Option Proforma - Newly promoted Inspector - ccitnwr
Option Proforma - Newly promoted Inspector - ccitnwr
Tel, No-O172-2544244 FA)( - Ot7 2-27(J2A|J5 (u) ffi qr{d qrqon/ Government of India 3rr{6{ frqrrr/ Income Tax Department co gqr qr{r6-{ 3n{tr, s.q. fra, erqsx T+q, Q-EFtr{, qu-&r6 | The Principal Chief Commission€r of Income Tax, Hq.(Admn.) North West Region, Aayakar Bhawan, Sector-17E, Chandigarh F. No.CClCHD/CBJII/T&P/Insp. I 2014-15 I 3l.6 Dated: 18.L2.2014 To The Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Amritsa-r/ Panchkula/ Ludhiana/ Shimla The Director General of Income Tax (Inv.) Chandigarh. The Commissioner of Income Tax, I/IIITDS- I & n/Audit/ITAT-I & II/CO/Exemption/Appeal The Director of Income Tax I & CIIRTI, Chandigarh The Addl. Commissioner of Income Tax (International Taxation), Chandigarh. Sir/Madam, Sub: - Optlon form on promotion as Income Tax Inspector - Reg. Kindly refer to the Commissioner of Income Tax, (Admn. & CO), Chandigarh's offrce Order No. 48 of 2Ol4 dated 77.L7..2O14, regarding promotion to the cadre of Income Tax Inspector. 2. In this regard, I am directed to request that the newly promoted Inspectors working under your Administrative Control may be directed to submit their transfer option proforma to this office directly by FAX at the earliest. The said option proforma can also be downloaded from ww,ccitnwr-cps.org. Encls : As Above. Dy. Commissioner of Income Tax, Hq. (Admn.) Chandigarh *Mandatory. r"".*"f.t" p.oforma will not be considered' FAx ai ol72-27 o2sos I2344123