
OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Bethlehem Lutheran Church is committed
to making disciples for Jesus Christ through our thoughts, words and
Church Office: 933-2229
Pastor’s E-mail: [email protected]; Home: [email protected]
Pastor’s Home Phone: 262-6512
Pastor’s Office Hours: 9:30-5:00 Tuesday--Friday (please call ahead if possible)
Secretary’s E-mail: [email protected]
Secretary’s Office Hours: 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Kitchen and Hallway Phone: 933-2244
E BOX 224
N ROYAL, IA 51357
ROYAL, IA 51357
VALUES STATEMENT: We are a discipleship driven ministry, inviting all
people to become disciples for Jesus Christ, nurtured by scripture and
prayer. We are a community of caring and forgiving people who create a
nurturing and Christian environment where everyone feels welcomed.
Working cooperatively, we serve as a leader in partnering with families, businesses and other
churches to maximize the outreach services available to the Christian community. We strive to serve
as a cornerstone of the community.
November 2014
How Does God’s Story Affect My Story?
Have you ever done a “word association” exercise? Someone says a word
and you have to say the first thing that comes to mind. I wonder what your response
would be to the word “Bible.” Quick! What came to mind first?
If you are reading this, you are probably a member or at least an active
participant in the church. Why else would you read a church newsletter? That
means you are also likely to view the Bible more positively than the general public.
But what do you actually think about it? Is the Bible a true source of faith and life for
you, or is it more of a symbol or a relic?
Desmond Tutu has said, “The Bible is not some dry and dusty set of rules. It
is the story of how we are created good in God’s eyes, how that goodness was
damaged, and how wholeness is ours with God.” That is an excellent summary of
the overall story of the Bible. But let’s get more specific about how the story told in
the Scriptures makes a difference in your life. Here are themes we have been
discovering in The Story series and why they matter to your daily life.
 God is in charge, so...You don’t have to solve all the problems of the world, or
even your own life. Take your concerns to God, who is wise enough and
powerful enough to handle them.
 We were created to be God’s companions and creative agents, so...Every
day of your life matters!
 In spite of our sin, God wants to restore us to that relationship, so...No matter
what anybody else thinks about you, God loves you. Nothing that happens to
you can take that away from you.
God called a nation (beginning with Abraham)to show His love to the world,
so...God cares about everyone you meet, even if you aren’t crazy about them.
That affects the way you treat them, no?
 God is faithful to His promises, so…You don’t have to worry about your
 God hears us when we need help, and answers, so…You can pray about
 God has expectations for the community of faith, so…whenever you don’t
know what to do, remember that love for God and others is your rule of life.
The Bible makes no difference to you if you drift away from God’s story. A
young man told his father that he planned to go to seminary. His father, who took
the Scriptures seriously, was concerned about that particular theological school. It
was the kind of institution that might dismiss the miracles of the Bible. He said, “I
just hope that when you get back, the story of Jonah and the fish is still in your
At the completion of his studies three years later, the father restated his test
of his son’s education: “So, is Jonah still in your Bible?” “Gosh, Dad, why do you
ask that? Jonah isn’t even in your Bible.” “Of course it is!” his father retorted, and
he scoured his Old Testament to prove it. “It’s not there, Dad,” his son said. “The
day I left for seminary I opened up your Bible and cut the book of Jonah out of it.
Please tell me, What’s the difference between not believing that it’s true, and paying
so little attention to it that you don’t even realize that it’s gone?” (from The Disciple
Making Church by Glenn McDonald)
Are you willing to learn—and put into practice—what the Scriptures reveal to
us about God and yourself? Otherwise, why study the Bible? I am excited to
continue The Story series with you, because I believe that the Scriptures’ teachings
will truly grow your faith as you make the connections to your own life.
~~Pastor Deb Mechler
Coming November 2nd…
Men’s Ministry
The next gathering for men will be held on Sunday,
November 2 at 6:30 p.m. This group is really enjoying
fellowship and the “33” series. Bring a friend—all are
News from Our Sponsored Children
We received the message below from Vinitha Balu, a girl we sponsor in the Siloam
Girls School in India. She also drew a picture for us (see the color, full-size version
on the missions bulletin board). Bethlehem confirmation students mailed letters to
Vinitha and to a boy we sponsor, Siva Kesavan.
Royal Community Thanksgiving Worship
Sunday, November 22, 6:30 p.m.
