January Newsletter - Gethsemane Lutheran Church


January Newsletter - Gethsemane Lutheran Church
Gethsemane NEWS
Engaged by God in a Living Faith; at Home, at Church and in the World
Gethsemane Lutheran Church
715 Minnetonka Mills Rd. Hopkins, MN 55343
Listening for Mission
Pastor Sarah Moat
A new year marks a fresh start, a beginning, a clean slate where possibilities are
abundant and anything can happen. As we turn over our calendar page to 2015
Gethsemane is at an important milestone. Throughout the year we will be looking
back as we celebrate and remember 125 years of doing ministry in and with our
community. While we celebrate where we have been we are simultaneously called
to go forward in mission.
Our Deep Listening Initiative is designed to help us do both – acknowledge and
celebrate the past as well as reacquaint ourselves with our surrounding community. The mission field of Hopkins, St. Louis Park, and Minnetonka does not look
the same as it did 125 years ago. We believe that we need to intentionally engage
our community and so we begin our 125th year by listening. We will listen to
God’s promises spoken to us through the scriptures, we will listen to one another
as we discern our gifts for ministry in the world and we will listen to the stories of
those who live and work in our community.
This is important work because our neighbors deserve to hear the promises of the
gospel in ways that make a difference in their lives today. God has blessed Gethsemane in 125 years of ministry and now God is up to something new around here
– let’s listen together for just where He might be calling us next!
January 2015
January Opportunities
for Deep Listening
Listening for Mission Sermon
Series Join us for worship each week
as we use the assigned texts to explore
our call to Listen.
January 4: Listening to God: Isaiah
60:1-6 and Matthew 2:1-12
January 11: Listening Within the
Church: Acts 19:1-7 and Mark 1:4-11
January 18: Listening Within the
Community: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 and John
January 25: State of the Church: 125
years of Blessing: Mark 1:14-20
Special Deep Listening Adult
Education January 11
Make plans to attend the adult forum
this day to hear Rev. Deb Stehlin, Director of Evangelical Mission for the
Minneapolis Area Synod make the case
for Deep Listening. Deb works with
congregations as they revitalize their
missions to most effectively engage the
communities they serve.
Deep Listening Questions
We have been using one deep listening
question a month for the past 4 months.
Now we will have a new question each
week as we intentionally create opportunities for us to listen to one another.
Every choir, Bible Study group and
class at Gethsemane will be encouraged
to begin with the same question each
week. You are encouraged to take these
weekly questions into your own communities and listen to someone else’s
Fai th is Back
Deep Listening – Arts Series January 9: Journaling and Memoir Writing
Lance Zarimba, presenter
What do you observe? How will you express it?
The class will discuss fundamentals of observation
and response. The class will be asked to attend the
other Arts Series sessions (see below) and then
write responses. The class will also have an opportunity to write Lenten devotions to be included in
Daily devotional e-mails. Held at the home of
Lowell and Laverne Anderson.
We had such a great outpouring of participation and energy with
this Spiritual Friendship initiative last year that we once again
will be hosting Friday Nights in Faith groups. Several people
testified that this was one of the best things they did all year as
they were able to build new relationships with church members
and strengthen those they have cherished for years.
January 16: Hymnus Angelicus
Paul McKenzie, director
Choral music presentation. What do you hear?
What did the composer have in mind? The choir
will present choral pieces and solos that reflect a
variety of Biblical points-of-view. There will be
time for Q & A. Held at the home of Rick and
Amy Steinhauser.
Taking what worked well last year and your suggestions for this
year we have shifted the program to run for only four weeks and
have more options. Below you can see the series of interest-based
small groups we are offering this time and we hope you will find
one that fits for you.
Once again our challenge is for you to find something you would
like to try and get engaged in one of these groups. No experience
is necessary for the project-oriented groups; parents and children
can both attend, and you are welcome to come as you are able.
Some groups need to order supplies and plan for numbers so we
ask that you sign up ahead of time. The groups will meet each
Friday in January; most groups will meet from 7:00 - 8:30 PM.
Some groups will be on site and others will be off site.
