Weekly Bulletin - Hartford Memorial Baptist Church


Weekly Bulletin - Hartford Memorial Baptist Church
Dr. Charles G. Adams, Pastor
Rev. Charles C. Adams, Presiding Pastor
Rev. Lurecie M. Stokes, Assistant to the Pastor in Pastoral Care
Rev. Kevin N. Taylor, Assistant to the Pastor in General Ministry
Website: hmbcdetroit.org
Streaming Live at 11:00 AM
Church Building
WIFI Access Code: hartford
Sunday’s Broadcast
will be aired at 7:00 PM
on 1340 AM
Gospel Radio
18700 James Couzens Highway • Detroit, Michigan 48235 • 313-861-1285/Office • 313-861-1300/Church
Next Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent. The scriptures for Advent are Isaiah
64:1-9; Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37. I hope
that you are present in large numbers next Saturday and Sunday when we consider the sanctity of our new time, Christ’s time, a mighty good time to grow in
the glow of the coming of God into our life, our world and our predicament.
Nothing that we are, nothing that we possess, nothing that we can present or
perform are worthy of our Christ, but Christ is worthy of all we can do, speak,
sing or give to the glory of our God. It is through the generous offering of ourselves to God that we may receive the absolute, inexhaustible generosity of God,
whose amazing grace overflows the cup of our human capacity to receive anything that comes from God. Isaiah 64:1-9 teaches us that we look most longingly and urgently for God when all lesser sources of hope have disappointed us and
plunged us into a sea of despair. Who can swim that sea? Who can survive that
plunge into the deep agony of existential despair? That is where we find Isaiah,
and that is where we may find ourselves. Please read Isaiah 63:15-19 as the prelude to Isaiah 64. It sets the stage
for the coming of hope to desperate conditions of dissolution and despair.
“Look down from heaven and see, from your holy and glorious habitation ... our adversaries have trampled down
your sanctuary. We have long been like those whom you do not rule, like those not called by your name.”
What a tough condition for the people of God, whose pride has been humbled to prayer, whose prosperity has
been reduced to pleading, whose religion has been spoiled and turned to ruins. Where is God? Isaiah looks but
cannot see God, or hope, or blessing. But he turns inwardly and falls back on the essence of who God is and who
he is in relation to God. There will come a time in your life when the only source of consolation will be who God
is and who you are in relationship to God who alone is the source of your life and the strength of your life. There
will be failures, falls, futilities and disruptions, but God alone is your hope. “Yet, O Lord, you are our Father; we
are the clay, and you are our potter; we are the work of your hand.” We have no being at all that is not anchored,
secured and blessed in the being of God. God is our life. To live is Christ. When we plunge into the sea of hopelessness, we can swim toward the shore if we keep in mind that God is the source, strength, substance and spirit
of all life. We are who we are, because God is who God is. We are who we are, what we are and where we are by
the grace of our God. When we have no other evidence of hope, we will learn that God alone is enough! God
is our Father. We are the clay in the skilled hands of a loving Parent who is able to shape our new life from our
deepest despair, and make it beautiful.
Psalm 80 should be read with humility and sincerity in its entirety. Do not miss one word of it. We must never
be in denial concerning our need for God. “Turn again, O God of hosts; look down from heaven and see; have
regard for this vine, the stock that your right hand planted.” Psalm 80: 14,15. Here the Psalmist looks deeply
within the self, and is able to see a history replete with treasures of goodness and grace. “You brought a vine out
of Egypt; you drove out the nations and planted it. You cleared the ground for it; it took deep root and filled the
land. The mountains were covered with its shade; the mighty cedars with its branches; it sent out its branches to
the sea, and its shoots to the River.” Since God has blessed you in the past, and God does not do anything that is
wasteful and futile, we know that God will restore us, remake us and rebuild us. Destruction can be nothing but
the prelude to deliverance. Sin and sickness, though deadly serious, can be no more than an overture to forgiveness, healing and restoration. Our future is planted in our history. The God who was our “help in ages past” will
be also “our hope for years to come.” When the natural body and eye can see no evidence for hope today, the soul
will search the memory of past events, and find the hope from God that annuls today’s despair. God will be our
God tomorrow because God was our God yesterday. We will get through the sea of despair now the same way
we got over the Red Sea of our historical oppression. When you can’t see your hope remember God’s help in the
challenges of your past. Past help is the substance of future hope.