St. Louis Catholic Church
Offering for Upper Des Moines Opportunity
"Dear sponsor,
By the God of Grace I am fine. I hope you are well. I am studying in Standard V.
Thank you for sending a photo. I will pray for you. You pray for me. Thank you.
With love, Vinitha."
Video Highlights from RightNow Media
Daylight Savings Time Ends This Weekend!
Please remember to set your clocks back one
hour this Saturday night, or you might be really
early for worship on Sunday!
Harvest Festival Worship
Bethlehem’s annual Harvest Festival
will be celebrated on November 16. Morning
worship will be followed by potluck fellowship.
Please bring a main dish and a side dish or
dessert to share. It is a wonderful day of
praising God for the bounty of blessings we
enjoy, including our fellowship and
ministry together. Guests are welcome!
A New Look in the Fellowship Hall
Memorial and Thrivent funds have been used to purchase new tables. These are
good quality tables that are much more lightweight and easier to use. Please note
that they are also easier to damage than the old steel-reinforced tables, so you are
asked not to sit on them.
“Just Praise”
Sunday, November 16th at 5:30 pm
Speaker: Theone Quattlebaum on “Gratitude”
(No potluck this month)
As we continue with The Story, here are more videos to go
along with the characters and teachings in November:
For children...
November 2: "What's A Manna with You?" (Moses and the
Israelites in the wilderness)
November 9: "Awesome Bible Adventures: Joshua's Awesome
November 16: "Books of the Bible with Buck Denver and
Friends" (Judges)
November 23: "Awesome Stories of Faith" (look for "Ruth and
November 30: "What's in the Bible: Volume 5, Israel Gets a
King" (Saul)
For teens...
"I Am: Getting to Know God"
How can God love me when I’ve done so much wrong? How do I know God is
speaking to me? How can a God of love allow bad things to happen? Teens are
struggling with very difficult questions and doubts. In these four youth Bible study
sessions, David Nasser offers hope and encouragement to students from Scripture
on their winding journey of faith.
For adults...
After learning how joyfully God created us, and how God used people like Abraham
and Sarah, Joseph, and Moses, let Dr. Tony Evans and his family help you discover
your destiny. Gather together your friends, small group or do it on your own. This six
session series unpacks the key elements of reaching your destiny as the natural
merges with the Divine. Let God use you like He made you.
Another Mission Opportunity for Kent…
Dear church family and friends,
It is the time of year that we need to raise money for Kent's third mission trip to Haiti.
He is caught up with his shots, so our need is $1,700, plus any extra you might want
to send for rice and beans or a goat.
Haiti is the poorest country in this hemisphere. The Haitian people originally were
brought over as slaves, and then basically abandoned in a hostile land. Here,
mothers dry little patties (like cookies) of mud in the sun so if they have nothing else
that day, their children will have something in their stomachs. A goat ($50) can
literally change their lives.
We wish we could do more. Kent uses most of his vacation to pitch in where
needed, be it electrical, construction or spreading the word of God. I hope to join him
someday but for now, I hold down the fort at home.
Haiti is a land where voodoo is still a potent force. Bondye bon means God is
good. And He is - we are richly blessed by Him, wherever we live. The Haitian
people need Jesus so badly. Please help us help them.
As always, we ask you to pray about this and follow God's leading. And please
pray for us.
Thank you so much,
Kent & Mindy Means
This month Luther League meets Wednesday nights at 6:30 in Everly.
King’s Kamp
Pre-1 Grade:
November 5
November 12
November 19
November 26
2 – 3 Grade:
Exile & Return
Ten Best Ways to Live David the Shepherd Boy
Ark & a Tent for God
David & Goliath
4 -5 Grade:
November 5
November 12
November 19
November 26
Jesus and the Storm
Jesus Heals 2 “Daughters”
Jesus & Paralytic
Sunday School Schedule
Nov. 2, 9, 16
Nov. 23, 30, Dec. 7
The Monthly Men’s Breakfast
Meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 AM
at the Royal Café (November 13th)
to come together in prayer and to study God’s word.
