םולש תבש 8 Cheshvan 5775 • Parshas Lech Lecha


םולש תבש 8 Cheshvan 5775 • Parshas Lech Lecha
8 Cheshvan 5775 • Parshas Lech Lecha
November 1, 2014 • Vol. 10, No. 42
Torah Reading p. 54 Haftorah p. 547
‫שבת שלום‬
Rabbi Shmuel Silber
Cantor Philip Rosenblatt, Emeritus
Mincha 5:55 pm
CL 5:49 pm
Next Week:
Mincha 4:45 pm
CL 4:41 pm
Lech Lecha: Tethered to the Past, Reaching for the Future
Rabbi Shmuel Silber
“And the Lord said to Abram, "Go forth (Lech Lecha) from your land and from your birthplace and from your father's house, to
the land that I will show you (Genesis 12:1).”
In this week’s Parsha we read of the first of Avraham’s ten tests. Each test enabled Avraham to actualize his potential and
groomed him to be the father of our great nation. But what was so difficult about this Lech Lecha command? As challenging
as it may have been to leave his home and travel to a distant unknown land, God promised Avraham that he would be successful in every way. What is the test if God assures you of success?
Rav Yosef Dov HaLevi Soloveitchik zt’l provides a fascinating insight. The Rav points out that later in the Parsha Avraham is
told, “But you will come to your forefathers in peace; you will be buried in a good old age (Genesis 15:15).” The commentaries
are puzzled – Avraham’s father, Terach, was a known idolater, why would God tell Avraham that he would be joining his father
in the afterlife? Rashi explains, “This teaches us that Terach repented.”
Avraham and Terach, father and son were locked in fierce religious debate. Avraham was a monotheist and his father, a
staunch idolater. Avraham tried to teach his father about God, he tried to show Terach the folly and emptiness of his idolatrous
ways. Terach felt so betrayed by his son that he handed Avraham over to the authorities to be executed for “heresy.” Through
miraculous intervention, Avraham survived (Midrash Rabba Noach 38:13). Could it be that Terach had a place in the World to
Come? Could it be that Avraham was to spend eternity alongside the man who had ordered his execution? The Rav explains:
“Terach so hated Abraham that he denounced him and colluded to have him executed. Later – I don’t know how long it took –
the same Terach saw the light and realized Avraham was right and society wrong, that his past was wrong, that a life dedicated
to paganism and idolatry, to a cruel philosophy, to ideals in conflict with the basic principles of decency, was a waste. There
was a tremendous change in Terach … When the command of Lech Lecha came and Abraham began to pack his bags, he
realized to his great surprise that his father’s bags had already been packed long before. Father and son, hitherto locked in
mortal combat, joined hands and together started out on the great march to Canaan …. (Abraham’s Journey, 54).”
continued on Page 3
 Shacharis…………..……………….…….9:00 am
 Mincha………...……..............................5:30 pm
 Maariv/Havdalah…...….…………….......6:48 pm
 Daf Yomi…R’ Y M Nudelman.……….….8:15 am
 Chassidus on the Parsha—Rabbi Silber..8:25 am
 Avraham Avinu:
Dialogue, Destiny & Disappointment......4:45 pm
Comedy Night at SuburbanMake Your Reservation NOW!
Join us for a night of tasteful fun and enjoyment featuring renowned comedian Benji Lovitt.
Motzei Shabbos Nov. 8th 7-10 pm.
Single $36, Couple $60.
Corporate Sponsorships $150 - includes 2 tickets.
Light Fare will be served.
To RSVP, go to suburbanorthodox.org or contact Aviva
Silber at [email protected].
Kiddush Sponsor
Suburban Orthodox
Teen Minyan Kiddush Sponsors
The Miller & Neuberger families
Shalosh Seudos Sponsor
Michael Turniansky, in memory of the first yahrzeit of his step
-mother, Shirley Turniansky, Sarah bat Yitzchak
Medical Ethics Conference
Religious, Medical, Ethical &
Legal Perspectives on End of Life Issues.
