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- CareerIndia
*tsi. Series : OSR/I Code No. gfi rtni. q{€rq{qled Roll No. o o . r o 6ultz W-YB r Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. gwr qfq wd f*,,Es rrfi-Er { $ffi ys t0 + t qrqfir* t r 6t siltfqq.rq6tsq,{{qi EH ffi{-gfissr *ge-y*qrfnril qiq q.(fr l*'vs yrT-wr rt tz srq t Erqqr Trfi-{jr if qrk+ 6rq r r lFrFlrrrtc,rurrfr$nvgs-e;rl*q6d, yrrma;qir rqr{ftrd gnsw-xrr6iT6+ +fuq t5 fqreiilqrrqkqrrrqrt rsrq-.HqrfumorYqlq""i to.ts qQ fuqr En+.n r" 10.15 {A t 10.30 qQ n*" ou *ca sFr-rrr 6i qf,} sk E{ srcfu + qkn A r wr-gfir*r o o .r{ fttt Ttr{ mT Mii I r Please check that this question paper contains 10 printed pages + I Map. Code number grven on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 17 questions. Pleese write down the serial number of the question before attempting it. 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during thii period. o o o EfrGMT funfu$ttr :3 dtl HISTORY t Time allowed : 3 hours J arfqqdq eiq :80 I Maximum Marks : 80 vrqrqfrvr' (t) t fivr# #rrr t r farpd, C qidfrt fufrd t r yrda. yw * oiry-ts€+ Hrr+ rrq, offrd* t (i, d#drnsf+#ffiT Ftu€zr- nwi. t ls) 30 $qf narftwfiTd+"/E(, t (iir) qfq ffi qd eTn #rar @a€ s- WFr I t IV, yw i. I t tt) too ttqt C .rrftr# ' tats-qfiWwr-ruqaqrqrfiayw* r @ w #dd rnqi #rar6orr tt yw ti. tz air t3) s00 pl6ri C efurwT n+ arfaq r (v) qugaard vrrd?rwhitq{qr.qr/frat tgiafufuq @a€4 nrri. 14, Is, IA ?af 6i+ (vl 6uu2 atfw qafu*i'firr-gnildr#wer lddrqfufqocqywi. tz.t airtZ.z) r lP.T.O. (n Answer all the questions. Some questions ltave internal choice. Marl<s are indicated against each question. Answer to questions carrying 2 marlcs (Part - A, 1 to 3) should not exceed 30 words each. Answer to questions carrying 5 marks (Part - B, Section - I to IV, Question Nos. 4 - 11) should not exceed 100 words each. Part B, Section - IV is based ouestion. A^*", t, q*ttions carrying 10 marks (Part C, Questions 12 and 13) should not exceed 500 words each. Part D questions are based on three sources. (Internal Choice) ,(ii) , (iii) (iv) (v) I (Part D, questions 14, 15, 16) (Part questions 17.1 and 17.2 ). E Auach the map with the answer scripts (vi) Emr-t5. PART trrlkfim€Swit*gtnfriqq' Answer all the questions given below t. -A 2 x3=6 : frflzrr{Trs*.qq$ifqr+1-q6q-alTq{qr{rifi5q'+.*ittrqionurfrtqq t 2 Why were Britishers keen to create the familiar landscape in Bombay ? Give two 2.. ffi}i'*srqFtfqqflriqld6t{ e} r B{hwqs€+k{Rsrdqdrsrq t t + | =2 Who initiated Kabir into Bhakti ? Mention his concept of Ultimate Reality. 3. d{qrsrqdts$rrk+.q{er*tffiqiHq-drdt*rrdqqifuq t 2 Mention any two features of the administration system of the Mauryan Empire. Errg:- E PART _B qIT{FT- I SECTION - I tukfira{tffiqtr5it*'err*tqq. Answer any two of the following questions 4. , 5. : rmrrrrd of rq qs' rrrftTqfrm iq' Bit q,un t r sqqifrq Explain why we call Mahabharata a 'Dynamic Text'. .qg. i erd errtnur slt{ Wdt sx2:10 t 5 +t qca kq[ r" Eg seFI Yt rtt5l{T srmi g<, **q q{ s{s1 5 HflJ,Hrffi"l, n* conduct and values." In the light of the above messase, explain his teachings on life. 6. i i I I I grrf,-dfuEtartrsqrqftffiwr*.fuqRqrrqfrfirqffiiftlqrer*1kq I Describe the different arguments given by the archaeologists over the central authority of Harappa. z ur,r,, s trTrrr- tr - II SECTION ffi fqqfrkd ii t gtr sr sm {lq( 5xl:5 : Answer any one of the following questions 7. 