Document 6601126
Document 6601126
Phone—507– 283-8502 Email: [email protected] Fax: 507-449-3638 Web: Or: Office Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30 Pastor: Fr. Tom Jennings [email protected] Senior Priest: Fr. Eugene Egan Parish Administrator: Mary McLaughlin 283-8502, [email protected] Faith Formation Director: Katie Baustain, 283-8071 [email protected] Faith Formation Assistant: Lynn Richters, 283-8071 [email protected] Cemetery: SC: Mark Walgrave, 283-8845 SM: Albert Mulder, 967-2447 Prayer Chain: SC: Lil Willers: 283-2552 SM: Mary Rabinowitz: 967-2243 Maintenance/ Custodial SC: Ken Petersen, 283-8502 SM: Bill Deutsch, 967-2146 Music SC Ron Rother SM: Vickie Jenniges, 967-2297 Social Ministry: Mary Lou Mulligan, 449-2653 Women’s Council: SC: Mary Hemme & Lila Bauer SM Connie Gaul and Karen Werner Knights of Columbus SC: Dick Smook, 283-8008 SM: Dale Julius, 967-2165 Adoration Chapel: Dianne Gonnerman, 283-9391 Adult Faith Formation: Mary Lou Mulligan, 449-2653 R.C.I.A.: Fr. Tom Jennings, 283-8502 Catholic Charities: 507-454-2270 Ministry of Care: Dick Smook, 283-8008 Pastoral Council SC Paul Doherty, 283-4360 SM John Reiter, 967-2507 Finance Council: SC Mary Aaker, 283-9315 SM Dan Lorang, 967-2581 Diocesan Website: November 16, 2014 ADVENT RECONCILIATION Wednesday, November 19 3:30/4:00 and 6:30/7:00 SC Ministry Schedule Rosary Greeters Tuesday SC 9:00 +Sonny/Gen Honermann Wednesday SC 9:00 +Verena Driessen Thursday Vet’s Home 4:00 +Charlotte Canton Friday PVM 9:30 +Raymond Reiffenberger Saturday SC 5:30 +George Berning Sunday SM 8:30 For the People SC 10:30 +Floyd Johnson Reader Gifts Servers Ushers Eucharistic Ministers This Week in Our Parish Cluster Today SC-KC Breakfast 10:30-12:30 FallFest Gift Baskets Drawing 12:30, GS Undy Box Monday SC-Divorce Support Group 7 SM-Pastoral Council 7:30 Tuesday Adult FF 9:30/7 Cub Scouts 7 Wednesday Advent Reconciliation Services 3:30/4 & 6:30/7 FF 3:30/7 SM-KCs 8 Thursday SC-Parish Fun Day 1 Vet’s Mass 4 SC-Pastoral Council 7 Sunday Presentation of Confirmation Candidates/Luncheon Campaign for Human Development Undy Box SC-Patronal Feast Fellowship Rock Co. Thanksgiving/Holy Trinity Church 7 Everyone say to himself: ‘When was the last time I went to confession?’ And if it has been a long time, don’t lose another day! ... Be courageous, and go to confession.” ~ Pope Francis Sacristans Video SM Ministry Schedule Greeters EM Reader Gifts Ushers Servers Rosary Video PMV Saturday, Nov. 22 Sunday, Nov. 23 Barb Spartz Ken & Mary Petersen Jennifer Engesser Mary Pike, Meri Thomas, Connie Wieneke Patty Evans Joe Mauch Bethany Behr Logan Ommen, Open Colton Schutz, Brenn Siebenahler Bill Miller, Johannes Marv Tofteland, Mark Nath, Leon Siebenahler, Walgrave, Rod Walgrave, Youth Youth Sue Buffington, Nancy Wendy Gacke, Mike & Lange, Julie Klein, Pam Haakenson, Cheryl Mary Jo Nath, Michelle Hartman, Pete Janiszeski, Rozeboom, Al Willers Dennis Madison, Diane Rowden VanderSteen Family Rod Walgrave Tony Opitz Tape either Mass Sunday, Nov. 23 Larry & Cathy Lewis Dan & Monica Lorang, Bill Deutsch Dave Ranschau Dale & Kathy Julius Allan Venenga, Jim Lenz Anthony Lenz, Noah Wessels Larry Lewis Dave Goedken Bill & Jean Deutsch, Leah Werner Birthday Greetings! Lila Baustian, Nancy Skattum, Luck Fey, Drew Weis, Tori Hemme, Sonny Wieneke, Colleen Nath, Krista Kempema, Jake Aukes, Philip Vander Lugt, Molee Pick, Mary Flanagan, Todd Van Belle, Aidan Capistran, Hayli Dandurand, Mary Christensen, Jeanette Tangemann, Bob Loosbrock, Chloe Strassburg, Jon Foster, Trey Baustian Anniversaries Greg & Stacey Roemen, Craig & Lana Wieneke, Harold & Joanne Wohlford, Harlan & Anne Huiskies PASTOR’S POST • Pope Francis' Reconciliation Story Our parish cluster reconciliation services will be on Wednesday. So, let’s recall Pope Francis’ conversion moment at age 17 on Sept. 21, 1953, first day of spring in Argentina. He was with a gang of friends going to a party. They passed a Church. He pulled away from his buddies and stepped inside for a quick confession. “It was the experience of a meeting,” as he describes the encounter. “I found someone (Jesus) who had been waiting for me for a long time. After confession I felt that something had changed. I was no longer the same person. I had really heard a