How to use the design tool (Ver 1.0) for FAN7631 1
How to use the design tool (Ver 1.0) for FAN7631 1
How to use the design tool (Ver 1.0) for FAN7631 1 Contents Motivations Design Example Single output for LCD TV 2 Motivations It is modified from conventional Fairchild LLC design tool of version 1.3 It is suitable for FAN7631 in the control parameter design point of view It can be used for high frequency design with resonant frequency up to 300kHz and softstart frequency up to 600kHz 3 Design Example Single Output Application for LCD TV 4 Design Example Single output application for LCD TV Specifications p Output: 24V/8A Input: 360Vdc ~ 400Vdc (nominal 380Vdc) Let’s L t’ start t t to t design d i using i “LLC d design i ttooll for f FAN7631 Ver V 1.0 1 0” 5 Step 1: Fill out the input/output specifications Multi-output could be possible up to three. Specification & Parameter Output Voltage 1 Output Current 1 Output Voltage 2 Output Current 2 O t t Voltage Output V lt 3 1 O 1. Output t t Specifications S ifi ti Output Current 3 Output Power Select Configuration of Output Rectifier Input 24 8 0 0 0 0 Output Dim. 192.0 W 1 Maximum VF of Output Diode Maximum Input Voltage Nominal Input Voltage Estimated Efficiency 2. Input Specifications Expected Input Power DC-Link Capacitor Frequency & Ripple voltage @ Nominal Minimum Input Voltage If the PFC circuit is used, then these two rows have no meaning. meaning Dim. V A V A V A 1 V 400 380 0.95 V V 680 0 360 uF Hz V 202.1 W 0 V If this is larger than the gap between Vin,nom and Vin,mim, increase the DC-Link Capacitor. If the secondary side configuration is a center tapped, input “1”. If the secondary side configuration is a bridge type, input “2”. 6 Step 2-1: Select m (Lp/Lr) It is recommended to choose 4~8 of m. The conduction loss would be decreased as m increases. 3 G 3. Gain i & Turn T ratio ti m= Boundary Voltage Gain @ Resonant Freq. of Lr & Cr Margin g of Maximum Gain Required Maximum Gain Turn-ratio (Np/Ns1) Turn-ratio (Np/Ns2) 6 411 V 1.10 15 % 1.44 9.00 - Turn-ratio (Np/Ns3) - Gain Below region (fs<fo) 1. To make all switching frequencies depending on the input voltage below the resonant frequency (fs<fo), let the Boundary Voltage higher than the maximum input voltage. If Boundary Voltage is less than Vin,max, above region operation could be with Vin,max. Above region (fs>fo) Gmax @ Vin,min Gmin @ Vin,max 2. To make turns ratio be an integer, tune the Boundary Voltage up. Virtual Gain @ Boundary Voltage fs @ Vin,min fs @ Vin,max fo fs 7 Step 2-2: Select m (Lp/Lr) 3. Gain & Turn ratio m= Boundary Voltage Gain @ Resonant Freq. of Lr & Cr Margin of Maximum Gain Required Maximum Gain Turn-ratio (Np/Ns1) Turn-ratio (Np/Ns2) 6 411 1.10 15 Im - (I) fs < fo To respond properly to load changes, there should be an enough margin. 15~20% is recommended. d d ID Ip ID % 1.44 9.00 - Turn-ratio (Np/Ns3) Ip V IO Im The p peak gain g in the gain g curve must exceed the Required Maximum Gain at full load condition. (II) fs > fo IO 8 Step 3-1: Select Q factor This graph is obtained when m is selected. Find out an appropriate Q factor guaranteeing the Required Maximum Gain G on the red curve. In p previous page: p g 1) m is selected to be m=6 2) required peak gain is calculated to be 1.44 Action items: 1) find the curve with m=6 which is highlighted with red 2) @ m=6 curve, find a pint of gain=1.44 3) read the Q value @ the point of gain=1.44 and find the Q is around 0.35 9 Step 3-2: Select Q factor Automatically calculated. AC Resistor 214.2 ohm DC Resistor 3.3 ohm 10.6 nF 59.7 uH 630 V 360.0 uH Q factor 0.350 Expected Resonant Frequency 4. Resonant Parameters 200 kHz Recommended Cr Recommended Lr Selected Cr / Recomm. Voltage Rating 12.0 nF Selected Lr 60.0 uH Estimated Lp Lr and Cr could be calculated using; Lr 1 fO 2 Lr C r Q C r R AC To guarantee the Required Maximum Gain, Q factor has to be small satisfactorily. Put the desired resonant frequency down. Choose Lr and Cr referring to the Recommended Values including the voltage rating of Cr. 10 Step 4: Check the peak gain with the gain curve G Gain Gain Curve depending on the load condition. Check whether the peak gain @ full load > Required Maximum Gain If not, go back to Step 3 and reduce Q factor. LLC resonant Converter 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 20 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 Load of 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 50 100 150 200 250 freq (kHz) 11 300 350 