6{rr** : I tt cirrcqri{Fii+dqr;ft} frssq mr euh qifrq ekft,S sfue?r$ ut+it Describe the life led by the forest dwellers during the Mughal era in 16th-17th centuries. '$ffi t{ ofu cr5{ {qri6-, kqqqrr +i ffi-dqt t qikq <-grurqrkd r t t" 61rq dr qrRirm s gfu s "Domingo Paes and Abdur Razzaq were highly irnpressed with the fortification of Vijayanagara Empire." Justify the statement. qrnr-m SECTION _ t ffi 9. qo- qF *.r yrr fr&( FTE{kfuH rn=il it Answer any one of the following questions : III 5xI=5 : i s{ri f*qnt .FT rqrc 6d sil{ mt'ii st ffi6 if {nirrd Eti *. frq t*q ilrd t ssT *- flqqikii gltd rs,qr ? FTq dlrqq I Explain how did the rebel leaders propagate their ideas and persuade people to join the revolt of 1857. 10. . fqfar qr6n61r6rBii q{ lTriilr m.{i *i +ftrq} +t enel-++rsowo +1lqq Critically examine the policies adopted by the Britishers to control Paharias. 5 r srgrrrr- fV SECTION _ IY 6q*uwwftcIlFf (Value Based 11. (l Question) 1.1) "led sfi { eilqFdfrmqrrf + 3ffi +frq<g ernrrff{ fsq frtqq r 5x1 r" stid rqretur 2+3=5 "The colonial cities provided new opportunities for women during the century." Give two examples. (l 1.2) ffi :5 19th fr{ {"qiq+ *tdfrq, fudii qftdrsit +} svrmr{ri+frqffidfuqr Explain anythree values which encouraged women for their empowerment r . Etoir- It 'PART-C t2. C{tli Eflrq frF! (Long Answer Questions) i[ qrq: risfrcft +i qq futur *'qrE silg.*-{ iur qror 'atEan + fir6m r++t-66,qrqrolqdfiilq ' : t t" {ffi l0 x2:20 {qrq it 10 I W +fuTM{ *'ora d enq dril + #.,T,* *r euh +1lqq r "In the history of nationalism Gandhiji is often identified with the making of a nation." Describe his role in ths freedom struggle of India. OR Describe the harrowing experiences of ofdinary people during the period of partition of India. 6uu2 3 -IP.T.O. 13. reqt-rr$qt6fliigrrmurfrur qrrdqqqpqi[qqtrdfti TfusT+tqrqrdfuq I 10 qEIETT ercnqt i firq-fiT{ Tqrfu HEr qrfus. {5Erqi it v$re fls.s q-fiK ffirq rcT 2 Hs ft1fuq Explain the role oi Panchayats in centuries. tG Mughai rural lndian OR relations harmonious Explain how Akbar maintained religious communities. society during 16th - 1 lTth with different ethnic and EIU!'-q PART tolry+{ ftTgfirfuc wt+d d errurftFr gf{ -D I x3:24 (Passage Based Questions) ErnSeo,,ufrv aqr ss*' wn { frq lrrti *' rmftrfug, {s q-sm m, H rom* dsit ii qrffi{ffi qrq t e6 fuqr rrqr etr, sr qol-q qq qffTr 2*313:8 +ratt: ffi qi qqr if +dr q* qffqr qIffi sF{ t... wer S qrt *r e.* ur{r €rfl+q t +{K E1 qtgr* 'tlrrd Etst (q-o anr EfiiFI 20 F *' q{rqg t st{ Es+ +d{ {tH + qdtqr ilTr Erqaii *^ow t r srqtd * eirt qrasrqfr. EFrsR, qrsE, qqlqrs aqr dti* if orq qri qr* qrhit + dr6 + fuq $isrrrl6 <i Ea 8.... qr+{ + ffi qrr d gg{rdr ffiTr iffi tt{6{r6{*'qqt Xstoktro snd-qre t sr*{{ fisff {+ r wetol oil{q-irfr t efurtT fissf*rit * qrum t rcnrvr sirt endr r yrfr qr trqer qm .rer t qqr t wct*.sqt qrr fi t r gqtt \'*. tqi t {d'+ qN-qRT $I lrd{ + srgrts ilr t H Erqur Tqr{iffigr Fd& fu{rm t ffi qfdrn *. "fl-trt T* st -o q*r t, altr rqd t trt t | $r |FFff '-'+. 