October 29, 2014 9:00am►Staff Prayer Time 1:00pm►Upper Room Study P 7:01pm►Jugglers FLC 8:30pm►AA FH Thursday October 30, 2014 9:30am►UMW Executive Brd Mtg. WR 10:00am►Beginnings P 7:00pm►Chess Club FH 7:30pm►Chancel Choir P * CHILDREN AND YOUTH GROUPS: Asbury Building and the Third Floor ADULT GROUPS: CORINTHIAN CLASS - Parlor “Kenmore - Now and Then” led by John Percy HORIZON CLASS - Fellowship Hall “Barcelona Spain” led by Mike and Cindy Turner REFLECTIONS CLASS - Pilgrim Room Adam Hamilton’s Life of John Wesley led by Ken Hood CrossROADS - Retreat Room “Gods at War” by Kyle Idlemen New Members are welcome in all groups any Sunday. (Ushers will be happy to direct you to the rooms.) Friday October 31, 2014 Halloween 9:00am►Craftsmen Club 9:00am►Piecemakers FH Saturday November 1, 2014 9:00am►Caring for the Caregiver P 10:01am►Jugglers FLC Sunday November 2, 2014 All Saints Sunday Communion Sunday 9:15am►Early Worship Service 10:30am►Sunday School 11:30am►Late Worship Service 6:30pm►NeXT STeP 3