The View From The Park - The First Presbyterian Church on the Park
The View From The Park - The First Presbyterian Church on the Park
The View From The Park A Newsletter of Faith & Community Phone (315) 386-2570 [email protected] 1st Presbyterian Church on the Park 17 Park Street Canton, NY 13617 Sundays in September • Worship Begins At 10:00 a.m. • • September 4th • Deacon & Food Shelf Offering Rev. Mike Off Pastor Donna to Preach • September 11th • • Church School Starts Blessing Of The Children Choir Resumes 1 p.m. - Peace Officers Monument Dedication • September 18th • • Teacher Dedication Name Tag Sunday Noisy Can Offering for Deacons Rev. Mike Off Pastor Donna to Preach Church Picnic to follow worship service • September 25th • • Handbell Sunday Rev. Michael P. Catanzaro......................... Pastor Donna Doig, CLP......................... Associate Pastor Claire Babich……………………..…Church Secretary Laura Toland…………..…..……………Choir Director Bob Duda…………………….Assistant Choir Director Laura Toland…………..……………………….Organist Michael Walters................Handbell Choir Director Kim Trombly………Director of Christian Education Diane Ladison........................................ Treasurer Patience Boswell........................................ Sexton Tom Dildine………………………………….Webmaster Linda Potter………………………….Newsletter Editor September 2016 Fall Rummage Sale Put your dancin’ shoes on, everyone. The Fall Rummage Sale is almost upon us. So, get into those closets, dressers, and attics – haul out household goods and clothing and bring it to church. The festivities begin on Sunday, September 11th. After church, all able-bodied people will carry stuff up from the youth group room and deposit it in Fellowship Hall. Then Monday through Thursday, MANY hands (thank you), will unpack fold and arrange all that stuff. The actual sale will be Friday September 16th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday September 17th, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a church sneak peak from 6 - 8 p.m. on Thursday, September 15th. The Rummage Sale is a semi-annual money maker for our church. We need all hands on deck to help set this up and make it a success. So, put on your Rummage sale dancin’ shoes – or find a pair to buy at the sale and come join your pew- mates as we all work and laugh together. Table Of Contents Family News…..………………………….…….……2 Presbyterian Women……………….………………3 Afternoon & Evening Book Group………………3 Attendance & Treasurer’s Report .................. 4 Pastor’s Report………………………………………5 Birthdays & Anniversaries…..….…………….….6 Church School News……..….………………….…6 Ghosts From The Past………………..……………7 Sewing Project…….….……….….…………………9 Session Report………..……………..……….……10 The Church Office Hours are Tuesdays & Thursdays, 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Page 1 Family News - cont. Student News Congratulations to Luke Frazer, Canton High class of 2016, who received a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation with Honors and Mastery in both Math and Science. Luke was also a member of the National Honor Society, received the Irene M. Feld and Letitia Morris Clark Scholarship given to a senior who intends to go into the field of nursing, music, or computer technology programing, and the Patrick S. Gilmore Band Award as recommended by the band director for outstanding contributions to the band. Luke is the son of Michael and Edith Frazer and has recently moved to the Rochester Institute of Technology to begin classes. Please keep Luke in your prayers as he embarks on this new chapter in his life. Congratulations to Blake Bennet who recently passed his written and physical test for his Brown Belt! Also, Blake, and his sister Katie, have recently returned from Europe where their grandfather led them on visits in and around places in Germany, France and Switzerland. What fun! Family News Our church is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Carlene Baffaro, in mid-August, while living near her daughter, Jan, in central Pennsylvania. Carlene had recently been in poor health, suffering a series of strokes. Carlene was a pillar of our church, a friend to all, and a delight to any number of children over the years. Her gentle manner, wry smile and affinity for the dessert table at every church supper will be greatly missed. A service at our church, with a light lunch to follow, is planned for September 21st at 11 a.m.. Cards of condolence may be sent to Jan Moore, 765 Coldwatertown Road, Jersey Shore, PA 