Small Field Dosimetry Application Guide When
Small Field Dosimetry Application Guide When
R A D I AT I O N T H E R A P Y When small things matter. Small Field Dosimetry Application Guide 1 Introduction Contents 2 1 Introduction 2 2 The Physics of Small Fields 3 3 Detector Types 10 4 Detector Selection Guide Overview: Key Selection Criteria Overview: Additional Selection Criteria 11 18 19 5 Absolute Dose Measurements with PTW Small Field Detectors 21 6 Frequently Asked Questions 22 7 Detector Overview 25 8 References and Further Reading 34 Dose determination in small photon fields is an important and challenging task. Small photon fields are used in stereotactic radiosurgery as well as in IMRT and IMAT, where mini or micro MLCs create fields of 1 cm x 1 cm or smaller. Current dosimetry protocols such as [IAEA 398, AAPM TG51, DIN 6800-2] describe procedures for absolute dose measurements based on ionization chambers at field sizes of typically 10 cm x 10 cm. No advice is given as to appropriate procedures and detectors for field sizes of 1 cm x 1 cm. Presently, national and international committees are working on dedicated dosimetry protocols for small field dosimetry, see e.g. [Alfonso2008]. 2 The Physics of Small Fields 2.1 Under which conditions can you consider a field as small? } If the field is smaller than approximately 4 cm x 4 cm. } If the focus is partially hidden by the collimators. } If lateral electron equilibrium is not given in the center of the field. 2.2 The dose volume effect When the dose changes noticeably across the detector, the signal is subject to the volume effect. As a consequence of the volume effect, the dose in the field is underestimated and the width of the penumbra is overestimated. In Figure 1 you can see a size comparison of some small field detectors against a Gaussian shaped field of FWHM1 2 cm x 2 cm. From the figure it is apparent that a diode is probably small enough to characterize such a field but a Semiflex 0.125 cm³ chamber is not. In Figure 2 the effect of a too large detector is described in more detail, experimental results are shown in Figure 3. 1 Dose [%] Full width at half maximum, this is the same as the width of the 50 % isodose Figure 1 Size comparison of a 2 cm x 2 cm FWHM Gaussian shaped field with some small field detectors. 3 a b 4 c Figure 2 Viewgraph showing the origin of the volume effect. In part a) you can see the size of a Semiflex 0.125 cm³ chamber against a FWHM 2 cm x 2 cm Gaussian field. Clearly, the chamber seems to be too big to characterize that field. In part b) you can see what that chamber will actually do: it will average the dose across its sensitive volume, depicted as a blue box. When you move the chamber through the field, it will always average across its volume at every measurement position. The result is shown in part c). The blue curve shows the signal after averaging. The CAX value of the dose is underestimated, and the penumbra is broadened. Note that the FWHM field size is still correct, the blue and red curves meet at 50 % height. 5 Dose normalized to Diamond CAX [%] Output factor a b 6 c Figure 3 Experimental verification of the volume effect. In part a) the output factors2 for small square fields are shown. For the 1 cm x 1 cm field, the reduction of the measured dose for the Semiflex and the PinPoint chamber is clearly visible. Part b) shows a profile measurement in an 1 cm x 1 cm field. Again, the dose reduction of the Semiflex chamber in the field center is apparent. Note that the field width (50 % isodose) is measured correctly. In part c) the penumbra broadening of the Semiflex chamber in a 10 cm x 10 cm field can be seen. All measurements have been performed at 6 MV on an Elekta SLi18 Synergy Digital Accelerator. Note that the field width (50 % isodose) is measured correctly. 2 Synonyms for output factor: relative dose factor and total scatter factor. 7 Additional effects due to CAX normalization Usually, profiles are evaluated after performing a CAX3 normalization, i.e. all profiles are normalized such that their CAX-value corresponds to 100 %. For the example in Figure 2, this corresponds to multiplying the entire blue curve by 1.05. This includes the penumbra of the measurement and the out-of-field part. Hence if you combine the volume effect with a CAX normalization, the out-of-field dose and the penumbra dose will be slightly overestimated. This can be seen in Figure 4 where the data is taken from Figure 2 b) and normalized to the respective CAX values of the curves. The increase of the penumbra data leads to an increase of the apparent field width (i.e. the FWHM is broadened). A similar effect can happen with depth dose curves (PDDs) if there is a strong volume effect present. As the volume effect depends on field size and the field size depends on depth, the volume effect at the normalization point (at maximum dose) is different compared to positions deep in the water. This effect can distort a PDD measurement. Figure 4 Profiles of a 6 MV 1 cm x 1 cm field measured with a diode E (similar to diode SRS) and a Semiflex 0.125 chamber after CAX normalization. The data is the same as in Figure 2 b). In addition to penumbra broadening two more effects are visible, indicated by arrows. (i) The FWHM of the Semiflex measurement seems larger than that of the other detectors. This is in contrast to the original measurement without CAX normalization shown in Figure 3 b). (ii) The dose in the out-of-field region is overestimated. 3 8 CAX stands for central axis. 2.3 Low energy response 2.4 Other effects in small fields Low energy scattered radiation hardly plays any role in small fields. } The alignment of beam and detector is much more important compared to large field sizes. In large fields (roughly above 10 cm x 10 cm) there is a large dose contribution due to lowenergy scattered radiation. In small fields, the dose contribution by this radiation is very small. Consequently, the low-energy response (response to photons in the keV range) does not play a role in small fields. What about the out-of-field region? In the out-of-field region, the radiation consists only of scattered photons. For small fields this radiation contains a low-energy part but it is far less important than for large fields. Hence, for small fields: } Silicon diode detectors can be used. }Shielding of the silicon diode is not necessary. } Often, an irradiation is composed of many small fields. To correctly add these up, the penumbras of the fields must be determined very precisely. } For small fields the field size must not equal the set collimator value due to partial occlusion of the focus by the collimators and penumbra overlap. } In small fields, lateral electron equilibrium is often not given. Some of the common assumptions used in radiation therapy cal culations might not be fully valid. For example, the density of the detector may play a role [Fenwick2013]. } Some small field systems are flattening filter free linacs. Their spectrum is softer than that of conventional linacs. This can have an influence on kQ factors [IPEM 103]. Summary: }If your detector is larger than 1/4th of the lateral field dimension, you should watch out for the volume effect. }keV scattered photon radiation does not play a role in small fields and is less important in the out-of-field region compared to large fields. }If the volume effect is present, • The dose in the field center will be underestimated; • The penumbra appears wider than it is. }If in addition to the volume effect you perform a CAX normalization in a small field, • The field (50 % isodose) will appear wider than it is; • The dose in the out-of-field region will be overestimated; • The dose of PDDs at large depths can be overestimated. }[IPEM 103] recommends to use more than one detector to perform a high quality characterization. }[IPEM 103] recommends to use more than one detector to perform a high quality characterization. }For a thorough introduction see [Wuerfel2013] 9 3 Detector Types The following section presents a quick introduction into the various types of single detectors used for dose measurements in a water phantom. 