The Communicator


The Communicator
The Communicator
FUMC has WIFI!!!
Password is: fumcwifi
Friday, October 24, 2014
First United Methodist Church
702 Avenue A Opelika, AL 36801
Sunday Services
8:30am – Traditional Worship
9:00am – Imagine Contemporary Worship
9:50am – Sunday School
11:00am – Traditional Worship
FUMC Staff:
The evening group of UMW
will host its annual sale on
Rev. Randy Woodham
Senior Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Scott Kaak
Executive Pastor
[email protected]
this Sunday, Oct. 26th.
Soy Candles
Rev. Rick Lane
A Rada catalog is available
in the church office.
Recipe & Gift Books
Associate Pastor, Student Ministries
[email protected]
Rev. Ric Smith
Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Quick Mixes
Knife Sets
Ms. Nicole Agostino
Mrs. Laura Boggs
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
New Church Van
[email protected]
FUMC recently purchased and placed in service a 9-passenger conversion van. This vehicle
is being used primarily to transport those persons attending Sunday School and worship on
Sundays who do not have transportation of their own. The van’s built in steps, wide access
doors, higher roof, and padded individual seats are a big improvement over the smaller minivan
used up to now. Comments from those person who’ve already ridden in the new van reflect high
praise for the ease of getting in and out, more comfortable seating arrangement and improved
Mr. Don Lawrence
visibility while inside.
Ms. Maudie Evans
Church Maid
Mrs. Sunny Hahn
[email protected]
Mr. Bruce Heath
Facilities Supervisor
[email protected]
Ms. Beverly Marlett
Church Secretary
[email protected]
Ms. Sharon McKinnon
The van’s primary function is to provide transportation on Sundays; however, it is available
for use by groups within the church during the week as the need arises. Being practical, the van
would substitute for 3 regular automobiles. Please contact the church office for information
regarding the use of the van.
Director of Hospitality
[email protected]
Ms. Mary Virginia Norris
Director of Music Ministries
[email protected]
Mrs. Tina Roberts
Financial Secretary
[email protected]
Mr. Andy Snyder
Sound Technician
Mrs. Drew Speakman
Director of Sonshine Preschool
Asst. Director of Children’s Ministries
[email protected]
Mrs. Julia Stutts
Director of Children’s Ministries
[email protected]
Mr. John Vedder
College Ministries
[email protected]
Friends 2 Israel presents
Susan Michael- The Biblical Significance of Israel
To Understand the Times
Sunday, November 2nd
Morning Event 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Evening Event 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Susan Michael was earning an MA in Judeo Christian Studies at the Jerusalem University
College in Jerusalem when the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) was formed
in 1980. She is now serving as the U.S Director of ICEJ and the creator of She is a frequent speaker to both Jewish and Christian audiences on
Evangelical - Jewish relations, Islam, Middle Eastern Affairs, Christian support of Israel and
anti-Semitism. Susan Michael returns from Israel on October 18th from the Feast of
Tabernacles Event. Please come hear what she has to say on what is happening in Israel.
Come, learn how you can be a part of what God is doing in our world today. Be a blessing!
Sunday, October 26
8:30am – Traditional Worship
9:00am – Imagine Contemporary Worship
9:50am – Sunday School
10:00am – College Sunday School
11:00am – Traditional Worship
5:00pm – Disciple III (#308)
5:00pm – 8:00pm – Sunday Night Youth
Cookout @ the Hilyer farm
Monday, October 27
8:45am – 1:00pm - Sonshine Preschool
Tuesday, October 28
8:45am – 1:00pm - Sonshine Preschool
1:00pm – 3:00pm – Prison Ministry
Wednesday, October 29
7:00am – Men’s Devotion
Wednesday Connection
4:30pm – 5:30pm – Children’s Choir
4:45pm – M.A.T.T.
5:00pm - Dinner
6:00pm – 7:00pm – Programs
6:00pm – 7:30pm – Chancel Choir
Thursday, October 30
8:45am – 1:00pm - Sonshine Preschool
6:30pm – College Bible Study
SM Youth every Sunday at 10am up on
the 4th floor!
SN Youth this Sunday (10/26) is the
Youth Fall Cookout from 5 - 8pm at the
Hilyer Farm!!! Bring a friend and $5
for supper.
On Line Giving Is Here!
Simply follow these easy steps:
1. Visit the church website at
2. Click on the Online Giving button,
3. Click on the Create Profile button, then
4. Follow the onscreen instructions to create
an online profile and to schedule your
recurring contributions.
Save your
October 19, 2014
Attendance: Sunday School – 154
Worship – 340 (73/55-212)
Designated Funds
Given this week: $ 6,399
Given this YTD: $195,587
General Fund
Given this week: $ 12,322
Given YTD:
Need YTD:
Total Debt:
PRISON MINISTRY - Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Volunteers: Carol Powers, Barbara Kriel, Jerry Perkins, Anne Whittelsey,
Danielle Goff
Inmates ministered to: 71 men
Bibles given: 11
Message: Danielle Goff - "O what peace we often forfeit"
Experience is a great teacher in certain situations, but, taking advice from a
trusted friend can prevent needless pain.
