ELDER HIGH SCHOOL 3900 Vincent Avenue / Cincinnati, Ohio 45205 / (513) 921-3744 / www.elderhs.org December 1, 2014 Dear Mom and Dad: We are now selling Baby Ads for the seniors for the 2014 yearbook. All ads will cost $55.00. Please note 4 x 6 (or 3 x 5) pictures worked and scanned better than smaller (wallet) size pictures. You have 2 ways you can send me your picture/ad: [#1 would be the preferred way to send it if you can] 1. Scan* & email me your picture and your ad to: [email protected] (mail in your check & your order form) Picture must be sent as an attachment as a jpeg. Please put your son’s name and baby ad in the subject line 2. Mail your picture to me. Make sure your son’s name is on the back of the picture. If you mail your picture to me please still email me your ad so I don’t have to retype it. If you use #2 and cannot email me the ad, I will need Your son’s name as you want it to appear on the ad: you to TYPE what you want your ad to say and attach it to this order form. *If your ad is too long we will contact you to revise it. *Please note if you want me to mail back your picture please send along a self addressed stamped envelope. The deadline for baby ads will be Feb. 27, 2015. Please make checks payable to Elder High School. Please attach your typed message here: If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thanks, Kathleen Hirth - Elder Yearbook Moderator (513) 921-3744 ext 3600 3900 Vincent Avenue - Cincinnati, Ohio 45205 [email protected] Your Name: Your Son’s Name: Address: Phone #: Your Email: Staple your Ad here
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