
Conference & Exhibition
International Conference on
Metallurgical Coatings
and Thin Films
Sponsored by the Advanced Surface Engineering Division of AVS
Conference Dates: April 20 - April 24, 2015 • Town & Country Hotel, San Diego, California
The International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and
Thin Films (ICMCTF) is recognized as the premier international
conference focused on thin-film deposition, characterization,
and advanced surface engineering. It brings together scientists,
engineers, and technologists from academia, government laboratories and industry, thereby merging cutting-edge research
with real-world applications.
ICMCTF 2015 will be organized in seven concurrent technical
symposia and six topical symposia, addressing experimental,
theoretical, and manufacturing issues associated with the development of new coating materials and processes, and evolving
approaches to scale-up for commercial applications.
The Town and Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, located in sunny San Diego of Southern California, will be the official conference venue, providing a relaxed atmosphere for
discussion and networking among the attendees.
The conference opens with a Plenary Session on Monday at 8:00
a.m. presented by: Eric Chason, Professor of Engineering at
Brown University, USA. "Connecting Residual Stress and Thin
Film Growth Processes: Real-time Experiments and a Kinetic
Model". Short courses and Focused Topic Sessions (FTS) will
also be offered throughout the conference week.
An extensive industrial equipment exhibition is featured in conjunction with the Conference on Tuesday and Wednesday,
April 21-22, 2015. The exhibition is open to the public, showcasing the latest in equipment, materials and services used for
the deposition, monitoring, and characterization of coatings and
thin films.
A two day exhibition will take place on Tuesday,
April 21 from 12:00pm to 7:00pm and on
Wednesday, April 22 from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
Participate in the industry’s largest conference dedicated
to the arts and sciences of coatings, thin films and surface
modifications. The conference highlights include more than
eighty high-profile Invited Speakers, Short Courses, Social
Events, Focused Topics and an Exhibition.
The Exhibition will feature technology, equipment and services for Thin Film and Bulk Coatings, Coating Materials,
Surface Modification Equipment, Monitoring & Test Equipment and all ancillary equipment used in conjunction with
the deposition, monitoring and testing of all coatings and
modified surfaces.
Featuring Major Symposia on:
• Coatings for Use at High Temperature
• Hard Coatings and Vapor Deposition Technology
• Fundamentals & Technology of Multifunctional Thin Films
• Coatings for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications
• Tribology & Mechanical Behavior of Coatings and
Engineered Surfaces
• New Horizons in Coatings and Thin Films
• Applications, Manufacturing, and Equipment
• Mechanical Aspects of Biointerfaces
• Advanced Characterization of Coatings and Thin Films
• Energetic Materials & Microstructures for
• Graphene and 2D Nanostructures
• Plasma Diagnostics and Modeling
• Atmospheric Plasma Applications
Poster Session: Thursday, April 23, 2015.
Authors show a detailed summary of their work. During the
two hour session, authors will be standing with their posted
materials to lead discussions and answer questions.
Town and Country Resort Hotel
500 Hotel Circle North • San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: 619-291-7131 or 800-772-8527
Fax: 619-291-3584
Approximately 15 minutes by car/taxi from
San Diego International Airport
Exhibit information: Jeannette DeGennaro
Phone: (201)961-5268 • E-Mail: [email protected]
Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Sponsorship: $ 12,000+
Platinum Sponsors are acknowledged during the opening ceremony by the general and program chairs of
ICMCTF 2015. The company logo is shown in the welcome slide show of the chairs.
-2 Free Conference Registrations
•Logo displayed on the ICMCTF 2015 web page
-Company logo prominently displayed on the front
cover of the Technical Program
-Full page ad in the Technical Program
-Company logo on signage in the registration
-Company logo is shown on the posters at the
entrance of the Welcome Reception; Exhibition
and Poser Session
•Your flyer inserted in the conference tote bag
Gold Sponsorship: $6,000+
•Gold Sponsors are acknowledged by:
•One free Conference Registration
•Logo displayed on the ICMCTF 2015 web page
•Full page ad in the Technical Program
•Logo placed on the back page of the Program
•Your flyer inserted in the conference tote bag
Silver Sponsorship: $3,000+
All Silver Sponsors are acknowledged by:
•Logo displayed on the ICMCTF 2015 web page
•Full page ad in the Technical Program
•Your flyer inserted in the conference tote bag
Bronze Sponsorship (Exhibit Hall): $1500
Support for Exhibit Hall activities including Exhibit Hall
Reception, Lunches, Refreshments, raffles and more.
Your sponsorship will be acknowledged by:
•Company logo in the Technical Program
•Company logo on the Exhibit Hall Entrance Unit
•Your logo on the item(s) sponsored
•Your flyer inserted in the conference tote bag
Additional Exhibit Hall Sponsorships can be found
on Page 3
Page 2
10’ x 10’ Booths
Exhibit Hall Sponsorship provides generous recognition
via signage, logo in the technical program, the exhibit
show guide, the entrance unit and the ICMCTF web site.
