Document 6603461


Document 6603461
November 16, 2014
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Monday, November 17th
8:00 a.m. Giovannina & Pasquale Bicchetti
Good stewards are like the
industrious and reliable servants in
today’s Gospel, prudently using and
multiplying the gifts entrusted to
them by God.
Tuesday, November 18th
8:00 a.m. Michael Cash
Wednesday, November 19th
8:00 a.m. The People of the Parish
Thursday, November 20th
8:00 a.m. Phil J. Mayer
Friday, November 21st
8:00 a.m. Francis Malek
Saturday, November 22nd
5:00 p.m. Sal Sanimarco (1st Anniversary)
7:00 p.m. Hispanic Community
Sunday, November 23rd
8:00 a.m. The Albanese Family
10:00 a.m. Mort & Moira Downing
11:30 a.m. Marie Murphy (1st Anniversary)
Vicky Affrunti, Ryan Armstrong,
Rose Bennett, Michele Bischoff,
Baby: Darian James Bogin, John
Bradley, Virginia Cantino, Raleigh Capozzi, Mary
Cianca, Mary St. John Clark, Anne Keily-Cohen, Gary
Dardia, Donald Dardi, Charlie Fertitta, Rae De Franco,
Michael DiLeo, Robert Dishuc, Patrick Finnegan,
Kathryn Giulitti, Kathleen Grace, Florence Gramarossa,
Marie Hayes, Kevin Jaye, Michael Katz, Kathleen Lewis,
Rita Marchese, Andy & Ronnie Mosby, Angela Mazzella,
Norma Mazzeo, Katherine Mitchelle, Melba Molson,
Don Mochwart, Charles Murphy, Jesse Nesbit, Brent
Nelson, Bob O’Brien, Philip Occhipinte, George
O’Krepkie, John Orr, Glenn Petersons, Gia Pometta,
Harold Poole, Nancy Scialpi, Diana Schmeltzer, Justin
Simeon, Jim Simonsen, Amy Smith, Eileen Smith, Joan
Smith, Linda Crum Smith, Tess Smith, Angela
Starchich, Francis St. John, Annie Tolentino, Carlos
Torres, Marilyn Zahn-Veritzan, Mary Whol, Andrew
Wykowski and all who are homebound or have special
Thank you for your generous sacrificial
giving! Your faithful sacrificial giving each
week helps Our Lady of Fatima to continue
our Pastoral Ministries and care for our
parish buildings.
Thank you for your generosity and support,
Fr. Steve
Mass Schedule
November 22nd
November 23rd
5:00 PM ~ Fr. Steve
7:00 PM ~ Misa Hispana
8:00 AM ~ Fr. Steve
10:00 AM ~ Fr. Steve
11:30 AM ~ Fr. Steve
November 16, 2014
Readings for the Week
Monday, November 17th
x Revelation 1:1-4; 2:1-5
x Luke 18:35-43
Tuesday, November 18th
x Revelation 3:1-6, 14-22
x Luke 19:1-10
Wednesday, November 19th
x Revelation 4:1-11
x Luke 19:11-28
Thursday, November 20th
x Revelation 5:1-10
x Luke 19:41-44
Friday, November 21st
x Revelation 10:8-11
x Luke 19:45-48
Saturday, November 22nd
x Revelation 11:4-12
x Luke 20:27-40
Sunday, November 23rd , 2014 ~ Our
Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
First Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17
The prophet Ezekiel speaks of a God who
will shepherd his flock and judge between
the rams and the goats.
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28
Saint Paul tells the Corinthians that at
Christ’s coming he will hand over his
kingdom to his Father..
Gospel Reading: Matthew 25:31-46
In Saint Matthew’s Gospel today, Jesus
describes how he, as shepherd, will
recognize those who served him by serving
the least among his family.
The reflection question for this week is:
In Jesus’ parable, the servants are accountable
for the talents given to them.
