Sl Mary's - St Mary's West Horsley
Sl Mary's - St Mary's West Horsley
St Mary’s West Horsley PraYer aNd PraiSe l We pray for... - The Holy Spirit to work through each Christmas service - those who mourn; those who are sad, lonely, hungry or unwell - everyone throughout the world suffering terrorism - the Alpha Course to be appealing. l We give thanks for- - Christmas now because Jesus came - each time the Christian message is spoken in the UK - families & friends - those who have worked on the Parish Magazine. CONTaCTS St Mary’s Church Office the Wheelhouse, 82 east lane, West Horsley, surrey Kt24 6lQ Noticeboard News about potential new opportunities of working together as churches: Given that East Horsley and Ockham are in a transition period between vicars, and adding in now that my position will become vacant next year, there have been early stage discussions taking place between representatives of each of the 3 PCC’s, as well as within each PCC, over the last couple of months. This has been all about the opportunity to review how we do ministry and mission in our whole community in the future. There has been lots of discussion, including with the diocese, and a way forward of working closer together is now becoming clearer. Where we are in the discussions, is not about East & West . Horsley becoming one parish, in case that is what you have heard, nor about West Horsley losing their own rector. It is about the exciting opportunity of working more closely together as 3 parishes, so that we can have a unified witness to our community, and work genuinely together in sharing the good news of Jesus. Discussions are still at a very early stage between all parties, with no final decisions yet made about any specifics. But as the representatives of the church, you need to pray for our PCC, for Ann & Phil as wardens, & for myself, as we go into the New Year and continue to engage with this opportunity that God has given us. It’s an opportunity, that for whoever comes in after me to lead this church, will find positive and exciting for the growth of God’s Kingdom in these communities. On Sunday 28th December (the Sunday after Christmas) we will have only one service at 9am in St Mary's church (a service of Morning Prayer), Notes to self... Open 9-3 Mon/tue/thu/Fri. Closed Wed. Telephone 01483 281898 email: [email protected] Rector James Porter 01483 286879 Children & Youth edd Cope 01483 808709 coPY deadliNe entries for next week’s newsletter by tuesday afternoon to [email protected] welcome a warm Services Next Week Sunday 28th December 9am Morning Prayer at St Mary’s Church Speaker: Peter Davies Sunday 4th January 2015 9am Traditional Communion Service St Mary’s Church Speaker: James Porter 10.45am Contemporary All-age Service at East Horsley village Hall Speaker: James Porter Living, Loving and Serving with Jesus living, loving and serving with Jesus Sl Mary’s West Horsley Services Sunday 21st December 2014 Advent 4 10am United Generational Service starts with coffee & pastries at St Mary’s Church Speaker: James Porter Reading: Luke 19:1-10 Welcome to st Mary’s, particularly if you are visiting for the first time it’s great to see you! 7pm Carols by Candlelight St Mary’s Church We hope you enjoy your time with us. If you have any questions about today’s service or would like further information, please ask a member of the church Welcome Team who greeted you at the door, or fill in a welcome card. "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins" - Matthew 1:21 (NIV) (NIV) Sunday 21st december 2014 WeekLY BiBLe VeRSe Please do stay on for refreshments that are served after the service and use the opportunity to find out more about us. If we can help you in any way, we will. We look forward to meeting you. James & Katie Porter Children and Youth roots: Age 0 - reception construction Zone: Age 5-11 years (yr 1-6) id: Age 11-15 (yr 7-10) @ 10.45 i For further details contact the Parish office 01483 281898 "As Christmas is nearly here, we hope that you have a great Christmas and an opportunity for rest & reflection over the New Year. James & Katie." Living, Loving and Serving with Jesus St Mary’s West Horsley diarY dateS... lMon 12th January Film club 2pm at the Methodist church