PRAYER/V ISITATION OPPORTUN ITIES: Steve Roberts (Trisha Newcomb’s brother), Wayne Barham (Malisa Cochran’s father), CG Hall (Charlie’s Rick Taylor, Jennifer Shafer, Cindy Wilson, Jerry dad), Owens, Ollie Grogan Morehead Nursing Ctr.: Mary Gochenour Rm 170 Arbor Ridge: Margaret Webster Rm 109 Mary Collins Rm. 125 June Gentry Rm. 217 Beverly Holtz Rm 103 Myrtle Beach Manor: Ruth Meeks c/o Martha Schiltz 213 Cabana Rd. Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 Jacob’s Creek: Louise Sowers Rm 208A Brian Center: Marianne Kunze Rm 312 Ruby Garner Rm 101 Military: Steven Harrison, Lt. Col. Rodney Thurman, Matt Way, Michael & Bekki Meeks, Austin Craven, Com. Patrick Martin, Capt. Jesse Thurman, Ensign Philip Criswell Christian Sympathy is extended to Joan Voltmer and family on the recent death of her son-in-law, John McHugh It’s a Girl… Anna Faith Marks Born Oct. 15th Grandparents: Allen & Joyce French We will celebrate a special Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday, November 25 at 7:00 pm, and invite the community to join us. The sermon that evening will be called, “Enjoying God!” (Nehemiah 8:9-12). Mark your calendars! Phone: 336-623-3962 Fax: 336-623-2501 Preschool Phone: 336-623-4271 OFFICE HOURS; MONDAY – THURSDAY 9 a.m. – 5p.m. FRIDAY 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. First Presbyterian Church Website: CHURCH E-MAILS, PHONE EXTENSIONS & CONTACT NUMBERS: First Presbyterian Church (office) E-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Peter N. Smith - Ext. 301 E-mail: [email protected] Youth Pastor: Kevin Cochran - Ext. 302 E-mail: [email protected] Treasurer: Beth Chandler - Ext. 305 E-mail: [email protected] Dir. of Preschool: Lorraine Benthin Ext. 306 or 336-623-4271 E-mail: [email protected] Church Custodian: Marty Brusnahan Ext. 307 Organist: Cindy Gauldin E-mail: [email protected] Music Worship Leader/Chancel Choir Director: Lisa Smith 336-612-2081 E-mail: [email protected] Worship Child Care Volunteers Nov. 2 9:00 Sunday School Nursery & 9:45 Worship Nursery: Corrie Tetterton and Summer Craddock Nov. 9 9:00 Sunday School Nursery & 9:45 Worship Nursery: Malisa & Sarah Cochran *****Nursery volunteers are desperately needed. Please call Child Care Coordinator, Chris Carter at 336-453-4284, if you can help. Hospice of Rockingham County – Annual Comedy Dinner First Presbyterian Church again has the privilege of hosting the annual fundraising comedy dinner for Hospice of Rockingham County on Saturday, November 15 at 6:30 pm. Please contact Hospice for tickets, or speak to Flavel Collins and Lynn Flanagan at church. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 582 Southwood Drive Eden, North Carolina 27288 Sunday, Nov. 2, 2014 Where Christ is FIRST in all things! Peter N. Smith – Pastor Kevin S. Cochran – Youth Pastor 9:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Worship Service 6:00 pm Worship Service Welcome Visitors & Guests! Hearing devices are available during services. Please inquire at the information desk in the Gathering Area. PRELUDE Cindy Gauldin CALL TO WORSHIP * HYMN NO. 298 Acts 2:38-39 There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy * APOSTLES’ CREED AND GLORIA PATRI * GREETING WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS PASTORAL PRAYERS AND THE LORD’S PRAYER PRAYER RESPONSE Breathe THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES Sunday (Nov 2) 9:00 Sunday School 10:00 Worship Service 5:00 Children/Youth Programs 6:00 Worship Service Monday 1:00 Card playing Tuesday 6:30 Fellowship 7:00 Congregational Care Wednesday 6:30 Choir 7:15 Christmas Choir Thursday 6:30 Celebration Sunday 9:00 Sunday School (Nov 9) 10:00 Worship Service 5:00 Children/Youth Programs 6:00 Worship Service Celebration and Congregation Hand Bell Ringers Needed! CHILDREN’S SERMON CHOIR ANTHEM “Fearless” (Psalm 27) Kevin Cochran Bound for Jubilee Chancel Choir TESTIMONY Cindy Wilson PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS Cindy Gauldin, Offertory * DOXOLOGY AND PRAYER OF DEDICATION * PRAISE SONG SCRIPTURE READING SPECIAL MUSIC SERMON * HYMN NO. 423 God Is Good, All the Time “In the Power of God” Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Dedication Sunday, Nov. 16 Fall Fest 2014 Celebration Peter N. Smith Verses 1, 3, and 4 * BENEDICTION POSTLUDE See the sign-up sheets on the table in the Worship Center and Gathering Area this Sunday morning for more information and an opportunity to participate in this much needed ministry of our church. Please note we will be working in teams of three so no one will be expected to do a meal alone. Cheryl Lauzau and Pat Smith have been coordinating this ministry for over a year but the team concept is one that we have not implemented until now. Thanks for your help!! Celebration and Congregation II Kings 5:7-19 And All the People Said Amen Great news… Everall Peele, one of our recent worship visitors who loves music, has accepted our invitation to direct a new Hand Bell Choir at First Presbyterian Church! Now we need ringers. Even if you have never played hand bells before, and especially if you have, please speak to Lisa Smith or Everall Peele about joining our new Hand Bell Choir. It is a big commitment, but the joy and satisfaction that come with making beautiful music for the Lord are immeasurable. The Timothy Ministry is a ministry of caring and sharing. This ministry serves our Brothers and Sisters within this congregation. When someone returns home from the hospital, or has a serious illness at home, someone will prepare a meal, provide transportation, do light housekeeping or do whatever is needed to help the person/family through the crisis. We have a new paradigm for this ministry and need your help to implement this new idea. Cindy Gauldin What a great day the Lord gave us for this event. Prayer works!! We had a great crowd attend our event and everyone we talked with had positive things to say about their experience here at FPC. Everyone wants to know who won the prizes so here are the winners. The Quilt was won by Rick Taylor. The beach trip was won by Larry Strader, the $500 Wal-Mart gift card went to Johnny White and the $300 cash prize was won by Debbie Ammons. The other question is “How much did we make”??? We do not have a final figure at this point in time because we are still collecting money and we have expenses that we have not yet paid. However, a ball park figure would be about $11,500. Don’t hold us to that number exactly, remember it is an approximate number at this point. We will have a detailed report in a week or so and you may get a copy if you are interested. So many did so much. Even if you just came Saturday and bought something, you were a part of making this a success. It takes the whole congregation getting involved to make an event profitable. Thanks to all that worked so very hard, to those who were not able to do anything but gave money to enable us to do a lot more, to those who came and spent their money, to those who worked long hours into the night, and everyone who supported this event in any way. There were some who went way above and beyond and God knows your names!! You will be blessed!