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OF THE SICK will be celebrated on SUNDAY,
NOVEMBER 23rd, at the 11:30 AM Mass. All are
welcome to celebrate this sacrament of healing and
celebrated on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, at
8:00 PM. This year OUR LADY OF FATIMA
PARISH is the host faith community for the InterFaith Thanksgiving Prayer Service. All are welcome
to this annual community Thanksgiving Prayer
Service. Please bring a donation for the food
pantries of the community. A free will offering will
also be taken up during the Prayer Service.
Refreshments and fellowship will follow the Prayer
Service in the Parish Center.
THURSDAY, NOVEMEBR 27th, at 10:30 AM. All
are most welcome to join in the celebration of the
Eucharist on Thanksgiving Day morning. Please
bring along a donation of non-perishable food for
Our Lady Fatima Food Pantry. Don’t forget that you
are invited to write a prayer of Thanksgiving on one
of the cutout leaves in the back of the church and
place it in the basket on the weekend. It will be a
part of our Thanksgiving Day celebration.
x TAIZE PRAYER will be prayed on Sunday,
December 7th, at 3:00 PM in the church. All are
welcome to this time of prayer around the cross.
x The LITURGY COMMITTEE will meet on
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9th, at 7:30 PM in the
meet on MONDAY, DECEMBER 15th, at 7:15 PM in
the Parish Office.
x FAITH DIRECT: With the busy times of
Thanksgiving and Advent season right around the
corner, enrolling in FAITH DIRECT today is a great
November 16, 2014
way to ensure your gifts of treasure to Our Lady of
Fatima parish are received even if you are out of
town. Please pick up an enrollment form from the
Parish office or email online at
Our parish code is NY303. Already using Faith
Direct? Don’t forget to add your Christmas and
End of Year contribution to your account this fall.
Thanks for your support and for using Faith Direct!
STEWARDSHIP – We demonstrate
“Believing with Joy” when we thank God for the gift
of one another. Thanks to all those who have so
generously responded to this year’s financial
stewardship renewal. May the testimony of our lips
and the actions of our hands continue to make
Christ known in our homes, in our neighborhoods,
and in the hearts of all whom we meet on our life
will meet on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMEBR 19th, at
7:30 PM in the Parish Center.
x SECOND COLLECTION – Next weekend,
we will take up the Collection for the Catholic
Campaign for Human Development which includes
Home Missions (CCHD). CCHD was founded 40
years ago by the bishops of the United States when
they realized that the lives of those in need would
not improve until the systems and policies that keep
people in poverty were changed. For 40 years,
CCHD has funded community groups that seek
justice and create lasting change. Fight poverty in
America, defend human dignity, and give to the
CCHD Collection.
meet on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, at 7:30 PM
in the SACRISTY.
x The PARISH OFFICE will be closing at
Noon on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, for
closed on NOVEMBER 27th, Thanksgiving Day and
OFFICE will be open on Saturday, November 29th
from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM and on Sunday,
November 30th from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM.
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meet on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11th, at 7:00
x PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet on
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17th, at 7:30 PM in
Community Life
Dear Friends,
This weekend we celebrate the Thirty-Third
Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Liturgical Year,
also known as the Year of Grace, is quickly
coming to fulfillment. On November 23rd, we will
celebrate the Feast of Christ the King which
marks the end of the Liturgical year. On the
weekend of November 30th, we celebrate the
First Sunday of the season of Advent! These past
months have been a time of abundant grace and
blessings as we have celebrated our 65th
Anniversary Year. Many thanks to all those who
worked so hard to make it a truly wonderful
As we approach the end of our liturgical year I
would like to take this opportunity to review
some of the challenges and opportunities that lie
before us in the coming months.
First, I want to thank all those who have taken
the time to return their commitment cards for
our Annual Fall Stewardship Appeal. Just a few
weeks ago when Frank Murphy, who is the
chairperson of our Finance Council, spoke at
Mass and presented the annual financial report
he said words similar to these: “Our Lady of
Fatima Parish is a small parish that does a lot.”
