PARENT INFORMATION LEAFLET PROJECT:.......................... DATES:.................................. TRIPS/ EVENTS:.........................


PARENT INFORMATION LEAFLET PROJECT:.......................... DATES:.................................. TRIPS/ EVENTS:.........................
TRIPS/ EVENTS:.........................
Flipped teaching..................
During this project your child will: (list outcomes starting with
literacy and numeracy)
I can:
 Prepare poems and play scripts to read aloud and perform,
showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume and
 Increase my familiarity with a wide range of books including
fairy stories, myths and legends and retelling some of
these orally;
 Use the features of plays to write my own;
 Recognise and use the style of theatre posters through
 Listen to a variety of musical-based plays and perform a
musical song
Each term your child will also have the chance to extend their
own learning independently by choosing an area of study they
want to develop. The more they challenge themselves the more
smilies they earn! This term your child will be able to chose from
the following:
(Task Pyramids)
Your child is expected to complete
hours homework per week
(this includes reading time). All children must complete the
bottom level of this pyramid but if children want to challenge
themselves they can try the more difficult tasks! Homework is
due in on ...................