Announcements October 26, 2014


Announcements October 26, 2014
Announcements October 26, 2014
Welcome to St. James! Please keep this sheet and your bulletin for reference during the coming week.
St. James Lutheran Church
(847) 234-4859
Richard E. Holmer, Pastor
1380 N. Waukegan Road
FAX (847) 234-6742
Wendy Unrath, Organist
The Sanctuary Flowers are provided by
Barbara and Gerry Schultz
To the Glory of God
Lake Forest, Illinois 60045
Tim Haskett, Director of Music
The Sanctuary Candle is lighted by
Kevin Taylor
In Celebration of His 10th Birthday
Those Who Serve
8:30 am
10:45 am
Pete and Nancy Clemens
John and Carol Gard
Ron and Sue Matta
Dave and Deb Moore
Assisting Ministers
Michael Beacham
Steve Thornberry
Communion Assistants
Melodi Peters and Mike Bennett
Detlef Koska and Carey Cotey
Mike Bennett
Detlef Koska
Will Davis
Ryan Thornberry
Altar Guild: Val Crotty and Carol Bennett
We rejoice to welcome Posy Elaine Perry, infant
daughter of Simon and Ashley Perry, into the Lord’s
family through Holy Baptism at the 10:45 am service
today. Posy’s baptismal sponsors are Brian Herb, Tracy
Reilly, Kelly Ingold and Emma Perry. Congratulations
to the Perry family and to grandfather Jerry Herb.
Congregational Meeting—Next Sunday, November 2
On Sunday, November 2, at noon, there will be a
congregational meeting to consider the proposed land
sale of a portion of our church property. This is the only
item on the agenda. All confirmed members are
encouraged to attend this short yet important meeting.
Adult Education—9:45 Today in the Common Room
This series is titled: Adult Crossings: God’s Journey
with Us. Come to watch a video and discuss eight core
stories from the Bible. The series works no matter how
many of the sessions you are able attend. Come for all,
some or even one.
Church Council Retreat—November 7 & 8
Please pray for the members of our church council as
they go on retreat in November.
Newcomer Class—Today at 4:00 pm
Pastor Holmer is leading a series for newcomers to our
congregation. These informal sessions meet on Sundays
at 4:00 pm. All who are interested in learning about our
congregation and its ministries are encouraged to
attend. Those who choose to become members will be
received in early November. Contact Pastor Holmer for
further information. (847) 809-4456 or
[email protected].
Remember to Set Your Clocks Back this Saturday
Set your clocks back one hour before bed on November 1
so you won’t be extra early for church on Sunday,
November 2.
All Saints Sunday—Next Sunday, November 2
Come to remember with thanksgiving the lives of all the
saints who have died and are at home with God. As we
sing, “For All the Saints,” we will come forward and
light a candle in celebration of those who have run the
race and are now at rest.
GNO-Me Rock Climbing—November 9
Rock Climbing @ Libertyville Sports Complex. This
event runs from 2:oo pm to 3:00 pm. $10 per person
plus money for lunch at Noodles and Co./Panera.
St. James Book Club—November 9 at 3:30 pm
At the Home of Sandy Neagle
Our next book club selection covers the fascinating
biography of Louie Zamperini called Unbroken- A World
War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption. If you
will be joining us, please RSVP to Jon Paul at (847) 2957078 or [email protected].
PADS—November 10
Please sign-up on the kiosk and take a reminder card to
help out with this month’s meal. Then bring your items
to the church, marked with your name and the word
PADS by 2:00 pm on November 10. Non-perishable
items may be placed on the rolling cart in the narthex.