Birth of Isaac
God Keeps His promises
Practice for Christmas Program
Psalm 136:1
God Births a People
Snack/drink: Emma Larson
5:30 Pizza & Story project (parents & families welcome)
Story project
Snack/drink: Emily Joenks
No Class - Thanksgiving
-Ethan Batschelet, Missionary---Siloam Girls’ School
in India--Joyce Sabel (daughter of Roger & Betty
Kruse)--Walt Buren--Amos Christensen--Sandy Albers
(a friend of Jodi Kosters)--Carol Albers--Lois Beck
-Missy Fox (friend of Tami Mugge)--Ann Myers
-Darlene Stough (Carma Betz’ mother)--Nancy Johnson (friend of Becky Smoot)
-Renee Lyman’s family (Dee Johnson’s sister)--Trista Johnston and her family
(prayer request from confirmation student)--Ruth Russell (Mindy Means’ mother)
-Keith Dannatt (Kay Kracht’s brother)(Please call the church office to add someone
to the prayer list. Requests stay on the list for one month unless you instruct us to
do otherwise.)
SIGN UP FOR THE PRAYER CHAIN...If you would like to receive notices by phone
or email to pray for people’s urgent needs, please call the church office. This is an
important ministry that people of our congregation and community count on!
Prayer Requests for Bethlehem in November
“The Story” series: unity and growth together!
Our sponsored children Vinitha and Siva in India
Friends in west Africa facing the ebola crisis
Safety during harvest season
Luther League decisions for next summer’s mission trip
Families facing the holidays with new losses
Scripture Verse”
Our Bible verse for November is Ephesians 4:32
And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as
God in Christ has forgiven you.
If you have a favorite verse you would like to see in the Cross Currents,
please call Cindy at the church office. 933-2229 or email [email protected]
Betty Nellis, Gracie Dehrkoop, Allie Swanson, Davin Brugman, Elaine Struve,
Natalie Gunnerson, Andrew Yungbluth, Janice Englert, Gregory Johnson, Marjorie
Barglof, Lance Englert, Hayley Santage, Roger Nelson, Kyle Fletcher, Sharon
Stafford, Larry Hegwer, Megan Hegwer, Crystal Schmidt, Bonnye Johnson, DeAnn
Johnson, Shelby Johnson, Robyn Rasmussen, Chanda Williamson, Hudson Huberg,
Hal Logan, Michael Johnson, Alynn Ingledue, Turner Mortensen, Tye Steffen, Jill
White, Wendel Phillips, Muriel Steffen, Cody Johnson and Tori Thompson.
Tim & Lisa Shiley, 30 years; Greg & Tina Huberg, 39 years; Randy & Alice Roghair,
34 years; Lance & Lori Lundbeck, 17 years; Dan & Darcy Brugman, 18 years; Michael
& Sandy Johnson, 31 years; Roger & Betty Kruse, 61 years.
Your Contributions that Make a Difference: Bethlehem has several collections for
charities. Please keep these in mind as you shop or clean out your closets! Your
contributions may be left at church. Your help is appreciated for following projects:
Single serving non-perishable food items
Mavpacks...Food for hungry CCE
School supplies
School kits...Lutheran World Relief
Pop tabs
Ronald McDonald House
Plastic grocery bags
Riverview Terrace...used for disposal
Clorox wipes/paper towels
Grand Ave. Free Medical Clinic
Twin or double bed sheets
Quilters of BLCW
Snacks, paper goods
Little Mavs Childcare(ask office for list)
Food pantry donations
Upper Des Moines
Bethlehem Lutheran Women News
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Council Meeting
The Bethlehem Lutheran Woman met on Wednesday, October 23, at 9:00 AM for “Do-Day”.
Each handmade quilt is sent to Lutheran World Relief later in the year. Bethlehem Woman
spent the day putting quilts together followed by the regular meeting at 2:30PM.
President Alice Roghair called the meeting to order in the name of the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. She read a short devotion. The Secretary’s Report was read and approved.
The Treasurer’s Report was read and approved and placed on file.
It was moved and seconded the donations of $100.00 from Nelle Anderson family, $49.00
from Rhonda Dobbins, and $48.00 from the Myrtle Hagedorn CD be divided in a donation to
Midwest Children’s home and Dream Center Free Clinic. It was moved and seconded that
the choice for donations from Women’s Thankoffering of $1039.00 be tabled until next
It was moved and seconded to collect a donation for Cherish House instead of passing out
baby bottles for collection.
Do Day Report: 12 quilts were tied during the “Do-Day”, and 15 additional quilts were
pinned. We had a fun productive day! The next quilting day will be November 11th 1:30.
Thank you to everyone who brought food!
St. Luke Report: Barbara Christensen reported Bethlehem Lutheran Church donated over
$450.00 to St. Luke’s bazaar in an offering. She also reported that Pastor Syvertson needs
help with church on Sunday morning. Volunteers are welcome.