3.1 Medium-size vented ionization chambers Gold standard for dose measurements are vented ionization chambers as specified in IEC 60731. The sensitive volume of such chambers is usually between 0.1 cm³ and 1.0 cm³. Their only disadvantage is the relatively large size. When used in small fields, large detectors can be subject to the dose volume effect, see chapter 2.2. 3.2 Small-size vented ionization chambers Small-size vented ion chambers (PinPoint chambers) have a sensitive volume in the order of 0.01 cm³. They can typically be used for dose measurements in fields down to 2 cm x 2 cm. Care must be taken if PinPoint chambers are used in very large fields when stem and cable effects become important. Make sure that the chamber you use does not have a steel electrode. 10 3.3 Diamond detectors Diamond detectors are solid state detectors combining small size and high response. In addition, their response is almost independent upon energy, i.e. they are very much water equivalent. They also feature a very good directional response. Diamond detectors can be constructed as solid state ionization chambers (TM60003 diamond) or as diodes (T60019 microDiamond). 3.4 Silicon diodes Silicon diode detectors feature the highest response per volume of all common detector types. Hence their sensitive volume is usually small enough to avoid dose volume effects down to very small fields. However, their directional response and their response to low-energy scattered photons is not ideal. To reduce the effect of low-energy photons, diodes exist in a shielded design where the shield reduces the signal from these photons. In small fields the low-energy scatter contribution is low, hence diode shielding is not needed and unshielded diodes are recommended for small fields [IPEM 103]. 4 Detector Selection Guide Which detector is best suited for my application? 11 Detector Selection Tree Minimum field size required 1 cm x 1 cm MAXIMUM field size (cm) required: 10 x 10 Type of measurement: Suitable detectors: Recommended detectors: Remarks Absolute dose 1 & output factors Profiles & PDDs Absolute dose & output factors Diode E Diode SRS Diode P microDiamond Diode E Diode SRS Diode P microDiamond Diode P microDiamond Diode P microDiamond microDiamond microDiamond microDiamond microDiamond Diode E or SRS Diode E or SRS The influence of the density should be less for the microDiamond because of its very thin measurement volume. See [Fenwick2013], page 2919. 1 12 20 x 20 In small fields absolute dose measurement often requires cross calibration, see chapter 5 and Overview: Key selection criteria. Profiles & PDDs 30 x 30 40 x 40 Absolute dose & output factors Profiles & PDDs Absolute dose & output factors Profiles & PDDs Diode P microDiamond Diode P microDiamond Diode P microDiamond Diode P microDiamond microDiamond for fields smaller than 20 cm x 20 cm microDiamond for fields smaller than 20 cm x 20 cm microDiamond for fields smaller than 20 cm x 20 cm microDiamond for fields smaller than 20 cm x 20 cm Semiflex 0.125 for larger fields Semiflex 0.125 for larger fields Semiflex 0.125 for larger fields Semiflex 0.125 for larger fields Both microDiamond and Diode P are well suited for the entire field size range from 1 cm x 1 cm up to 40 cm x 40 cm. But if you are aiming for utmost accuracy in large fields, a medium sized air-filled ionization chamber will be better than any solid state detector. If you can choose between Diode P and microDiamond, take the microDiamond. 13 Detector Selection Tree Minimum field size required 2 cm x 2 cm MAXIMUM field size (cm) required: 10 x 10 Type of measurement: 20 x 20 Absolute dose 1 & output factors Profiles & PDDs Absolute dose & output factors Suitable detectors: Diode E Diode SRS Diode P microDiamond PinPoint 0.015 PinPoint 0.03 PinPoint 3D Diode E Diode SRS Diode P microDiamond PinPoint 0.015 PinPoint 0.03 Diode P microDiamond PinPoint 0.015 PinPoint 0.03 PinPoint 3D Diode P microDiamond PinPoint 0.015 PinPoint 0.03 PinPoint 3D Recommended detectors: PinPoint 0.03 microDiamond PinPoint 0.03 microDiamond Remarks The PinPoint 0.03 is best suited for absolute dose measurements as it does not need to be cross-calibrated. 1 14 In small fields absolute dose measurement often requires cross calibration, see chapter 5 and Overview: Key selection criteria. Profiles & PDDs The microDiamond detector is suitable for absolute dose and output factor measurements. However, whereas the microDiamond must be cross-calibrated, the PinPoint 0.03 chamber can be directly applied according to IAEA 398 and DIN 6800-2. 30 x 30 40 x 40 Absolute dose & output factors Profiles & PDDs Absolute dose & output factors Profiles & PDDs Diode P microDiamond PinPoint 0.015 PinPoint 0.03 PinPoint 3D Diode P microDiamond PinPoint 0.015 PinPoint 0.03 PinPoint 3D Diode P microDiamond Diode P microDiamond microDiamond for fields smaller than 20 cm x 20 cm microDiamond for fields smaller than 20 cm x 20 cm microDiamond for fields smaller than 20 cm x 20 cm microDiamond for fields smaller than 20 cm x 20 cm Semiflex 0.125 for larger fields Semiflex 0.125 for larger fields Semiflex 0.125 for larger fields Semiflex 0.125 for larger fields Both microDiamond and Diode P are well suited for the entire field size range from 1 cm x 1 cm up to 40 cm x 40 cm. But if you are aiming for utmost accuracy in large fields, a medium sized air-filled ionization chamber will be better than any solid state detector. If you can choose between Diode P and microDiamond, take the microDiamond. 15 Detector Selection Tree Minimum field size required 3 cm x 3 cm MAXIMUM field size (cm) required: 10 x 10 Type of measurement: 20 x 20 Absolute dose 1 & output factors Profiles & PDDs Absolute dose & output factors Suitable detectors: Diode E Diode SRS Diode P microDiamond PinPoint 0.015 PinPoint 0.03 PinPoint 3D Semiflex 0.125 Diode E Diode SRS Diode P microDiamond PinPoint 0.015 PinPoint 0.03 PinPoint 3D Diode P microDiamond PinPoint 0.015 PinPoint 0.03 PinPoint 3D Semiflex 0.125 Diode P microDiamond PinPoint 0.015 PinPoint 0.03 PinPoint 3D Semiflex 0.125 Recommended detectors: Semiflex 0.125 microDiamond Semiflex 0.125 microDiamond Remarks The Semiflex 0.125 is best suited for absolute dose measurements as it does not need to be cross-calibrated. 1 16 In small fields absolute dose measurement often requires cross calibration, see chapter 5 and Overview: Key selection criteria. Profiles & PDDs The microDiamond detector is suitable for absolute dose and output factor measurements. However, whereas the microDiamond must be cross-calibrated, the Semiflex 0.125 chamber can be directly applied according to IAEA 398 and DIN 6800-2. 