1 Corinthians 1:3-9 is the gospel that defines our present life as the time we live between two advents of Christ.
We live our present life between the first coming of Christ in Bethlehem and the second coming of Christ at the
end of time. We live between revelation and consummation. God was once revealed in Christ at Bethlehem and
Calvary, but his full revelation waits for God’s consummation of all creation in the perfection of God’s Beloved
Community and Kingdom of Christ. We must never forget that what we see is not what we get. We are still in
process. We live in an unfinished creation. The first creation has been penetrated by the revelation of Christ, but
it must grow and move on to the glory of the consummation of all God’s work. Right now we are blessed. Right
now we have every spiritual gift, but we are waiting for something else. We are waiting for the return and the
consummate revelation of our Christ. So in this critical time between the two advents of Jesus, we must not lose
hope! Never give up! We have every reason to think and act in a spirit of gratitude and anticipation: gratitude
for what we have received, and anticipation in the knowledge that there is much more to come. What is going
on now is not all there is. There is more to come. Don’t give up yet! It’s much too early. God is not through with
you yet!
Mark 13:24-37 is a little Gospel Apocalypse or Revelation of the End of time. This reading is divided into three
distinct parts:
1. Prophecy of the return of Christ which is the second Advent of the Son of God. He’s coming back again. Be joyful. Be patient. Be hopeful. Be diligent. Be ready. Be clean. Be faithful. Jesus is coming to earth again. Every eye will see him. Every knee will bow before him. Every tongue will confess his pre-eminence and glory. Mark 13:24-47
2. The lesson of the fig tree regarding the impending crisis of the second coming. We dare not be found of Christ to be unfruitful, unproductive and uninvolved in working for the fulfillment and
enlargement of all human life and cosmic existence. Mark 13:28-31
3. The need to be alert because we know neither the day nor the hour when the Lord will return.
Mark 13:32-37
Love ya!
NOVEMBER 23, 2014 – 7:30 AM & 11:00 AM
Devotional & Pastoral Advisements
Prelude“Triumphal March” – Handel Choral Introit
“Total Praise” – R. Smallwood
Praise Sentences
Processional Hymn #524
Prayer of Invocation
“All Hail the Power”
Rev. Cecilia Holliday Rev. Cecilia Holliday
Glory Be To The Father #541
Organ Interlude “Come Thou Almighty King” – arr. Hustad
Anthem“Good News, Chariot’s Comin’”– M. Hogan
Prayer of Intercession &
“’Tis So Sweet” – arr. E. Robinson
Song of Inspiration
Linda Bradfield, soloist
Welcome To The Visitors
Rev. Cecilia Holliday
The Tithes & Offertory Period
Offertory Sentences
Luke 6:38; Matthew 6:19-21 (NRSV) Leader: Give and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will
be put into your lap.
People: For the measure you give will be the measure you get back.
Leader: Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves
break in and steal.
People: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust consume and where
thieves do not break in and steal.
Unison: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Offertory Selection
“It’s Your Season” – N. Hutchins
The Prayer of Dedication
Hymn of Preparation #1
The Written Word
Rev. Cecilia Holliday
“Come, Thou Almighty King”
Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Psalm 100; Ephesians 1: 15-23; 3:14-21
Preached Word
Pastor Adams
Invitation To Christian Discipleship
Hymn of Invitation #27
“Blessed Assurance”
Prayer of Thanksgiving
The Right Hand of Fellowship
Recessional Hymn #201
“All the Way My Savior Leads Me”
Choral Benediction
“Fare Ye Well” – W. Whalum
Postlude “Crown Imperial” – Walton
Please keep in prayer the families who have lost loved ones. We have received the following names:
Deaconess Bettie Agee Deacon William Agee
David Agee
Audrea Agee
Shanta Agee
Bishop Tyrone James
Ruben James
Bealinda James
Randy Holmes Carol Holmes Carmen Holmes
Sarah Willis
William Davis
Odis Rencher
Howard Lloyd
Williams Jr.
Keith Willis
Dale Willis
Joseph Goree
Jessie Goree
Patricia Rencher
Joy Rencher
E. J. Rencher
Edgar Rencher
Esther Williams
Carolyn Williams
Greater New Mt.
Moriah Baptist
Detroit, MI Ambassadors for
Christ Church
Redford, MI
Pye Funeral Home
Detroit, MI
Detroit, MI
Saturday 11/22/2014
Saturday 11/22/2014
FH-10:00 AM Svc-11:00 AM
FH-10:00 AM Svc-11:00 AM
FH-10:00 AM Svc-11:00 AM
Private Memorial For additional information on these names and others, please see the notices as posted on the bulletin board in the
north corridor, or call the Church Office.
