The Worship of God November 9, 2014 Chimes of the Trinity Preparing for Worship Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21 (NRSV) Prelude Chorale from Partita on For All the Saints................. David Cherwien June Burbage Brock Alphin, Acolyte Welcome To Worship David Hailey Introit Faithfulness (intro).................................................................. Joel Raney Chancel Choir *Invocation and Lord’s Prayer *Hymn of Praise, 39 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart........................................................ Marion Stewardship Abundance Greg Holmes, SONshine in the Park Choral Proclamation Faithfulness................................................................. Joel Raney Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father, there is no shadow of turning with Thee, Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not; as Thou hast been Thou forever will be. Summer and winter and spring time and harvest, sun, moon and stars in their courses above join with all nature in manifold witness to Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! morning by morning new mercies I see; all I have needed Thy hand hath provided; great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me. Great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness. Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside! Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy Faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; all I have needed Thy hand hath provided; great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me. Scripture and Prayer Philippians 4:8-9 (NRSV) David With Hymn of Reflection, 71 On Eagles Wings............................................................................. Michael Joncas Sermon Something to Think About David Hailey Ordinance of Communion In Love We Remember Suzanne Nalon, September 15, 2014 Marjorie Lilley, October 7, 2014 Sharing the Bread When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.......................... arr. Lloyd Larson Brass Ensemble Sharing the Cup Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word....................Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier June Burbage *Hymn of Celebration, 531 Redeemed.............................................................................................. ADA Offertory Prayer Barbara Jean Warren, Companions in Christ #10 Offertory All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name...................................... arr. Michael Lawrence Brass Ensemble Presentation of Decisions *Benediction *Choral Response Faithfulness (reprise)............................................................................. Joel Raney *Chimes of the Trinity Organ Postlude Tocatta in D Minor.......................................................................... J.S. Bach Lauren Ducoste, organist *Those who are able may stand with minister. Weekly Opportunities Sunday, November 9 8:30 AM SONShine in the Park (Moore Square) 9:45 AM Membership Matters (Rm. 263) 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Morning Worship--Communion 1:00 PM Eagle Scout Ceremony (Chapel) 3:00 PM HBBC Girls Basketball Practice (FLC-Gym) 4:30 PM Student Choir (Choir Room) 5:00 PM Men’s Discipleship Group (Rm. 212) 5:00 PM Student Ministry Vespers 5:00 PM Beth Moore Bible Study for Women (Rm. 11) 6:00 PM Handbell Rehearsal (Rm. 29) Monday, November 10 6:00 AM Early Risers--Women (FLC-Gym) 9:45 AM Boot Camp (FLC-Gym) 10:00 AM HBBC Bridge Club (Rm. 124) 10:00 AM Companions in Christ (FLC-Rm. 218) 11:00 AM Fit Over Fifty (FLC-Gym) 1:30 PM Staff Meeting (Conference Room) 2:30 PM Ministers Meeting (Conference Room) 5:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting (Conference Room) 5:30 PM Evening Fitness Class (FLC-Gym) 6:00 PM HBBC Freshmen Basketball Practice (FLC-Gym) 6:00 PM Committee on Committees (Rm. 169) 6:30 PM Cub Scout Den Meetings 7:00 PM HBBC Juniors Basketball