Those words have stuck with me for these past
few weeks. We are indeed a small vibrant parish,
a community of faith that tries to live out our
Mission Statement. He asked each of us to
prayerfully consider our financial support of the
parish for the upcoming year. He asked us to
think about putting a few more dollars in the
collection each week so that we can continue to
November 16, 2014
provide the programs and pastoral care that is
such an important part of our mission to
proclaim the Good News and care for the people
of God. Last week was Commitment Sunday
when each of us was asked to return our
Commitment Card for the coming year. Many
thanks to all those who did return their
Commitment Card. If you haven’t done so as yet,
please do so in the coming week or two. It is
incredible help to the parish when it comes to
planning if we have an approximate idea of how
much our parish can plan on receiving each
week in our sacrificial giving so that we can plan
ahead. Your financial support of the parish is of
critical importance. Many thanks to all who have
“taken a step” and increased their weekly
offering and many thanks to all those who will
”stay the same” for the coming year.
Second, I want to review where we stand with
the Parish Drive for the completion of the
renovation of our church, the expansion of our
Social Ministry program, and our hope to
expand our Faith Formation programs
(Religious Education Programs) to include the
use of technology for the youngsters who
participate in our faith formation programs. We
would also like to purchase new desks and chairs
for the Parish Center.
What have we done so far:
1. In our church we have replaced and
restored all the stained glass windows.
The old organ has been replaced, and the
altar furnishings in the sanctuary have
been refurbished. The exterior stucco
walls have been repaired and repainted.
The church roof has been replaced.
2. In our Parish Center we have repaired
and repainted all the exterior walls. We
have put a new floor in the Parish Center
as well as new windows. Air conditioning
has been added to the Parish Center. The
interior of the building has been painted
and the parish parking lot has been
repaired and resurfaced.
3. In our Parish Outreach Office the space
has been redesigned and refinished to
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make it more efficient. A new air
conditioning system has also been added.
A lot of work has been done in these three areas
of parish life, yet more has to be done in the
coming months. It is our hope to complete the
work which has begun in the church so that the
church renovation project can be brought to
completion. This includes the following:
1. New flooring in the church and in the wing.
2. New lighting throughout the church.
3. New pews in the main part of the church and
new flexible seating in the wing of the
4. New flooring in the sanctuary and moving
the organ out of the sanctuary. We also
would like to move the baptism font so that
it would be more visible to all.
5. Painting the ceiling and interior walls of the
6. Placing a handicapped accessible bathroom
in the wing of the church, moving the
reconciliation room into the wing area as
well as the small room for families with
small children.
7. Redesigning the rear wall of the sanctuary as
well as the canopy over the altar.
To accomplish all this we need your support. We
have done so much and with your help we will be
able bring these important undertakings to
Third, I just want to remind you about some
upcoming events that you might add to your
1. Our Fall Parish Retreat preparing for the
Advent and Christmas season on Monday
and Tuesday, November 17th & 18th, at 7:30
PM in the church. The theme will be
SIMPLE HAPPINESS. These will be very
enjoyable evenings. Our speaker will be Jim
2. Our Inter-Faith Thanksgiving Prayer
Service on Wednesday, November 26th, at
8:00 PM in Our Lady of Fatima Church and
our Annual Bilingual Thanksgiving Day
Mass at 10:30 AM on November 27th.
3. Our Annual Advent Wreath Making
Evening will be held on FRIDAY, November
21st, at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center.
November 16, 2014
As our Liturgical year comes to fulfillment and a
new Liturgical year gets underway may the
many blessings of our God fill you and all your
loved ones!
Fr. Steve
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Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in
our parish who seek to responsibly connect
their faith in day-to-day activities, such as
participating in community, school organization
and other efforts.
Please remember that if you ordered a DVD for our
65th ANNIVERSARY YEAR that you may pick up
your copy in the Parish Office.
MAKING EVENT is scheduled for FRIDAY,
NOVEMBER 21st, at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center.