Eddie Stokes (Baby)
Jacqueline Davis
Ruby Henderson
Trustee Dorothy Cleveland
Willa Johnson
Thelma Panton
Florastine Young
Shirley Rose
Jacqueline Cole
Louise Hamilton
Women’s Day Total as of November 19, 2014: $106, 957.00
Work is almost completed on the renovation of the six bathrooms on the North end of the
Sanctuary and the adjoining floors. Please excuse our dust for these last few days. The tile is
being laid and walls are going up. There may be still dust and particles. Be careful and watch your
step. While every effort will be made to limit your exposure, please be careful.
Get that Midweek Boost! Join us for “Hour of Power” Service each Wednesday, in the Chapel, at 12:00 Noon to
12:30 PM. Lunch is served after the Service in the Fellowship Hall. Be connected!
Prayer Service: Wednesday’s from 7-8 PM, in the Chapel. The Theme for the Month is Patience. Deacons and
Ministers will anoint and offer comforting intercessory prayer. “Prayer is the key, but faith unlocks the door.”
Hartford Membership Photographers will not be taking individual pictures today. However they
will be available after the 7:30 AM and 11:00 AM Service in Fellowship Hall Stage area behind
the screen on the next third and fourth Sundays. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by and not be
included in our membership publication.
The Scholarship Ministry is sponsoring its 2015 Black College Tour, Friday, April 3 thru April 12, 2015. They
will tour colleges in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Florida. The donation is $600, and includes transportation
and lodging. For applications and additional information, please contact Ms. Georgia Daniel at 313-861-1150
or the Church Office.
Hartford Basketball season is about to start. We are forming basketball teams for all age groups. Cheerleading
will also be offered. Adult coaches and assistant coaches are needed. To register and to receive additional information, please call Deacon Stan Clifford at 248-766-5208 or call the Church Office.
Esther Mission Circle is conducting the annual NEW CLOTHES FOR CHILDREN DRIVE. Sizes 6-16.
Clothes are given to Homes For Black Children. Monetary contributions are greatly appreciated. See Sister Lillian
Clinton, Geraldine Smith or Deacon Justine Lofton for further information.
The Hartford Singles Ministry monthly meeting will be held Monday, November 24, 2014, from 6:30-8:00pm
in Hartford’s Vincent Room. For further info about the Ministry please contact Deacon Jeffrey Steele.
The College Christian Ministry invites all members that are undergraduate college students to our annual
Christmas Breakfast, Sunday, December 21, 2014, in the Vincent Room at 9:30 AM. We will worship at the
7:30 AM Service. Stop by the Church Office to pick a form or call the office, 313-861-1285 to RSVP. You may
also find the form on our website.
Calling all Hartford ministries, families, members, and friends! The holiday season is upon us and it is time for
everyone to embrace the Adopt-a-Family program. If you know of a deserving family needing holiday assistance,
submit the name to the program. If you wish to donate financially or sponsor a family, contact Tajaunia Braxton at
the Pastoral Care Office, at 313-861-1285, x456. The deadline is November 22, 2014. Let’s bless a family this
year. Family recipients will remain confidential.
“Christ Caring For People through People”
emotional and spiritual help needed with crisis that include:
Loss of a loved one
Terminal Illness/Chronic Illness
Divorce or Separation
Unemployment/Job Crisis
Recovery from Illness and Unemployment
STEPHEN MINISTRY IS A CONFIDENTIAL MINISTRY and are trained volunteers ready to
provide you with one-­on-­one care. To Contact a Stephen Minister Call (313) 341-­2302
The year is coming to a close.
It is the time to make sure you are achieving your tithes and offering goals.
We are available to talk to you.
Please help beautify our Sanctuary this holiday season by placing a Poinsettia IN HONOR OF or IN LOVING
MEMORY OF a loved one! The donation for each poinsettia is only $10.00 per name. Complete the form and
attach your check payable to Hartford Memorial Baptist Church and drop it in the collection tray or bring it to the
Church Office. Deadline for submission: December 7, 2014. Forms are available in the Church Office and the
Business Office.
For those people who wish to receive Christmas baskets, we are accepting names between the hours of 11:00
AM and 3:00 PM, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, beginning December 2, 2014, near the Security Booth
inside the Church. Valid picture ID is needed.
Hartford Memorial Baptist Church presents Ballroom Gala XI, in Fellowship Hall, Friday, December 12,
2014, from 6:00 PM-10:30 PM. Join us for food, fun, fellowship and dancing. The attire is dressy. Donation is
$15 for singles and $25 for couples. For more information, please contact Vincent Tucker.