Presented by the Institute for Jewish Continuity; the University of
Maryland Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Social
Work; and the Maryland Healthcare Committee Network at the
UM Carey School of Law
November 10th 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
University of Maryland Southern Management Corporation Campus Center
To Register: www.nursing.umaryland.edu/news-events/
This is a CME accredited conference– Continuing Education credits
for Nursing and Social Work are available as well.
8 Cheshvan 5775
Parshas Lech Lecha
Hadassah Norman, Youth Director
[email protected]
All group snacks are pareve & nut free
In & Around SOTC
7:15, 8:00 & 9:00 am
6:45 & 9:00 am
Late Maariv
4:50 pm
9:00 pm
 Daf Yomi, Rabbi Shmuel Silber,
8:00 am
Monday- Friday
 Da Es Atzmecha,
Rabbi Shmuel Silber
 Daf Yomi, Rabbi Shmuel Silber
5:45 am
6:00 am
 Torah & Bagels (at Goldberg’s Bagels) 8:00 am
 Tehillim: The Song of the Soul
( WIT at BJSZ)
9:30 am
Ethics & Ethos: Insights on the Parsha 8:00 pm
 Mesilas Yesharim Chaburah
8:30 pm
Ratzon’s Kick Off Party will be held this Sunday, Nov.
2 from 12:30 pm-2:30 pm at Bnos Yisroel. Come see
what everyone is “singing” about Ratzon. Record a CD in
our FREE recording booth; FREE pizza, refreshment, and
live performances. Free admission! For women & girls
only. For more information go to www.ratzonmd.com or
call Sara Strobel at (410) 764-7464.
WIT– Scholar in Residence. Join WIT as we welcome
our Scholar in Residence, Mrs. Shira Smiles from Sun.
Nov 2– Thurs. Nov. 6th. The program begins with a shiur
for our Young Women’s Division, ages 18-30 on Sun.
night at 8:00 pm. All programs take place at Bnai Jacob
Shaarei Zion. No charge for WIT members. Non Members: $10/class. For a complete schedule, visit
www.witbaltimore.org or email [email protected]
Bonei Olam– Join a celebration of life with Bonei Olam
this coming Monday night, November 3rd 7:30 pm at the
home of Dr. & Mrs. Crane, 3511 Bonfield Road ( off Seven Mile between Shelburne & Bonnie Road) and hear
inspirational words from Rabbi Bochner, Rabbi Hauer & a
personal story. A light Buffet dinner will be served.
Get Out the Vote! It is of the utmost importance for
our community to come out and vote in every election.
When we vote, we are rightly seen as an engaged and
involved community. The General Election is Nov.4th
Polls are open 7 am-8 pm. Early Voting runs Oct. 23-30,
10 am -8pm. City Residents:Public Safety Training Facility ( corner of Park Heights & Northern Parkway. County
Residents :– Randallstown Community Center– 3505
Resource Dr.,Randallstown 21133
Early Birds: All ages, 9:00-10:00 am, Room C—Nachi
Levine (general babysitting)
Teen Minyan: 9:30 a.m. upstairs under the leadership
of Rabbi Hillel Hexter. All interested boys should email
Josh Rosemore ( [email protected]) for more details
and to get involved. $150 Sponsorship opportunities are
available for the weekly deluxe hot kiddush.
Junior Congregation: (boys, grades 4-6), 10:00 am,
Beis Midrash—Adam Leve
Boys, grades 1-3: 10:00 am, Room A—Netanel Lebowitz
Girls, grades 1-3: 10:00 am, Room C—Chana Frand,
Michal Klotzman
Girls, grades 4-6: 10:00 am, Classroom G—Ruchama
Co-ed, 2-5 year-olds: 10:00 am, Room B—Chavy Bluman, Miri Miller, Rikki Frand, Chavie Rothschild
PARENTS: Groups end immediately after Musaf.
Please pick up your children before Kiddush. Also, we
kindly ask parents not to congregate in the 2-5 year-old
group room, especially during circle & snack times. Parents of children who have just turned 2: Adjustments can
take 2-3 weeks. Please introduce yourselves & your child
to us so that we can work with you to acclimate your child
into the group.
Uncle Moishy Concert– Nov. 9th 3:00 pm at Bnos Yisroel. 6300 Park Heights Avenue. Proceeds Benefit TA.