January 23: Toll Free Handbell Ensemble
We will host an informational event between services on Jan 4
when you can speak with those who are leading the various
groups. Our goal is to keep groups to about 8 to 10 people but we
never will turn someone away. Sign up online at
www.glconline.org or at church on the Jan 4. Step out in faith and
build a new friend in Christ this New Year.
Kyle is a Christian artist who paints birds. We’ll
learn how the creative process happens for him,
and how his faith and beliefs are represented in his
pieces. There will be time for Q & A. Held in the
Fireside Gallery.
Hope to see you there!
Woodworking Workshop Handbell Ensemble music being presented by four
of the Twin Cities’ most enthusiastic ringers. The
group will present a variety of sacred and secular
pieces and will de-mystify the art of handbell ringing. There will be Q & A (and maybe you’ll even
get to play.) Held in the Gethsemane Choir Room.
January 30: Kyle Voigtlander, artist
John Johnson, leader
Pastor John
This Lent we will be having a Prayer Wall in our
narthex. The Prayer Wall will be something like
the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. There will be
small openings in the wall where our prayer petitions can be placed. We need woodworkers who
could spend time on Fridays constructing this
wall. The work will be done either at 1:00 or 7:00
on Fridays in the Gethsemane garage. Please specify the time that works best for you.
“Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they
broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous
hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people.
And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were
being saved.” Acts 2:46-47
FIF Groups for 2015: The Arts: Deep Listening (see right)
Cooking Class
Photography – “The Art of the Shot”
Jr/Sr High Youth Outings
Woodworkers - Prayer Wall Creation (see right)
Country Line Dancing
Family Ministry – Jan 9 and 23, 5:30-7 PM (See p.7 )
Reel Theology (Daytime, 1-3 pm)
GLC History Fellowship (Daytime, 10-11:30 am - see right)
GLC History Fellowship Group This group will meet from 10:00 – 11:30 AM to
share a time of fellowship as we dig into the GLC
archives to discover all that the last 125 years have
held! Whether you’ve been a member for 6
months or 60 years, all are invited. We have many
photos and memorabilia to sort, and many opportunities to share stories from Gethsemane’s past as
we gather in fellowship.
125th Anniversary ‐ Celebra ng 125 Years of Blessings Recently, in a sermon, Pastor Sarah said that Gethsemane is good at celebrating. In
that case, let’s party! Gethsemane turns 125 on September 17, 2015. We will officially
commemorate this event on Sunday, November 1, 2015, a day we remember the saints
who have laid the foundation of faith for us all.
As with any major event half the fun is in the anticipation. The 125th Anniversary
committee is busy planning activities that include music, worship, memorabilia, and
merry making. As this is an all-congregational endeavor assistance from ministry
groups and individuals are needed. Prepare to search for pictures, projects and other
items you have saved. Consider sharing memories that define how this faith community has been a blessing to you and your family.
Watch our Facebook page and for updates on the church website. All suggestions are
welcome! Please contact Mark Fideldy (952-933-1753 or [email protected]),
Marcia McCombs (952-930-3693 or [email protected]) or Mary Ofstie (952933-1950 or [email protected]).
We are grateful for past members who laid Gethsemane’s foundation. We are grateful
for the present congregation who adds its own dreams to God’s mission. We are grateful to God who will raise up future members to carry out his mission in unimaginable
125 Years of Blessings! C
Sunday, January 25 at Noon Sunday Morning Adult Educa on Not only has this church been a cool place to be for the past
125 years but the ministry here is HOT!
January 4: Small Group Sign Up – We are gearing up
for Friday Nights in Faith again this year! Come to
the gathering place this Sunday for a festive morning
designed to highlight each of the small groups and
give you an opportunity to sign up for a group to participate in throughout the month of January.
Gethsemane draws people dedicated to the mission we share
in Jesus Christ and those people have fulfilled a huge promise
to pay off a 20 year mortgage in only 10 years. Join us for
worship where we will be celebrating the faithfulness and
support of our members through the burning of all our current
debts: two mortgages and a city street assessment. To be completely debt free as we enter our 125th Anniversary year is
seriously something to celebrate.
January 11: Director of Evangelical Mission from the
Minneapolis Area Synod, Deb Stehlin, will be with us
to share the importance of our deep listening work.