The Altar Flowers were placed today in memory of
Dorothy Hall
by Deacon John Mitchell
The Joshua Ministry (for adults 18-40) welcomes you to our weekly Thursday Bible Study at 6:15 PM in the
Vincent Room. Join us as Reverend Kevin Taylor leads us in Bible study and discussion. Please contact Kamil
Williams at [email protected] so that we can get a headcount for dinner. Also please join us on December
11th for a live Skype Q and A with acclaimed author of God’s Graffiti, Romal Tune. Please submit your questions
to [email protected]
This year, our annual THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE will begin at 8:00 AM.
Pastor Adams will be preaching.
Music will be rendered by the Cathedral Choir.
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Did you know that the Members’ Orientation Class is not just for new members? If it’s been years since you last
attended, never attended or did not complete the series, you are invited to come and learn more about your Baptist
heritage, after which you will be awarded your certificate. Classes meet in Room 108 at 9:30 AM, on the 2nd, 3rd,
and 4th Sundays.
Age in style.
You‘ve earned a glorious retirement! At Hartford
Village, you will have the freedom to pursue an
independent lifestyle. Whether you choose a newly-built
cottage home or a luxury apartment, you will be part of
a vibrant, friendly senior community. And you‘ll have
the peace of mind knowing you have priority access to
health care in a PVM Village should your healthcare
needs change.
39 Independent Living Cottages
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Enjoy the peace of mind knowing you live in a gated
community. Your maintenance free lifestyle will let you
spend more time doing the things you love. Features
like snow removal and landscaping services that ensure a
carefree lifestyle. Activities and opportunities to
socialize. The finest senior living in Detroit.
45 Independent Living Apartments
• 24 hour on-site security / Gated community
• One-bedroom floor plan with 1 bathroom
• Two-bedroom floor plan with 1 1/2 bathrooms
• Fully-equipped kitchen, including dishwasher
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• Washer and dryer
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Leave your deposit ASAP so that you do not miss out on your new home. For your convenience, Master Card, Vise
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To get more information and book your reservation, call Gena Edwards at 248-281-2024
Alvin Waddles
Lurine Moncrease
Gwen Moore
Paulette Turner
Dorothy J. Ward
Carol Williams
Shirley Woods
Brian Gary
Hammond Organ
Dr. Joanne Clark
Minister of Pipe Organ
Felicia Hill
Senior Usher Ministry #2
Reichelle Tucker **
John Harvey
Nina White
** Interpreting Sermon
Billie Beverly, Capt.
Laverne Bostic
L. Delores Brandon
Penny Godboldo
Peter Hart
Arthur Stewart
Angeline Brown, On Duty
Dorothy Welch, Team Leader
Linda Hathorne, 1st Asst.
Daisy Bryant Aaron, 2nd Asst.
Kathryn Cotton
Marjorie Dickson
Jackie Lurry
Dorothy Marbury
Rochelle Mitchell
Thomas Williams, Chairman
Lawrence T. Mathews, On
Richard Moncrease Jr., Capt.
John Bradley, Co-Capt.
Daisy Aldridge
E. Kennedy Brandon
Lawrence Carter
Pat Clifford
Keith Davis
Carolyn A. Drake
John H. Eley Jr.
Huey Ferguson
John T. Gambrell
Karen Harlan
Betty Hill
Harold M. Holmes
Alexis A. Kerr
Johnnie Carl Lurry
Yvonne Mayfield
Leah M. McKissic
Mary McKissic
Irene Porter
Brandee S. Pruitt
Lamar Reed
George Taylor
Norris G. Turner
Vincent Ball
Linda Clark
Dorothy Cocroft
Nora Sharpley Ferguson
Dexter Fields
Joann Drake Gambrell
Licia Harper *
LaRue Jones
Hennie Major
Creflo Mims
Candice T. Howard
Dr. Ronald Turner
Kenneth Watts
Andrea Whitfield
* Consultative Trustee
7:30 AM
Julia Baldwin
Shelvie Brice
Laytha Danley
Bruce Perry
Lamar Reed
Virginia Tate
11:00 AM
Elaine Carter
Ada Grant
Ozella Henry
Katie Lindsey
Patricia Perry
Cynthia Trusclair
Oneita Whitfield
Sheryl Brown
Gloria Howard
Betty Mapp
Janice McCrary
Regina Thomas
Ruby Newbold, Vice Clerk
Deborah Boatner
Cynthia Bonds
Stephanie Brown
Cynthia Harris
Carrie Thomas Johnson
Andra Teasley
Linda Tinsley
7:30 AM
Miriam Poe
11:00 AM
Quentin L. McDonald
Cherokee Cole
Jeannene Sailor
Dolores Spencer
Andrea Whitfield
Virgil Young
Jacqueline Shelton, Capt.