[email protected] or (410) 952-2694 for tickets.
AMIT Sarah Ribakow/Tikvah Chapter Tribute Brunch,
commemorating Kristallnacht and the Resurgence of AntiSemitism in the World today. Sun. Nov 9 11:30 AM Moses
Montefiore Anshe Emunah. RSVP (410) 484-2223 or
Robbie Pearlstein [email protected]
Aleph Learning Institute presents Powers for Success: The Power of One. Featured Speaker– Nathan Lewin. MC Ron Shapiro. Nov.10th 6 pm at Valley Mansion by
Martins. To RSVP & more info alephlearninginstitute.com
12th Annual Worldwide Event for the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu and fundraiser for Aniyei Eretz Yisrael.
Open to the women of the community. Motzei Shabbos
Nov. 15th, 8:30 pm. BJSZ. Introduction byHaRav Shmuel
Kamenetsky, Shlita. Shiurim by Rebbetzin Tehilla Jaeger
& Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller. Special Message by Rav
Yitzchok Dovid Grossman. $10 women/ $7 students. For
more information, or to sponsor (410) 358-2573.
Shapiro Scholar in Residence Fund presents acclaimed author Gila Manolson Mon. night Nov. 24th 8:30
pm at the home of Meir & Sarah Raskas. Mrs. Manolson
will be speaking on the subject of Finding Yourself in the
Crowd; Judaism and Individuality.
Suburban Orthodox Book Club– Please join us on
Tuesday, November 25th at 1:30 pm. As we discuss Jojo
Noyes’ novel, You Before Me, a story which explores the
meaning of life.
Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim • 7504 Seven Mile Lane • Baltimore, MD 21208 • 410-484-6114 • p 2
Youth News
This Week’s Davening & Learning
Monday - Friday
November 1, 2014 • Vol. 10, No. 42
8 Cheshvan 5775
Parshas Lech Lecha
November 1, 2014 • Vol. 10, No. 42
continued from Page 1
After years of conflict, disagreement and animosity, father and son finally had a chance to build
a meaningful and enduring relationship. Herein lies the true test of Lech Lecha. At the very
moment when Avraham and Terach established this common ground with one another, God
called out to Avraham, Lech Lecha, Go forth, you must leave. For Avraham to self-actualize
and become the man he was destined to become he had to leave his father, he had to leave
behind any and every vestige of his past. Lech Lecha, you must go to yourself, by yourself.
You must strike out on your own, separate and distinct from all you have known until now. To
remain connected to the circumstances of your birth and childhood will handicap and prevent
you, Avram from becoming Avraham.
The theme of the Book of Bereishis is maaseh avos siman la’banim, that which occurred to the
fathers is a symbolic foreshadow for the children. The experiences of our Patriarchs and Matriarchs pave the way and set the stage for our life challenges and in reality represent the challenges inherent in the human condition. Avraham’s first test was to muster the strength to let
go and detach from the things that would hold him back. This came with great personal pain
as it meant not just leaving behind a parent, but leaving behind a father whom he was just getting to know.
Member News
We each have things that hold us back and keep us tethered to our present reality. Sometimes, it is an unhealthy relationship, a negative habit, a destructive behavior, hurt feelings or a
grudge so old I forgot what it’s about. If we want a chance to make it to our personal promised
land, if we want to become the people we know deep down we are capable of becoming, we
too must engage in the process of Lech Lecha and learn to detach, move on and let go.
Mazel Tov: Manny & Esther Rechthand and Dr.
Aaron Goldberg on the birth of a granddaughter,
to Moshe & Rachel Goldberg of Israel.