400 450 Step 5: Just check out Section 5 and 6 Section 5 is only for the reference. Remind Lp and Lr are not Lm and Llkg. Magnetizing Inductance 328.6 Leakage Inductance of Primary-side 31.37 uH 4.05 uH 0.39 uH - uH Inductance of Secondary-side 1 5. Transformer Parameters Leakage Inductance of Secondary-side 1 for Simulation Inductance of Secondary-side y 2 uH Leakage Inductance of Secondary-side 2 - uH Inductance of Secondary-side 3 - uH - uH Leakage Inductance of Secondary-side 3 Phase Angle of Lr & Cr 1178.5 krad/s Phase Angle of Lp & Cr 481.1 krad/s Resonant Freq. of Lr & Cr (fr) 187.7 kHz 6. Operating Parameters Resonant Freq. of Lp & Cr Operating Freq. @ Max. Input Voltage 76.6 kHz 175.8 kHz Operating Freq. @ Nom. Input Voltage 159.4 kHz Operation Freq. @ Min. Input Voltage 141.9 kHz The real value of resonant frequency. Estimated operating frequency depending on the input voltage. Check out all are below resonant frequency. 12 Step 6: Obtain components’ values of control part Referring to the gain curve, put down the minimum operating frequency. Keep it in your mind that the set must do not enter the ZCS mode. Minimum Mi i Operating O i Frequency F off IC Maximum Operating Frequency of IC fss Rmin Rmax 450.0 kHz 7.7 kohm 4.2 kohm Soft-start Time(tSS) 7. Parameter of Control Part It is set for burst operation 75 kHz kH 200 kHz 30.00 msec Css 0.35 uF Auto Restart Time(tAR) 243 ms 40 ms OLP Time(tOLP) Recommended Sensing Resistor(RCS) 0.13 ohm Input Voltage for disabling Brownout Protection Input Voltage for enabling Brownout Protection Vin, hysteresis Rupper_LUVP Rlower_LUVP Dead Time(DT) 380 280 V Dead Time Capacitor (CDT) Dead time section Brownout protection section 13 360.00 360 00 20.00 2.00 16.8 V V MΩ kΩ 9.9 kΩ 10.0 nF ns Dead Time Resistor(RDT) To avoid triggering of OCP at startup, there is 50% margin of the estimated peak primary current. It is 6fmin and upper limit is 600kHz Css related section (tSS, tAR, TOLP) Step 7: Just check out Section 8 The estimated rms value of the primary current. The more m, the smaller Irms. If the transformer is too hot, there are two solutions; First, go back to Step 2 and increase m. Second, increase wire gauge as large as possible. 8. Current on Input & Output Stage IRMS of Primary-side @ Nominal Input 1.16 Arms IPEAK of Primary-side @ Nominal Input 1.64 IRMS of Output 1 9.59 Arms IRMS of Output 2 - Arms IRMS of Output 3 - Arms A It will be used to select the sense resistor. To avoid triggering of OCP at startup, there is 50% margin of the estimated peak primary current. 14 Step 8: Select the secondary diode Margin of Rated Voltage 50 % Margin of Rated Current 100 % Rated Current & Voltage of Output 1 Diode 9. Secondary-Side Diode Specification Rated Current & Voltage of Output 2 Diode Rated Current & Voltage of Output 3 Diode The voltage rating is (2*Vo)*150% as your input. The current rating has 100% margin. 15 72.0 V 8.60 A - V - A - V - A Step 9: Transformer Design To guarantee safe operation, recommended BMAX when integrated transformer 1) 0.2~0.26 for fr=100kHz 2) 0.15~0.2 for fr=200kHz 3) 0.1~0.15 for fr=300kHzis recommended. Used core information Expected BMAX 0.2 Tesla Ae of Core 150 ㎟ Min. Number of Primary Winding Turns(Np,min) 25.0 Turns Number of Output 1 Winding Turns(Ns1) 3 02 Turns 3.02 Number of Expected Primary Winding Turns(Np) 27.2 Turns Number of Output 2 Winding Turns(Ns2) 10. Transformer Specifications Minimum Np. Np must be greater than this. - Turns Number of Output 3 Winding Turns - Turns Primary-side Inductance (Lp) 360.0 uH 60.0 uH Area of Primary Winding Wire 0.23 ㎟ Area of Output 1 Winding Wire 1.25 ㎟ Area of Output 2 Winding Wire - ㎟ Area of Output 3 Winding Wire - ㎟ Resonant Inductance (Lr) Current Density 5 A/㎟ Among multi-outputs, fill in the blank with the lowest output. If Np<Np,min, error message is like below, so please increase Ns1 Select the current density and the adequate wire. If the window area of the used core is insufficient with the recommended winding wire, increase the current density. 16 Considerations 4~8 of m is recommended. Let Boundary Voltage above Vin,max. Select Q factor for “Peak Gain > Required Maximum Gain.” Set fs,min to avoid ZCS region operation. Set the voltage margin for selecting the secondary diode diode. Np must be greater than Minimum Np. If the temperature of transformer is too high, Go G back b k to t Step St 2, 2 and d increase i m. Go back to Step 9, and decrease Current Density. 17 Thank you ! 18