1.''.'';-i- lEYtf jll-.'*,'",, . ,'' 1,r]S r'ycf.;.11..,$4'u:1.,{ Er.ffi{rrerE, Grdur 9fi"+6{rE wrrcT trst t ,Jm t <tqr$ *1 e'rf, it f,q.qeit 6r E hqr t... 1160 it q+. Es rqqratfustt s+ prii *'oq{ ffi{ T€ T{r$'rt t oth eq rit @ s{ rid('qoT t E+{ trkqa sq t t6{q t r Erid s'nq snft t +{ W e't pqrna it aen oirrd rgon qddffidfltt{arrqlrrofrwr t +sdt{ffiwit r' (la.l){a-qqn + ffi qt qs c}116{*'sq it *ii euiq fuqr t t q,r sdq dlqq (14.2)r+qT tfr if 'ffir*i q6qq S wr+ + fuq f*g rq, sqrql (14.3)EdT {trr Ylttfrt qrqfttdq ffisdreil t Hi qqrkd EgTr ? I 6uu2 L wr.tT ,'4 .1 iiil+R it 5e 2 t 3 3 ilqr silrqrqrfr f+tr{w + qqs qfqa yrmcn.. Twtgq {rq GTRFFFTT $0s-2s) i vrrcr++er m Aw t srTffir€(qrrofut qrqrif lts.Ffr ffi r qrqftit*.fuwiiss+fnqr :' 3 + 3 + 2 : \rs'lIEIt 6i g[Ti Tflrnai of gnnr qrBq sil{elfqiq *t Es r+rc*qnlm 6€r qrl6q fls'#i, 6rFrd, Fit, {({, ** nqr orq qqsrf mr qd *rq{ snqrf, fuqr qr n+.... .$fr Fiq mm qrlEq fu'r+ lqkft Tficdt H Esrit, dmt qT erdrn &'qnor sr+ tvr it sar+ qs-dr t qrqkr +t q-d--Trfr tqrrm +1 qr {h.... Ufr tvii *. eqrqrfr{ii, d artntt st{ sr€} =rts} sr H{+ t si 1tq +drit EFTI-6{, ffiisr aem sfuo T{rhft1ffi tsr srq+ qH riffiqrmr qlrq r tsr o'{+ q{t qqq s'*.ft EErt 5g[it ir*'qrT qiit ft (14.1)Ep-srtq {rq ERT Tdnsd rmr *effqrkit dt qcqT qifqq | ( t +.2) E;srte u+ i a*Eoit st s{qi vqnii t qqr+ + frq ftFs ron eTr Eht z ( r 4.3) {FTr enr emi tvr *t qftferfoif qi Etrri *. laq tsq'rq sqr.jt st qrcfi qfrkq t 8 r : Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follows 3 z , Here is an excerpt from Ibn Battuta's account of Delhi, often spelt as Dehli in texts the period : The city of Dehli covers a wide area and has a large population ... The rampart round the city is without parallel. The breadth of its wall is eleven cubits; and inside it are houses for the night sentry and gatekeepers. Inside the ramparts, there are store-houses fbr storing edibles, magazines, ammunition, ballistas and siege machines. The grains that are stored (in these ramparts) can last for a long time, without rotting ... In the interior of the rampart , horseman as well as infantrymen move from one end of the city to another. The rampart is pierced through by windows which open on the side of the city, and it is through these windows that light enters inside. The lower part of the rampart is built of stone; the upper part of bricks. It has many towers close to one airother. There are twenty eight gates in this city which are called darwaza, and of these, the Budaun darwaza is the greatest; inside the Mandwi darwaza there is 3 of Tughlakabad, Delhi market; adjacelt. to. the Gul darwaza there is an orchard ... It (he city of Dehli) has a fine cemetery in whicfi graves have domes over them, and those that do not have a dome, have an arch, for sure. the cemetery sow flowers"such as tuberose, jas.minp,, wild rose, etc. ; ,l l I I In they and flowers blossom there in all seasons. (14 1) Whyhas Ibn Battuta described Delhias a vast city ? (14.2) Mention the measures taken to protect Delhi frbm the invasion during l4th century. 