30 x 30 40 x 40 Absolute dose & output factors Profiles & PDDs Absolute dose & output factors Profiles & PDDs Diode P microDiamond PinPoint 0.015 PinPoint 0.03 PinPoint 3D Semiflex 0.125 Diode P microDiamond PinPoint 0.015 PinPoint 0.03 PinPoint 3D Semiflex 0.125 Diode P microDiamond Semiflex 0.125 Diode P microDiamond Semiflex 0.125 Semiflex 0.125 microDiamond for fields less or equal than 20 cm x 20 cm Semiflex 0.125 microDiamond for fields less or equal than 20 cm x 20 cm Semiflex 0.125 for fields larger than 20 cm x 20 cm Semiflex 0.125 for fields larger than 20 cm x 20 cm Though the PinPoint chambers, the microDiamond and the Diode P are well suited for measurements over the entire range from 3 cm x 3 cm to 30 cm x 30 cm, we recommend using a combination of two detectors for the most precise profile and PDD measurements. Both microDiamond and Diode P are well suited for the entire field size range from 1 cm x 1 cm up to 40 cm x 40 cm. But if you are aiming for utmost accuracy in large fields, a medium sized air-filled ionization chamber will be better than any solid state detector. If you can choose between Diode P and microDiamond, take the microDiamond. For precise penumbra measurements in fields smaller or equal than 20 cm x 20 cm, a detector smaller than the Semiflex 0.125 should be used. 17 Overview: Key Selection Criteria Suitable Detector Key Selection Criteria Field Size Absolute Dose Measurements max. min. cm x cm cm x cm down to… up to… < 2 cm x 2 cm 2 cm x 2 cm … 3 cm × 3 cm 3 cm x 3 cm … 4 cm × 4 cm Profile Measurements > _ 4 cm × 4 cm < _ 10 cm PTW Detector > 10 cm 1x1 10 x 10 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ – Diode E, unshielded 1x1 10 x 10 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ – Diode SRS, unshielded 1x1 40 x 40 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Diode P, shielded 1x1 20 x 20 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ microDiamond Detector 2x2 30 x 30 – ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ PinPoint Chamber, 0.015 cm³ 2x2 30 x 30 – ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ PinPoint Chamber, 0.03 cm³ 2x2 30 x 30 – ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ PinPoint Chamber 3D, 0.016 cm³ 3x3 40 x 40 – – ✔ ✔ – ✔ Semiflex Chamber, 0.125 cm³ ✔ Detector requires cross-calibration against Semiflex 0.125 cm³ chamber for absolute dose measurements. – Not recommended or suitable 18 Overview: Additional Selection Criteria Detectors Additional Selection Criteria Penumbra Out-Of-Field Dose Dose Rate Energy Energy Fast Accuracy Dose Stability Independence Response Response MeasureAccuracy (MeV) (keV) ment 1 Diode E, unshielded ++++ ++ ++ +++ +++ – + Diode SRS, unshielded ++++ ++ ++ 2 ++++ +++ – +++ Diode P, shielded ++++ ++ ++ +++ ++ ++ + microDiamond Detector +++ +++ ++++ +++ ++++ +++ + PinPoint Chamber, 0.015 cm³, axial orientation +++ ++++ ++++ ++++ 4 ++++ 5 ++++ +++ PinPoint Chamber, 0.015 cm³, radial orientation ++ ++++ ++++ ++++ 4 ++++ 5 ++++ +++ PinPoint Chamber, 0.03 cm³, radial orientation ++ ++++ ++++ ++++ 4 ++++ 6 ++++ ++++ PinPoint Chamber 3D, 0.016 cm³, radial orientation ++ ++++ ++++ ++++ 4 ++++ 7 ++++ +++ Semiflex Chamber, 0.125 cm³, radial orientation + ++++ ++++ ++++ 4 ++++ 5 ++++ ++++ ++++ excellent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +++ very good ++ good + OK see “Fast measurement” on next page _ 6MV only < this depends on the repetition frequency of the linac: below 180 Hz, basically no dose rate dependence. Above 180 Hz correction by comparison against detector with known ks. can be corrected, see e.g. [DIN6800-2] can be corrected, kQ available in [DIN 6800-2] and [IAEA 398] can be corrected, kQ available from PTW technical support can be corrected, kQ available in [DETECTORS] 19 Why is it relevant? Penumbra accuracy Out-of-field dose accuracy In IMRT and IMAT treatments, many small fields are superimposed to get the full dose. To make this work, the penumbra should be known to a high accuracy. In IMRT and IMAT treatments, many small fields are superimposed to get the full dose. The out-of-field dose can be several percent of the central dose and will add up to a background dose. In addition, it is a main contribution to the dose in the surrounding healthy tissue. Dose stability When the dose stability is good, you seldom have to recalibrate your detector. A bad dose stability requires more frequent recalibrations. Energy response (keV) The keV energy response is important when the beam contains a lot of scattered radiation. This is the case for large fields (more than 10 cm x 10 cm), especially in the out-of-field region. In small fields (below 5 cm x 5 cm), the effect is not important. Energy response (MeV) A good MeV energy response corresponds to a quality correction factor kQ close to 1 for all energies above 60Co. For air-filled ionization chambers, kQ is known, for other detectors this is not the case. Hence, the better the energy response, the smaller is the induced uncertainty. Note, the mean energy of a beam can slightly change over a beam cross section or with depth in the water. 20 Fast measurement A good signal to noise ratio (SNR) is preferable for profile and PDD measurements. The better the SNR, the faster the measurement can be performed. Every detector is subject to quantum noise of the radiation. The following quantities influence quantum noise: (i) the number of quanta of the primary radiation, (ii) the material of the detector (i.e. air, silicon, diamond, …), (iii) the size of the detector (large detector: better SNR) and (iv) the thickness of the detector (thick detector: better SNR). Hence, depending on your detector, the signal to noise ratio will be different. We have classified detectors with a high SNR as fast detectors. Note, the SNR is mainly a material property of the detector, it is not a function of the response of the detector. Rule of thumb: if you use a high quality electrometer, the smallest air-filled ionization chamber (PinPoint 0.015 cm³) will have a better SNR than any diode, even though the response is a lot lower. 5 Absolute Dose Measurements with PTW Small Field Detectors }Fields < 2 cm × 2 cm Cross-calibrate your small field detector for each radiation quality in a 4 cm x 4 cm or 5 cm x 5 cm field against a Semiflex 0.125 cm³ ionization chamber. }Fields 2 cm × 2 cm … 4 cm x 4 cm Use a PinPoint ionization chamber directly or cross-calibrate your small field detector for each radiation quality in a 4 cm x 4 cm or 5 cm x 5 cm field against a Semiflex 0.125 cm³ ionization chamber. _ 4 cm x 4 cm }Fields > Use a Semiflex 0.125 cm³ ionization chamber. }Detector orientation Perform a new cross-calibration if you change the detector orientation. Note: when you use an ionization chamber directly, follow one of the international or national dosimetry protocols, e.g. [IAEA 398, AAPM TG51, DIN 6800 2]. Additional kQ correction factors for the PinPoint chambers are given in [Muir2011], [DETECTORS] or can be obtained from PTW technical support. 