Deb works with new and renewing congregations and
is a resource to all congregations who seek to learn
new ways of being in mission.
Following our morning worship, we will reflect on these
many blessings as we gather down in the Fellowship Hall for
our annual meeting.
January 18: Budget Forum: Leaders from our Stewardship team will lead us through the proposed budget
for 2015. This forum provides an opportunity for
questions and discussion prior to the annual meeting.
This fall we have been “Discovering God’s Blessings” and we
will share the things you have lifted up that you are most
grateful for. We will also share plans for the future of our
church in our mission to reach out to be even more connected
to our community. There will be elections for open leadership
positions, conversation about what 2015 will bring, and then
we will vote on a budget to make it all happen.
January 25: This Sunday morning will be a “coffee
and conversation” in the gathering place. Come for a
cup of coffee and fellowship time along with the opportunity to participate in some deep listening with
one another. Make plans to attend the Annual Meeting
following the second service!
Join us as we become the church together. Following the second service a light lunch will be served and then our meeting
will begin. Childcare is provided. Don’t miss it!
Need of the Month Blood Drive January 26 Our January Need of the Month will be supplies for Sojourner
Shelter, an emergency residence for women and children in
our community who are unsafe in their own homes due to
violence and abuse. Along with a nurturing environment,
shelter staff provide programs and services designed to promote healing and help women learn ways to create greater
safety for themselves and their children.
Save the date! We are again hosting a
blood drive for Memorial Blood Centers on January 26 from 1 - 6:30 PM.
The need for blood is urgent. Plan now
to participate; your gift will save lives.
The shelter needs new towels, big diapers, baby wipes, and
multipurpose cleaners. Also welcome are new pajamas and
underwear for all sizes and personal care products.
Mission in El Salvador Update Plans for our summer 2015 mission trip are well underway. A group of 10 travelers will represent Gethsemane this summer as we travel with Family of Christ in
Chanhassen. The goal of our trip is to formalize our
partnership with Iglesia Concordia in San Salvador. We
are looking forward to spending time with them as we
identify goals and objectives for the partnership. We
received the Christmas letter below from the Pastor of
Iglesia Concordia. Please continue to pray for this exciting new ministry and our sisters and brothers in El Salvador.
Dinner at Your Door Dinner at Your Door is our local Meals on Wheels program.
Volunteers deliver a hot, nutritious noon meal each weekday
to the homes of the elderly and disabled in the Hopkins and
East Minnetonka communities. Along with this meal, they
bring a friendly smile and a personal connection to the community.
Gethsemane provides volunteers to deliver meals on the 2nd
Monday and Tuesday of each month. We have 5 regular drivers on Monday and 2 on Tuesday. Though there are currently
no openings for regular drivers, additional subs are always
needed. Some drivers are gone in the winter, others in the
summer. The time commitment is only 1.5 hours or less. Plus
there’s coffee, cookies and conversation before taking off on
the route. Jan Quist, the coordinator for this Social Ministry
initiative, says people really seem to appreciate this service.
If you have questions about Dinner at Your Door or would
like to volunteer for the sub list, call Jan at 952-988-7745.
Dear Pastor Sarah and our Gethsemane Friends,
I pray for you to find yourself well.
The Advent is almost over and the activities at Concordia are mostly preparations for the birth of our
Lord. We have had Bible studies on the story of John
the Baptist and also on Christmas. Our customs are
more focused on Christmas, and of course, the spirit of
Holidays are very much encouraged by the businesses.
The people of Concordia get ready to celebrate Christmas with special meals (tamales, chicken and
special bread). We have the Advent wreath and we are
singing songs about the second coming.
Social Ministry Mee ng The Social Ministry Team meets four times a year. The next
date is Tuesday, January 27 from 6:30-8:00 in the Gallery.
It’s a great group, all of whom think Service and Justice
should continue to be a vital part of life at Gethsemane. Come
join us and see if it might be a good fit for you. To find out
more about GLC’s current Social Ministry initiatives, look
for our brochure in the literature racks around the church.