17740. Prayers of healing for Bill Rodee recovering from surgery, Jessie Mannita recovering from a fractured pelvis and facing health challenges, Mickie Williams recovering from a fall (she has moved to Cherry 107 in the Skilled Nursing portion of the nursing home) and Christa Lyon recovering from surgery on her knee (and sympathy on the death of her dog). Prayers for the nephew of Sarah Melville, Wheeler Compton, facing a second surgery to combat cancer. Prayers for Chris Melville and Nicole Potter who have moved to Syracuse where Nicole will begin graduate school in Library Science at SU and Chris will complete his Master’s Thesis and enter the work force. Prayers for all of the kids at church (and their parents) as they return to school, college students returning to Canton, and faculty and staff preparing for their return. Prayers for those facing difficult personal and family situations and for those living in the nursing home or assisted living: Neil Coir, Jack Klemens, Mickey Williams and Nellie Locy. The new address for Andy Loeffler is 134 Atwell Drive, Statesville, NC 28677. P.J. Miller and Amanda Lester were married in August in Plattsburgh. P.J. is the son of Lynn Miller and grandson of Tyke Miller. Congratulations! Communion Table Flowers If anyone would like to place a flower, plant, or appropriate seasonal bouquet or arrangement on the Communion table for Sunday worship, it would be welcomed. Contact Wanda Renick or the church office by the Wednesday before so it can be noted in the Sunday Bulletin. One caveat: please, nothing higher than the arms of the cross. Page 2 Presbyterian Women Church Picnic The Postscript Club will meet September 12th at the Brick Chapel Church Fellowship Hall at 6 p.m. Everyone bring a dish to pass. Our program will be “Summer Happenings” of our members. Hope to see you there. Join us for a pot luck all-church picnic in Fellowship Hall following the worship service on September 18th. Games will be in the Park after all are fed. A bounce house will be on site for two hours. Donations to cover the rental cost of $110 for the bounce are gratefully accepted. For questions or comments please call Karen Parker at 714-2312. • Women’s Circle • Choir News • Postscript • Women’s Circle meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. for connection and conversation. The next circle will be on September 14th at the home of Wanda Renick, Apt. 114A at Partridge Knoll. The topic is “Finding the Unexpected and Facing God.” Our choir has been on break for the summer, but we are looking forward to having them back in worship this Fall! Ages: Teen and up, returning and new members always welcome!!! Rehearsals: Thursday nights from 7 to 8 p.m. (we are very prompt!) and Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. Afternoon Book Group The first meeting of this new season is September 20th at 1 p.m. The meeting will be at the home of Karen Parker, 17 State St. The book is Some Day Home by Lauraine Snelling. First Rehearsal: Thursday, September, 8th (with Bob Duda) First Sunday in Worship: September 11th (with Bob Duda), rehearsal at 9 a.m. Evening Book Group The evening book discussion group meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. The September book is Being Mortal by Atul Gawande with the discussion being held at the home of Linda Potter (the manse, 2 Park Place) on September 27th. We prepare a variety of music styles, working at least a month in advance, and our highest priority is to praise the Lord! Laura and Ray Toland are driving to Boise ID for their son's wedding over Labor Day weekend, and Laura will be back on the bench beginning September 15th. If there are any questions, please call her at at 265-0650. It will be so good to see you all! Help Wanted Kristine Potter is looking for help with childcare in their home (now in Canton). This is a paid position, starts the week of August 29th and will end in early December; Tuesdays from 8:30 a.m. to noon and Wednesdays, 1:30 - 5 p.m.. If you are interested, or know of anyone, please contact Kristine at (315) 854-4560. Thank You! Super Volunteers! Many thanks to our July/August newsletter volunteers for a job well done; Wanda Renick, Shirley Norton, Karen Parker, Carolyn O’Connor, Janet Stitt and Marilyn Rodee. Page 3 Church Attendance June 26 July 3 July 10 July 17 51 42 35 65 Worship July 24 July 31 August 7 August 14 Officers & Committees 38 29 31 47 Average Worship Attendance 42 Treasurer’s Report June 19 $ 977.00 June 26 $1,168.00 