5.1 How to perform the crosscalibration For absolute dose measurements, all small field detectors except air-filled ionization chambers must be cross-calibrated against a medium-size ionization chamber such as a Semiflex 0.125. The cross-calibration is done in a phantom for each radiation quality. It should be performed in two steps in a field of 4 cm x 4 cm or 5 cm x 5 cm: 1.Use a medium-size vented ionization chamber, e.g. a Semiflex 0.125 chamber, to determine the dose Dref for the radiation quality and depth of interest. Use one of the international or national dosimetry protocols, e.g. [IAEA 398, AAPM TG51, DIN 6800-2]. 2.Replace the medium-size ionization chamber by the small-size detector to be cross-calibrated. Make sure the effective points of measurement are located at the same depth. Apply the same number of monitor units as before and determine the reading Dsmall of the small-size detector. The cross-calibration factor for the small-size detector is the ratio Dref/Dsmall. After cross-calibration, the small-size detector can be used in fields smaller than the cross-calibration field and at different depths, but always at the same radiation quality and detector orientation. 21 6 Frequently Asked Questions How can I tell whether my detector is too big for my field size? Can I use any detector to perform absolute dosimetry? As a rule of thumb: if the dimension of your detector is more than 25 % of the field width, you might observe a volume effect. To make sure, cross-calibrate a smaller detector against yours in a 4 cm x 4 cm or 5 cm x 5 cm field and compare their respective signals in the targeted small field. If the measured doses clearly deviate, you are probably experiencing a volume effect. Usually absolute dosimetry is performed in 10 cm x 10 cm fields and according to international dosimetry protocols. Currently there is no such protocol describing dose measurements in small fields. Hence, in small fields we recommend to cross-calibrate the to-be-used detector against a Semiflex 0.125 chamber in a 4 cm x 4 cm or 5 cm x 5 cm field. Any detector can be used for cross-calibration as long as it is stable during the entire measurement. We recommend to perform the cross-calibration before each measurement session to check for detector dose stability (this is especially important when using diodes) and to check for the reproducibility of the calibration procedure. Do I need special detectors to perform dosimetry in small fields? Yes. There exists no detector that is suitable to perform high accuracy measurements in very small as well as very large fields. In larger fields highest accuracy is reached with ionization chambers, especially the semiflex 0.125 cm³. In small fields, small field detectors should be used. Is film dosimetry the best solution for small fields? No. The main advantage of film dosimetry is the very good spatial resolution. Unfortunately this is the only advantage. Silver films exhibit a very bad energy response in the keV-energy range and their quality depends a lot on the development process. [IPEM 103] recommends not to use that type of film. Radiochromic films require a high dose for development, their result depends on handling, i.e. on staff, they darken by a few percent after exposure, their response can vary by several percent over the area of the film, and there are batch-to-batch variations [IPEM 103]. 22 My field is smaller than 1 cm x 1 cm. Which detector can I use? If you need to measure smaller field sizes, we recommend to use non-shielded detectors with the smallest cross-section perpendicular to the beam. These are the Diode E (T60017) for all photon energies and the Diode SRS (T60018) for photon energies of 6 MV and below. You can also consider the microDiamond T60019 for such measurements. For any detector we recomend to look up correction factors for very small fields in the scientific literature. My field is not square. Which detector is suitable? There are formulas to calculate an equivalent square field size for non-square field shapes. The aim of these calculations is to predict the output factor of an irregular field. To estimate whether a detector will be prone to the volume effect, these formulas cannot be used. Instead, the smallest dimension of the field plays the central role. For rectangular fields, this is the small edge. For example, if your field size is 2 cm x 10 cm, take a detector that is suited for a 2 cm x 2 cm field. For circular fields, the vendor of your irradiation unit will in most cases recommend a detector for the measurements. As rule of thumb: to measure output factors, i.e. when measuring in the center of the field, take the diameter of the field as smallest dimension. For example, to measure the output factor in a 3 cm diameter field, take a detector that is suited for a 3 cm x 3 cm field. For profile measurements, it is difficult to give a precise recommendation. If you are unsure which detector to use, take the smaller one. What is the advantage of silicon diodes over air-filled ionization chambers? Due to the higher density of atoms in silicon compared to air, a diode detector can be constructed very small and still have a good response. Hence in high-gradient regions, such as the penumbra, a diode detector will be more precise. The microDiamond detector combines the advantages of silicon diodes and air-filled ionization chambers, but its crosssection in the beam is slightly larger than for the PTW silicon diode detectors. What is the advantage of air-filled ionization chambers over silicon diodes? When do I use a shielded diode? In shielded diodes, the over-response to keVenergy scattered radiation – which is mainly _ 10 cm x 10 cm – is compenpresent in fields > sated by a metal shield absorbing that type of radiation. Due to this combination, shielded diodes can be used in the entire field size range from 1 cm x 1 cm up to 40 cm x 40 cm. Nevertheless one must keep in mind that this large field size range does not come free of costs. Shielded diodes are a compromise. They can be used for very small and very large fields, but if you want to increase the accuracy, we recommend to use a microDiamond instead of a Diode P. For highest accuracy use a small field detector for small fields (e.g. an unshielded silicon diode or a microDiamond) and an air-filled ionization chamber for large fields. How can I check if my detector is accurately positioned in the field? The option CenterCheck of the MEPHYSTO package allows you to check the positioning and alignment of your detector in the beam. In addition, you can improve reproducibility and ease of use by mounting your detectors using the TRUFIX system. It is important to check the positioning at shallow and large depths in the water. If you use CenterCheck, this is done automatically. In contrast to silicon diodes the response of air-filled ionization chambers to low-energy scattered radiation is excellent. For this reason, they are suited to precisely deduce the dose in large fields and in the out-of-field region. In addition, air-filled ionization chambers are perfectly suited to deduce the absolute dose according to international dosimetry protocols. Air-filled ionization chambers do not suffer any response degradation due to irradiation. 