6lntz lP.T.O. k (14.3) Why was Ibn Battuta ' impressed with the architectural features of the city ? Explain. OR King and Traders Krishnadeva Raya (ruled 1509-29), the most famous ruler of Vij ayariagaru, composed a work on statecraft in Telugu known as the Amuhamalyada. About traders he wrote : A king should improve the harbours of his country and so encourage its commerce that horses, elephantS, precious gems, sandalwood, pearls and other articles are freely imported ... He should arrange that the foreign sailors who land in his country on account of storms, illness and exhaustion are looked after in a suitable manner. ... Make the merchants of distant foreign countries who import elephants and good horses be attached to yourself by providing them with daily audience, presents and allowing decent profits. Then those articles will never go to your enemies. (14.1) 'Explain the responsibilities of king mentioned by Krishnadeva Raya. (14.2) In what ways had Krishnadeva Raya protected articles from going to his enemies ? (14.3) Explain the measures taken by the king to improve the conditions of his country. ls. rrqrqrcr*{ Bd futt' 't{fr eiTqrg*rr vftdm.qrw.fiTqfufuf, fr.tl o E{ 1876 +''iftq silflfr{r' ;rrrdrrrnirrq:r itgfr sf{$-jd+fk=F.rN*tfiHUd?r?{r{nE{rd fuqrmr difr wflrrrgc| : '"i &rO sfuTq s{q+ 'fiEii st rftqrcTt qr r{ M + frq qr{S q{fr t t*'wr +tt srsrfr t ffi t sil{ o{rnftrrit 6} qqq {6n s{+- sTri 61 r[fir t tt r ftF{ A \'*. Es srFrr emi aurqrrilif *'qrqrfr t st{T{t sr+-aurcr dr erq qffr+T t q\rrr*n EE{-+ w {urqrdrs{ rR orriTr q,,,{+ fr{ dt q-{r } qqq 6tt s{-*.rfr srftrfiS r qf( tfr E{ rfi-.it +t stt{ 3IrdI gs{T t qnr t n} trqt qqnfr{"it dt Es*i gfi qgqr t+ t stt{ olftrsrfr sIT {6r M effiFft sqq t{d} 16A fr ftffi{-kf{ d qri t t ffi i aqqmreit q{ fss ir6 firthur fuqr, quiq +ilqq (l 5. I ) (I s.2) tq?it ERT 1r s.rlHi o{r} 3+3+2=8 r" 3 r 6i {qr+ + fuq fuq 'rq Bq.it *t aqreTr +ilqq q uqEmpiti *,r q-fi ifiT {16rlr qqr fur r ss q;rfuq snq r r ENttt ..gq'ffiqqrFTu-r+EreTfit, art qfi wix qry TTURTET qft enq{r sr Eo sir qf€ {*.fr fur t I $rnil sr {qT 6t{r tffid wii-{ Etqr efu qunrq Ehr S €FTrfdo t r W fuif + FilFT sd:m t : "311q) qd 'rffi*+ yrq Fii q6T rqr t" tfi s+ q,Er t f+. firq{ta T6 Ti-qr qr vsdr t ts' 6|$ qq-qrq etfidiks'q d qr{ 6qRr Wr Efrtrq t€ Hpq sr rrq+ t fu rq Etsf,iks'{eflqi #a qeffi{t rsrrnr+oiioaqnr w aMri reir+d,xq+q Ss$,=rti r.oFHl \l 6U,U2: \ .A 3 2 +sr d.n, s-s+t vrw-qca d;s Et fr, qe \'$' 3FTrr qnmr t z erre + Htsii-ji gfuT st eqh ii q-*r-qm Tfiffir Fililqt sil{ u*,i Ht q{h HrTr erq enit +{r r wq zro voar t fltn,'ern s+ {S mr atodk*.ci rr+r t d a qri me gt ajmtji *} 3a5$ qrqm-{rd et$ {gd qr** *o* , { eilvn mrcn t t*. fufr qfra E}raitffi tvr +t q-o qRr Ht6dih6 wnd qr {{ern Hq ftt rq fisfi +on-e ud qrd rrT r ei v+ar t fo, w sct darr w *u r qEr6m, rrt EkT t, w.rd +s qrt vrs* r+( w .qrtFlt it q\r *errrq erTsu sr*i EM qr,wr]-* qrlaq r aq rilq;d* #wit r qcqs mF st "ilr q1q1 t fu gs Fil.Fdtr, {yfd'q mtqdr irr FrFq +qr Et n r {rffr Es qrf, s.r tq vom zrfi qs Ekmr 6{i 'tftRaihqr yrq $T Eqilqrd ftT t6qr t qdft6 n n qr arf fu. nt €FTrf{6 fi t fu't1u;q1tq" wq it rrd ffq.r6d fr Frltrd Etdr r v*rtctq rq er+r+rqo- eilr 3rfl+'fr wqi or Fil'r qtT mm qrefr r wi yrqf + Bq+r qrd q-fi uilr t {kfirci t t ffi tw i * t t ffi t t { t t t snflqr kqT wi vs rdilrq { H}+rir st siddrg rqa ai t r qftrelqdx *t fr Tfi, sTrk6Hi*6r t I u,t rqa ei t r srq weit *t qq crFd q{ aTrqfr Ei F*.