July 3 $2,054.00 July 10 $1,228.00 July 17 $1,247.00 July 24 $2,123.00 July 31 $ 649.00 August 7 $1,991.00 August 14 $1,893.00 Total $13,330.00 $204.00 $175.00 $ 25.00 $348.00 $122.00 $ 71.00 $ 30.00 $240.00 $305.00 $1,520.00 Church School News Church school is gearing up for a whole new year with lots of fun activities for the children in kindergarten through sixth grade. Church school starts on September 11th. Parents - we need you as well. New teachers and shepherds are always welcome! See page 11 for the registration form! Death Cafe A Death Cafe will be held on Thursday, September 8th from 7 to 9 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Death Cafes are a global movement to gather people to enjoy snacks and refreshments and have a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counseling sessions. The objective is to increase our awareness of death to help us make the most of our (finite) lives. The evening is free and open to the public. RSVPs are appreciated. Contact the host, Linda Potter, at 386-4364 or [email protected]. You can learn more at Elders To strengthen and nurture the faith and the life of the congregation. Jane Cable Kristine Potter Georgia Vose Barry Walch Gordy Theisen Diane Ladison Lew Shepard Vicki McLain Lyles Trombly Bill Parker Armond Spencer Sarah Melville Clerk Of Session Wanda Renick, Assistant Clerk Deacons Ministering to the sick, those in need, the friendless, and those in distress. Ann Spencer Ray Erickson Patience Boswell Faye Bartley Barbara Garrett Marcy Bennett Arvilla Aldous Committees Resources J.J. Jockel Marilyn Rodee Ellen Compeau Michelle Theisen Chairs Mark Brackett Responsible for managing and dispensing funds to fulfill the mission & ministry of our church. Facilities Lew Shepard Responsible for the maintenance and use of all church property. Fellowship Chair TBD Responsible for all fellowship events. FUNdraising Beth Hayes Responsible for organizing fund & fun raising events. Education Beth Hayes Responsible for growth, nurturing & learning. Worship Kristine Potter With pastor, responsible for worship. C.A.R.E. Arvilla Aldous Pastor Donna, Liaison Care, Attention, Renewal & Evangelism. Stewardship Mark Erickson Responsible for securing resources and energy to fulfill the mission & ministry of our church. Mission Mark Erickson Helping our church, community & world. Treasurer Diane Ladison Assistant Treasurers - Bill & Lorna Webb Financial Secretary Mike Frazer & Barry Walch Church & Community Andy Loeffler, Jane Cable & Janet Stitt Communion Vicki McLain & Jane Cable Page 4 The Pastor’s Report Howdy, What a terrific summer, huh!?! Hopefully you all enjoyed some swimming, rest, good reads, seasonal foods like tomatoes and sweet corn, and perhaps saw a bit of our beautiful natural world both locally and far flung. Things are gearing up here at the church as we begin for a new school year, and we’re excited to see folks, like geese, returning home to church and Sunday morning worship after a well-deserved and needed summer break. There are a few things happening about which I’d like to make you aware. The first is a dedication of a new monument in the/ (our) village Park: the Peace Officers Memorial. Initiated and paid for by the Canton VFW, and in cooperation with the St. Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office, the State Police and our church, this memorial will be dedicated on Sunday September 11th at 1 p.m. in honor of the sacrifice made by 6 men killed in the line of duty (four State Troopers, a Deputy Sheriff and a Massena Patrolman). Father Doug Lucia from St. Mary’s will give the invocation, I will give the benediction, and retired Judge Eugene Nicandri and current Commander of the NY State Police Trooper’s Zone 2 Captain Michael Girard will be speaking. The State Police Color Guard will participate, as will the VFW. Flowers, representing each of the six men on the memorial, have been donated by the Masons, Knights of Columbus and Rotary Club. I hope that some of you will be able to attend this very important event in the life of our church, community and county. The second thing, and you may have seen this in the local and Watertown paper, is the launch of a campaign to raise $225,000 to refurbish the fountain in the Park, install paving bricks on the diagonal walkways and undertake tree work and new plantings. This is a joint effort between our church and the Village of Canton (with great support and assistance from Village Superintendent Brien