23 How can I tell the effective point of measurement and water equivalent window thickness of PTW solid state detectors? Each PTW solid state detector has a colored ring which is situated at the water equivalent depth of the effective point of measurement of the detector. To find the “zero” water position, make the ring level with the water surface and define this as zero water level. The detector should be used in axial orientation for this procedure. If you are using TRUFIX and the stop thimble corresponding to your detector, the detector will directly be positioned in the correct depth. This, of course, requires that you first have correctly set the zero position with TRUFIX. Where do I place the reference detector in a small field? Placing a reference detector in a very small field without disturbing the main detector is not feasible. Simply placing the reference detector outside the field border is not a very good solution either, because the signal of the reference will then be very noisy and will lead to a noisy measurement (i.e. the curves will not be flat). There are several options what you could do: } I f you are very sure that your linac is very stable, measure without reference Y ou can use a very large ionization cham} ber, e.g. a Bragg-Peak chamber or a 100 mm CT-chamber as reference outside the beam. The larger the chamber the better, a Farmer chamber is still better than a semiflex chamber. Do not use a diode as reference as diodes exhibit strong quantum noise } Y ou can increase your integration time. Four times longer integration time leads to half the noise 24 I f possible, use the monitor chamber of the } linac as reference detector Y ou can measure the PDD, profile, etc. } several times. If several curves coincide, the linac was stable Y ou can measure step by step irradiating a } fixed number of MUs for each data point If you use a reference chamber outside of the beam, remember to pre-irradiate it if it has not been in the beam before. A more thorough description including measured data can be found in [Wuerfel2013]. How can I verify whether my reference detector will reduce my signal quality when situated outside of the field? There is a relatively simple way to perform a qualitative check. Set your linac to a large field size, e.g. 30 cm x 30 cm and find a region where the profile is flat. Set the step width to very low values (i.e. many data points per cm). Measure the profile twice, once with the reference in the beam and once with the reference a few centimeters outside of the beam boundary. If you use a standard air-filled chamber or a diode as reference, you will see the noise increase (i.e. the measured curve will be less flat) when the reference detector is placed outside of the field. Note, in large fields the dose outside of the penumbra is much higher compared to small fields. Hence whatever effect you observe, it will be enhanced in small field measurements. If you want a thorough noise characterization, you can measure the signal of the TANDEM using a terminal program. Then you can deduce the standard deviation of the reference and field detectors and their ratio. This is a direct measure for the noise. 7 Detector Overview Dimensions, specs Radiation Quality T31010 0.125 cm³ Semiflex Chamber radius of sensitive volume 2.75 mm, length 6.5 mm 66 kV … 50 MV photons (10 … 45) MeV electrons (50 … 270) MeV protons T31014 0.015 cm³ PinPoint Chamber radius of sensitive volume 1 mm, length 5 mm 60 T31015 0.03 cm³ PinPoint Chamber radius of sensitive volume 1.45 mm, length 5 mm 60 T31016 0.016 cm³ PinPoint 3D Chamber radius of sensitive volume 1.45 mm, length 2.9 mm 60 T60019 microDiamond Detector sensitive volume 100 kV … 25 MV photons 0.004 mm³, (6 … 25) MeV electrons radius 1.1 mm, thickness 0.001 mm T60016 Dosimetry Diode P 60 sensitive volume Co… 25 MV photons 0.03 mm³, radius of sensitive volume 0.6 mm, shielded T60017 Dosimetry Diode E 60 sensitive volume Co… 25 MV photons 0.03 mm³, radius of (6 … 25) MeV electrons sensitive volume 0.6 mm, unshielded T60018 Dosimetry Diode SRS sensitive volume 0.3 mm³, radius of sensitive volume 0.6 mm, unshielded, high response 60 T60020 Dosimetry Diode PR sensitive volume 0.02 mm³, radius of sensitive volume 0.6 mm, unshielded (50 … 270) MeV protons Co… 50 MV photons Co… 50 MV photons Co… 50 MV photons Co… 6 MV photons 25 0.125 cm3 Semiflex Chamber Type 31010 Standard therapy chamber for scanning systems and for absolute dosimetry Features Waterproof, semiflexible design for easy mounting in scanning water phantoms Minimized directional response Sensitive volume 0.125 cm3, vented to air Radioactive check device (option) The 31010 semiflexible chamber is the ideal compromise between small size for reasonable spatial resolution and large sensitive volume for precise dose measurements. This makes the 31010 chamber to one of the most commonly used chambers in scanning water phantom systems. The chamber volume of 0.125 cm3 gives enough signal to use the chamber also for high precision absolute dose measurements. The sensitive volume is approximately spherical resulting in a flat angular response and a uniform spatial resolution along all three axes of a water phantom. Specification Type of product Application Measuring quantities Reference radiation quality Nominal sensitive volume Design Reference point Direction of incidence Nominal response Long-term stability Chamber voltage Polarity effect at 60Co Photon energy response Directional response in water Leakage current Cable leakage 26 vented cylindrical ionization chamber absolute dosimetry in radiotherapy beams absorbed dose to water, air kerma, exposure 60Co Materials and measures: Wall of sensitive volume 0.55 mm PMMA, 1.19 g/cm3 0.15 mm graphite, 0.82 g/cm3 Total wall area density 78 mg/cm2 Dimension of sensitive radius 2.75 mm volume length 6.5 mm Central electrode Al 99.98, diameter 1.1 mm Build-up cap PMMA, thickness 3 mm Ion collection efficiency Ion collection time Max. dose rate for ≥ 99.5 % saturation ≥ 99.0 % saturation Max. dose per pulse for ≥ 99.5 % saturation ≥ 99.0 % saturation Useful ranges: Chamber voltage Radiation quality Field size Temperature 0.125 cm3 waterproof, vented, fully guarded on chamber axis, 4.5 mm from chamber tip radial 3.3 nC/Gy ≤ 1 % per year 400 V nominal ± 500 V maximal <1% ≤ ± 2 % (140 kV ... 280 kV) ≤ ± 4 % (140 kV ... 60Co) ≤ ± 0.5 % for rotation around the chamber axis and for tilting of the axis up to ± 10° ≤ ± 4 fA ≤ 1 pC/(Gy·cm) Humidity Air pressure at nominal voltage: 100 µs 6 Gy/s 12 Gy/s 0.5 mGy 1.0 mGy ± (100 ... 400) V 66 kV ... 50 MV photons (10 ... 45) MeV electrons (50 ... 270) MeV protons (3 x 3) cm2 ... (40 x 40) cm2 (10 ... 40) °C (50 ... 104) °F (10 ... 