Practice (FLC-Gym) 7:30 PM Boy Scout Court of Honor (Fellowship Hall) 8:00 PM HBBC Member’s Fellowship Basketball Night (FLC-Gym) Tuesday, November 11--Veteran’s Day 6:00 AMEarly Risers--Men (FLC-Gym) 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study (Conference Room) 7:30 AM VBS Day Camp #3 10:00 AM Painting with Lorraine (FLC--Student Lounge) 10:30 AM Baptist Women Crafts (Rm. 230) 10:45 AM Baptist Women Bible Study (Rm. 125) 12:00 PM Baptist Women’s Luncheon (Rm. 124) 12:30 PM AA Meeting--Epiphany Group (FLC-Rm. 218) 5:30 PM Food Service Meeting (Conference Room) 5:30 PM Women’s Retreat Meeting (Conference Room) 5:30 PM HBBC Ladies’ Basketball (FLC-Gym) 7:00 PM Yoga (Rm. 124) 7:00 PM Compassionate Friends Group (Rm. 224) 7:00 PM Deacons’ Meeting (Rm. 11) Wednesday, November 12 6:00 AM Early Risers--Women 9:45 AM Boot Camp (FLC-Gym) 11:00 AM Fit Over Fifty (FLC-Gym) 1:30 PM Wednesday Afternoon Bootcamp (FLC-Gym) 5:00 PM Recreation for Kids (FLC-Gym) 5:00 PM Family Night Meal (Fellowship Hall) 6:00 PM Music and Missions 6:00 PM The Gathering 6:15 PM Activities for Students 7:00 PM HBBC Seniors Basketball Practice (FLC-Gym) 7:20 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) 7:20 PM SPS Bible Study (The Well) Thursday, November 13 6:00 AM Early Risers--Men 10:00 AM Tai Chi (FLC-217) 12:00 PM Lunch Express (FLC-Gym) 12:30 PM AA Epiphany Group Meeting (FLC-Rm. 218) 5:30 PM Evening Fitness Class 5:30 PM Step Up Ministry 6:00 PM Nativity Committee Meting Friday, November 14 6:00 AM Early Risers--Women Saturday, November 15 7:30 AM Early Risers--Men 8:00 AM AA Saturday Group (FLC-209) Sunday, November 16 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Morning Worship 3:00 PM HBBC Girls Basketball Practice (FLC-Gym) 4:00 PM Ledford Fund Council Meeting (Conference Room) 4:30 PM Student Choir (Choir Room) 5:00 PM Missions Evangelism Council (Conference Room) 5:00 PM Men’s Discipleship Group (Rm. 212) 5:00 PM Student Ministry Vespers 5:00 PM Beth Moore Bible Study for Women (GF Rm. 11) 6:00 PM Handbell Rehearsal (Rm. 29) WELCOME VISITORS We are honored by your presence this morning. Please record your attendance on the Friendship Pad when it is passed to you. Guests are encouraged to provide complete information for further contact. We also encourage all visitors to stop by the Visitor Welcome area in the Narthex immediately following the worship service. ENTER TO WORSHIP This is a holy hour. We invite you to enter this sanctuary with joy and reverence. We invite members and visitors to be seated near the front of the sanctuary to enhance our sense of community in worship. When you have taken your seat, spend a few moments in quiet reflection as you prepare your heart for worship. If the service has already begun, please enter quietly by one of the side aisles. Please remember to turn off all cell phones and pagers. RESOURCES FOR HEARING AND/OR VISUAL IMPAIRMENT Hearing assistance devices and large print hymnals are available for those who have such need. Please see an usher for more information. BECOME A MEMBER OF HAYES BARTON BAPTIST CHURCH Those who desire to join our church may come forward to where the pastor is standing during the Hymn of Commitment. If you would like to meet with a minister before making this decision, any of our ministers would be happy to answer your questions. FOR CHILDREN DURING WORSHIP Nursery Care: Birth-3 (Nursery Suite Area) Extended Session: Ages 4-5 (Following Sunday School, this group visits the Sanctuary briefly for the Children’s Sermon.) Children’s Church : For 1st-5th graders, 1st & 3rd Sundays. (Children leave at the designated time during worship and should be picked up in Rm.11 following worship). ABOUT SUNDAY SCHOOL On Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m., we provide classes for all ages to enjoy Bible study and fellowship. Call the church office for more information. TODAY’S EXTENDED SESSION HELPERS Assistant: Keri Sikes; Infants: Katherine Teague, Carrie Breswitz, Dan