All are most welcome! The First Sunday of Advent
will be on November 30th.
x Our next HOSPITALITY SUNDAY will be
on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, following the
celebration of Sunday Mass. Please come over to
the Parish Center following Mass for some great
desserts and fellowship. All are always welcome!
x LOOKING AHEAD: Each year Our Lady of
Fatima Parish sets aside a few days to prepare for
the coming seasons of Advent and Christmas. Last
year Fr. Jim Di Luzio, CSP, led us through three
evenings centered on the gospel of Luke. This year
Jim Ryan will be with us on NOVEMBER 17th and
NOVEMBER 18th to prepare us for the Advent
and Christmas season. Each evening will begin
at 7:30 PM .The theme of the evenings is
SIMPLE HAPPINESS. On Monday evening,
Jim will focus on the EIGHT MARKS OF
HAPPY PEOPLE. On Tuesday evening,
Jim’s theme will be MANAGE YOUR
ON EARTH. All are welcome. A free will
offering will be taken up each evening
Faith formation
x The READING GROUP will meet on
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, at 3:00 PM in the
SACRISTY. The book for November is: THE
JOURNALISM by Doris Kearns Goodwin.
Our Lady of Fatima Parish, St. Aloysius Parish and
St. Peter’s Parish are in the process of searching
for a Youth Minister. Our three parishes are
working with the Diocesan Office for Youth Ministry
to develop a plan that would be beneficial to the
youth of our three parishes. We will be meeting with
the Parent Advisory Boards of our parishes in the
coming weeks to invite their suggestions and
insights. Our three parishes are committed to Youth
Ministry and hope to develop a Youth Ministry that
is appealing to the teens of all three parishes.
Please continue to pray for our three parishes
during this time of reflection on how to serve our
teens. In addition to the teens of our parishes we
are trying to look at ways that we might be able to
involve our young adults in the lives of our
St. Aidan Parish,
510 Willis Ave.,
Williston Park, NY, 11596
Spirituality For Singles - Monthly Singles
Meets for a closed step meeting each Sunday at
7:00 PM in the Parish Center.
Welcome to Life…-
Saturday, Dec 6, 2014, 8:30PM, after the 7:30PM Mass
Our Monthly gathering for singles; discussion,
meditation, socialization.
$5.00 donation - snacks, pizza and beverages will be
This Gathering will feature a special guest performance
November 16, 2014
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Contact: Ray (516) 5616994 or [email protected]
Parish Social Ministry
FOOD PANTRY – Thank you to all those who
have donated to Our Lady of Fatima Food Pantry.
Please remember to check the expiration
dates on all your donated items.
-Toiletries are always
welcome! -
Thanksgiving Meals
to the Homebound:
If you will be alone or know someone who will
be on Thanksgiving and would like a meal,
please call Sister Kathy this week....883-3903
Please remember
Thanksgiving Food Collection
23rd. Please see flyer in the
bulletin for more details.
Lutheran Church
12 Franklin Avenue
Port Washington, NY 11050
Annual Harvest Fair
Saturday, November 22nd
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Free Parking at the LIRR Station
Italian Grill, Deli & Bakery, Attic Treasures,
Christmas Shoppe, Children’s New
Clothing, Gently Used Clothing, Quality
Vendors, Silent Auction,
and Crafts
CaringHands Corner
In the readings today we
acknowledge the gifts that God
gave each and everyone of us no
matter how small or large. Using our lips and our hearts
to speak to God in prayer is one of the most precious gifts
our Lord has offered us. Ten or Two can multiply in ways
we can never imagine. So once again, I am asking you to
accept the gift of prayer and use this gift for our Sick and
Homebound and any other needs you may have for
As a reminder, if you have a loved one or friend that need
our prayers please call us. Some of our people do not
want to be on the Fatima Focus list, this is their choice.
Yet they have reached out to us for help so we add them
to our CaringHands Prayer Chain and they will receive
our handmade cards monthly only if they wish to be
included. Count the number of people on the list and
triple that number to have an idea of how many are
suffering and are in such great need of our prayers.
Become a link in the CaringHands Prayer Chain…
Call Marge Walsh: (516)767-2936 or email:
[email protected]
The Diocese of Rockville Centre
celebrates the 50th Anniversary
of Priestly Ordination
Bishop William Murphy
Sunday, November 30, 2014
12:30 pm Mass
Cathedral of Saint Agnes
Rockville Centre, New York
His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan will be the
November 16, 2014
All are invited to come and join Bishop Murphy in
this Liturgy of Thanksgiving.