Kathy Hemingway, Co-Capt.
Shirley Myrick, Co-Capt.
Madge Anderson
Janice Ashford
18900 James Couzens Highway • Detroit, Michigan 48235
Administrative Offices • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM • Monday thru Friday
313-861-1285 / 313-861-1300 • Fax 313-861-0265
Open Sundays, between and after services • Wednesday 11:00 AM - 6:30 PM. • 313-864-3404
18700 James Couzens Highway • Detroit, Michigan 48235 • 313-861-1200 • Fax 313-861-7896
Hunger Task Force & Free Shop Mission….. 313-861-1202
The Staff Minister on call is Rev. Kevin Taylor. He can be contacted for any emergencies or urgent matters
313-861-1285 or 313-475-0316 • Email: [email protected]
Hartford Memorial Baptist Church celebrates 97 years of loving God and serving the world community. The
Rev. Edgar Wendell Edwards served as founding pastor from 1917 to 1920 when he relocated to Chicago. After
a diligent search, the Church called the Rev. Charles A. Hill Sr., assistant to the Rev. Robert L. Bradby Sr.,
of Detroit‘s historic Second Baptist Church. Installed as pastor in November of 1920, he served for 48 years
until his retirement on his 75th Birthday, April 28, 1968. During his progressive pastorate, Dr. Hill built new
church facilities on the corner of Hartford and Milford and subsequently, a community and recreation facility.
He was a strong supporter of organized labor; UAW Ford Local 600 was organized at Hartford Church. An
outspoken champion of civil rights in the difficult days before the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. Hill was at the
forefront of the struggle for equality in the 1930s, ‘40s and ‘50s. He was one of the first Blacks to run for
the Detroit City Council. Courageously, he opened the Hartford pulpit to such nonconformists as W.E.B.
DuBois and Paul Robeson.
On April 6, 1969, Hartford gleefully received its son, Charles Gilchrist Adams, as pastor of the church in
which he had been reared, indoctrinated, baptized, licensed, ordained and married. At that time, Dr. Adams,
an honors graduate of the University of Michigan and Harvard Divinity School, had just begun his seventh
year as pastor of the historic Concord Baptist Church in Boston, New England‘s largest African American
congregation. Having burned the old mortgage in 1971, Dr. Adams led Hartford into the current James
Couzens‘ facilities on April 10, 1977; under his strong and vigorous leadership, this mortgage was burned in
1983, nine years ahead of time. With an ever increasing church family, Hartford has become one of the
largest church congregations in Detroit. Widely known for its music ministry, Hartford boasts of the largest
pipe organ built by a Black church. Choir loft expansions, upgraded audio/video equipment and redesigned
lighting in the Sanctuary are only part of the ongoing renovations.
Dr. Adams‘ vision of community outreach led to the establishment of The AGAPE (LOVE) HOUSE for
charitable and community ministries. Formerly housed in properties purchased across the freeway on James
Couzens, The AGAPE HOUSE, now temporarily located in the Church, continues to offer needed social
services that include the Daily Senior Citizens‘ Program, Hunger Task Force, Bookstore, Taping Ministry,
Scholarship and College Preparation Programs, Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous.
Hartford has purchased commercial real estate along Seven Mile Road, supporting the establishment of fast
food restaurants, such as McDonald‘s, Long John Silver and Kentucky Fried Chicken and other businesses. A
Super Kmart was built on church property and employed hundreds of local residents. Today, on the same
church property, Home Depot continues to provide employment and a tax base for the city and state. On
other church properties, Hartford has established the Head Start Agency, a Tutorial Program and the Hartford
Institute for Biblical Studies.
Recently, Hartford, under the leadership of Dr. Adams, purchased 5.5 acres of land located on the former Meyers
Road campus of Lewis College of Business. The design and plans are in progress for the utilization of this
site for Hartford Village, a senior residential community, Dr. Adams’ and Hartford’s greatly expanded vision
for community outreach — an assisted living complex, gymnasiums for seniors and youth, a performing arts
auditorium and health facilities and The AGAPE HOUSE programs.
In 2007, Dr. Adams was selected as the first professor of the Practice of Ethics and of Ministry at Harvard
University. His full teaching schedule at Harvard has not prevented his weekly delivery of soul-saving sermons
at Hartford. Assisting him is his son, the Rev. Charles Christian Adams, who was unanimously appointed as
Hartford‘s first Presiding Pastor, thus continuing the Adams‘ pulpit legacy. We celebrate and praise God for the
ever expanding ministry of Hartford Memorial Baptist Church.
“For Hartford is the Place to Be”