Latest News - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School
Latest News - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School
ST ANTHONY’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 21st November 2014 News – Number 11 Website: Rec S Rec T Year 1/2S Year 1/2T Year 1/2A Year 3/4S Year 3/4T Year 3/4A Year 5/6S Year 5/6T Year 5/6A Holly J Oliver D Chloe H Holly P Thomas H Nathan S Nema D Ethan F Aimee F Tiernan C Charlie D Rec S Rec T Year 1/2S Year 1/2T Year 1/2A Year 3/4S Year 3/4T Year 3/4A Year 5/6S Year 5/6T Year 5/6A Email: [email protected] Dylan AT Eve B Maggie L Nathan S Lydia T Seamus D Caitlin B Neville J Callum T Matthew H Molly R Thank you to children, staff and parents for their contribution towards our Children in Need afternoon. We raised a fantastic £429.47!!!! Rec S Rec T Year 5/6S Year 5/6T Imogen W Lena B Madeline A Katie F, Sam W, Jack B Year 5/6A Molly M, Ella N Tel: 01772 726621 This Week’s House Points:St George: 19 St David: 23 St Andrew: 23 St Patrick: 27 Attendance (Thursday to Wednesday): Year 1/2A (Mrs Knight and Mrs Cafferkey) and 5/6A (Mr Taylor) with a fantastic 100% -Brilliant!!! Notices and Reminders…. Christmas Shoe Box Appeal The response to the Shoebox Appeal has been amazing! Your wonderful gifts have now been collected and we are sure they will bring great joy to those who receive them. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and generosity. Mrs Jones. Gymnastics Club There will be no gymnastics on Friday 28th November as Mrs Colles is taking the school team to a competition. Good luck to all the children taking part! Open Afternoon & Evening Wednesday 26th November is our school Open Afternoon and Evening (1.45 – 3.00pm & 6.00 – 8.00pm) for prospective parents, particularly for children starting in Reception September 2015. Pupils have been asked to volunteer to help out and separate letter is being sent home tonight for those who have shown an interest. FOSTA NEWS Thank you to everyone who supported the coffee morning, a total of £228 was raised. The Disco on Wednesday was very well attended and a good amount raised. I will let you know how much soon. Class Christmas Hampers If you have not already done so please can you send your item in ASAP. We would like to complete them next week. Raffle Tickets These will be sent home with your child today. Please can you make sure you put your child's class on the ticket stubs to ensure it goes in the correct draw. We would appreciate tickets being returned promptly. Non-Uniform Day on Friday 28th November. We are asking for donations of either a soft toy/teddy, chocolate item large or small or an item suitable for tombola or raffle prize. The Christmas Fair will be in school on Friday 5th December from 2.30 to 4.30pm. The children will be invited into the Fair with their class during school time. Your child can wear a Christmas jumper for the event. We are suggesting an amount of £2 per child to spend at the Fair. Parents, Grandparents, Carers and local people are invited in to join the festive fun. If you have older children at Our Lady's Catholic High School then please encourage them to pop in after school and have a drink and cake and may be find a little Christmas gift or two. Please continue to support us in the way you always do. If you are able to offer any help at all please don't hesitate to contact me on 07710168862 or e mail me on [email protected] A big thank you everyone, from Maureen Hefferan (Chair of FOSTA) Scholastic Books A reminder that all orders for Scholastic Book Club should be in by next Friday 28th November. We will not be able to accept any more orders after this date, thank you. Dinners w/c 24.11.2014 is Week 1. Parents of Year 3-6 pupils, please check your ParentPay account to make sure payments are up-to-date. The Week Ahead…. Monday 24th 1.00pm Keyboard Lessons 1.00pm Year 3/4S Swimming 2.15pm Year 3/4A Brass Lessons 3.15pm Street Dance with Miss Emma 3.30pm Football Match at Greenlands School Tuesday 25th 9.30am Year 3/4S Samba Lessons 3.15pm Irish Dancing with Siobhan Wednesday 26th 9.30am Year 3/5T Flute Lessons 1.30pm Guitar and Drum Lessons 1.45pm – 3pm Open Afternoon for Reception 2015 parents 6.00pm – 8.00pm Open Evening for Reception 2015 parents Thursday 27th 2.00pm Y3/4T swimming Friday 28th Non-Uniform Day for donations of either a soft toy/teddy, chocolate item or an item suitable for tombola/raffle prize 11.30am Y3/4A Swimming Lessons 12.30pm Gymnastics Competition at Preston Gymnastics Centre 1.45pm Choir 3.15pm Gymnastics Club 3.15pm Tag Rugby