Hallahan). Currently, we are forming a fund-raising committee and will kick-off the campaign in mid fall. We’ve already received our first donation, from a 99 year old former Canton resident who remembers seeing Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the Park. How cool is that! I would ask that you please keep these two endeavors in your prayers. Many blessing upon us all, Rev. Mike “Blessed, indeed, are the dead,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their deeds do follow them.” - Revelation 14:13b Page 5 Birthdays This Month The Man I Could Have Known 1 2 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 19 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 30 Heather Cole, Matthew Compeau Mary Garwood Sharon Poole Susan Johnson Lara Syvertsen Ellen Compeau Cheryl Ostrander, Luke Schumann Margaret Forbes, Tyke Miller Alexandrea Janack Fred Pollard, Alice Poole Ben Bartley Maggie Brizendine Kimberly Fisher Britt Gordon Carl Colton Erik Johnson, Cheryl Young Jake Cole William Rodee Matt Peacock Molly Ames, Kendall DeSantis Anniversaries This Month 9 10 15 20 28 Contact the church office with your birthday so we can keep our list current! September Birthdays September Anniversaries John & Anne Goetze Charles & Margaret Alexander Douglas & Terri Knuth Christa & Martin Lyon Tim & Patti Cryderman Have you ever been in a conversation in which each conversant was a thoroughly engaged participant only to learn at a later time that you each were talking about a different incident, item, or, in this case, person?? I wrote a Newsletter piece about the thoughtful bequest of John Oliver III, whom I credited with a career at Agway in Canton. Several (numerous!) members of the congregation have corrected me, pointing out that John Oliver III, was founder of the Oliver Law Firm of Canton. Fred Pollard, with whom I had the conversation, and I, both apologize to the Oliver Family for misrepresenting John Oliver. Misattributing his career to agriculture rather than to the legal profession is regrettable to me, but it does not diminish the importance of his gift nor the act of being intentional about his giving! We all appreciate the planned support Mr. Oliver showed by including the Church-On-ThePark in his estate planning. As Stewardship Chair, I still believe this is an important example for our congregation members to consider emulating. Building our endowment must continue to be a priority of our Stewardship in the immediate future. We thank the Oliver Family members for their support, and I apologize for any misrepresentation of John. September Lectionary Readings September 4 Jeremiah 18:1–11; Psalm 139:1–6, 13–18 Philemon 1–21; Luke 14:25–33 In Faith, Mark Erickson September 11 Jeremiah 4:11–12, 22–28; Psalm 14 1 Timothy 1:12–17; Luke 15:1–10 We Need You! Are you looking for some adventure and excitement? Then join the few, the proud, the Church Nominating Committee! See Bill Parker or call him at 714-2312. September 18 Jeremiah 8:18—9:1; Psalm 79:1–9 1 Timothy 2:1–7; Luke 16:1–13 September 25 Jeremiah 32:1–3a, 6–15 Psalm 91:1–6, 14–16 1 Timothy 6:6–19; Luke 16:19–31 Page 6 Ghosts From The Past Ghosts From the Past - cont. by Tyke Miller but will try to do some research. Next time you attend church, take a few minutes and REALLY look around (before or after the service please) and think about all the work and money that went into making the sanctuary the beautiful God’s house we now enjoy. I know at least the carpet and pew cushions are new since our family are members, 37 years. And remember this was all done before the Fellowship Hall was built. If you would like to see a photo of the older sanctuary, it is on the right wall in the hall as you leave the service. The church newsletter from September 1955 is so full of news and plans for the fall schedule of the various committees and organizations it was difficult to choose what to share with you. Because it is just 61 years ago that the last major work was done in the Sanctuary, I decided to share with you that part of our building’s history. “Work on our sanctuary has proceeded satisfactorily to date, but delay in delivery of materials is going to slow progress in the next few weeks. To date the following items have been completed: the enlarged platform has been built and the organ console moved, the interior has been painted, the floor has been refinished, the public address system has been relocated to provide better appearance and efficiency, the next job is to reset the