Lumsden, Merrit Lumsden; Ones: Cathy Howard, Sara Warren; Twos: Lori Elfaysal, Hassan Elfaysal; Three Year Olds: Jenna Cobb, Julie Brooks; Four Year Olds: Sharln Chapman, Meredith Kinder; Five Year Olds: Scott McClendon, Jenny McClendon WORSHIP LEADERS Dr. David J. Hailey, Pastor [email protected] Ms. June Burbage, Organist [email protected] Rev. Gayle Justice, Minister with Children & [email protected] Rev. Kristen Muse, Associate Pastor .................................... [email protected] Dr. Larry Dickens, Interim Music Minister .................. [email protected] Rev. David With, Minister with Students [email protected] Brooke Johnston, Ministerial [email protected] Carter Benge, Music Intern...................................................cbenge@hbbc.org Mikalah Shaw, Student Intern...............................................mshaw@hbbc.org ABOUT TODAY’S WORSHIP Today’s Sanctuary flowers are given in loving memory of Joan Battle by her family: Bob, Jonathan, James, and Elizabeth Battle. This morning we continue our worship series Living and Giving Abundantly. Jesus said, “I came that [you] may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). This abundant life that Jesus promised is not a future experience for which we wait and hope. It is available to us now. But we must reach out and take it! Lauren Ducoste needs little introduction to the members of Hayes Barton Baptist, as she has participated in our worship from the piano many times. She is now studying organ as well as piano, and is excited to share this favorite piece traditionally played on All Saints Sunday at Hayes Barton. Lauren is an eleventh grader at Enloe High School. Our Brass Ensemble today is made up of Lucy Austin, Alex Smingler, Tyler Ingram, Mark Mabe, Neal Finn and Richard Austin. The roses on the pulpit today are in honor of the births of Hadley Hunter Whitlow and Andrew (Drew) Dobbs Casias. Hadley Hunter Witlow was born on November 1, 2014, daughter of Todd and Kristie Whitlow; her proud big sister is Bellamy. Andrew (Drew) Dobbs Casias was born on November 7, 2014 to Bethany and Jerad Casias. Betsy Lynn is the proud big siser, and Susan and David Hailey are the happy grandparents. FELLOWSHIP DINNER GROUPS We are forming new Fellowship Dinner Groups in October. These groups will begin meeting in January of 2015, and will meet together once a month for fun, food and fellowship. It is a great opportunity to meet other church members. If you would like to be in a Dinner Group, please sign up in your Sunday School class or call Marillyn Nations at 919.665.0459 by November 24. Groups meet in restaurants chosen by the member in charge of the month. REPORT ON THE HAYES BARTON MEMORIAL GARDENS WITH COLUMBARIUM In the Gathering on November 12, we will get an update on design work that is being done on the Hayes Barton Memorial Gardens with Columbarium. THANK YOU WILTON LASSITER! Join us on November 19 as we celebrate Wilton Lassiter and his years of service as the Director of Maintenance for Hayes Barton Baptist. It will be a great night to honor this special servant. TOP 5 REASONS TO ATTEND HBBC WOMEN’S RETREAT 2015 5. Short-sheeting Debra Barrier’s bed 4. Great opportunity for dads to bond with kids 3. Getting to hear the REAL preacher in the Hailey household 2. Fostering friendships new and old with other women in our church 1. Taking time away to focus on spiritual renewal Reserve your place now for this amazing weekend, led by Susan Hailey. Registration forms are available at the Welcome Center and on the web at www.hbbc.net. They are due along with your deposit ($75 non-refundable) as soon as possible. The total cost for the event is $175 for a double room or $200 for a single. Contact Kristen Muse ([email protected]) if you have questions. WE NEED YOUR HELP The white paraments (the tapestries that drape the pulpit and the communion table) are missing! The church staff is offering a gift card reward if you find them and return them as soon as possible. Thank you!