* ttoqs rkTre it ET} qrfr 6t \16 Hqltrqrfr u-sq mri +r sudrs df {tT fm.qr t r .rei *a *-*e raqr rt w+r fl6 t ff q,r qrpl-fr air qna e+rvn q'o t fu fr+ { T* 't qqrqflE +'qH it Et,n eil{ T& rmd qtF {trilErqr+ nq *t sFrfl + qr,i vr qd'n slk TA {rr fercnv t fu r.o frr {fr Sf{qr st E$qrtwqcrrd,nr -a?aqawrqavaet 2+3+3_9 sidd*E ( t s. t ) trs i nkrcr t[ ,pfrry6ifaq, yr6( sr rqirl a;y q6T fuqr ? (1s.2)sq{orfdq{qt.r{dfunrst+{w-riFftre}sdpTf+rwtos1frq (rs.:)*rstt6sq-smsivqmqr+qEreryrrmcrcrfEqr r 2 r 3 3 rhe fouowing repo.{, ,u,"u tl5;:JHf,iltprj["vr.r,aer,, appeared in the Native opinion (6 June, 1876), and was quoted in Repon of the Nutiu" Newspapers of Bombay: They (the ryots) first place spies on the boundaries of their villages to see if any Govemment officers come, and to grv.a timely intimation of their arrival to the offenders. They then assemble in a body and go to the houses of their creditors, and demand from them a surrender of their b-onds uid oth", documents, *a inr""ie, them in case of refusal with- assault and plunder. If any Government officer happens to ap^groach the villages where the above is taking place, the spies give intimation to the offenders and the latter disperse in time. (11 l) Describe how ryots took control over the moneyrenders. (15-2) Explain the measures taken by the ryots to ,urr" th.*.elves. (15.3) Explain why ryots resorted torobbing the moneylenders. we say that it is our ;X ff.'lj,lHl?'J"?# ffn,I;" an independent sovereign republic' India is bound to be sovereign, it is bound to be independent and it is bound to be a republic ... Now, some friends have raised the question : ..why have you not put in the word 'democratic' here. ?" Well, I told them that it is conceivable, of-course, 6Ut/2 lP.T.O. that a republic may not be democratic but the whole of our past is witness to this fact that we stand for democratic institutions. Obviously we are aiming at democracy and nothing less than a democracy. What form of democracy, what shape it might take is another matter. The democracies of the present day, many of them in Europe and elsewhere, have played a great part in the world's progress. Yet it may be doubtful if they those democracies may not have to change their shape somewhat before long just to copy, I hope, a certain have to remain completely democratic. We are not going may democratic procedure or an institution of a so-called democratic country. We here improve upon it. In any'event whatever system of government we may establish must fit in with the temper of our people and be acceptable to them. We stand for democracy. It will be for this House to determine what shape to gtve to that democracy, we the fullest democracy, I hope. The House will notice that in this Resolution, although word have not used the word "democratic" because we thought it is obvious that the 'tepublic" contains