This week's Pew Sheet - Chalfont St Peter Parish
This week's Pew Sheet - Chalfont St Peter Parish
St Peter’s Parish Church All Saints’ Church, Oval Way St Paul’s Church, Horn Hill WELCOME Welcome to this service, a time to encounter God as we gather together to worship. If you are new to the church, please introduce yourself to somebody involved in today’s service. Today’s Services – 30th November 1st Sunday of Advent St Peter’s Parish Church 8.00am Holy Communion BCP CHO 10.00am Sung Eucharist WG Baptism: William Jobson JK 1.30pm CHO/ WG 6.30pm Taizé Service St Peter’s Parish Church Hall Today 10.00am 11.15am Advent: Messenger (John the Baptist) Good News can also bring big problems JK/LM/ BT BT/JK/ LM All Saints’ Church, Oval Way 8.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Matins WG CHO St Paul’s, Horn Hill 4.00pm Evensong CHO Weekday Services around the Parish Tuesday 2nd December 11.30am Holy Communion at All Saints’ Church WG Wednesday 3rd December 10.00am Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church CHO Encounter God, Encourage Others, Engage our World What’s On in the Parish Home Groups will meet on the following dates: Monday, 1st December: The Graham home group at The Box, Hillfield Road starting at 10.00am. Tuesday, 2nd December The King home group at 9 Ninnings Road starting at 8.00pm. Wednesday, 10th and 17th December: The Baxendine home group at 1, Pond Cottages starting at 8.00pm. They will then break for Christmas. New members are welcome at any group. Just come along on the day or speak to the leader of each group if you would like more information. Alternatively, please speak to the church office (Tel: 880067). Three talks with discussion – for those who want to know more… Genesis 1-11 an overview in three parts Part 3: Wednesday 3rd December at 8.00pm: Damage limitation – God has a plan Prayer Group This will be held on the first Tuesday of the month (2nd December) between 10.00am and 11.00am in the Parish Church Lady Chapel. All are welcome to pray for the parish, fellowship, our mission and our community. Personal requests for prayers will also be welcome. For further information please call Liz Lewis on 0790 386 8107 or speak to the Parish Office. Fairtrade Coffee Morning! Wednesday 3rd December 10.00am – 12.00 noon in the Parish Church Hall. Come along with friends – or make some new ones. There is excellent Fairtrade coffee and tea available, delicious cakes, a Fairtrade stall and a play area for children. An Ecover refill service is also available. Advent Course A short course for Advent will be held at the home of Judy England on three Thursdays in December: 4th, 11th and 18th, from 10.30am to 12.00 noon. All are welcome. Telephone 01753 884166 for more information. Ever thought about being a church server? The Parish Church urgently needs two more servers to allow all services to operate smoothly. Full training is given. If you feel you can help and would be interested in finding out more, please speak to a member of clergy in the first instance or contact the church office on 01753 880067. St Nicholas Christmas Fayre, 5th December and Christmas Tree Extravaganza 5th – 12th Dec Yes, we are only one week away from this annual event. Please can you help with the following items: Bottles of any sort for the Bottle Tombola Children’s toys for the Children’s Stall and Tombola Small cakes and mince pies for the Friday evening AND Saturday. We need volunteers to help: On refreshments in the kitchen The station game (very easy) Bric a brac Baskets and children’s stalls In church on Saturday between 10.00am and 4.00pm Please volunteer even if only for an hour. If you feel unable to volunteer and raise vital funds to keep the church running, please come along and spend your money on the stalls. Remember, ours are pocket money priced and you could pick up some bargains! Speak to Sandra in the church office about any of the above – 01753 880067. Parish Church Path Update In response to various comments that tarmac was coming through the gravel on the new path, discussions have taken place with the contractor and this will be remedied in the spring when the top surface of the path will be replaced. Christmas Service Leaflets These are available in churches from today. Please either collect a bundle or call into the Church Office if you can volunteer to deliver to a road near you. We hope to have all leaflets delivered by Sunday 14th December. For further details on any item please visit our website at Next Sunday’s Services – 7th December 2nd Sunday of Advent St Peter’s Parish Church or ring the Parish Office on 01753 880067 or email: [email protected] 8.00am Holy Communion BCP CHO CHO 10.00am Sung Eucharist 6.30pm Evensong CHO St Peter’s Parish Church Hall PARISH OFFICE Normal opening hours are: Monday to Friday 9.30am – 12.30pm. Items for the Pew Sheet should arrive at the Office by 9.00am on a Wednesday. FAIRTRADE FairTrade goodies can be purchased every morning from the Parish Office, with a larger selection available this Sunday in the Parish Church Hall. Orders for other items can be taken. Just call in and speak to the Parish Office staff! 10.00am 11.15am Advent: The real Christmas message Should we join scrooge and abolish Christmas? 5.00pm Café Church JK/BT BT/JK/ LM BT/LM All Saints’ Church, Oval Way 8.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Family Christingle Service WG WG/LM St Paul’s, Horn Hill 4.00pm Evensong CLERGY Revd Charles Overton 01753 882389 Revd Wendy Graham 01753 885066 Revd Jim King 01753 362276 Revd Ben Topham (Curate) 01753 883522 CHILDREN AND FAMILIES’ WORKER Luke Maxted 01753 206172 PARISH VERGER: Gerry Hanham 01494 874940 PARISH OFFICE Sandra Clark 01753 880067 THE PARISH OF CHALFONT ST PETER Encounter God, Encourage Others, Engage our World Charity Number: 1146043 CHO [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]