On October 26th we celebrated the Children´s day and
had a full church and a big pot luck lunch. The children
were very happy and presented a play. On Dec 3rd we
celebrate the special persons day and had ice cream for
the children. On Dec 14 we will have a Christmas fiesta
for the children, on that day we give them apples and
candies. This is now a tradition for them, we also have
a clown coming to make the children laugh, also special Christmas music is played.
4th Saturday Café needs you Each 4th Saturday we serve a free breakfast to food insecure
members of the community right here at Gethsemane. It
takes 14 volunteers each month for this important ministry.
We are most blessed to be able to finish another year
doing His ministry for what we have been called. I pray
we can continue sharing His Word and His love with
others the next year to come.
If you'd like to help support this effort, please check out the
sign up link on glconline.org or contact Jeff Skold at
[email protected] or 763-551-9185, or Julie Yakes
at [email protected] or 952-285-7936.
We all pray for you and your family, and also for your
ministry. Please convey our greetings to your congregation and we wish you all the best of the Christmas
Or if you know someone in the community that could use a
free hearty meal, please invite them to the 4th Saturday Café.
Breakfast is served from 9:00 - 10:30.
In Christ always,
Pastora Gloribel Rubio
Council Comments from John Gillen Listening Post
LaRee Shebeck asked for continued support for St. Paul’s Lutheran for
funding to help bring their kitchen up to code so they could potentially
lease out the kitchen to local area entrepreneurs. A consortium of
churches would be an option to support at-risk churches like St. Paul’s.
A discussion followed and more specifics are needed as follow up.
Pastor John’s devotional featured an advent candle given to the church
from the synod and reciting Isaiah Chapter 9. The candle represents “a
light that shines through the darkness” and the” promise that shines
through like light. Some council members then shared how advent is
special this year.
Financial Report
Mike Paterson led us in a preliminary review of the 2015 budget. The
2015 budget will be further discussed and approved at the January
council meeting and ready to put to vote at the annual congregational
meeting on the January 25.
Mike also updated us on the capital appeal progress and highlighted
that one of the final mortgage payments has been made with plans to
pay off a final balance owed to the Memorial Foundation. He anticipates strong December giving and households coming current with the
capital appeal. Commitments should leave us in good shape to move
forward with the priority items identified in the current appeal.
Same-Gender Marriage Decision
After an 8-month process of forum and study, the Council moved forward with a decision regarding same-gender marriage. See the article
at right for further explanation of the process and how we plan to move
forward as a congregation.
Other Business
We heard about a new proposed project our conference of Lutheran
churches might take on through Lutheran Social Services in regards to
assisting new immigrant families in Minneapolis.
Congrega onal Read and Author Visit Gethsemane’s book club and our mission to El
Salvador team is excited to co-sponsor a congregational read and author visit.
The Weight of All Things by Sandra Benitez is
a beautiful exploration of the reality of the
civil war in El Salvador told from the perspective of a nine year old boy. The author gracefully shares the political and spiritual focus of this war on the innocent
as she combines fiction and fact to create the story.
We are excited to host the author at noon on Sunday Feb. 15. She
will share with us about the book as well as parts of her own story
growing up in El Salvador before making her home in Minnesota.
Mark your calendars and invite your friends!
Council Decides to Allow Same Gender Marriage When same gender marriages first became
legal in the state of Minnesota our church
council began a conversation in regards to
how we would respond if we were ever
asked to perform one. It is the council’s
responsibility to make decisions like this
that concern our ability to carry out the
mission of our church.
Through a long and faithful process the
council continuously sought out and listened to feedback from the congregation.
They held three different Caring Conversation sessions and repeatedly invited members to express their thoughts and faith
concerning this topic.
The council shared together where they
felt the gospel was leading our church and
prayed hard for the Spirit to guide us in
this process. Through this they came to the
conclusion that although there are a variety
of viewpoints on this issue, the gospel ultimately calls us to proclaim Christ and
share his love and acceptance to all who
come to him. This is why they decided that
our congregation would perform same
gender marriages.
As your pastors we are called to serve this
whole community of faith and lead this
congregation in mission. Regardless of
where you stand on this topic, we pray that
you would remain united in faith by the
one who saved you and gave you the power to become a child of God. If you have
questions or comments you are welcome to
reach out to either of us or to our council
who indeed serves faithfully, sacrificially,
and in love.