The October 15th meeting of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church Council was called to order by
President, Sherry Toft at 7:05 pm. Council members in attendance included Roger Kruse,
Sherry Toft, Kent Means, Julie Christensen, Karen Brugman, Ann Myers, Connie Lundbeck,
Betsy Schoelerman, and Ron Behrends. Absent was Doug Brons.
An offering was taken for the general treasury. We prayed the Lord’s Prayer.
The next meeting of Bethlehem Lutheran Women is a guest day on December 6th, 9:30 –
11:00, “Treasures from Christmas Past” Thank you to everyone that brought pot luck for the
Evening Bible Study has coffee for November. Visitation is morning Bible Study.
Julie Christensen, Secretary
BLCW Christmas Guest Day:
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women are hosting a Christmas Guest Day Saturday,
December 6, 2014, 9:30a.m. – 11:00a.m., at the church. All women and men are invited to
attend. Everyone is encouraged to bring a guest with them. Theme for the day is
“Treasure’s from Christmas Past”. Anyone wishing to share a special vintage Christmas
decoration, ornament, or nativity scene is encouraged to bring it to the church that day to
display for everyone to see and share it’s story if you want to or maybe write up a story to
put along side of it. Carol Jensen and Nancy Wick, who both have display booths at Okoboji
Antiques, graciously agreed to bring several antique Christmas items to show and tell our
guests about. We look forward to seeing everyone Saturday, December 6, 9:30a.m. –
11:00a.m., at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Breakfast luncheon will be served.
Pastor Deb opened the meeting with a devotion.
Team Reports:
Stewardship Julie and Roger will be meeting on Friday to discuss the Bible Camp fund
drive, church funds, and the Harvest Festival.
Property: Nothing to report.
Education: Sunday School is underway with the first rotation completed. Planning for the
Christmas program is in progress. The program will be held December 14th.
Outreach: Ron suggested that we update the contact list for greeters and scripture readers
as many of the phone numbers are no longer valid. A hard copy of the “Time and Talents”
sheet will be distributed at the Harvest Festival. Special thanks to Connie for manning the
table with “The Story” materials for a few Sundays after church.
Secretary’s Report – There were no changes to the report. Motion by Julie, seconded by
Connie to approve. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report – There were no changes to the report. Motion by Roger, seconded by
Julie to approve. Motion carried.
Pastor’s Report –This was informational and included information on the LCMC
Conference that she attended in Des Moines as well as the new men’s ministry that meets
on Sunday evenings. Discussion was also held in regards to Pastor’s upcoming trip to
Old Business:
1. Sanctuary Lights – Toft’s are still working on outdoor projects and will get to the
sanctuary lights when the weather cools off.
2. LCMC Conference – Pastor attended the LCMC conference held in Des Moines.
Julie and Sherry were able to join her for the day on Tuesday. Pastor Deb felt that
the conference really encouraged churches to be personally involved in local and
overseas missions. Julie, Sherry, and Pastor Deb also participated in the meal
packaging event and felt that was a great project to be a part of.
New Business:
1. Harvest Festival – This will be held on November 16th.
2. Ingham/Okoboji Bible Camp Fundraiser – Julie and Roger met with a representative
from the camp in regards to their campaign to raise funds to build a new chapel at
Ingham, a beach house retreat center at Okoboji, and pay off all their existing debt.
The council felt that this was a worthwhile project to be involved in and Pastor will
line up a camp representative to speak about the campaign after the first of the year.
Sherry adjourned the meeting at 8:15 pm. Next meeting is November 19th at 7:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted, Betsy Schoelerman, Secretary
Ingham Okoboji Bible Camp is having a “Pre-Hibernation Stamp and
Scrapbooking Retreat” on November 21-23. Gather your supplies and come and get
filled up with ideas, inspiration and encouragement. Go to or see
bulletin board for registration.
The Annual Candlelight Service of Remembrance will be hosted by the Hope
Reformed Church, 919 Grand Ave., Spencer at 6:30 pm on Monday, December 1st. The
Christmas season can be a difficult time for people experiencing grief. This service is a
time to help us move toward Christmas, acknowledging loss and pain, yet seeking to be
embraced by God’s redeeming love. Although the service is sponsored by Hospice of
Spencer Hospital and Warner Funeral Home, this service is not just for people served by
those organizations. All people are welcome.
CHRISM Parish at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Rembrandt, will be hosting the
“Higher Power” Quartet on November 9th at 10:30 am worship. Come, join us and enjoy
a morning of spiritual uplifting with glorious music. A catered dinner will follow the
service with a free will offering for the dinner.