80) %, max 20 g/m3 (700 - 1060) hPa Ordering Information TN31010 Semiflex chamber 0.125 cm3, connecting system BNT TW31010 Semiflex chamber 0.125 cm3, connecting system TNC TM31010 Semiflex chamber 0.125 cm3, connecting system M Options T48012 Radioactive check device 90Sr T48002.1.004 Chamber holding device for check device PinPoint Chambers Type 31014, 31015 Ultra small-sized therapy chambers for dosimetry in high-energy photon beams Features Small-sized sensitive volumes of only 0.015 cm3 and 0.03 cm3, 2 mm and 2.9 mm in diameter, vented to air Very high spatial resolution when used for scans perpendicular to the chamber axis Aluminum central electrode Radioactive check device (option) The PinPoint chambers are ideal for dose measurements in small fields as encountered e.g. in IORT, IMRT and stereotactic beams. Relative dose distributions can be measured with very high spatial resolution when the chambers are moved perpendicular to the chamber axis. The waterproof, fully guarded chambers can be used in air, solid state phantoms and in water. Specification Type of products Application Measuring quantities Reference radiation quality Nominal sensitive volume Design Reference point Direction of incidence Pre-irradiation dose Nominal response Long-term stability Chamber voltage Polarity effect Directional response in water Leakage current Cable leakage vented cylindrical ionization chambers dosimetry in high-energy photon beams with high spatial resolution absorbed dose to water, air kerma, exposure 60Co 0.015 cm3, 0.03 cm3 waterproof, vented, fully guarded on chamber axis, 3.4 mm from chamber tip radial, axial (31014) 2 Gy 400 pC/Gy, 800 pC/Gy ≤ 1 % per year 400 V nominal ± 500 V maximal ≤±2% ≤ ± 0.5 % for rotation around the chamber axis, ≤ ± 1 % for tilting of the axis up to ± 20° (radial incidence) ± 15° (axial incidence) ≤ ± 4 fA ≤ 1 pC/(Gy·cm) Materials and measures: Wall of sensitive volume 0.57 mm PMMA, 1.19 g/cm3 0.09 mm graphite, 1.85 g/cm3 Total wall area density 85 mg/cm2 Dimensions of sensitive radius 1 mm, 1.45 mm volume length 5 mm Central electrode Al 99.98, diameter 0.3 mm Build-up cap PMMA, thickness 3 mm Ion collection efficiency Ion collection time Max. dose rate for ≥ 99.5 % saturation ≥ 99.0 % saturation Max. dose per pulse for ≥ 99.5 % saturation ≥ 99.0 % saturation Useful ranges: Chamber voltage Radiation quality Field size Temperature Humidity Air pressure at nominal voltage: 20 µs, 50 µs 265 Gy/s, 29 Gy/s 580 Gy/s, 55 Gy/s 3.5 mGy, 1.2 mGy 7 mGy, 2.3 mGy ± (100 ... 400) V ... 50 MV photons (2 x 2) cm2 ... (30 x 30) cm2 (10 ... 40) °C (50 ... 104) °F (10 ... 80) %, max 20 g/m3 (700 ... 1060) hPa 60Co Ordering Information TN31014 PinPoint chamber 0.015 cm3, connecting system BNT TW31014 PinPoint chamber 0.015 cm3, connecting system TNC TM31014 PinPoint chamber 0.015 cm3, connecting system M TN31015 PinPoint chamber 0.03 cm3, connecting system BNT TW31015 PinPoint chamber 0.03 cm3, connecting system TNC TM31015 PinPoint chamber 0.03 cm3, connecting system M Options T48012 Radioactive check device 90Sr T48002.1.007 Chamber holding device for check device 27 PinPoint 3D Chamber Type 31016 Ultra small-sized therapy chamber with 3D characteristics for dosimetry in high-energy photon beams Features Small-sized sensitive volume 0.016 cm3, vented to air Minimized directional response Aluminum central electrode Radioactive check device (option) The 31016 PinPoint 3D chamber is ideal for dose measurements in small fields as encountered e.g. in IORT, IMRT and stereotactic beams. Relative dose distributions can be measured with high spatial resolution in any direction. The waterproof, fully guarded chamber can be used in air, solid state phantoms and in water. Specification Type of product Application Measuring quantities Reference radiation quality Nominal sensitive volume Design Reference point Direction of incidence Pre-irradiation dose Nominal response Long-term stability Chamber voltage Polarity effect Directional response in water Leakage current Cable leakage 28 vented cylindrical ionization chamber dosimetry in high-energy photon beams absorbed dose to water, air kerma, exposure 60Co 0.016 cm3 waterproof, vented, fully guarded on chamber axis, 2.4 mm from chamber tip radial 2 Gy 400 pC/Gy ≤ 1 % per year 400 V nominal ± 500 V maximal ≤±2% ≤ ± 0.5 % for rotation around the chamber axis, ≤ ± 1 % for tilting of the axis up to ± 110° ≤ ± 4 fA ≤ 1 pC/(Gy·cm) Materials and measures: Wall of sensitive 0.57 mm PMMA, volume 1.19 g/cm3 0.09 mm graphite, 1.85 g/cm3 Total wall area density 85 mg/cm2 Dimensions of sensitive radius 1.45 mm volume length 2.9 mm Central electrode Al 99.98, diameter 0.3 mm Build-up cap PMMA, thickness 3 mm Ion collection efficiency Ion collection time Max. dose rate for ≥ 99.5 % saturation ≥ 99.0 % saturation Max. dose per pulse for ≥ 99.5 % saturation ≥ 99.0 % saturation Useful ranges: Chamber voltage Radiation quality Field size Temperature Humidity Air pressure at nominal voltage: 60 µs 19 Gy/s 38 Gy/s 1.0 mGy 1.9 mGy ± (100 ... 400) V ... 50 MV photons (2 x 2) cm2 … (30 x 30) cm2 (10 ... 40) °C (50 ... 104) °F (10 ... 80) %, max 20 g/m3 (700 ... 1060) hPa 60Co Ordering Information TN31016 PinPoint 3D chamber 0.016 cm3, connecting system BNT TW31016 PinPoint 3D chamber 0.016 cm3, connecting system TNC TM31016 PinPoint 3D chamber 0.016 cm3, connecting system M Options T48012 Radioactive check device 90Sr T48002.1.008 Chamber holding device for check device microDiamond Type 60019 Diamond Detector for dosimetry in high-energy photon and electron beams, especially useful for small field dosimetry Features Small sensitive volume of 0.004 mm3 Excellent radiation hardness and temperature independence Near tissue-equivalence Operates without high voltage All connecting systems available (BNT, TNC, M) The new microDiamond detector is a synthetic single crystal diamond detector (SCDD), based on a unique fabrication process [1, 2]. Significant advantages of the synthetic production are standardised assembly and consequently a high reproducibility of the dosimetric properties and good availability of the detector. Specification Type of product Application Measuring quantitiy Reference radiation quality Nominal sensitive volume Design Reference point Direction of incidence Pre-irradiation dose Nominal response Long-term stability Dose stability Temperature response Energy response Detector bias Signal polarity Directional response in water Leakage current1 Cable leakage synthetic single crystal diamond detector dosimetry in radiotherapy beams absorbed dose to water Materials and measures: Entrance window 0.3 mm RW3 0.6 mm Epoxy 0.01 mm Al 99.5 Total window 101 mg/cm2 area density Water-equivalent 1.0 mm window thickness Sensitive volume circular, radius 1.1 mm, thickness 1 µm Outer dimensions diameter 7 mm, length 45.5 mm Useful ranges: Radiation quality Field size2 Temperature Humidity range 100 keV ... 25 MV photons (6 ... 25) MeV electrons (1 x 1) cm2 ... (40 x 40) cm2 (10 ... 35) °C, (50 ... 95) °F (10 ... 80) %, max 20 g/m3 60Co Ordering Information 0.004 mm3 TN60019 microDiamond Detector, connecting system BNT TW60019 microDiamond Detector, connecting system TNC TM60019 microDiamond Detector, connecting system M waterproof, disk-shaped, sensitive volume perpendicular to detector axis on detector axis, 1 mm from detector tip, marked by ring axial 5 Gy 1 nC/Gy ≤ 0.5 % per year < 0.25 % / kGy at 18 MV ≤ 0.08 % / K ± 8 % (100 keV ... 60Co) 0V positive ≤ 1 % for tilting ≤ ± 40° ≤ 20 fA ≤ 200 fC / (Gy·cm) The microDiamond detector is realized in collaboration with Marco Marinelli and Gianluca Verona-Rinati and their team, Industrial Engineering Department of Rome Tor Vergata University, Italy. [1] I. Ciancaglioni, M. Marinelli, E. Milani, G. Prestopino, C. Verona, G. Verona-Rinati, R. Consorti, A. Petrucci and F. De Notaristefani, Dosimetric characterization of a synthetic single crystal diamond detector in clinical radiation therapy small photon beams, Med. Phys. 39 (2012), 4493 [2] C. Di Venanzio, M. Marinelli, E. Milani, G. Prestopino, C. Verona, G. Verona-Rinati, M. D. Falco, P. Bagalà, R. Santoni and M. Pimpinella, Characterization of a synthetic single crystal diamond Schottky diode for radiotherapy electron beam dosimetry, Med. Phys. 40 (2013), 021712 1 At the high end of the temperature range, higher leakage currents may occur. 