pews. This task cannot be completed by the first Sunday in the month, but will be done so that we can worship in our sanctuary the second Sunday. Worship the first Sunday will be downstairs. “We will have to wait for the installation of 4 new light fixtures, the laying of the carpet, and the arrival of the chancel furniture. The lights and carpet were ordered by the committee as soon as possible after the congregation approved the redecoration, and the committee simply has to wait for delivery. The chancel furniture (communion table, pulpit and lecture) have to be made to order. These items will be installed on arrival, but their lack will not interfere with our worship services. “The committee wishes to point out that the items of chancel furniture make excellent memorials. Speak to a committee member if you are interested.” I do not know of any such memorials Continued Prayer Warriors Would you like to help your neighbor, stretch spiritually and be a part of the mystical movement of the church? We are always looking for new prayer warriors to join the church Prayer Chain to offer prayers for folks who are ill, troubled or in need. If you want to learn more about the prayer chain, call Rev. Mike at 386-2570 or Wanda Renick at 386-3474. To put yourself or anyone on the chain for prayers, contact Rev. Mike or any member: Wanda Renick 386-3474, Arvilla Aldous 386-8327, Ellen Grayson 323-0950, Janet Stitt 714-2253, Nona Fisher 386-3247, Marilyn Rodee 386-8447 (January Snowbird), Joyce Bell 386-8789, Georgia Vose 386-8687, Ellen Compeau 386-8369, Bev Findley 323- 2064, Jane Cable 322-2441, Sandy Pollard 386-3916, Barb King 386-8304, Ellen Janack 386-3124, Toni Roller, Karen Parker 714-2312, Beth Hayes 265-8026, Betsy Robinson 386-2904, Pat Mace 585-350-9529, Donna Doig 386-3785 and Debby Nikkari 265-2983. Page 7 Church Website B.A.D. Guys Our B.A.D. Guys’ breakfast (Breakfast And Devotions) will resume October 9th. The Breakfast is held on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 8:15 am in Fellowship Hall. All the men & boys of the church are invited to come share a devotion, enjoy the spirited fellowship, and a savory morning meal. If you would like to volunteer to help coordinate one (or more) of these meals, see Rev. Mike. Our Website is updated each month and is a great way to stay a part of the life of the church. If you have questions about, or contributions for the website please email our Webmaster Tom Dildine: [email protected] The Church’s email address: [email protected] Reverend Mike’s email address: [email protected] Congregational Resources Please remember that the monthly copies of “These Days” and “Alive” are available to you on the table outside of sanctuary in the Narthex. Please feel free to pick up a copy for yourself or family. Copies of the Revised Common Lectionary, on which we base our Liturgy are in the monthly newsletter. Also, the latest editions of “Horizons” and “Presbyterian Today” can at times be found in the Narthex. Please take a look and return them when you are done so others may enjoy them. Presbyterian Worship Sermon Podcasts The weekly sermon is posted by Thursday and is available for down load or listening. An archive of past sermons is also available. Deacon’s CD Ministry The Deacons CD ministry provides our homebound friends & members with a CD of each week’s worship service. CDs are then delivered to homes the following week, and CD players are provided if necessary. If you’d like to receive a CD of the service, or help deliver CDs, please call the church office (386-2570). Partridge Knoll services will resume on November 2nd and will continue through the winter on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. Newsletter Deadline Is The 15th Of The Month We Need You! Please submit articles (emailed preferably) to the church office, or directly to the News letter Editor, Linda Potter, at: To sign up as a greeter or to host coffee hour for any Sunday, contact the church office at 386-2570. [email protected] Hello, my name is... Like Us On Facebook! The Church On The Park has a Facebook page which changes regularly Page 8 Remember - Name Tag Sunday is September 18th. Come early to church and make your own name tag. Get to know your neighbor. Women Of Grace Widows’ Fund Sewing Project - Mbowe 2016 Our Women Of Grace board constantly looks to the future with an eye on revenue from micro-businesses to benefit widows and children. We have initiated chicken and pig businesses through micro-loans, as well as a fledgling fish and honey business. Proceeds from cooperative projects, such as the pig and chicken business in Mbowe, benefit the widows group as a whole. WOG Sewing Project - cont. Margot, Ellen, Sam, and Grace see this sewing project as having the potential of being a major revenue stream for women in Central and Northern Malawi. Annual Church Bazaar Our annual bazaar will be held on Saturday, October 22nd from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Lunch will be served from 11 a.m.