Perishable items may be placed in the refrigerator in the
Sun. 8:30: Worship
9:00: Children’s Choir
9:30: Adult Choir
9:45: Sunday School
9:45: Adult Education in Common Room
10:45: Worship/Perry Baptism
4:00 Newcomers Class
Mon. 7:00 Church Council Meeting
7:30: Social Ministry Committee Meeting
Tues. 9:30: Women’s Faith Forum
Wed. 9:15: Hand Bell Rehearsal
9:30: Office Staff Meeting
Thurs. 7:00: Damascus Road Rehearsal
8:00: AA Meeting
8:00: AA Meeting
Set Clocks Back One Hour Tonight
Sun. 8:30: Worship
9:00: Children’s Choir
9:30: Adult Choir
9:45: Sunday School
9:45: Adult Education in Common Room
9:50: Damascus Road Rehearsal
10:45: Worship
Noon: Congregational Meeting on Land Sale
4:00: Newcomers Class
Commitment Sunday—November 9
We will place our offering commitments for 2015 on the altar
during worship on November 9. Please bring the card that
you receive in the mail.
Festival Choir Begins on November 23
Try something new this year; join the Festival Choir for
Advent and Christmas. The one hour rehearsals are on
Sunday mornings at 9:30 am in the church sanctuary.
Thanksgiving Community Worship
November 27 at 10:00 am
Church of the Holy Spirit,
400 E. Westminster Road, Lake Forest
All are welcome to attend this year’s Community
Thanksgiving Worship Service at Church of the Holy Spirit.
WoSJ Annual Cookie Exchange December 6
The Annual Cookie Exchange and breakfast will be held
Saturday, December 6, from 9:00 am-11:00 am. Watch for a
sign-up poster in late fall and contact Anne Linn (847-6621316 or [email protected]) or Shelly Holmstrom
([email protected] or 847-302-6988) to offer your help
on December 6. Please invite friends.
Social Ministry Committee Jewel Stamp Drive
St. James Jewel shoppers, please consider donating your Jewel
Saver Stamps to our stamp drive. We will donate a number of
free Cuisinart cookware items to PADS, Bethel or a possible
new social ministry program. Place your Jewel stamps in the
orange collection box on the coffee bar in the narthex by
Sunday December 21st.
We remember in our prayers:
Ann Anderson
Gene Amdahl (father of Andrea Amdahl Taylor)
Ruth Clemens (mother of Peter Clemens)
Bruce Coleman (friend of Bobette Janus)
Murray Conzelman (father of Anne Linn)
Darren Cross (friend of the Beachams)
Jenny Dillman (friend of Brooke Davis)
Jeri Dillman (godmother of Brooke Davis)
Suzanne Dusthimer (wife of Doug Dusthimer)
Timothy Gallati (brother of Char Mojden)
Daniella Garcia (friend of the Lewis Family)
Richard Gern (friend of Kathy Mordini)
Steve and Kim Gillespie (friends of the Shinns)
John Gugel (brother-in-law of Liz Behring)
Julie Hartmann (friend of Tim Haskett)
Chuck Hendricks (friend of the Tripletts)
Alice Jorgensen (sister-in-law of Madeleine
Lisa & Chad Kirby (niece of Donna Jarvi)
Matthew Lincoln (son of Charlotte Mojden)
Zeke Luedke (brother of Lilli Martin)
Gloria McCormick (friend of Nancy Clemens)
Kathryn McGonigle (friend of Shelly Holmstrom)
Millie Nosko (aunt of Paula Doyle)
Kaz Okamoto (friend of the Beachams)
Carolyn Omietec (friend of the MacAyeals)
Maria Ptacin (friend of Sue Thomas)
Norman Reichert (father of Sue Thomas)
Wilma Reichert (mother of Sue Thomas)
Viney Reed (friend of Charlotte Mojden)
Stone Family (friends of Jason Lewis)
Teresa Templeton (cousin of Gretchen Haskett)
Milan Tomaska (father of Paula Doyle)
Zelmira Tomaska (mother of Paula Doyle)
Taylor VanderJeugdt
Visitors please sign the red guestbook on the table
near the Sanctuary doors.
Check us out on Facebook: St James Lutheran
Church (Lake Forest, IL).
Hearing assistance equipment is available for use
during worship services. The system works whether
or not you have a hearing aid. Please speak with the
pastor or the ushers to give it a try.
Welcome to St. James!
Last Sunday’s Attendance—123