2 Measurements already at (0.5 x 0.5) cm2 possible. When using detectors in extremely small field sizes, consult scientific literature prior to use. 29 Dosimetry Diode P Type 60016 Waterproof silicon detector for dosimetry in high-energy photon beams up to field size 40 cm x 40 cm Features Useful for measurements in small and large photon fields Excellent spatial resolution Minimized energy response for field size independent measurements up to 40 cm x 40 cm The 60016 Dosimetry Diode P is ideal for dose measurements in small photon fields as encountered in IORT, IMRT and stereotactic beams. The excellent spatial resolution makes it possible to measure very precisely beam profiles even in the penumbra region of small fields. The superior energy response enables the user to perform accurate percentage depth dose measurements which are field size independent up to field sizes of (40 x 40) cm2. The waterproof detector can be used in air, solid state phantoms and in water. Specification Type of product Application Measuring quantity Reference radiation quality Nominal sensitive volume Design Reference point Direction of incidence Nominal response Dose stability Temperature response Energy response Detector bias voltage Signal polarity 30 p-type silicon diode dosimetry in radiotherapy beams absorbed dose to water 60Co Directional response in water Leakage current Cable leakage ≤ ± 0.5 % for rotation around the chamber axis, ≤ ± 1 % for tilting ≤ ± 40° ≤ ± 50 fA ≤ 1 pC/(Gy·cm) Materials and measures: Entrance window 1 mm RW3, 1.045 g/cm3 1 mm epoxy Total window area density 220 mg/cm2 Water-equivalent window 2.21 mm thickness Sensitive volume 1 mm2 circular 30 µm thick Outer dimensions diameter 7 mm, length 47 mm Useful ranges: Radiation quality Field size Temperature Humidity 60Co ... 25 MV photons (1 x 1) cm2 ... (40 x 40) cm2 (10 ... 40) °C (50 ... 104) °F (10 ... 80) %, max 20 g/m3 0.03 mm3 waterproof, disk-shaped sensitive volume perpendicular to detector axis on detector axis, 2 mm from detector tip axial 9 nC/Gy ≤ 0.5 %/kGy at 6 MV ≤ 1 %/kGy at 15 MV ≤ 0.5 %/kGy at 5 MeV ≤ 4 %/kGy at 21 MeV ≤ 0.4 %/K at higher depths than dmax, the percentage depth dose curves match curves measured with ionization chambers within ± 0.5 % 0V negative Ordering Information TN60016 Dosimetry Diode P, connecting system BNT TW60016 Dosimetry Diode P, connecting system TNC TM60016 Dosimetry Diode P, connecting system M Dosimetry Diode E Type 60017 Waterproof silicon detector for dosimetry in high-energy electron and photon beams Features Useful for measurements in all electron fields and for small photon fields Excellent spatial resolution Minimized energy response Thin entrance window for measurements in the vicinity of surfaces and interfaces The 60017 Dosimetry Diode E is ideal for dose measurements in small electron and photon fields as encountered in IORT, IMRT and stereotactic beams. The excellent spatial resolution makes it possible to measure very precisely beam profiles even in the penumbra region of small fields. The superior energy response enables the user to perform accurate percentage depth dose measurements which are field size independent up to field sizes of (40 x 40) cm2. The waterproof detector can be used in air, solid state phantoms and in water. Specification Type of product Application Measuring quantity Reference radiation quality Nominal sensitive volume Design Reference point Direction of incidence Nominal response Dose stability Temperature response Energy response Detector bias voltage Signal polarity p-type silicon diode dosimetry in radiotherapy beams absorbed dose to water 60Co 0.03 mm3 waterproof, disk-shaped sensitive volume perpendicular to detector axis on detector axis, 0.77 mm from detector tip axial 9 nC/Gy ≤ 0.5 %/kGy at 6 MV ≤ 1 %/kGy at 15 MV ≤ 0.5 %/kGy at 5 MeV ≤ 4 %/kGy at 21 MeV ≤ 0.4 %/K at higher depths than dmax, the percentage depth dose curves match curves measured with ionization chambers within ± 0.5 % 0V negative Directional response in water Leakage current Cable leakage ≤ ± 0.5 % for rotation around the chamber axis, ≤ ± 1 % for tilting ≤ ± 20° ≤ ± 50 fA ≤ 1 pC/(Gy·cm) Materials and measures: Entrance window 0.3 mm RW3, 1.045 g/cm3 0.4 mm epoxy Total window area density 140 mg/cm2 Water-equivalent window 1.33 mm thickness Sensitive volume 1 mm2 circular 30 µm thick Outer dimensions diameter 7 mm, length 45.5 mm Useful ranges: Radiation quality Field size1 Temperature Humidity (6 ... 25) MeV electrons ... 25 MV photons (1 x 1) cm2 ... (40 x 40) cm2 for electrons (1 x 1) cm2 ... (10 x 10) cm2 for photons (10 ... 40) °C (50 ... 104) °F (10 ... 80) %, max 20 g/m3 60Co Ordering Information TN60017 Dosimetry Diode E, connecting system BNT TW60017 Dosimetry Diode E, connecting system TNC TM60017 Dosimetry Diode E, connecting system M 1 Measurements already at (0.5 x 0.5) cm2 possible. When using detectors in extremely small field sizes, consult scientific literature prior to use. 31 Dosimetry Diode SRS Type 60018 Waterproof silicon detector for dosimetry in 6 MV photon beams up to field size 10 cm x 10 cm Features Designed for measurements in small photon fields with maximum 6 MV Excellent spatial resolution High response Very low noise Thin entrance window for measurements in the vicinity of surfaces and interfaces The 60018 Dosimetry Diode SRS is ideal for dose measurements in photon fields with a maximum field size of 10 cm x 10 cm and with a maximum energy of 6 MV. The very high response of this detector allows to measure beam profiles with a very high resolution and very short dwell time. Typical use is beam profile measurement for stereotactic radio surgery (SRS). Specification Type of product Application Measuring quantity Reference radiation quality Nominal sensitive volume Design Reference point Direction of incidence Nominal response Dose stability Temperature response Energy response Detector bias voltage Signal polarity Directional response in water Leakage current Cable leakage 32 p-type silicon diode dosimetry in radiotherapy beams absorbed dose to water 60Co Materials and measures: Entrance window 0.3 mm RW3, 0.27 mm epoxy Total window area density 140 mg/cm2 Water-equivalent window 1.31 mm thickness Sensitive volume 1 mm2 circular 250 µm thick Outer dimensions diameter 7 mm, length 45.5 mm Useful ranges: Radiation quality Field size1 Temperature Humidity 60Co ... 6 MV photons (1 x 1) cm2 ... (10 x 10) cm2 (10 ... 40) °C (50 ... 104) °F (10 ... 