Minimum Sponsorship
•Badge Lanyards*.............................................. $ 2,000
•Exhibit Hall Refreshments................................ $ 500
•Exhibit Hall Lunches......................................... $ 500
•Exhibit Hall Reception...................................... $ 500
•Raffle Prize(s).................................................. $ 300
•Tote Bags* ....................................................... $ 4,000
•E-Mail Pavilion ................................................. $ 2,000
•ICMCTF Souvenir* .......................................... $ 1,500
•Conference 5x7 Spiral Notebooks*.................. $ 2,750
•Conference Pens* ........................................... $ 1,250
•Conference Highlighters* ................................ $ 1,000
•General Support .............................................. $ 500
•Special Events Booth* -Caricaturists................ $ 1,500
•Special Events Booth* - Massage Bar ............. $ 1,000
*These items include both sponsor and ICMCTF logos.
*Special Events Booth: Your logo will appear on the booth
graphics, the entrance unit into the exhibit hall and the
Show Guide. Tickets are utilized for the events - attendees
must obtain a ticket from the sponsor in order to redeem.
This brings many new people to your booth!
Tuesday, April 21,2015
12:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Wednesday, April 22, 2015 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Exhibit Hall Sponsorship Opportunities:
Booth Space
10’ Deep x 10’ Long ..................... $1,200
20’ Long x 10’ Deep...................... $2,400
Corner Location Add . .............. $ 125
Price includes:
•3 Exhibitor Staff Badges (Add’l Badges: $35/each)
•Cocktail Tickets for evening receptions
•Company Profile in Exhibit Show Guide
Electrical Supply & Booth Furnishings are additional
•Exhibit Hall is Carpeted
Technical Program Advertising Rates
Exhibitor Advertising Rates
•Half page Interior Color Ad .......................
•Full page Interior Color Ad ......................
•Half Page Back Inside Cover ....................
•Full Page Back Inside Cover ....................
•Half Page Front Inside Cover ...................
•Full Page Front Inside Cover.....................
$ 350
$ 615
$ 850
$ 1,350
$ 850
$ 1,450
Non-Exhibitor Rates
•Half page Interior Color Ad ......................
•Full page Interior Color Ad .....................
•Half Page Back Inside Cover ..................
•Full Page Back Inside Cover ...................
•Half Page Front Inside Cover ..................
•Full Page Front Inside Cover....................
$ 550
$ 820
$ 1,100
$ 1,550
$ 1,100
$ 1,650
Material Deadline: February 15, 2015
Accepted Formats: Press Quality PDF, TIF, EPS
Half Page: 75”w x 5”h • Full Page: 7.5”w x 10”h
Exhibit Dates: April 21 - 22, 2015 • Town and Country Hotel • San Diego, CA
Exhibit Manager/Person Responsible for
Coordinating pre-show details:
Company: _______________________________
Address 1:_______________________________
Address 2:_______________________________
City: ___________________________________
PHONE: _____________________________
Marketing Manager (if different than Exhibit Manager):
Zip/Postal Code:__________________________
E-MAIL: ______________________________
Phone: ______________ Fax:______________
PHONE: _____________________________
Web Site: _______________________________
Company/Info E-Mail:
To submit this form, fax to:212-248-0245 or visit
our web site for on line reservations. Forms
may also be mailed to the address below.
Booths: 10’ Wide x 10’ Deep
Single Booth 10x10: $1200 • Double Booth 10’x 20’: $2400 • Corner Booth Add: $125
Includes: 3 Booth Staff Badges, Tickets for Evening Receptions and Free Lunch during exhibit days. Exhibit
Hall is Carpeted. Booths are defined by pipe and drape with 8’ back drapes and 3’ side drapes.
Booth Location Preference: r Aisle/Corner (Additional $125) Booth Number Preference: ______/______
Position nearest to: rEntrance
rFood Service
rShow Floor Center
Do not position next to the following exhibitors:_________________________________________________
Ad Type: _____________________________________________________ Cost:_____________
SPONSORSHIP: r Yes Amount: US$:______ Item(s) of Interest (see pages 2&3): __________
Sponsorship participation includes extensive publicity before and during the symposium.
Number of Booths: ____ x $1200 US = $________ + Corner Location $125 (if applicable) =$__________
Add in Advertising & Sponsorship: $____________________________ TOTAL: $____________________
Payment Type: Payment must accompany reservation
Credit Card:
qAmerican Express qVisa qMasterCard
#_____________________________________ EXP:_________
Name on Card: _______________________________________
Cardholder’s E-Mail Address: ____________________________
To Pay by Check:
Make Payable to: ICMCTF
Mail to:
AVS for ICMCTF 2013
125 Maiden Lane • 15th Floor
New York, NY 10038
AVS Tax ID# 04-2392373
Page 4