Together we are committed to the mission
we share, that all might be Engaged by
God in a Living Faith; at home, at church,
and in the world.
Pr. John D. F. Nelson
Pr. Sarah Moat
Saturday Night Club The Saturday Night Club on January 24 welcomes our own Mark Fideldy and Gayle
Thomas as “Duetto.” Come along on a magical journey as we reminisce on the music of
yesteryear! Dinner is served at 5:30. Reservations are required - call Maury Treberg at 952426-2568 by Tuesday evening, January 20.
Cost is $14. Guests are welcome.
GLC Men’s Ministry Event Saturday, January 17
Fellowship Hall 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
A time of fellowship, encouragement and empowerment
for all men ages 13 and up.
Cost $10 per person
Contact the church office to register at 952-935-1753.
Women’s Book Group “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
- Proverbs 27:17
Men’s Ministry Breakfast: Fishing for Life This open-to-all Book Group resumes 3rd
Tuesday discussions in the Gallery from 7- 8
pm on January 20. We’ll be discussing the
best selling novel by Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl.
Whether you agree with everyone who’s made
it such an overwhelming best seller or not, we
urge you come to talk about its pros and cons.
Why was it a top seller made into a hit movie?
On January 20, we’ll also be deciding on future selections. So please come with ideas.
Coming selections are:
Tuesday, January 6 at 7:00 AM in Fellowship Hall The next Men’s Ministry breakfast is Tuesday, January 6 at 7:00 am
in the Fellowship Hall. The speakers will be Tom Goodrich and
Steve Cruikshank.
“Tom Goodrich was sitting in an Army tent in sweltering, dusty
Afghanistan, typing an e-mail to his family when he got a message
from God. It was a feeling in his head and his heart that he didn’t
understand at first. Something about 10,000 kids.”
At the time, the Army captain was writing a book for his son and
thought, “Cool – 10,000 kids will read this book.” He meditated on
it; God elaborated. Goodrich discerned that he was supposed to go
home and motivate 10,000 kids by raising money for the inner city
children. This was the beginning of Fishing for Life. Tom’s mission is to be the financial engineer for inner-city ministries.
Steve Cruikshank is the newest member of the Fishing for Life
team. He is currently working towards becoming a pastor.
Several twin city and nationwide stores have partnered with their
organization in order to promote this outreach program which is not
about evangelizing but about raising funds to help inner city youth.
A hot breakfast is served with an $8.00 contribution requested. Contact the church office or sign up on the blue sheet in your bulletin in
Sunday if you plan to attend. ALL are welcome!
February 15: The Weight of All Things by Sandra Benitez. The Book Group is joining the El
Salvador Mission Team in hosting the author
for a special event on Sunday, Feb 15 at noon.
See p. 3.
March 17: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Behold! Bible Study You are invited to join this weekly Bible Study
any Thursday morning at 10:00. We explore
the texts for the upcoming Sunday with the
week’s preaching pastor. There is always lively conversation and prayer as we encounter the
texts with our hearts, our questions and our
faith in daily life. Come as you are able – no
Sunday, January 4
Matthew 2:1-12
Isaiah 60:1-6
Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14
Ephesians 3:1-12
Sunday, January 11
Mark 1:4-11
Genesis 1:1-5
Psalm 29
Acts 19:1-7
Sunday, January 18
John 1:43-51
1 Samuel 3:1-10 [1120]
Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18
1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Sunday, January 25
Mark 1:14-20
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Psalm 62:5-12
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Sledding at Cedar Manor Sunday, January 11 Sunday, January 18 at 4:00 pm
Hymnus Angelicus
Get out and have some winter fun with friends! Gather in
the Fellowship Hall between noon-12:30 for hot chocolate.
We’ll go sledding from 12:30-2:00 at Cedar Manor School,
9400 Cedar Lake Road (northeast corner of Hwy 169 and
Cedar Lake Road) . Bring your sleds and dress for the
weather. If there is no snow we will go roller skating at the
Roller Garden in St. Louis Park.