lthurs 15th January 11.15am Meeting Point communion & Ploughmans lunch St Mary’s church Mens Stuff 7.45pm dave todd’s house. “Managing Stress” this Week & Next today 7pm carols by candlelight St Mary’s church thursday 25th december 9am traditional communion Service at St Mary’s church tuesday 23rd december christingle Making 10am The Wheelhouse. Contact Katie 286879 10.30am all-age christmas day celebration No Scrabble Scrabble restarts on Tuesday 6th January 2.30pm Wesley Room at The Methodist Church. Contact 281703 10am-Noon weekdays Wednesday 24th december 3.30pm christingle Service St Mary’s church Saturday 27th december Wedding St Mary’s church Harriet Puddle & Will Mellor Seated dance restarts on Wednesday 7th January 2015 Movement to Music restarts on thursday 8th January 11pm traditional Midnight communion Service St Mary’s church l listings for all church activities are welcome: Please email [email protected] with any entries for the diary listings by tuesday afternoon. Living, Loving and Serving with Jesus FUtUre eVeNtS Our Alpha course starts Wed 7th January 7.30-9.30pm at Quaich Coffee Shop Alpha is a 10 week course where you can explore the meaning of life and ask challenging questions about Christianity. You are welcome whatever your background. Pop along for the first session and see what you think. Join us for a meal, followed by a short talk over tea/coffee. Heart and Soul dates for next year: all at Quaich, 7.30pm for 8pm start. thursday January 8th - tbc thursday February 5th - 'Sowing, reaping and Keeping' evening coordinated by Kellie Smitheman, roz tacon, Su Johnston. a session on ways we can 'weave' God into our busy lives as women. thursday March 5th - tbc Practical Support Dream team needed for Christingle making in the Wheelhouse 10 AM Tuesday 23rd Dec. No experience necessary, all welcome . Mince pies and Christmas music provided. Contact Katie 286879 For further details. Thank you Katie Reclaim Summer Camp 2nd-9th Aug 2015 Open to all in School Years 7-13 (12-18yrs old). Cost £243, which covers great teaching, food, activities, accommodation & loads more. Booking is open now, so book no to avoid disappointment. Contact Edd Cope to book/for more details. If you would like to financially support a young person to go on Summer camp that wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford to go then please contact Edd Cope. Small Groups are central to our Church life. if you are interested in joining a small group please contact Phil & Lynda Hill on 01483 284093 in need of prayer? Please come to the front after the service, where our prayer ministry team would love to pray with you. For urgent prayer requests during the week, please contact Mary Mc Allister 282457 or Church Office 281898 to activate our prayer chain. Instead of sending Christmas cards the following families have donated to our Mission Partners and wish everyone at St Mary’s a very happy Christmas and New Year'. The Irving family, the Smitheman family, Jay & Sylvia Taylor, Sue & Glen Huntington, Julie and Colin Jarman, The Copp family. MONTHLY MiSSiON PARTNeR -Beatitude: PleAse PrAy that this Christmas holidays the families in the North leatherhead community are able to relax and enjoy their time together - that everyday pressures and tensions can be put to one side. Jenny, ruth and Naomi ask us to join them in thanking God for all the provision, help and support that they have received in 2014. this has enabled B@titude to become more widely known in the community and has helped lives to be changed for the better. “ What is God doing, or has done, in your life? Share it here. contact James/office with your tweet-sized quote - 140 characters max. coNFereNceS & SeMiNarS l ‘Spiritual Health Weekend’ in Bristol, 6-8th February 2015 see Sarah K-L for a brochure) l A reminder that the group booking discount rate of £90 is available until the end of November for Hillsong’s Colour conference at Wembley with special guest speaker Joyce Meyer – Thursday April 30th (evening only), Friday May 1st, Sat May 2nd 2015. Special group rate of £90 until end of Nov. See Sarah Khadka-Lowe for info/booking code. l New Wine week one dates – 25 July to 1 August 2015 – Living, Loving and Serving with Jesus