Birthdays: Chaim Rotenberg, Louis Rosen,
Hillel Markowitz, Leah Donaty, Suzanne Walder,
Yonatan Ben-Zion, Helen Mashbaum
Anniversaries: Avie & Elana Rock, Mitchell &
Malka Belzer, Marvin & Thelma Schwartz
Bernard Creeger; Tzvi Hersh ben Sara; Mel Pachino, Moshe Benzion ben Leah Rachel; Batya
Ahuva Bat Aliza Geula; Shulamit Mona bat Essie;
Mrs. Sonia Diamond, Sarah Etta Bas Batsheva;
Yaakov Yehuda Lev ben Chava; Milt Jacobson, Mordechai Menashe ben Dena; Gedalya ben
Henna; Yaakov Dovid ben Avigail
8 Cheshvan– Leon Levin, father of Arnold Levin;
Jacob Friedman, father of Mitchell Friedman
10 Cheshvan– Leon Morrison, brother-in-law of
Sidney Morrison; Moses Bulua, father of Suzanne
11 Cheshvan– Irving Cohen, brother of Jeanette
12 Cheshvan– Chava Balbos, grandmother of
Janice Posner; Arnold Feigelman, brother of Michael Elman
13 Cheshvan– Edith Siegel, sister-in-law of Mildred Shapiro-Bashevkin; Gertrude Kramer Polokof, mother of Mildred Shapiro-Bashevkin; Elsa
Lowenstein Gold, mother of Brian Gold; Bebe
Levin, mother of Arnold Levin.
14 Cheshvan– Rev. Solomon Ruback, grandfather of Lydia Rose Berman, great-grandfather of
Elie Berman; Susan Glasser, grandmother of
Shalom Kovacs; Baruch & Chaya Kozlovsky,
parents of Leon Kozlovsky; Chaim Yosef Kozlovsky, brother of Leon Kozlovsky
Milton & Ellie Marder, Daf Yomi 5 Cheshvan, in
memory of Ellie’s mother, Rose Steinberg, Rebbetzin Shoshana Rayzel bas Menachem Mendel
Ann Berman & Lydia Berman, Daf Yomi 6
Cheshvan, in memory of their husband and son,
Sheldon Berman, Shmuel Yoel ben Shalom Tuvia
Hal Caine, Daf Yomi 6 Cheshvan, in memory of
Murray Caine, Moshe ben Yosef ha Cohen
Lydia Berman, Daf Yomi 14 Cheshvan, in
memory of her grandfather, Rev. Solomon
Ruback, Shlomo Yoel
Coming Soon!
Motzei Shabbos Avos U’Bonim/
Parent– Child Learning
Our wonderful Avos U’Bonim/ Parent –Child
Learning Program will resume November 15,
one hour after Shabbos. Sponsorships are
available for $180. To sponsor, please go to
suburbanorthodox.org/donate and specify Saturday Night Learning
SOTC Staff & Officers
Rabbi Shmuel Silber, 410-4866672
[email protected]
President, Jack Gladstein,
[email protected],
Chairman of the Board,
Mel Pachino, 410-624-6466,
[email protected]
Vice-President, Richard Buck,
410-358-5359, [email protected]
Treasurer, Richard Nudelman,
[email protected]
Secretary, Selma Woolf,
Gabbai Rishon, Chaim Nachman,
410-358-5671, [email protected]
Executive Assistant, Shari Rosen
SOTC Committees
Sisterhood: Selma Woolf,
Jackie Nachman (410-358-5671);
Pam Weissman, 410-764-6039
(Bikur Cholim);
Aviva Silber, 410-585-0550 (Shiva)
Chana Friedman, 410-241-8160
Tzippy Goetz, 443-955-1188 (New
Tara and Simon Cornberg, 443-5701519, [email protected],
[email protected]
Richard Nudelman, 443-827-8100,
[email protected]
Ari Lichtman,
[email protected]
Adult Education:
Richard Buck, 410-358-5359
Jack Gladstein, 410-358-6173
Jeffrey Schwartz, 410-486-3314
Israel Action:
Jerry Appelbaum, 410-486-3140,
[email protected]
Social Action:
Howard Friedman, 410-653-4074
Torah Fund:
Herman Venick, 410-484-6114
Lauren Fine, 410-318-8182
Kiddush Committee:
Jon Kaplan, 410-358-5877
Seudah Shlisheet:
Abe Friedman, 410-358-0978
Farrell Silverman, 410-486-3584
Visit us on the web at
www.suburbanorthodox.org, or
on Facebook at http://on.fb.me/FB
Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim • 7504 Seven Mile Lane • Baltimore, Maryland 21208 • 410-484-6114 • p 3