Splash Together! bas relief
It’s time to Splash Together, Sunday, January 4 during the
education hour, 9:45 – 10:40. Join other parents and their
children 3 and under in the nursery as we follow the star
and learn about the Magi and the Season of Epiphany. We
will read a story, sing songs, make a craft, share and play.
Music for a winter day
Bap sm Reunion Health & Wellness Ministry During the past year 18 families took the first step in their
child’s faith formation by having their child baptized. To
celebrate this event, Gethsemane invites all families of the
2014 baptisms to a Baptismal Reunion on January 11 from
12:00 to 12:30 in Fellowship Hall.
Health & Wellness Ministry Team is hosting a variety of
educational health presentations this New Year. We will
increase awareness of health resources in our community
and promote prevention of common illnesses. Some topics will include Nutrition, Fitness, Care Giver Support,
Self-Care as we age, Grief Support, and Chronic Disease
Prevention and Management.
At baptism, each child had a stone with their name on it
placed in the Baptismal font. At the reunion these stones
will be removed and put in a stepping stone that will be
displayed, during the summer, in Gethsemane’s garden.
On January 14, Dr. Brenda Higgins from HealthSource in
Hopkins will present “Eat God's Way to Transform your
Health and your Life!” We will meet in the Fireside Gallery 5:30–6:30 pm, following with discussion.
Please RSVP by January 8 by contacting Tiphanie at 952935-1753 or [email protected]. Siblings are welcome to attend and a light snack will be served.
 Permanently change the way you and your family eat
- and enjoy it!
Family Ministry Retreat  Transform the way you look and feel!
 Strengthen your body and mind by balancing hormones
Friday, Feb 13 ‐ Sunday, Feb 15 and reversing nutritional deficiency.
What better way to celebrate the ones you love this Valentine’s Day than a weekend of family and fellowship.
 Radically slow down the aging process and prevent,
stop, or even reverse chronic disease.
Join Gethsemane families at the Family Winter Retreat on
Feb13-15 at Green Lake Bible Camp. This is a time honored tradition filled with games, sledding, food and fun.
Hang out in your jammies, go for an early hike, make that
expert snowman and warm up with some hot chocolate.
Please join us on January 14 and look for more topics to
Cost includes all meals, complete with Pastor John's less
than traditional blessings! Each family has their own room/
bathroom and the common rooms become the scene of
many hilarious memories. To quote the kids, "We love the
winter retreat!" Come and join in on the fun!
Exercise 101 Mondays at 9:00 am in Fellowship Hall Adults – $88; Students K-12 – $44; Infants-Preschool are
free. Register online at www.glconline.org. Questions?
Contact Nancy Spangrud at [email protected]
All ages and abili es welcome ‐ just show up! 7
Thanksgiving Dinner Apprecia on Our 18th annual Community Dinner was very successful. Guests of every
age filled Fellowship Hall, the volunteers were numerous including a contingent from the former Hopkins United Methodist, the food was delicious
and the appreciation for what this dinner means was expressed often.
Much of the thanks came verbally, but several people arrived with or
mailed notes. A few brief quotes from three of these: “Thank you for
your wonderful service to the community” and “Thank you for the fantastic dinner and terrific food. Everything was so well organized. Thank you
for your kindness.” And “May the Lord bless each one of you today and
always for this wonderful dinner and day!”
So to everyone at Gethsemane who supported the Community Dinner in
some way, the Social Ministry Team will echo that last comment. God
Bless! If you haven’t checked out the Photo Album on the website, we
urge you to do so.
Got NEWS? Submit informa on to the church office in person or by mail, fax, or e‐mail for inclusion in the Sunday bulle n insert, website or newsle er.  Bulle n deadline is Tuesday.  Newsle er deadline is the 15th of the month. Contact Informa on Phone: 952‐935‐1753 www.glconline.org [email protected] Thank you for suppor ng Good Gi s ELCA Good Gifts is an opportunity for you to make a
donations toward global mission projects; all are
thoughtfully offered to help grow the church, fight hunger and transform lives.