Queridos amigos,
Este fin de semana celebramos el 33° Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario. El año litúrgico, conocido
también como el Año de Gracia, está llegando
rápidamente a su cumplimiento. El 23 de
noviembre vamos a celebrar la fiesta de Cristo
Rey que marca el final del año litúrgico. El fin de
semana del 30 de noviembre se celebra el primer
domingo de Adviento. Estos últimos meses han
sido un tiempo de gracia abundante y
bendiciones porque hemos celebrado el año de
nuestro 65º Aniversario. Muchas gracias a todos
los que trabajaron tan duro para hacerla una
celebración verdaderamente maravillosa.
Mientras nos acercamos al final de nuestro año
litúrgico quiero aprovecharme de esta
oportunidad para revisar algunos de los retos y
oportunidades que tenemos por delante en los
próximos meses.
Primero, quiero dar las gracias a todos los que
han tomado el tiempo para devolver sus tarjetas
de compromiso para nuestra Campaña Anual de
Co-Responsabilidad. Hace algunas semanas,
Frank Murphy, quien es el presidente de nuestro
Consejo de Finanzas, habló en las misas y
presentó el informe financiero anual. Él dijo
palabras similares a estas: "La Parroquia
Nuestra Señora de Fátima es una pequeña
parroquia que hace muchísimo." Esas palabras
han quedado conmigo durante estas últimas
semanas. Somos de hecho una pequeña
parroquia dinámica, una comunidad de fe que
trata de vivir nuestra declaración de Misión. Le
pidió a cada uno de nosotros a considerar en
oración nuestro apoyo financiero de la parroquia
para el próximo año. Nos pidió que pensáramos
en poner algunos dólares más en la colecta de
cada semana para que podamos seguir
ofreciendo los programas y la atención pastoral
que es una parte muy importante de nuestra
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misión de anunciar la Buena Nueva y cuidar del
pueblo de Dios. La semana pasada fue el
Domingo de Compromiso, cuando se nos pidió a
cada uno de nosotros que devolviera la tarjeta de
compromiso para el año que viene. Muchas
gracias a todos los que la han devuelto. Si usted
no lo ha hecho todavía, por favor, hágalo en las
próximas dos semanas. Es una ayuda increíble a
la parroquia si tenemos una idea aproximada de
la cantidad que nuestra parroquia vaya a recibir
cada semana para que podamos planificar el
futuro. Su apoyo financiero de la parroquia es de
importancia crítica. Muchas gracias a todos los
que "han tomado un paso" y han aumentado su
oferta semanal, y muchas gracias a todos que
van a "seguir igual" para el próximo año.
Segundo, quiero revisar dónde nos encontramos
con la campaña parroquial para la finalización
de la renovación de nuestra iglesia, la expansión
de nuestro programa de Pastoral Social, y
nuestra esperanza de ampliar nuestros
programas de Formación en la Fe (programas de
Educación Religiosa) para incluir el uso de
tecnología para los jóvenes que participan en
nuestros programas de formación en la fe.
También nos gustaría comprar nuevos
escritorios y sillas para el Centro Parroquial.
¿Qué hemos hecho hasta ahora:
1. En nuestra iglesia nos hemos
reemplazado y restaurado todos los
vitrales. El viejo órgano ha sido
sustituido, y el mobiliario del altar en el
santuario ha sido renovado. Las paredes
exteriores de estuco estaban reparadas y
repintadas. El techo de la iglesia ha sido
2. En nuestro Centro Parroquial hemos
reparado y pintado todas las paredes
exteriores. Hemos puesto un nuevo piso y
nuevas ventanas en el Centro Parroquial.
También hemos agregado aire
acondicionado en el centro. El interior del
edificio ha sido pintado y el
estacionamiento parroquial ha sido
reparado y tapado.
