Stefano Lissandron Curriculum Vitae Í Personal Information
Stefano Lissandron Curriculum Vitae Í Personal Information
Stefano Lissandron Curriculum Vitae via Gradenigo 6/B 35131 Padova (Italy) T +39 049 827 7573 B [email protected] Í∼lissand1 skype: stefanolissandron Personal Information First name Surname Nationality Date of Birth Gender Stefano Lissandron Italian January 12th , 1988 Male Position 2013-present PhD Student, Department of Information Engineering - University of Padova, Italy. Focused on power electronics and control of smart microgrids Education 2010-2012 Master of Science in Electronic Engineering, University of Padova, Italy, 110/110 cum laude. 2007-2010 Bachelor of Science in Information Engineering, University of Padova, Italy, 110/110 cum laude. 2002-2007 Technical High School Diploma, ITIS Francesco Severi, Padova (Italy), 100/100. Technical expert in electronics and telecommunications Reserch Interests Current Control and optimization of distributed power generation systems in smartInterests grids (in particular droop control for islanded grids), power electronics, control of power electronic converters and anti-islanding, dynamic modeling for distribution electric grids Other Electric drives, digital control techniques for power converters, analog elecInterests tronics and design of analog integrated circuits, antennas and microwave devices, electromagnetic compatibility 1/4 Theses 2012 Master thesis Droop control techniques for the management of low-voltage islanded microgrids - Supervisor Prof. Paolo Tenti, Assistant supervisor Dr. Alessandro Costabeber 2010 Bachelor thesis Wave energy - Supervisor Prof. Paolo Tenti Relevant experiences 2013 Visiting period of 9 months, Automation of Complex Power Systems E.ON Energy Research Center - RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Topic: “Analysis of the Dynamics of the Distribution Network: e.g. analysis of the variability of loads and DERs”: this activity has been done within the European project IDE4L and it regards the study of the dynamics in distribution energy grids, considering a high penetrated scenario of distributed energy resources (dynamic modeling of grid devices and scalable stability analysis approach for distribution electric grids) 2012 Research grant, Department of Information Engineering - University of Padova, Italy. Topic: “Development of simulation models for parallel inverters within a microgrid”: development of a controller for distributed energy resources to manage the grid both in islanded and grid-connected operation modes Academic experiences 2013 Assistance to students in teaching laboratories (42 hours). Teaching and support to students in the laboratories of two courses of Power Electronics 2012 Team work on approximate modeling and simulation of smart microgrids. Theoretical analysis of the approximation of non-linear mathematical models of smart grids and, then a simulative environment (with MathWorks Matlab/Simulink) has been made to speed up the creation and simulation of the model for the grid 2012 Thesis “Batteries for electric traction”, made during “Chemicals for Electronics” course 2011 Design, construction and testing of a directional coupler on micro-strip and a patch antenna Work experiences 2008 Summer stay in London to improve the knowledge of english; during this period I also took an english course and I worked in a restaurant to be able to keep my stay 2/4 2012 Several summer jobs, in which I design with mechanical CAD, I repaired electrical faults in cash registers, I registered papers in a small company (delivery notes, orders, sales invoices, work cycles, etc.) Skill and Compentences Professional Licenses 2007 Admitted as Industrial Expert Language Skills Italian Mother tongue English Intermediate European B1 level for understanding, speaking and writing certificated in 2007, but the knowledge has been improved in the following years, thanks also to the stay in London and in Aachen German Beginner Technical Skills OS Knowledge of Linux and Microsoft Windows Programming Java (JDK), Assembly (for ARM and PIC), MathWorks Matlab, National Instruments LabVIEW (also for FPGA programming) Software MathWorks Matlab and Simulink, PSpice, Orcad Layout, Cadence Design Framework II, CST Microwave Studio, graphic applications for photo and video editing (for example, Adobe suite), basic software (Office, etc.) Instruments Knowledge and use of many tools for experimental tests, including some tools for advanced analysis, such as spectrum analyzer (for EMC verifications) and network analyzer Certificates 2013 Certificate of attendance of a A1 level German course at Centro Linguistico di Ateneo - University of Padova, Padova 2012 GRE - Graduate Record Examinations (computer-based) Quantitative Reasoning 163 / 170 2008 Certificate of attendance of an English course at Callan School of English, London 2006 Preliminary English Test, Cambridge University 3/4 Publications 2014 R. Sgarbossa, S. Lissandron, P. Mattavelli, R. Turri, and A. Cerretti “Analysis of ∆P − ∆Q Area of Uncontrolled Islanding in Low Voltage Grids with PV Generators” - Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2014) 2014 S. Lissandron, and P. Mattavelli “A controller for the smooth transition from grid-connected to autonomous” Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2014) 2014 R. Sgarbossa, S. Lissandron, P. Mattavelli, R. Turri, and A. Cerretti “Analysis of Load-Induced Unintentional Islanding in Low Voltage Grids with PV Generators” - Proceedings of the 2014-15th IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL 2014) 2013 S. Lissandron, and P. Mattavelli “A generalized method to analyze the small-signal stability for a multi-inverter islanded grid with droop controller” - Proceedings of the 2013-15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2013) 2013 S. Buso, T. Caldognetto, A. Costabeber, S. Lissandron, P. Mattavelli, P. Tenti “Modeling, Analysis, and Real Time Simulation of Droop Controlled Islanded Micro-grids” - Proceedings of GE2013 45th Conference, Udine, June 17-21, 2013 4/4