Office Hours Mon‐Thurs, 9 am ‐ 5 pm Friday, 9 am ‐ 3 pm There are still brochures around the church or you may go to www.elca/
goodgifts to browse the gifts and place your order. Each donor will receive
a card explaining what was given. Keep it on hand to use all year for birthdays and other special occasions.
Gethsemane Staff Sympathy and Prayers Condolences on behalf of the congregation are extended to the family of
Lorraine Carlson, who died November 26. John D. F. Nelson, Senior Pastor [email protected] Sarah Moat, Associate Pastor [email protected] Sandie Chermak, Financial Manager [email protected] Tiphanie Dirnberger Children’s Ministry Director [email protected] Mark Fideldy, Membership & Data Systems Manager, Organist [email protected] Amy Furan, Communica ons Manager [email protected] Brian Furan, Maintenance Supervisor [email protected] Paul McKenzie Director of Music & Fine Arts [email protected] Susan Radde, Parish Nurse [email protected] Bob Windels, Youth Director [email protected] 8
January 2015 at Gethsemane Lutheran Church www.glconline.org 952‐935‐1753 Thursday, 01 January
New Years Day - Office Closed
Sunday, 04 January
8:45 AM Contemporary Worship
9:45 AM Adult Education
9:45 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Traditional Worship
Monday, 05 January
9:00 AM Fitness Group
9:00 AM Woodcarving workshop
6:30 PM Hymnus rehearsal
7:00 PM Hannah Circle
7:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous
Tuesday, 06 January
7:00 AM Men's Ministry Breakfast
10:00 AM Music Together
1:00 PM Staff Meeting
Wednesday, 07 January
9:00 AM Quilting
5:30 PM Congregation Meal
5:30 PM Youth Bells
5:30 PM YOUth Choir
6:00 PM Contemporary Band
6:15 PM Band Together
6:15 PM Children's Choir
6:20 PM Voices of Praise
6:30 PM Confirmation
7:45 PM Sr. Choir
Thursday, 08 January
8:00 AM Men's Bible Study
10:00 AM "Behold!" Bible Study
12:00 PM Conference Pastors
4:00 PM After School Kids (ASK)
5:00 PM Telecare
6:00 PM Jubilation Ringers
7:00 PM Cub Scout Pack 215
Friday, 09 January
6:00 PM Scrapbooking Group
7:00 PM Friday Nights in Faith
7:30 PM Theology on Tap
Saturday, 10 January
8:00 AM "Recharge" Youth
Volunteer Workshop
Sunday, 11 January
8:45 AM Contemporary Worship
9:45 AM 4th Grade Stepping Stones
9:45 AM Adult Education
9:45 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Traditional Worship
12:00 PM Baptism Reunion
12:00 PM Caring Ministry Team
12:30 PM Family Ministry Event
3:00 PM IATG Meeting
4:00 PM People Serving People
The most current
GLC calendar is online at
Saturday, 17 January
2:00 PM "Iron Sharpens Iron"
Men's Ministry Event
2:00 PM Hymnus rehearsal
Sunday, 18 January
8:45 AM Contemporary Worship
9:45 AM Adult Education
9:45 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Traditional Worship
4:00 PM Hymnus Angelicus Concert
4:00 PM People Serving People
Monday, 12 January
9:00 AM Fitness Group
9:00 AM Woodcarving workshop
11:00 AM Dinner at Your Door
12:00 PM Dorcas Circle
6:00 PM Cub Scouts
6:30 PM Cub Scouts
6:30 PM Hymnus rehearsal
7:00 PM Rebekah Circle
7:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous
Monday, 19 January
9:00 AM Fitness Group
9:00 AM Woodcarving workshop
10:00 AM GCW Board
1:00 PM Needle Stitchers
6:30 PM Hymnus rehearsal
7:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous
Tuesday, 20 January
10:00 AM Music Together
1:00 PM Staff Meeting
7:00 PM Women's Book Club
Tuesday, 13 January
10:00 AM Music Together
11:00 AM Dinner at Your Door
11:45 AM Deborah Circle
1:00 PM Staff Meeting
3:00 PM Layette Group
6:00 PM Council Dinner and Meeting