that word and we did not want to use unnectissary words and if we have redundant words, but we have done qomething much more than using the word. glver the content of democracy in this Resolution and not only the content of democracy might but the conten! if I may say so, of economic democracy in this Resolution Others be a take objection to this Resolution on the Sound that we have not said thtit it should Well, I stand for Socialism and, I hope, India will stand for Socialism and Socialist State. that the that India will go towards the Constitution ofla Socialist State and I do believe whole world will have to go that way. - Constituent Assembly Debotes (Cad), VoLI (15.1) Explain why Nehru did not mention the wor{ demgcratic in the resolution. given in the above if S.Zi Mention the three basic features of the Constitution passage. (1 5.3) On what kind of socialism did Nehnr give stress to ? 16. rrSr'55*rvrftt : 3+3+2=8 wfit r+rfiaor w'eiu t qr* w r+*r *t$ ufud* qfi qr I qfm.'Jyil 3t{ v3rsrqi t ri'rq s€ti qq+ t{ + iffia qrg CO si qr1f;r *t wrg €b + t a qfrr $q sr;q lrqrcit *'qvr st lqcr tflI 'qt fqilvr *'qnurt ri t t t €dqt ls-{+'stqdE-flfti {fff 3t{fu{qtfievr{f+qrqr get r t sri6 s6€ rn{it tqrdr t r e+*'qfimwot fur {H-sfis+,' ffiFrdf slt{ fiikii *.ssn *.laq et'6 t { r1-aq61 +fuq kqqlr GRat 6 sftTrfr t qq (Tq-t$ *'6e t a iTdrcii { sd-{ (tl-q-t$, q-dur ({{r-to, t( cqqt +t{dD 3ttt 1+2=3 (r6.r){6sqrlm!i$ftd?ryF,1r.ta Err1o*sdry 1 3 (t6.2\uaA<t q-trgrrgqcn*to6 frt t"il * w*q q+fqq | 2 tt sfr 'flssq{F t r sredtqq t (16.3){1GII Hnr u-fird {fr o1q +{T4tI*{ vxr.e (fif,r t 1 { 6rw t rrt I 1 r qEFIT rl 6uu2 8 *'qqrrcriaTE$r rFrEFr z16 w{oT {iq-d rroprrd flr*o1q161X + snrtfi*{ Oqq qtqrg t t sfu qtre qiw + fr t t {q{ s,r 3+2+3=8 gq . ffi{ t orar s+*' stre..... qil{rq +. S* e+{ qiw E{* qttrq qq r qfu Trng ir{q qrg crffi{r5 m'fr.lrrc+ q{ sTRiH Eg.... r6q vig *,r qqrqrr*. Tq s'qK Tflrg rttlt e+, Am s,ft rslg;rm srflrEr{rgr + r dt-*t rtq$qr eB Eq €kr,'Tg{ + {rrrfr'*. sh qr+ orFrslq arm qrl dn qqifoA +*it *.Tsrcd srftq.qirq *{{ETqrfr e} r {s qrd ffi t t +d tr Et r 16 qrr+ ltror *'.n:s 'rqr sft{ +f,t, 't Tqfr, s{toi-dr *'ur<ur qmftt fltors{ q{ or oftr+n qtT qr 6rcfifls"T6 olrrsi {rq d ,rqr r qfr qtse qig t qe funsa qrw s(fr td s.+*'erET{+'S{, +d silrfu{qfu 6 t6rdufr + amr*rft at qrti €rY{ Eq a*n aqlt g* $T {rnl * stnrftmn t fud *s,T dsn { q-( TT+ on(i r if d€, gqhn +t vga # (ro.r)gqhtifirdrtfriilreif stfcrsronqfiqqmfuqrrsqqifl.{q (16.2)orf&{nqrffi+*ftrcgflqqgqFrgsi5,s€*qqifuq tro.s)efinrgr+rrrfrdf r 3 t 2 i ffi +sfr qq+ qrxfiffidr wi aqfm +t t 3 Samudragupta In praise of Samudragupta This is an excerpt from the Prayaga Prashasti: He was without an antagonist on earth; he, by the overflowing of the multitude of (his) many good qualities adorned by hundreds of good actions, has wiped off the fame of other kings with the soles of (his) feet; (he is) Purusha (the Supreme Being), being the cause of the prosperity of the good and the destruction of the bad (he is) incomprehensible; (he is) one whose tender heart can be captured only by devotion is) of compassion; fte is) the grver'of many hundredthousands of