3. En nuestra Oficina de Outreach el espacio
ha sido rediseñado y renovado para que
sea más eficiente. Un nuevo sistema de
November 16, 2014
aire acondicionado también se ha
Mucho trabajo se ha hecho en estos tres ámbitos
de la vida de la parroquia, pero hay más que
hacer en los próximos meses. Es nuestra
esperanza completar la obra que ha comenzado
en la iglesia para que el proyecto de renovación
de la iglesia sea llevado hasta su finalización.
Esto incluye lo siguiente:
1. Piso nuevo en la iglesia y en el ala.
2. Nueva iluminación en toda la iglesia.
3. Nuevas bancas en la parte principal de la
iglesia y nuevos asientos flexibles en el ala
de la iglesia.
4. Piso nuevo en el santuario y mover el
órgano fuera del santuario. También nos
gustaría mover la pila bautismal para que
sea más visible para todos.
5. Pintar el techo y las paredes interiores de
la iglesia.
6. Colocar un baño, con acceso para los
minusválidos, en el ala de la iglesia;
pasando la sala de reconciliación en el
área del ala; mover la sala de
reconciliación y la sala para niños hasta el
7. Rediseñar la pared posterior del
santuario y el baldaquín sobre el altar.
Para lograr todo esto necesitamos su apoyo.
Hemos hecho tanto y con su ayuda podremos
llevar estos proyectos importantes hasta su
En tercer lugar sólo quiero recordarles de
algunos eventos que ustedes puedan agregar a
sus calendarios:
1. Nuestro Retiro Parroquial del otoño, en
preparación para la temporada de
Adviento y la Navidad, el lunes y el
martes, 17 y 18 de noviembre a las 7:30
PM en la iglesia. El tema será
ñnoviembre, a las 8:00 PM en la Iglesia
2. Nuestra Señora de Fátima y nuestra Misa
Bilingüe el día de Acción de Gracias a las
10:30 de la mañana del 27 de noviembre.
Nuestro Taller Anual para hacer Coronas
de Adviento tendrá lugar el Viernes, 21 de
noviembre, a las 6:30 pm en el Centro
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Mientras nuestro año litúrgico se cumple y un
nuevo año litúrgico se pone en marcha, que las
muchas bendiciones de nuestro Dios les llene a
ustedes y a todos sus seres queridos.
P. Steve
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima
Declaración de Misión Parroquial
Arraigados firmemente en nuestra tradición
católica romana, nosotros, la parroquia de
Nuestra Señora de Fátima, somos una
comunidad de creyentes que acoge a todos,
cuida de todos e incluye a todos.
Intentamos dar evidencia del amor de Cristo
para todos en nuestras vidas, en nuestra
comunidad y en todo nuestro mundo.
Nos esforzamos en continuar la misión de
Jesús por medio del culto y por medio de
nuestros programas de educación,
espiritualidad y justicia social y en nuestro
compromiso de corresponsabilidad de la vida
Somos una parroquia colaboradora, diversa y
multicultural, dedicada a extenderse a todo el
pueblo de, especialmente a los más
necesitados. ¡Todos son bienvenidos a esta
SEMANALES – Por favor continúen
ayudándonos y hagan un esfuerzo de traer al menos
una lata de comida cuando vengan a la Misa. Harían
una gran diferencia para nuestra despensa.
Necesitamos tuna, salsa para espagueti, cereal,
aceite, frijoles, lentejas, garbanzos, macarrón con
queso, frutas y vegetales enlatados, arroz,
mantequilla de maní, jugo. Mil gracias por su apoyo
tan grande
November 16, 2014
el DÍA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS se celebrará el
Jueves, 27 de NOVIEMBRE, comenzando a las
10:30 AM. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Por favor traiga
al menos una donación para nuestra despensa de
alimentos. No se olvide de anotar en una hoja de
papel una breve oración en acción de gracias. Por
favor, devuelva las hojas durante la colecta de las
misas durante el mes de Noviembre. Las oraciones
serán parte de nuestra celebración para el Día de
Acción de Gracias y la Misa.
x VOLUNTARIOS: Nuestra Iglesia está
en necesidad de voluntarios para hacer Lectores,
Ministros de Eucaristía, Acomodadores, y
Monaguillos(as). También tenemos oportunidades
para que sean miembro del Consejo Hispano. Por
favor, llamar a José al 883-6910 para más
información o puede pasar por la Rectoría de la
Parroquia y hablar con el Padre Steve.