voice, a call.” He says Jesus was waiting for him; Jesus was in the confessional before he got there. “He arrives first. He’s waiting for us.” Jorge (Francis’ baptismal name) never went to the party. He went home to reflect on what happened. Jesus will be ahead of you, waiting for you on Wednesday. — Fr. Tom OUR CHURCH HAPPENINGS • News, Honors, Thank Yous REFLECTION FROM THE CHAPEL — “Psalm 23 describes my experience in the Prayer Chapel: “In verdant pastures the Lord gives me repose; besides restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul.” I ask, what might be the verdant pastures in my life, where do I graze and lie down, where am I near restful waters? I have moved several times. In every place I have found some kind of green pasture—a window opening onto something beautiful, a rocking chair on a porch, a walking trail, a corner in a chapel. There’s always been a place to go, thirsty and exhausted, and have my strength renewed. St. Catherine Chapel is my cherished green pasture, my restful waters where I am refreshed. There, sitting in a chair or on the floor, Jesus spreads his table before me, he anoints my head, he fills my cup with goodness and kindness. There’s nothing more to want.” A parishioner. UNDY BOX — The big box that is marked, “Undy Sunday,” is for new socks and underwear for SHARE to distribute for Christmas for needy folks. The box will be there until Sunday, Dec. 7. ADVENT RECONCILIATION ON WEDNESDAY! Our deanery penance services begin before Advent because of the priest shortage. We’ll pay special tribute to Fr. Charlie Quinn who for many years was with us to hear confessions. He died peacefully and his funeral was yesterday at St. Luke’s Church in Sherburn. Our services on Wednesday will focus on our catechetical theme in the USA this year: reconciliation, especially in family relationships. Adult times are 3:30 and 6:30; youth and adult times are 4 and 7. Come and begin early to prepare for Christmas. LECTORS — The Church’s new cycle of scripture readings (Cycle B) begins with the First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 30. Pick up your copy of “Workbook for Lectors, 2015,” in the sacristy. The book has all the readings for the new liturgical year, brief meditations on the readings, pronunciation guide, etc. It is very helpful for proclaiming the Word of God. PASTORAL COUNCILS — The last meetings of SC and SM pastoral councils will be this week: Monday at 7:30 at SM and Thursday at 7 at SC. Both gatherings will include preparation for the presentation of the tentative pastoral plan for our deanery. ETERNAL LIFE — Bert Vander Poel, 89, died on Monday and his funeral was Friday at SC. Our parish sympathy and prayers are extended to his family: wife, Barb; son, Larry (Kathy), 5 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. SC-KC BREAKFAST TODAY! Pancakes, scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, sausage, toast and drink. Adults $6; 12 and under $3. Serving 10:3012:30. WELCOME IRISH CHILDREN NEXT SUMMER! Open your heart and home next summer to 10 and 11 year old children from Northern Ireland. Children’s Program of Northern Ireland is looking for host families at the end of June for 5 weeks. Contact 651-405-1108 or [email protected]. FALLFEST GIFT BASKETS DRAWINGS AT 12:30 TODAY! Join us in the Gathering Space after the KC Breakfast. THANKS FOR FALLFEST! We’ll have full reporting of results soon. For now, we say thanks to the leadership team: Kenny and Stacy Rolling, Pat Scheidt, Kevin and Mary Aaker, Mary and Darrell Hemme, Sandy Klein, Mike Cox and Mary McLaughlin. And, to the many crew workers, including Sue Linebeck for the Bake Sale, workers for youth games and food, staff and prayer partners. And, thanks to student speakers-Charlie Sietsema, Sierra Somnis and Jack Baustian; to auctioneers Bryan Fodness and Bill Korth. Big thanks to all donors to the Big Ticket, donors of Gift Baskets, donors to the Live Auction, KC and LCCW workers. Thanks to participants in the FallFest Dinner. Thanks to George Langford for the fabric banner; to all auction bidders and all who purchased chances for Baskets and Big Ticket. Above all, thanks to our Lord, Jesus Christ, giver of all that is good and beautiful! As the youth speakers said on Saturday evening, “Thanks