Scripture card: Proverbs 12:15, Proverbs 3:5
(The weekly ministry to the inmates at Lee County Detention Center
that provides prayer, stationery, greeting cards, used paperback books, word
games, two pieces of hard candy and a devotion -- all delivered unconditionally
with a smile and the love of Christ!)
WN Youth (10/29 and 11/5) is MATT
from 4:30 - 6pm. J Groups from 6 7pm.
SN Youth next week (11/2) is Steak n
Shake and a Movie! Meet at Tiger
Town 13 at 4pm and after the movie
were going to Steak n Shake. Movie is
free. Bring money to go eat. Parents can
pick you up there.
College Ministry
 Small group on Thursdays at Ellen &
Eric Canada’s home for the month of
October. We are finishing a series
called AHA.
 Bible study every Sunday morning at
10am in the Outreach Building.
 Worship every Sunday morning at
9am in the Fellowship Hall and 11am
for the traditional service in the
 Paperback Books - Help stock the Library! We can use anything but
Romance. (We have plenty of those on the shelves!) Bring them to the church
 Shoe Boxes – We need them! Especially the ones that have a separate top &
bottom. Please bring to the church office.
First United Methodist
Charge Conference
Sunday, November 16th
12:15pm in the Sanctuary
Dr. Robbins Sims
MEMORIALS: A gift has been given in loving memory of:
Clint Hurd by Charles & Enid Weissinger.
Jim & Anne Norman by Fay Burns.
Don Rogers by Sara Nan & Jim Levins.
Crawford Tatum, Sr. by Dottie & Gary Barfield; Barbara Canon Sims.
Walter Triemer by Lynn Triemer.
Whit Whittelsey by Charles & Enid Weissinger.
Servants in Christ + + + Sunday, October 26, 2014
Greeters: 8:30 – Ginger & David Vedder; 9:00 – Ana Higgins & Tucker Eiland; 11:00 – Lindy & Anthony White
Pre-Service Music: Charles Bonner
Crucifer: 11:00 – Emma Royal
Acolytes: 8:30 – Martha Pugh & Shirley Pugh; 11:00 – Banks Harper & Joullian Rowton
Children’s Church: 8:30 & 11:00 – Meagan Wade
Ushers: 8:30 – David Vedder (Captain); Jim Mayfield (Co-Captain); Sam Bailey, Jr.; Brian Blackmon; Paul Bush; Macy
Finck; John Wilson
11:00 – Jim Levins (Captain); Claud Brown (Co-Captain); Tyson Daffin; Newell Floyd; Jason Halverson; Bob Humphries
Sound: 8:30 – Nathan Goff; 11:00 – Nathan Goff
Media: 11:00 – Chuck Wacker
Transportation: Barbara Patton; Kathy Woodham
Nurturing Notes: Jo Lovell
Welcome Notes: Pat Brown
Monday Visitation: Patty Allen & Leisa Story
Flower Team: Claud Brown; Jean Heath; Jean Meadows
Tuesday Office Volunteer: Betty Lawrence
Prison Ministry: Jane Coughlin; Donna Moreman; Margaret Rogers; Danielle Goff; Scott Kaak
Hospital Visitor: Mon., Oct. 27th – Kevin Royal; Tue., Oct. 28th – Donna Moreman; Wed., Oct 29th – Mary Carol
Hitchcock; Thu., Oct. 30th – Ginger Perkins; Fri., Oct. 31st – Mary Carol Hitchcock
Wednesday Connection Helpers: Judy Smith; Ginger & Jerry Perkins; John Robert Wood; Jim Warman
Music Ministry News
The Organ: An Update
For the past two weeks, the organ has remained silent. On Monday, October 13 th, the crew from
Milnar Organ Company delivered the new organ console (the part of the organ that is played by
Sunny). With the help of some church members, the old console was removed, a platform was
inserted into the organ pit, and the new console was placed in its home. The Milnar crew then
removed the blowers (the part of the organ that blows the air into the pipes) and took them to their
shop for repair and refurbishment. This week the blowers were returned and the process of voicing
or tuning the pipes began. We will begin to use the organ next week for All Saints Sunday. By Advent
all the new pipes will be ready for all the beautiful worship planned for the month of December. A
rededication of the organ will be scheduled sometime at the beginning of next year.
This Week’s Special Music
Offertory (8:30) by John Ness Beck
Chancel Choir
Sinnuh Man (11:00) by Kenney Potter
One Accord
Jesus Paid It All (11:00) by John T. Grape
Anslee Tatum & Rick Lane
MENU: Chili & Hot Dogs with fixings; Dessert
Kid’s Menu: Corn Dogs; Dessert
Reservations for dinner are expected by 10:00am on Mondays.