80) %, max 20 g/m3 Ordering Information TN60018 Dosimetry Diode SRS, connecting system BNT TW60018 Dosimetry Diode SRS, connecting system TNC TM60018 Dosimetry Diode SRS, connecting system M 0.3 mm3 waterproof, disk-shaped sensitive volume perpendicular to detector axis on detector axis, 0.74 mm from detector tip axial 175 nC/Gy ≤ 0.8 %/kGy at 6 MV ≤ (0.1 ± 0.05) %/K at higher depths than dmax, the percentage depth dose curves match curves measured with ionization chambers within ± 0.5 % 0V negative ≤ ± 0.5 % for rotation around the chamber axis, ≤ ± 1 % for tilting ≤ ± 20° ≤ ± 50 fA ≤ 1 pC/(Gy·cm) 1 Measurements already at (0.5 x 0.5) cm2 possible. When using detectors in extremely small field sizes, consult scientific literature prior to use. Dosimetry Diode PR Type 60020 Waterproof silicon detector for dosimetry in high-energy proton beams Features Materials and measures: Useful for measurements in proton fields Excellent spatial resolution Thin entrance window for measurements in the vicinity of surfaces and interfaces The 60020 Dosimetry Diode PR is ideal for dose measurements in proton beams. The excellent spatial resolution makes it possible to measure very precisely beam profiles even in the penumbra region of small fields The waterproof detector can be used in air, solid state phantoms and in water. Specification Type of product Application Measuring quantity Reference radiation quality Nominal sensitive volume Design Reference point Direction of incidence Nominal response Dose stability Temperature response Detector bias voltage Signal polarity Directional response Leakage current Cable leakage p-type silicon diode dosimetry in radiotherapy absorbed dose to water 60Co 0.02 mm3 waterproof, disk-shaped sensitive volume perpendicular to detector axis on detector axis, 0.77 mm from detector tip axial Entrance window Total window area density Water-equivalent window thickness Sensitive volume Outer dimensions 0.3 mm RW3 0.4 mm epoxy 140 mg/cm2 1.33 mm 1 mm2 circular 20 µm thick diameter 7 mm, length 45.5 mm Useful ranges: Radiation quality Field Size1 Temperature Humidity (50 … 270) MeV protons (1 x 1) cm2... (40 x 40) cm2 (10 … 40) °C (50 … 104) °F (10 … 80) %, max 20 g/m3 Ordering Information TN60020 Dosimetry Diode PR, connecting system BNT TW60020 Dosimetry Diode PR, connecting system TNC TM60020 Dosimetry Diode PR, connecting system M 6 nC/Gy ≤ 9 %/kGy after initial preirradiation ≤ 0.4 %/K 0V negative ≤ ± 0.5 % for rotation around the chamber axis ≤ ± 1 % when tilting ± 20° ≤ ± 50 fA ≤ 1 pC/(Gy·cm) 1 Measurements already at (0.5 x 0.5) cm2 possible. When using detectors in extremely small field sizes, consult scientific literature prior to use. 33 8 References and Further Reading [AAPM TG51]AAPM’s TG-51 protocol for clinical reference dosimetry of high-energy photon and electron beams. Med. Phys. 26 (9), September 1999, 1847-1870 [Alfonso2008]A new formalism for reference dosimetry of small and nonstandard fields, Med. Phys. 35 (2008), 5179-5186 [Crop2009] F. Crop et al., The influence of small field sizes, penumbra, spot size and measurement depth on perturbation factors for microionization chambers, Phys. Med. Biol. 54 (2009) 2951 [Cyarnecki2013]D. Cyarnecki and K. Zink, Monte Carlo calculated correction factors for diodes and ion chambers in small photon fields, Phys. Med. Biol. 58 (2013) 2431–2444 [DETECTORS]PTW DETECTORS catalog, available at [DIN 6800-2]Dosismessverfahren nach der Sondenmethode für Photonen- und Elektronenstrahlung. Teil 2: Dosimetrie hochenergetischer Photonen- und Elektronenstrahlung mit Ionisationskammern, März 2008 [Fenwick2013] J.D. Fenwick et al., Using cavity theory to describe the dependence on detector density of dosimeter response in non-equilibrium small fields, Phys. Med. Biol. 58 (2013), 2901 [Francescon2012]P. Francescon et al., Monte Carlo simulated correction factors for machine specific reference field dose calibration and output factor measurement using fixed and iris collimators on the CyberKnife system, Phys. Med. Biol. 57 (2012), 3741 [IAEA 398]Absorbed Dose Determination in External Beam Radiotherapy. Technical Report Series No 398. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 2000 [IPEM 103]Report Number 103, Small Field MV Photon Dosimetry, Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, 2010, ISBN 978 1 903613 45 0 [Muir2011]Muir et al., Measured and Monte Carlo calculated kQ factors: Accuracy and comparison, Med. Phys. 38 (2011), 4600 [Scott2012] A.J.D. Scott et al., Characterizing the influence of detector density on dosi meter response in non-equilibrium small photon fields, Phys. Med. Biol. 57 (2012) 4461–4476 34 [Sterpin2012]E. Sterpin et al., Monte Carlo computed machine-specific correction factors for reference dosimetry of TomoTherapy static beam for several ion chambers, Med. Phys. 39 (2012), 4066 [Pantelis 2012]E. Pantelis et al., On the output factor measurements of the CyberKnife iris collimator small fields: Experimental determination of the k[..] correction factors for microchamber and diode detectors, Med. Phys. 39 (2012), 4875 [Wuerfel2013] J .U. Wuerfel, Dose measurements in small fields, Medical Physics International 1 (2013), 81. You can download this article from the PTW website: Go to Literature > small field 8.1 PTW Small Field Detectors in Use [Bruggmoser2007]G. Bruggmoser et al., Determination of the recombination correction factor kS for some specific plane-parallel and cylindrical ionization chambers in pulsed photon and electron beams, Phys. Med. Biol. 52 (2007), N35 [Ciancaglioni2012]I. Ciancaglioni et al., Dosimetric characterization of a synthetic single crystal diamond detector in clinical radiation therapy small photon beams, Med. Phys. 39 (2012), 4493 [Di Venanzio2013]C. Di Venanzio et al., Characterization of a synthetic single crystal diamond Schottky diode for radiotherapy electron beam dosimetry, Med. Phys. 40 (2013), 021712 [Dzierma2012]Y. Dzierma et al., Beam properties and stability of a flattening-filter free 7 MV beam – An overview, Med. Phys. 39 (2012), p. 2595 [Francescon2011]P. Francescon et al., Calculation of k_Qclin,Qmsr_fclin,fmsr for several small detectors and for two linear accelerators using Monte Carlo simulations, Med. Phys. 38 (2011), 6513 [Gago-Arias2013]A. Gago-Arias et al., Correction factors for ionization chamber dosimetry in CyberKnife: Machine-specific, plan-class, and clinical fields, Med. Phys. 40 (2013) 011721 [Zhu2013]J. Zhu et al., A comparison of VMAT dosimetric verifications between fixed and rotating gantry positions, Phys. Med. Biol. 58 (2013), 1315 H E A LT H P H Y S I C S NUCLEAR MEDICINE DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY R A D I AT I O N T H E R A P Y Dosimetry Pioneers since 1922. It all started with a brilliant invention - the revolutionary Hammer dosemeter in 1922. Ingenuity coupled with German engineering know-how shaped the company’s history, leading to innovative dosimetry products that later became an industry standard. Over the years, PTW has maintained its pioneering spirit, growing into a global market leader of dosimetry applications, well known for its product excellence and innovative strength. Today, PTW dosimetry is one of the first choices for healthcare professionals in radiation therapy, diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine and health physics. For more information on PTW products visit or contact your local PTW representative: ©PTW. All Rights Reserved. Due to continuous innovation, product specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Printing errors and omissions excepted. D920.200.00/04 2013-09. Headquarters PTW-Freiburg Physikalisch-Technische Werkstätten Dr. Pychlau GmbH Phone +49 761 49055-0 · [email protected] · PTW-UK Ltd. Phone: +44 1476 577503 · [email protected] · PTW-France SARL Phone +33 1 64 49 98 58 · [email protected] · PTW Dosimetría Iberia S. L. Phone +34 96 346 2854 · [email protected] · PTW-New York Corporation Phone +1 516 827 3181 · [email protected] · PTW-Latin America Phone +55 21 2178 2188 · [email protected] · PTW-Asia Pacific Ltd. Phone +852 2369 9234 · [email protected] · PTW-Beijing Ltd Phone +86 10 6443 0746 · [email protected] · PTW Dosimetry India Pvt. Ltd. Phone +91 44 42079999 · [email protected] · Knowing what responsibility means