– 1 p.m. This is a major fund-raiser for our church, as well as a fantastic fellowship time within the congregation and the community. A list of the booths follows. Items may be brought to the church any time after the rummage sale and should be labeled “bazaar.” The sewing project began as an idea in 2010 with the purchase of a single treadle sewing machine which has been housed at the Mbowe Community Center. Until 2016, the machine has not been used for lack of training. White Elephant – Attic treasures and elegant junk….a step above rummage sale fare.! Margot McGorman of Watertown and Ellen Grayson of Canton spent two weeks in June 2016 with seven widows chosen by Sam Chirwa to receive training in treadle machine operation. Fifteen widows from Mbowe were trained to repair clothing and to make doormats. With the assistance of local tailor Juma Banda, as well as Margot and Ellen, the seven women produced chair pads, pillows, mops and underwear, as well as simple bags. Products created can be sold at the local market and produce much needed funds for the group to use as a whole. In addition, the objective is to have the previously trained women teach other women to sew in turn. Crafts – Goods made with yarn or fabric as well as other “crafty” creations. Baked Goods – Breads, cookies, pies, preserves. Candy – Whip up a batch of your sweetest confections. Plants & Harvest – House plants & fall crops, including dried flower arrangements & bulbs. Books – Including DVD’s & videos. Jewelry – Check through your glitter and bring us what you no longer wear. We are just in the planning stages and have only begun to recruit booth chairs. If you see somewhere you would like to work or a booth you would like to chair, contact Marilyn Coir 386-4361 or Beth Hayes 244-7902. Help is always needed and welcome at any of the booths as well as in the kitchen. The instruction will continue with the addition of electric sewing machines to be taken on the next training trip in 2017. Mbowe has the rudimentary beginnings of solar powered batteries which will supply power to the machines as well as much needed electric lighting. An effort to increase capacity of solar power is already underway. Continued Questions? Ideas? Please contact Marilyn or Beth. Thank you in advance for your support. Page 9 Session Report At the June session meeting, Deacons Ray Erickson and Barbara Garrett joined members to discuss any issues but none were forthcoming. A letter from the Canton Free Library thanking us for use of Fellowship Hall for their Battle of the Books was shared. Paul Miller's request to be removed from the church rolls was approved. Baptism of Juniper Lea Sorricelli was approved. Lord, behold our family here assembled. We thank you for this place in which we dwell, for the love that unites us, for the peace accorded us this day, for the hope with which we expect the morrow; for the health, the work, the food and the bright skies that make our lives delightful; for our friends in all parts of the earth. Amen. Pastor Donna stated that Brick Chapel services were going well and that she has done several committal services. Rev. Mike expressed his thanks for the support the church has given him as he begins taking care of his mother during her summer visit. Brandon Bartley completed a financial audit of the books for 2015 and found no problems. Members stated that he did an excellent job. Thanks Brandon! The Robin Crowell tree in the park has been planted with family members in attendance for the dedication. A new monument for fallen police and firefighters has been placed in the park. Rev. Mike discussed a need for a committee to raise funds to rebuild the fountain in the park. Neither the church nor the village can afford to do it alone so he will put a committee together consisting of several members of the community. Patience Boswell was hired as the Sexton for 8 hours/week. A review will be done at the August meeting to see if more hours are needed. Armond Spencer