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x SEGUNDA COLECTA: La próxima semana
realizaremos la Colecta para la Campaña Católica
para el Desarrollo Humano que incluye las
Misiones Locales (CCHD, por sus siglas en inglés).
Los obispos de los Estados Unidos fundaron
CCHD hace 40 años cuando se dieron cuenta que
la vida de los más necesitados no iba a mejorar
hasta que se cambiase los sistemas y las políticas
que mantienen a las personal en la pobreza. La
CCHD, a lo largo de 40 años, ha financiado a
grupos comunitarios que buscan justicia y
producen cambios duraderos. Luche contra la
pobreza en América. Defienda la dignidad
humana. Contribuya a la Colecta de la CCHD.
Cenacle Retreat Center
310 Cenacle Rd.
Ronkonkome, New York, 11717.
Phone (631)588-8366
November 21 & 23, 2014 – “STEPS 8 & 9 –
Church of Saint Mary
1300 Northern Boulevard
Manhasset, NY 11030
(516)627-2711 Ext. 1081 office or
email: [email protected]
Sister Katie Hamm SC, a member of the Staff of
LifeWay Network will be speaking at the Church of
Saint Mary, Manhasset on Wednesday, November
19 at 7:30 PM. Her presentation will focus on the
realities of trafficking women and children in our
country. The mission of LifeWay Network is to
provide safe housing for trafficked survivors and to
raise public awareness of this problem. Human
trafficking is a crime against humanity, which must
be stopped before it threatens not only individuals,
but also the values of our society. Please come to
learn more about this critical issue.
The Church of Saint Mary is located at 1300
Northern Boulevard, Manhasset NY. For more
information or to R.S.V.P. for this presentation,
please contact Sr. Teresa Raftery at (516)6270385. To learn more about the LifeWay Network,
please visit
Minimum 6 months recovery required.
Presenters: Pamela J. Carlton, MT-BC, BoardCertified Music Therapist and Ann Schehr, LMHC,
Offering: $220 No Sunday lunch. $170 Commuters.
($50 required to hold your reservation.)
Saturday, November22, 2014 starting at 10:00 a.m.
– 4:00 p.m. at the Maude Adams House, 9:30 a.m.
arrivals and refreshments
Presenter: Sr. Barbara Regan r.c.
Offering: $50 includes lunch ($15 deposit required
to hold your reservation.)
Sunday, November 23, 2014 in the Retreat Center
1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. arrivals and
“THE ONE THING NEEDED – A Silent Afternoon
of Prayer”
Presenter: Sr. Kathryn Madden r.c., Joann
Caramanico, Cenacle Staff Associate
Offering: $35 ($15 deposit required to hold your
Dear Friends,
It is the beautiful season when we recall our GIFTS! Being grateful for these
involves recognition that they are gifts and that they are ours because of the goodness
of God and not because of our own achievement. Recognizing this, we want to
SHARE what we have been given with those who have less.
As we have done in the past, our parish is preparing baskets of food to help
those in need in our community enjoy a Thanksgiving Day Dinner. Once again, we
ask for your help in doing this:
1. Bring any food items, from the suggested list below, to church with you the
weekend of November 22ndand 23rd. You can drop the food off at the Parish
Center after any Mass – except the 11:30 AM Mass on Sunday. At the 11:30
AM Mass it would greatly help us, if you would bring the food before Mass
since we begin preparing the baskets at 12 Noon.
2. If you wish to make a cash donation, we would appreciate that as well.
3. Call Sr. Kathy if you can volunteer your time to prepare the baskets;
beginning at 12 Noon (finished by 2pm) on Sunday, the 23th at the Center.
Items Needed:
Turkey/Turkey Voucher
Dinner Rolls
Butter or Margarine
Cranbeerry Sauce
Tea & Coffee
Fresh Broccoli & Carrots
Apples, Oranges, Tangerines
Canned Vegetables