10hr XC MTB RELAY PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY SATURDAY 7th FEBRUARY 2015 LAKE TEKAPO REGIONAL PARK Grab a small group of your riding friends and put together a team for this event based on the successful XC Team Relay format. Your team have 10 hours to complete as many laps of the 7km course as possible between 9am and 7pm. The solo option is available for those wanting an ultimate challenge. The Lake Tekapo Regional Park has a range of track type and surface with single track and 4WD tracks threaded together beneath the trees to give you a mix of riding that you will love. As a fundraising event we aim to keep things basic but fun and fair for all levels of XC racers. The high standard of racing in the last two events was great to see. As we grow this event we will continue to add more categories. Each team will be given a transition area beneath the trees that the racers will ride their way through. Teams are encouraged to bring shelters, seating and warm-up bikes BUT no smoking or BBQs allowed (fire risk). There will be a fundraising BBQ set up in the gravel area that will sell a small range of delicious food items. This event is a fundraiser for Mackenzie College Outdoor Sports, Team work and Leadership. CATEGORIES SOLO MALE TEAM MALE TEAM U19 MALE Age is as at 31 December 2015 SOLO FEMALE TEAM FEMALE TEAM U19 FEMALE Age is as at 31 December 2015 TEAM MIXED TEAM OVER40 VETERAN 35% of laps must be female Age is as at 31 December 2015 10hr Continuous Team Relay or Solo Rider Event 9am-7pm Teams can have up to 5 riders. The track is 7km around. ENTRY DETAILS: Entry fee is $50 per rider. th All members of a U19 team must be U19 on 31st Dec. 2015 All members of an over40 Veteran team must be Over40 on 31st Dec. 2015. Mixed gender teams must have female riders completing 35% of the completed laps. Teams will be allocated Race numbers to be securely fixed to handlebars. These will be handed out at registration. Transition sites will be allocated – most sites will be between / next to trees so suit tarps/shelters/gazebos. NO SMOKING. NO BBQs. NO OVERNIGHT CAMPING. The track is a nice mix of single track and 4WD track through established pine forest – you will enjoy it! This is a fundraising event with a specific purpose, and we are proud to see that it is now an annual fixture on the South Island MTB XC Calendar. Your support will help this. The systems will be kept basic to maximise the fundraising opportunity. The money raised will go to a very good cause – ensuring that Mackenzie College students can continue to develop in outdoor sports, teamwork and leadership. The event will also have a cash BBQ and food stall to raise further funds. Please support this great group of dedicated students by getting your team organised and sending in your entry form as soon as entries open. Entries open on 9 November. Maximum number of riders at this event will be 600. Payment method is by cash, cheque or Direct Bank Transfer. Please ensure that the payment covers all members of your team. Your entry is accepted after receipt of your entry fee – please ensure prompt payment to avoid disappointment. st After 5pm on 1 February a late entry fee of $20 per rider will apply. st If you enter and then decide not to race prior to 1 February then please let us know in writing so that we can refund 50% of your entry fee. Any withdrawal after st the 1 February 2015 will result in no refund. SCHEDULE: th Friday 6 February 5pm-8pm Pre-race Registration at Race HQ, Lake Tekapo Regional Park From 5pm Transition Site set up th Saturday 7 February 7am-8am Registration at Race HQ 7am-8am Transition Site set up 7.30am Course open for pre-race riding (no marshals – ride slowly in pairs). 8.45am Race briefing for ALL competitors 9am Race start 7pm Race Finish 7.30pm ..ish Podiums PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY SOLO MALE Select your category SOLO FEMALE (age on 31st December 2015) TEAM MALE TEAM FEMALE Please take care to complete all parts of this entry form accurately. This information is used to contact you with more information and the emergency information is needed in case of accidents/incidents. TEAM MIXED Competitors who are U18 need to have parent/guardian read the competitor declaration and sign it on their behalf. TEAM o40 VETERAN U19 TEAM MALE Team Name ______________________ Team Manager______________ BIKER 1 NAME U19 TEAM FEMALE GENDER EMAIL MALE / FEMALE DATE OF BIRTH DAY / MONTH / YEAR ADDRESS PHONE BIKER 2 EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NAME GENDER EMAIL MALE / FEMALE DATE OF BIRTH DAY / MONTH / YEAR ADDRESS PHONE BIKER 3 EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NAME GENDER EMAIL MALE / FEMALE DATE OF BIRTH DAY / MONTH / YEAR ADDRESS PHONE BIKER 4 EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NAME GENDER EMAIL MALE / FEMALE DATE OF BIRTH DAY / MONTH / YEAR ADDRESS PHONE BIKER 5 EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NAME GENDER EMAIL MALE / FEMALE DATE OF BIRTH DAY / MONTH / YEAR ADDRESS PHONE EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE PAYMENT DETAILS (three Payment options) CASH – Placed in an envelope (labelled “Tekapo10”) with the entry form and hand delivered to Mackenzie College. CHEQUE –“Mackenzie College”-Place in an envelope with entry form and post to Tekapo10, Mackenzie College, Fairlie. 7925. BANK TRANSFER – Do a Bank transfer of the full team fee to 03-1718-0018327-00 use “Tekapo10<team name>” in details Entry forms can be scanned and emailed to [email protected] TOTAL ENTRY FEE @ $50 per rider $ ($70 per rider after 1st February 2015) DECLARATION – I declare/ I declare on behalf of my team: 1. I agree to abide by all event rules and directions issued by the event organisers. 2. I acknowledge that participating in this event involves a potential risk of serious injury or death. I am aware of the hazards involved and in my judgement I have sufficient competence and experience to participate safely. 3. I consent to receiving medical treatment that the event organisers consider desirable during or after the event. 4. I acknowledge that if circumstances warrant, the organisers reserve the right to alter the advertised course and I consent to such changes and agree that each of the conditions herein set out shall apply to that changed event. 