Please know that Sharon and her helpers need a count so they can prepare enough food for everyone that intends to eat.
Please fill out the green card & place it in the offering plate on Sundays or call the church office (745-7604) or email
Laura at [email protected]
PRAYER CONCERNS (as of October 24 )
EAMC: Connie Carver
Children’s Hospital (B’ham): Fisher Martin (4yr. old son of Chris & Kerriann Martin)
Home: David Alexander (Marcia Alexander’s husband); Barbara Allen; Don Allen (friend of Tori Beth Thompson); Kenneth
Boggs; Genevieve Canonica (friend of Leigh & Michael Bass); Denise Carlson (friend of Ana Lowery); Tanner Campbell;
Rossie Culley; Judy Dorris (friend of Corinne & Jimmy Hurst); Mary Ann Drake; Elois Duncan (Susan Elliott’s mother); David
Eastridge, Jr. (Rhonda Boothe’s nephew); Shirley Flora; B J Horn; Charles Huling; Malcolm Humphries; Joan King; Paul
Knight (Shey Knight’s father); Inez Lane (Don Lawrence’s sister); Don Lawrence; Charles Orange (friend of Gene Smith);
David Orrick (Beverly Marlett’s uncle); Carly Parker; Tammy Samford (friend of Patty Allen); Celia Satterwhite (Ruth
Meadows’ mother); Gunter Seibert (friend of Sam Bailey); Catherine Shipman (daughter of Joy & Todd Shipman); William
Smith; Doris & Bill Southers (Laurie Williams’ parents); Travis Spraggins (friend of Kate Larkin); Ileta Sumners (Arbor
Springs); Merle & Quinton Walton; Alice Williams; Peggy Williams (PePe Cope’s mother)
Out of Town: Bob Bowen (Julia Moreman’s brother-in-law); Jan Cumbie (Virginia Cumbie’s daughter-in-law); Sharon Dennis
(Sandra Holloway’s sister); Vernice Hart (Pam Hope’s step-mother); Morgan Hasty (friend of Ginny Gaberlavage); Bryan Hoch
(Sue Bentley’s nephew); Penny Krennerich (friend of Wei Beach); Sam Lowery (friend of Nell & Bill Samford); Donna Martin
(Becky Bailey’s sister in law); Frieda & Anthony Meacham (Emily Finck’s parents); Bob Miller (Sam Bailey’s brother-in-law);
Robert Mills (Becky Bailey’s son); Ray Ramage (friend of Joyce Windsor); Kenny Reding (friend of Allen Blythe); Rita Roberts
(friend of Teri Snyder); Willie Mae Roberts (Lybbi Epperson’s grandmother); Marian Rogers (Emily Finck’s grandmother);
Carolyn Sell (Jo Vaughan’s daughter); Jeff Shipman (Todd Shipman’s brother); Jim Short (friend of Jerrell Askew); Greg & Skip
Wheelus (Ginny Gaberlavage’s father & brother); Grover Worth (Bobby Worth’s father)
Military: Josh Beasley (Ann & David Canon’s grandson); Lindsey Cooper (Mary Rose & Albert Smith’s granddaughter); John
Dukes (Trinchua & Keith Dukes’ son); Michael Fischer & T J Fischer (friends of Phyllis & Jim Mayfield); Robert Groszmann
(Bob Ingram’s nephew); Garrett Guess (Becky Mills’ nephew); Samuel Hayes (Sharon & Ron Rooks’ son-in-law); Drew Hill
(friend of Kate Larkin); Trey Long (Becky Mills’ nephew); Harry & Jake Meadows (Tamara & Bill Meadows’ sons); Steven
Olaveson; Alex Pendergraph (Janet Taylor’s grandson); Jacob Ramus (Phyllis & Jim Mayfield’s son-in-law); Frank Rielly (friend
of Phyllis & Jim Mayfield); Kennard R. Smith (friend of Anne & Sheldon Whittelsey); Ronnie Snyder (Arden & Dave Snyder’s
grandson); Cliff Stewart (Jane & Jerry Coughlin’s nephew); Patrick Thompson (Laura Boggs’ nephew); Jim Whaley (Beverly
Collins’ grandson)
Missionaries: Orphanage Emmanuel: Burrows family
Africa: Adam Lofton (Sherri Rowton’s brother-in-law) Adam works for the CDC and will be helping contain the Ebola outbreak
from early November to December 2nd.
Christian Sympathy. . .
. . .is extended to Jimmy Burdette and all of the family upon the death of Jimmy’s sister-in-law, Jeanette Burdette, of Opelika,
. . .is extended to Sunny Hahn and all of the family upon the death of Sunny’s aunt, Young Hee Kim, of Los Angeles, CA.