reported that there is a need for someone to be on the Presbytery Mission and Personnel Committees. Rev. Mike stated he is a Presbytery Trustee and permanent member of the Judicial Committee. Rev. Mike also stated that Andy Loeffler's position on the Church & Community Program needs to be filled and that the new Director is working out. The next meeting is August 29th. Being Mortal Program “Hope is not a plan.” Join us for a free screening and discussion of the Emmy nominated PBS FRONTLINE film Being Mortal on Thursday, September 29th from 7 - 9 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the Canton First Presbyterian Church, 17 Park Street. Based of the best-selling book by Atul Gawande, M.D., this documentary explores the hopes of patients and families facing terminal illness and their relationships with the physicians who treat them. Be part of a national conversation that brings medical professionals and community members together around the shared responsibility of discussing what matters most to patients and families facing difficult treatment decisions and how to have these conversations ahead of a medical crisis. This screening and program is sponsored by Hospice & Palliative Care of St. Lawrence Valley with media sponsorship by North Country Public Radio. For more information, contact Hospice at 265-3105 or Linda Potter 365-4364, [email protected]. Page 10 First Presbyterian Church School Children’s Registration Form 2016/17 Parents’ names_______________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Phone Number________________________________________________ Email_______________________________________________________ Children’s Names: Children’s Birth Dates: Current Grade: 1. _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Please tell us anything special we should know about your child on the extra line -- allergies, favorites, fears, special interests, talents. . . . Please complete and bring this form to church on Sunday, September 11th for Church School Registration OR send it to the church at 17 Park Street, Canton NY 13617. Page 11 IWanttoSIGNUPforCHURCH SCHOOL! IWanttoBEaTEACHER________oraSHEPHERD_________! TheSundaysIamavailablethisyear(2016/2017): Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. April May June 11_______ 18_______ 25_______ 2_______ 9_______ 16_______ 23_______30_______ 6_______ 13_______ 20_______ 27_______ 4_______ 11_______ 18_______ 8_______ 15_______ 22_______ 29_______ 5_______(tohelpchildrentobakecommunionbread) 12_______ 19_______ 26_______ 5_______ 12_______ 19_______ 26_______ 2_______ 9________16_______ 23_______30_______ 7_______ 14_______ 21_______28_______ 4_______ 11_______ 18_______ Iwouldliketobeinvolvedwithworkshopsthatinvolve: Tellingstories,readingtochildren________ Usingpuppetswithchildren________ Doingdramaandmovementwithchildren________ Doingartsandcraftswithchildren_______ (Anythingspecialthatyouliketodo?_________________________________) Makingmusicwithchildren________ Playingboard_______oractive________gameswithchildren________ Doingpuzzles(word,Sudoku,mazes,jigsaw)withchildren________ Doingcookingprojectswithchildren_______ Doingphotography,sewingorwoodworkingprojectswithchildren_______Prayingwithchildren________ Writingletterswithandtochildren_______ Doing___________________________________________________withchildren Myname_____________________________________________phone_______________________ E-mail________________________________________________ (Afteryou+illitout,pleaseleavethispaperinKimTrombly’smailbox, oronthetableinthelobbyarea.) Page 12 SUPPORT THE GREEN CHURCH CAMPAIGN This month we are launching the Green Church Campaign, with a fundraising goal of $5,503. With a one-time contribution, you can help save energy, protect the environment-- and help the church save money for years to come. This past year we had an energy audit of the Church on the Park conducted by a qualified firm thanks to a grant from the New York State Department of Energy. It identified five energy-saving projects, together costing $5,503 which it estimated would yield annual savings in energy costs of $2,207. That means a quick payback time, as these things go. The five projects are: installing pipe insulation, cleaning and tuning of the furnace, installing an outdoor air reset, weather stopping doors, and tightening of the building envelope. If you would like a copy of the energy audit, please contact J.J. Jockel, [email protected]. Please put your contribution to the Green