Faith Lutheran Church of Spencer has invited you to participate in their small groups
studying “The Story.” They are available to anyone interested and are open arms
welcome. Discussions are held on Wednesdays at noon, Wednesday evenings at 7 PM
and Saturday mornings at 8:30 AM. All are gathered at Faith Lutheran Church.
DivorceCare: Surviving the Holidays seminar scheduled
“DivorceCare: Surviving the Holidays” is a helpful, encouraging seminar for people
facing the holidays after a separation, divorce, or ended long term relationship. The
seminar will be held on Sunday, November 16 from 4:15 – 6:00 pm at Hope Reformed
Church, 919 Grand Ave., Spencer. There’s no charge for this event. There will be a
time of fellowship and pizza following.
The “Surviving the Holidays” seminar features practical suggestions, guidance and
reassurance through video interviews with counselors, experts in divorce-related care
and people who have experienced the holidays after separation or divorce. Topics to be
discussed include “Why the Holidays Are Tough,” “What Emotions to Expect,” “How to
Plan and Prepare, “How to Handle Uncomfortable Situations” and “Using the Holidays to
Help You Heal.”
Call Joyce at 712-262-3391 (leave a message with your number, if no answer, so a
return call can be made) or email [email protected], for details.
“Your mission dollars at work”
Dear friends of Bethlehem Lutheran Church,
On behalf of the MCS board, staff & clients I would like to personally thank you for your
recent donation and your continued support. Your generosity amazes me and as I thank
you I also pray for you all! We could not continue to sustain our work and the boys here if it
were not for outside support. Please know how much your contribution means and May
God bless each & every one of you!
Thank you so much – Deanna Scott Director of Midwest Christian Services.
Dear Members of Bethlehem Lutheran,
Thank you so much for your gift to the ministry of Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camps.
Thank you for thinking of us. Through your generosity, we continue to share the good news
of Jesus Christ with campers. We are so appreciative of your faithfulness and investment in
the Kingdom of God. –Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camps.
Dear Friends of Lutheran Lakeside Camp,
Thank you so much for your generous gift. Without your support this ministry that has been
so vital in the faith lives of so many in your congregation would not exist. We are most
grateful for your partnership in the Gospel. In our conversations with campers across the
years, those who came last summer and those who attended camp many years ago, the
impact of Lutheran Lakeside’s ministry remains consistent. The same gospel message… “I
learned that no matter what, Jesus still loves me. I can count on God to be there for me. I
learned that there are some really neat verses in the Bible. I learned that I am a temple of
the Holy Spirit.”
May the Lord continue to bless the members of your congregation. Thank you for your
ongoing support!
Jerry & Carolyn Fritsch, Executive Director
Dear Pastor and members,
You are wonderful. Thank you for your generous gift. I want to share a quick story with you.
At an event earlier this year, our president and CEO, Doug Johnson, talked about the
miracle that happens every time a child, family, or adult makes a breakthrough in the midst
of struggle. With a few calculations based on our history and number of people served,
Doug estimated people like you have helped LSI create more than 2.8 million miracles since
we began in 1864. What a difference we can make together! Thank you for being a miraclemaker. Your support is changing lives today.
With gratitude, Chris Anderson
Vice President of Advancement and Church Relations.
P.S. We’re celebrating all the ways your support helps kids, families, and adults! Visit to see 150 stories of hope. We’re so grateful you choose to be our
partner in compassionate service.
Church Office: 933-2229
Church email: [email protected]
Pastor’s email: [email protected]
Kitchen & Hallway: 933-2244
Secretary Office Hours: 9:30am-3:00pm
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
Pastor’s Hours: 9:30-5:00 Tuesday-Friday
(please call ahead if possible)
Pastor home: 262-6512 Cell: 260-3286
Bethlehem’s website:
November 2 Emily Joenks
Trey Stoneking
November 9 Lizzy Hagedorn
Rebecca Bushee
November 16 Emma Larson
EmmaKay McClain
November 23 Ian Steffen
Zach Schoelerman
November 30 Dalayna Brugman
Haydn Bushee
Kay Kracht
Dana Huberg
November 2
November 9-16
November 23
November 30
Paul Wick
Ron Englert
Jake Schoelerman
Ron Behrends
Ron & Cynthia Behrends
Betty Kruse
Kay Kracht
Arlene Wimmer