2012 Mission Trip Tuscaloosa, AL June 3-8, 2012
2012 Mission Trip Tuscaloosa, AL June 3-8, 2012
10:45 A.M. WORSHIP February 19, 2012 Last Sunday after Epiphany SERVANTS IN WORSHIP Announcer ............................................................................... Dewayne Renfro Greeters: ..................................................................................... Koinonia Class Acolyte(s): ......................................................................... Montgomery Rebelo Red Book Pickup: ................................................... Emily Auten/Peggy Brannen Deacons: Coordinator: Lynn Creason; Ushers & Servers: Carl Beattie, Ruth Debrunner, Doug Ford, Kathie Fulgham, Shannon Beattie, Debby Demos, Judy Duncan, Tanya Fleury, Rona Gary East #1 (Prayer for Bread) ................................................................. Bea Lyons East #2 (Table) .................................................................................. Julia Martin West #1 (Prayer for Cup) ................................................................. Hoke Petree West #2 (Table) .......................................................................... Don Reynolds Elders On Call ................................................................ Bea Lyons/Hoke Petree Screen Door Callers: Hafley/McKenna/Atchley/Mahaffey Scripture Reader……..……......(Mark 2:1-12) ............................... Debby Demos Message………………….…”Uncontrollable Borders” ............. Pastor Paul Rebelo PRAYER CONCERNS: Homer Aldrich Bill Hobbs Pat Barnwell Allison DeFriese Liz Love Luther Whitaker Natalie Wharton David Blackburn Mark Barber Jordan Coleman & Family Nancy Barber Doris Aldrich Nancy Lord Harrison Gill Hildred Levi Ricky Bluford Al Pless (Evelyn’s son) Edith Cofer Erick Griggs Eva Gray (Rosie Cofer’s Mother) Normanda Huffman (Sally D’s mother) Doug Beuoy (Brannens’ son-in-law) Martha Coffey (Debby & Judy’s aunt) Shirley Aldrich (Homer’s sister-in-law) Family of Linney Smithers (Buzz’s mother) Paula Baker (Carl Beattie’s stepsister) Leona BonDurant (Carl Beattie’s Grandmother) Peggy Wiggs (friend of Betty Proctor, Linda Hershey and Bea Lyons) Worship, Fellowship, Food, Fun, & Fundraiser!...Mark your calendars now to celebrate and support Week of Compassion. Sunday, Feb. 26th our worship will be highlighted by an inspirational message from our Regional Minister, Dr. Glen Stewart. After worship, your Outreach committee will prepare & serve a Hot Potato Luncheon. This lunch is free, but donations are encouraged, 100% will be given to WOC; the relief, refugee, and development mission fund of the Christian Church (DOC). Dr. Stewart will share his personal experiences with Disciples Missions and his Haiti experience. WHAT’S HAPPENING AT FIRST CHRISTIAN… Upcoming Messages Wednesday Night Dinners...Our scheduled programs through April 5th are: February 22nd—Ash Wednesday service following our fellowship dinner. March 7th—Steve Derthick will share with us about his time in Colombia. March 21st—Dan Summerlin will present a program on 1st Things 1st. April 5th—Maundy Thursday service following our fellowship dinner Please join us for these dinners and programs! Sharing Calendar & Daily Giving Boxes for Week of Compassion...As our youth have been learning about the Joy of Sharing, and filling their donation boxes, we encourage each of you to do the same. Calendars & Donation boxes are still available in the Crane Lounge. Pray daily for each of the persons or situations highlighted in the calendar. Please bring your filled boxes to the worship service on Sunday, February 26, 2012. Come to the Women of Distinction luncheon...to honor Kathie Fulgham! Mary Barker, Rona Gary, Bea Lyons and Scottie Summerlin are putting together a couple of tables of folks from FCC to support Kathie Fulgham at the 27th annual American Lung Association's Women of Distinction luncheon, to be held on Fri. Apr. 27th at 11:15 a.m. at the Chattanooga Convention Center. Tickets are $65 a person until March 31st. E-mail Scottie at [email protected] or call her at 886-9231 if you would like to sit with us. The Kemp Sunday School Class...will have a party at Mary & Jim Davis’ home on February 19th at 5:00 P.M. The Children’s Choir...for ages 6-14 will rehearse Sundays in the choir room following worship until 12:45 in preparation for the Children’s Choir Festival April 22 sponsored by the Chattanooga Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. 