5. I consent to the event organisers using my name and details, voice, image or likeness before, during or after the event for legitimate purposes and at no cost. 6. I understand that in the event of withdrawal requests for refund of 50% of entry fee must be made in writing prior to 1st February 2015. After this date no refund will be made. 7. I understand that In the event of any “act of God” causing cancellation of the event my total entry is non-refundable. 8. I hereby release the event managers and all persons or corporations associated directly or indirectly with the event from all claims, demands and proceedings arising out of my participation and I hereby indemnify them against all liability, financial or otherwise which might arise whether or not by negligence or the negligence of others for injury, loss or damage arising out of or connected with my participation in this event. This release shall extend to and include the organisers, other competitors, volunteers and medical personnel, the owners, licensees, and occupiers of land upon which the event or any part of it is conducted, any statutory body or local authority having control over any land upon which the event or any part of it is conducted or which is involved directly or indirectly with the event in any manner whatsoever including promoters, sponsors and event organisers. This release and indemnity continues forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representative and assigns. 9. I have read and agree to all the safety information, rules and conditions in this entry form. Participant signature ___________________________________ Date ______________ (If competitor is U18 a Parent/guardian signature ) HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND DISCLOSURE The organisers are committed to providing and ensuring proper hazard identification and instigate appropriate mitigation options. Additionally, the organisers are committed to providing open disclosure of risk information to competitors, marshals and others connected with the events. The following table has been produced to identify potential hazards and assist the organisers with identifying their response to these. Activity General Potential Risks / Hazards Hazard Severity Response Course Low to High Prior to the event the course is given a final pre-race check to identify course conditions and remove if possible any obstacles. Information is provided at the pre-race briefings. Medical or allergy emergency Low to High All personnel directly involved with the race disclose any known medical issue that could cause an emergency. All personnel instructed to carry any medication required to manage known medical conditions. Falling off bike Low to High Individual participants consider the suitability of their competence and experience for this event. Team mangers also fully consider team member suitability. Falls can occur towards the end of race. Marshals to watch and warn participants. All riders instructed to stop and help any participants involved with accidents and next participant to inform next course marshal. Approved bike helmet essential. Hitting a rock, tree or man-made structure Low to High Warning given in briefings. Pre-race check carried out to minimise potential problems. Approved bike helmet essential. Colliding with other competitors Low to High Warning given in briefings. Pre-race check carried out to minimise potential problems. Approved bike helmet essential. Colliding with other non-competitors, marshals, support crew and spectators. Low to High Warning given in briefings. Pre-race check carried out to minimise potential problems. Support crews briefed to keep off course. Marshals briefed to keep off immediate riding course. Spectators briefed to keep well back from side s of course. Approved bike helmet essential. Colliding with other Park users. Low to High Warning given that the Park is NOT closed to other users. Competitors are to give way to other users. Approved bike helmet essential. Competitors to be alert and respectful of others rights. Competitor leaving course and colliding with branches Low to High All competitors briefed to ride within limits of individual ability so that they can remain on course. Eye protection highly recommended. Approved bike helmet essential. Dehydration Low Advised to carry fluids. Participants should be self-sufficient. Hypothermia Medium Competitors carry suitable clothing to protect themselves in the climate and expected weather conditions. Marshals have suitable clothing and shelter. Equipment failure Low Remind of individual’s and team manager’s responsibility to thoroughly check equipment, especially the condition of bike and components. Pre-existing medical conditions Low to High Team managers responsibility to notify all known medical conditions to event organisers. Team manager and competitor responsibility to carry individual medication to manage specific known medical conditions. Colliding with competitors, support crew and spectators. Low to High Warning given in briefings. Pre-race check carried out to minimise potential problems. Support crews briefed to keep off course. Marshals briefed to keep off immediate riding course. Spectators briefed to keep well back from side s of course. Dehydration Low Advised to carry fluids. Water available at event start and finish. Hypothermia Medium Marshals carry suitable clothing and shelter to protect themselves in the climate and expected weather conditions. Marshals have suitable clothing and shelter. Support crew and spectators Colliding with competitors, support crew and spectators. Low to High Warning given in briefings. Pre-race check carried out to minimise potential problems. Support crews briefed to keep off course. Marshals briefed to keep off immediate riding course. Spectators briefed to keep well back from sides of course. All Park users Fire Low to high Warning given at briefing. No smoking during event. Parking is in correct places provided. NO BBQ or flames allowed in vegetated areas. A central BBQ will be selling food items. Mountain Biking Marshals BIKES & SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: EVERY competitor must wear a HARD SHELL helmet that is correctly fitted. Competitor’s footwear must be fully enclosed. Competitor’s bike must be in good working order with fully functioning front and rear brakes. Eye protection is strongly recommended. Bring clothing appropriate for the climate and weather conditions. Bring warm clothing to change into.
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