for supporting FallFest which funds Youth Ministry and Youth Faith Formation.” WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKENDS! Feb. 6-8 in Buffalo and Feb. 13-15 in Windom. Contact or John and Mary Beth, 507-838-8178. SECOND GRADE FAMILIES AS SUNDAY EUCHARIST GIFT BEARERS! Second grade families in our two parishes will participate in Sunday Masses as Offertory Gift Bearers beginning today: at SC—Landon Ahrendt (Troy and Kara) Family and next Sunday, Bethany Behr (Bonnie) Family. Next Sunday at SM: Emma Deutsch (Colter and Sarah) Family. GREEN EARTH PLAYERS! “A Christmas Story” at the Palace Theater on Nov. 14, 15, 16 and 21, 22, 23. WE’RE STILL LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS to sell grocery vouchers two Sundays a month after Mass! Still looking for a volunteer to oversee the parish gift store! LCCW ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COOKIE SALE! At WinterFest on Sat. Dec. 6 at Elementary School. Please bring 6 doz. cookies or a large plate of Christmas Candy to SC Gathering Space on Fri. 5th from 10 to 3 or to Luverne Elem. Sch. by 8:30 am the day of sale. If unable, please donate $10 in a marked envelope in the Sunday collection basket. Thanks! Pat Scheidt, 283-8741. CONGRATULATIONS TO EDGERTON ELLSWORTH FOOTBALL TEAM! The team is in the State Tournament! PRAYING FOR THE SICK, INJURED, RECOVERING Marv Struck-father of Laura Louwagie, Riley and Rosalie Nath, Leora Baustian, Tony Olson, Sara Sammons, Joe Roberts, Eileen Domagala, Vance Walgrave, Monica Lorang. COUNTRY CUPBOARDS 843 US Hwy 75 LUVERNE, MINNESOTA 56156 NATIONAL BANK 507-283-8176 507-283-2561 SKATTU 507-283-4463 303 E. Main Luverne, MN 56156 S&S Carwash Legendary S South Highway 75 Luverne, MN 56156 (507) 283-4270 CONFINEMENT SYSTEMS P.O. Box 885 • Luverne, MN 56156 (507) 283-9713 or (888) 740-9713 507-283-4429 Blue Mound Glen’s Banquet Food & Godfather’s Glen’s Food Center Center Gas Center Pizza Domeyer Implement Catering • Buffet • Chicken • Pizza (507) 283-2379 Luverne, MN Terry & Chantel Connell owners Ellsworth, MN 105 N. Broadway St. 507-967-2485 • 507-283-2341 Daily & Nightly Specials Funeral Home & Cremation Service 449-0454 LUVERNE Chapel OPEN Monday – Saturday AND 283-2777 ELECTRIC,LLC Residential Commercial Farm Wiring Licensed - Bonded - Insured Trenching Mike Buss,Owner 507-449-8005 Rock Rapids, IA Brad Ver Steeg Luverne, MN 56156 507.227.1051 cell (507) 449-2828 [email protected] Locally owned & operated by the Hartquist family. Seedsmanship At Work™ MainStreet financial services 212 East Main Street P.O. Box 716 Luverne, MN 56156 507-283-9590 • 1-800-260-1014 Open 6:00am until 10:00pm Monday - Saturday Open 6:00am until 8:00pm Sunday LOW Prices & Top Quality Meat, Produce Bakery & Deli Items! District Sales Manager PLUMBING, HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING, INC. 412 S Kniss Ave. • Luverne, MN 56156 INVEST Financial Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC, and its affiliated insurance agencies offer securities, advisory services and certain insurance products and are not affiliated with MainStreet Financial Services, Inc. - Larry and Deb Goebel Owners The Gold Standard in Seed, Service and Satisfaction. Lindsey J. Swenson CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, CLTC | Financial Advisor Joe Mauch District Sales Manager 507-360-0265 [email protected] "But thanks be to God who always leads us into triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing." Pat Von Tersch 904 S Kniss Avenue • Luverne, MN 56156 Phone: (507) 449-2030 Toll Free: (866) 470-0757 Email: [email protected] 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 Ken’s Ken’s Bike Shop 211 N. Freeman 283-8154 Bill Korth • Real Estate Sales Agent Jensen Management Service, Inc. Bill Weber, Broker • Real Estate Appraiser with Jensen Management Service, Inc. • Personal Property Appraiser Kevin & Mary Aaker (507) 283-8711 Dingmann Funeral Home & Cremation Services "A local, family owned funeral home for over four generations" Luverne, MN ~ 283-4567 Licensed & Bonded Auctioneer Auction # 67-75 710 N Oakley Luverne, MN 56156 Cell: 507.227.4958 [email protected] Thank You To Our Advertisers For Making This Bulletin Possible! For advertising call Quality Printing 507-283-1716