St Peter’s Parish Church All Saints’ Church, Oval Way


St Peter’s Parish Church All Saints’ Church, Oval Way
St Peter’s Parish Church
All Saints’ Church, Oval Way
St Paul’s Church, Horn Hill
Welcome to this service, a time
to encounter God as we gather
together to worship. If you are
new to the church, please
introduce yourself to somebody
involved in today’s service.
We are sad to announce
the death of
Jeremy Banham,
a regular attendee at
All Saints’ Church.
Please hold him and his family
in your prayers.
Today’s Services – 9th November
Remembrance Sunday
St Peter’s Parish Church
8.00am Holy Communion
10.00am Sung Eucharist
3.00pm Remembrance Service
St Peter’s Parish Church Hall
Remembrance Service
(For children under 12yrs)
All Saints’ Church, Oval Way
8.00am Holy Communion
10.00am Family Eucharist
St Paul’s, Horn Hill
4.00pm Evensong
Weekday Services around the Parish
Tuesday 11th November
Act of Remembrance at
10.50am the War Memorial,
St Peter’s Churchyard
Wednesday 5th November
Holy Communion at
St Peter’s Church
Encounter God, Encourage Others, Engage our World
What’s On in the Parish
Act of Remembrance – Tuesday 11th November
We will be meeting at the War Memorial in St Peter’s Churchyard at
10.50am for a short service of remembrance followed by a two minute
silence at 11.00am.
All are welcome to come along and show your respects.
Home Groups will meet on the following dates:
 Monday, 17th November: The Graham home group at The Box,
Hillfield Road starting at 10.00am.
 Tuesday, 18th November: The King home group – Venue tbc –
starting at 8.00pm.
 Wednesday, 19th November: The Baxendine home group at
1, Pond Cottages starting at 8.00pm.
New members are welcome at any group. Just come along on the day or speak
to the leader of each group if you would like more information.
Alternatively, please speak to the church office (Tel: 880067).
Three talks with discussion – for those who want to know more…
Genesis 1-11 an overview in three parts
Part 3: Wednesday 3rd December at 8.00pm: Damage limitation – God has a plan
St Peter’s Churchyard Working Party
Tuesday 11th November: 1.30pm – 4.00pm
Good progress has been made but we have more bulbs to plant, more
trees to trim and more stones to pick! If you can help in any way, even
for a short time, then please come along and join us!
St Nicholas Christmas Fayre, 5th December
and Christmas Tree Extravaganza 5 – 12th Dec
Yes, we are only a few weeks away from this annual event and we need you to start
looking through your drawers and cupboards and donating all your unwanted gifts,
bric a brac and items to make up our very successful basket table. There will be a full
list available for next week’s pew sheet but we need mugs and baskets, tins of
wrapped sweets (eg Quality Street or Roses), children’s tombola items, quality raffle
prizes and bottles of any sort (alcohol, soft drinks, pasta sauces or tomato sauce, in
fact, anything that comes in a bottle) for the hugely success bottle stall.
Finally, put the date in your diary and come along and help on the
night – or if you can’t manage that, can you spare some time in the
week prior to help sort, pack and label items.
Speak to Sandra in the church office about any of the above items – 01753 880067.
Driver Co-ordinator Required
We would like to find a person who could co-ordinate lifts to and
from church for those who do not drive.
If you think you could help, please contact the Parish Office. We
Corner will also be looking for volunteer drivers.
Office/Church Welcomers Needed!
To help with the smooth running of the Parish Office we would like people to come
forward to volunteer to sit in reception for one morning a week. This role would be to
welcome visitors to the Church, handle tradespeople, answer the telephone and deal
with simple enquiries. If you are able to volunteer for just a couple of hours a week
you will be helping with your church in the community.
Please contact the Parish Office or a member of clergy in the first instance.
St. John’s Gospels
During last week and this week,
over 6,500 Active Service editions
of St. John’s Gospels will have
been distributed in and around
Chalfont St Peter. These wonderful books
are replicas of the Gospels offered to WW1
soldiers. The churches working together in
Chalfont St Peter have also provided a
booklet about Chalfont St Peter in the war,
and ways in which we can read the Gospel,
and remember those who gave their lives in
the Great War and conflicts since. The
churches have been leading assemblies in
nearly all of the schools in the parish and
yesterday morning were distributing the
Gospels with other Christians in the village
to anyone who wanted them. Make sure
you get your copy before they all go!
For further details on any item
please visit our website at
Next Sunday’s Services – 16th November
2nd Sunday before Advent
St Peter’s Parish Church
or ring the Parish Office on
01753 880067
or email:
[email protected]
Normal opening hours are:
Monday to Friday
9.30am – 12.30pm.
Items for the Pew Sheet should
arrive at the Office by 9.00am
on a Wednesday.
FairTrade goodies can be
purchased every morning from
the Parish Office, with a larger
selection available next Sunday
in the Parish Church Hall.
Orders for other items can be
taken. Just call in and speak to
the Parish Office staff!
8.00am Holy Communion
10.00am All Age Family Service
Sung Eucharist with
Prayer for Healing
St Peter’s Parish Church Hall
All Saints’ Church, Oval Way
8.00am Holy Communion
10.00am Family Eucharist
St Paul’s, Horn Hill
4.00pm Evensong
Revd Charles Overton
01753 882389
Revd Wendy Graham
01753 885066
Revd Jim King
01753 362276
Revd Ben Topham (Curate)
01753 883522
Luke Maxted
01753 206172
PARISH VERGER: Gerry Hanham 01494 874940
Sandra Clark and Steve Podbury
01753 880067
Encounter God, Encourage Others, Engage our World
Charity Number: 1146043
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