6:30 PM Men's Bible Study
Wednesday, 21 January
9:00 AM Quilting
1:00 PM Friendship Circle
5:30 PM Congregation Meal
5:30 PM Youth Bells
5:30 PM YOUth Choir
6:00 PM Contemporary Band
6:15 PM Band Together
6:15 PM Children's Choir
6:20 PM Voices of Praise
6:30 PM Confirmation
7:45 PM Sr. Choir
Wednesday, 14 January
9:00 AM Quilting
5:30 PM Congregation Meal
5:30 PM Youth Bells
5:30 PM YOUth Choir
6:15 PM Band Together
6:15 PM Children's Choir
6:20 PM Voices of Praise
6:30 PM Confirmation
6:30 PM WoW: Worship on
7:00 PM Contemporary Band
7:45 PM Sr. Choir
Thursday, 22 January
8:00 AM Men's Bible Study
10:00 AM "Behold!" Bible Study
4:00 PM After School Kids (ASK)
5:00 PM Telecare
6:00 PM Jubilation Ringers
Sunday, 25 January
8:45 AM Contemporary Worship
9:30 AM "House" worship field trip
9:45 AM Adult Education
9:45 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Traditional Worship
12:00 PM Annual Meeting
3:00 PM IATG Meeting
Monday, 26 January
9:00 AM Fitness Group
9:00 AM Woodcarving workshop
12:00 PM Memorial Blood
Center Drive
6:30 PM Hymnus rehearsal
7:30 PM Gamblers Anonymous
Tuesday, 27 January
10:00 AM Music Together
1:00 PM Staff Meeting
6:30 PM Men's Bible Study
6:30 PM Social Ministry Team
Wednesday, 28 January
9:00 AM Quilting
5:30 PM Congregation Meal
5:30 PM Youth Bells
5:30 PM YOUth Choir
6:00 PM Contemporary Band
6:15 PM Band Together
6:15 PM Children's Choir
6:20 PM Voices of Praise
6:30 PM Confirmation
7:45 PM Sr. Choir
8:00 PM Confirmation Guide Huddle
Thursday, 29 January
8:00 AM Men's Bible Study
10:00 AM "Behold!" Bible Study
4:00 PM After School Kids (ASK)
5:00 PM Telecare
6:00 PM Jubilation Ringers
Friday, 30 January
7:00 PM Friday Nights in Faith
Friday, 23 January
7:00 PM Friday Nights in Faith
Thursday, 15 January
8:00 AM Men's Bible Study
10:00 AM "Behold!" Bible Study
4:00 PM After School Kids (ASK)
5:00 PM Telecare
6:00 PM Boy Scouts
6:00 PM Jubilation Ringers
7:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry
Saturday, 24 January
9:00 AM 4th Saturday Cafe
5:30 PM Saturday Night Club
Friday, 16 January
6:00 PM Youth Lock-In
7:00 PM Friday Nights in Faith
A congregational meal is
served on Wednesdays
from 5:30-6:30 pm. All
are welcome. A $3/person
donation is requested.
Gethsemane Lutheran Church ELCA ╬ www.glconline.org
Lutheran Church
715 Minnetonka Mills Road
Hopkins, MN 55343-7269
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Hopkins, MN
Permit No. 8
Sunday Schedule 8:45 AM
Contemporary Worship
9:45 AM
Education Hour
10:45 AM
Traditional Worship
Sisters in Spirit A Women’s Winter Gathering
Saturday, February 7, 8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Again this year Gethsemane is hosting Sisters in Spirit: a Women’s Winter Gathering featuring Gaye Lindfors, a consultant, author and speaker,
on the topic of “ Our Journey with God, Girlfriends, and Chocolate.”
During our time together, we will learn more about enjoying the journey
of life, not just anticipating the destination. Be ready to laugh, learn, smile
and get to know each other and God even better as we consider this amazing journey called life.
The event costs $25, which includes a delicious breakfast and lunch.
Registrations will be taken until February 2. Call the Church office at
952-935-1753 to register, register online at www.glconline.org, or register
in person following worship starting January 18.
Don’t miss this chance to renew your faith and reflect on your life’s journey. All women are welcome!
Find out more about our guest speaker at her website, GayeLindfors.com.