Church Campaign in the envelope that comes with this newsletter and mail it in to the Church on the Park. Thank you! Church Photos Left - Choir Director Laura Toland & Assistant Choir Director Bob Duda presented the New Presbyterian Hymnal to choir members. Left - Youth Group fun was had this summer at Beth Hayes’s camp on Hannawa Pond. Right - In July,the joyous baptism of Juniper Lea Soricelli with former choir director Tiffany Soricelli and her husband Rob was celebrated. Page 13 Atul Gawande, MD, MPH Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management Harvard School of Public Health Harvard Medical School BEING MORTAL: Medicine and What Matters in the End Photo by Tim Llewellyn “Hope is not a plan.” Dr. Atul Gawande JOIN US for a free screening and discussion of the PBS FRONTLINE film Being Mortal. Based on the best-selling book by Atul Gawande, MD, this documentary explores the hopes of patients and families facing terminal illness and their relationships with the physicians who treat them. See the film and be part of a national conversation that brings medical professionals and community members together around the shared responsibility of discussing what matters most to patients and families facing difficult treatment decisions and how to have these conversations ahead of a medical crisis. l WHERE: First Presbyterian Church, 17 Park Street in Canton l WHEN: 7 - 9 p.m. - Thursday, September 29, 2016 l MORE INFORMATION: Mary Jones at 265-3105 This event is a program of Atul Gawande MD, MPH, is a surgeon, writer, and public health researcher. He practices general and endocrine surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and is professor in both the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard School of Public Health and the Department of Surgery at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Gawande has been a staff writer for The New Yorker magazine since 1998 and has written four New York Times bestsellers: Complications, a finalist for the National Book Award in 2002; Better, one of the 10 best books of 2007 by; The Checklist Manifesto in 2009 and his most recent book, Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, released in October 2014. He has won two National Magazine Awards, AcademyHealth’s Impact Award for highest research impact on healthcare, a MacArthur Fellowship and the Lewis Thomas Award for Writing about Science. HOSPICE FOUNDATION OF AMERICA Underwritten by the John and Wauna Harman Foundation Page 14 Page 15 11 18 25 Eastern Time Time Zone 11:15 AM Handbell Choir Practice Handbell Sunday 11:15 AM Handbell Choir Practice Church Picnic Name Tag Sunday Noisy Can Offering Teacher Dedication 11:15 AM Handbell Choir Practice 1:00 PM Monument Dedication CS Starts Blessing Of The Children Choir Resumes 4 28 11:15 AM Handbell Choir Practice Deacon & Food Offering Rev. Mike Off Pastor Donna To Preach Sunday 7:00 PM Session 6:00 PM Postscript Rummage Sale Set-Up Labor Day 7:00 PM Session Monday 26 19 12 5 29 September 2016 13 6 30 7:30 PM Evening Book Group 27 20 1:00 PM Afternoon Book Group Tuesday 14 7 31 5:45 PM Deacons 28 21 11:00 AM Baffaro Service 7:30 PM Women's Circle Wednesday 7:00 PM Being Mortal Program 7:00 PM Choir Practice 7:00 PM Choir Practice 6:00 PM RS Sneak Peek 7:00 PM Choir Practice Newsletter Deadline 7:00 PM Choir Practice 7:00 PM Death Cafe Thursday 29 22 15 8 1 9:00 AM Rummage Sale Friday 30 23 16 9 2 1 24 17 10 3 Page 1/1 9:00 AM Rummage Sale Saturday Page 16 U.S. Postage Paid Canton, NY 13617 Permit No. 15 Standard Rate Non-Profit Organization PRESORT STANDARD The 1st Presbyterian Church, on the Park 17 Park Street Canton, NY 13617 Address Service Requested The Church is charged for every returned Newsletter. If you have moved, or changed a seasonal address, please notify the church office. Thank you. Fall Rummage Sale - Sept. 16 & 17 Church Picnic After Worship - Sept. 18 Choir & Sunday School Resume Join the Green Church Campaign Death Cafe - Sept. 8 Being Mortal Screening & Discussion - Sept. 29 The Mission of the First Presbyterian Church of Canton to reach out to all people and welcome them in celebrating truly the joys, freedoms and responsibilities that come with our faith in God, Christ’s unconditional love for us, and the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our world. Through this nurturing Christian Community we will fully recognize the value of each believer, humbly forgive ourselves and others, and lovingly embrace God’s Grace.