cows; (his) mind has received ceremonial initiation for the uplift of the and humility; (he possessed miserable, the poor, the forlorn and the suffering; (he is) resplendent and embodied kindness to mankind; (he is) equal to (the gods) Kubera (the god of wealth), Varuna (the god of the ocean), Indra (the god of rains) and Yama (the god of death)... (16.1) Who wrote the above Prashasti ? State the importance (16.2\ Mention any three qualities of the ruler described in the excerpt. (16.3) How far are these values, shown bl the rulffil of Prashasti. relevant in, the contemporary society ? Explain. oR 6lnlz 9 '-' IP.T.O. Why kinfolk quarreled This is an excerpt from the Adi Parvan (literally, the first section) of the Sanskrit Mahabharata, describing why conflicts arose amongst the Kauravas and Pandavas : The Kauravas were the ... sons of Dhritarashtra, and the Pandavas ... were their cousins. Since Dhritarashtra was blind, his younger brother Pandu ascended the throne of Hastinapura ... However, after the premature death of Pandu, Dhritarashtra became king, as the royal princes were still very young. As the princes grew up together, the citizens of Hastinapura began to express their preference for the Pandavas, for they were more capable and virtuous than the Kauravas. This made Duryodhana, the eldest of the Kauravas, jealous. He approached his father and said; "You yourself did not receive the throne, although it fell to you, because of your defect. If the Pandava receives the patrimony from Pandu, his son will surely inherit it in turn, and so will his son, and his. We ourselves with our sons shall be excluded from the royal succession and become of slight regard in the eyes of the world, lord of the earth !" (16.1) Explain about the worries of Duryodhana that he expressed to his father. (16.2) Mention the criteria for becoming king as suggested in the excerpt. (16.3) Why did the citizens of Hastinapur express their preference for the Pandavas ? Eilrg- g PART _ E 17. cqnfu*sro (Map Question) (17.1) '. ' (r7.2) (17.1), .(17.2) t qrm +frqgq{rw-$kotqr-ffii+d fafuq: gq'; qkTr-d{r cq) EfiErt vrffiba si oilsn dfrq efue+*ilq z *-tqqrqs$ {wnkoior-qmtfi q{ qr*q Edffir {nn *.** * l, 2 *t 3 gifud fuq.rq t r et qEqrFTq HPII s{+'*d qrq s{+{frq ffi ,r$ ', tqrcriwfrfuq | ,+rro On the Political outline map of India, locate and label the following (a) Dholavira : (b) Lumbini O, the same outline map of India three places related to the lndian National Movement have been marked as L,2 and 3. Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them. *a: frrqfrfualnq*TmEH'rdrftfrrftrqttfrqqnfu qw{i. 17 }srtq{t : 2+ "3 (17.2),+rmq{dqqi"+tr{tqqnroffifrrT-q0ienii*r5dqqitrrq I Note : The following questions are only for the Visually Impaired Candidates in lieu of the Map Question No. 17 : (17.1) Mention any two mature Harappan sites. (17.2) 6Uu2 3 Mention names of any three important places related to Indian National Movement. l0 :5 3 nr{{i. 17.l qq 17.2 +fuqqnfu{ Map for Q. No. 17.l and 17.2 rnraq,rtqr-qrrfu*6m{tm) ?ru Outline Map of India (Political) F + ,8, tr .1 o (l) U 7h, F F ,E tr .. o) L. 0) *{ € U t :l 6uu2 1l :; f I