2012 Mission Trip Tuscaloosa, AL June 3-8, 2012 Information Packets are available in the Crane Lounge Sad News...On Tuesday, February 14th, Mrs. Linney Smithers (Buzz Smithers’ mother) passed away. Funeral services are scheduled for Friday afternoon at 1:00 pm, at Lane Funeral Home, 833 Chickamauga Avenue, Rossville, GA. Visitation will be at the Funeral Home on Friday from 11:00am until the funeral, and burial will be at Lakewood Memory Gardens. Please keep Buzz, Konnie and the rest of Mrs. Smithers’ family in your thoughts and prayers at this sad time. FEBRUARY 19, 2012 “Uncontrollable Borders” Mark 2:1-12 [William Sloane Coffin, in his book Credo says, “Let the Church in remembering Christ remember that it is conserving the most uprooting, the most revolutionary force in all human history. For it was Christ who crossed every boundary, broke down every barrier…”] FEBRUARY 26, 2012 “Jesus Like you and Me” Mark 1:12-13 [The Reverend, Dr. Glen Stewart Tennessee Regional Minister Guest Preacher] MARCH 4, 2012 “The Worst Health Plan Ever…” Mark 8:31-38 [Commonly known as the “First Passion Prediction,” this text is the first of three predictions in which Jesus tells his followers in plain language that he is going to die. The disciples are shocked. But Jesus uses this announcement as a teaching moment on what it means to be a disciple.] MARCH 11, 2012 “Milquetoast Theology” John 2: 13-22 [Instead of being a prophetic place of witness, the Temple area had become an area of commerce and corruption. Jesus is angered by the injustice.] 1st: 2nd: 5th: 8th: 10th: 11th: 14th: 18th: 20th: 22nd: 23rd: 25th: 26th: 28th: FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Zach Atchley Susan Haymes Matt Smithson Byron Atchley Forrest King Emily Auten, Sarah Flynn, Luther Whitaker Justin Givens Sherry Baldwin Joni Sharp Dreema Adkins Laura Edmondson, Jilly Fulgham Rachel Allen Matthew Hamilton Mark Curtiss, Edward Turner Happy Birthday to All! THIS WEEK AT FIRST CHRISTIAN (Opportunities for you to connect) Sunday, February 19 9:45 a.m. 10:35 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:15 p.m. Sunday School Classes Elders’ Prayer Circle; Conference Room Worship; Sanctuary Fellowship; Parlor Children’s Choir rehearsal; Choir Room 7:30 p.m. NA Monday Group; Fellowship Hall Tuesday, February 21 2:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Brown After-School Program The House Worship Service; Sanctuary Sweet Adelines Rehearsal; Fellowship Hall Wednesday, February 22 3:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. PAWS Fellowship Dinner; Fellowship Hall Ash Wednesday Worship Service; Sanctuary Thursday, February 23 7:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Men’s Study Group; Bluegrass Grill PAWS Friday, February 24 11:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Tai Chi with Chris Campbell; Chi Rho NA Friday Group; Fellowship Hall Saturday, February 25 8:00 a.m. Private Function Sunday, February 26 9:45 a.m. 10:35 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:15 p.m. Sunday School Classes Elders’ Prayer Circle; Conference Room Worship; Sanctuary Fellowship; Parlor Week of Compassion Luncheon; Fellowship Hall Opportunities for Service: Volunteer in the Brown Academy After-School Program! If you can spare even one Tuesday afternoon, we would appreciate your help. Call Kyle Cutsinger (423-892-1079) for more information. Volunteer at the Community Kitchen! 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month. 9:00 AM to 11:45 AM; 727 E. 11th St. Help out at Habitat for Humanity! 2nd Saturday of every month. Be there around 8:30 AM. For details, email Larry Kirby ([email protected]). Volunteer to serve a meal at Room In The Inn on the 5th Sunday of any applicable month. For details, call or email Shannon Beattie (423883-9083; [email protected]. Help us when we host families from Interfaith Homeless Network for a week, several times each year. For details, email Julia Martin at [email protected]. Stewardship Last Sunday: Morning Worship Service ................................. 148 Sunday School ................................................... 82 Worship Offering Budgeted ............................ N/A Worship Offering Received ..................$16,067.77 Budgeted to Date ............................................ N/A Contributions to Date ......................... $69,795.42 Memorials .................................................. $75.00 Capital Campaign .......................................$10.00 Capital Campaign To Date .................$549,315.00 650 McCallie Avenue · Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403 · 423-267-4506 · Fax 423-266-2454 Monday, February 20 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) A Church of Service… ...Not Lip Service WELCOME! Today is the gateway to another week. We join together here to thank God for a new week of promise and possibilities. Let us welcome the opportunity of worship, as we prepare ourselves to be God’s people in God’s world. Church Office: (423) 267-4506 Pastoral Emergency: (423) 443-1540 BRIDGE Deadline: Monday, 10:30 a.m. Church Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. www.firstchristian-chat.com
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