4 March 2015 - Health Leadership Conference
4 March 2015 - Health Leadership Conference
DRAFT Event Programme (as of 24th October 2014) HEALTH LEADERSHIP IN THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY ANNUAL CONFERENCE - 4 MARCH 2015, Eversheds LLP, Water Lane, Leeds, LS11 5DR The conference is open to both CIA members and non-members. CIA’s Health Leadership Steering Group looks forward to welcoming you to the 2015 Conference, which focuses on health partnerships and how member companies manage health issues. Do you understand what Sustainable Health and Wellbeing means in your organisation? Programme A workplace can have a significant impact on an individuals’ health, and protecting the health of those who work for your organisation is at the heart of every sustainable business; it looks after your best resource, your people! 09:00 Have you a proactive approach, the right people; a programme of management, the correct tools, measures and systems in place to monitor and also improve understanding and performance? Coffee and Registration MORNING CHAIR: Phil Ryan, GSK 09:30 Welcome and Introduction 09:40 Winner of 2014 CIA Health Award - 10:10 Trade Union Partnership - 10:30 - Are you aware of HSE’s new research on occupational diseases in the chemical industry that reports the number of incidents to be higher than in other manufacturing sectors? Why attend? Do you want to come and find out more, and join in with facilitated discussions with your peers to discover how industry leaders do this? Organisations are often reactive in workplace health and are not forward looking enough. This conference aims to show how by being proactive, health can not only benefit the health of your best resource – its people, but also the organisation itself. Absolutely everyone in the organisation, from the top down and bottom up, has a duty of care towards health leadership. Sustainable healthy workplaces cannot be achieved unless health leadership becomes a core part of an organisation’s ethos. Delegates will be specialists and non-specialists from human resources and SHE departments involved in workplace health management. 10:50 Stuart Fegan, GMB NHS Partnership This is what beyond compliance means. Successful companies are those who have programmes to deliver this agenda, improving understanding, management of individual and organisational growth and development. Daria Hollinshead / Mark Holmes, Novartis Richie Andrew, NHS Health Leadership –The Legal Perspective - Tim Hill, Eversheds 11:10 Coffee Break and Networking 11:40 HSE Partnership - 12:00 Katherine Fuller, HSE Government Health at Work Service - Speaker from Health Management Ltd. Health Leadership: Member Approaches 12:20 Case Study: Occupational Health in BASF - 12:40 Speaker from BASF Lunch and Networking AFTERNOON CHAIR: Malcolm Guest, SABIC 13:40 15:00 Workshop: Breakout groups explore questions: - How to improve the link between health and wellbeing in your organisation? List ways on how to do this. - How do (/could) you or your organisation use CIA’s Sustainable Health Metrics (Leading) Indicator Tool for continuous improvement? Identify examples of how your organisation has moved up from one grade to another. OH Technical / Regulatory Developments Overview of current issues - Roger Pullin, CIA 15:20 Conclusions / ‘Wrap Up’ 15:30 Close For full details of our comprehensive programme of events visit www.cia.org.uk Booking form HEALTH LEADERSHIP IN THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY ANNUAL CONFERENCE – 4 MARCH 2015 Eversheds LLP, Water Lane, Leeds, LS11 5DR Please complete and return this booking form to secure your place. ONE FORM PER PERSON Delegate details Title: First name: PAYMENT Bookings not accompanied by payment (cheque/credit card details) must quote a purchase order number. Cheques and bankers drafts must be in Sterling and should be made payable to Chemical Industries Association. Please ensure that the total amount includes VAT. Surname: Job title: Company: Chemical Industries Association bank details: Address line 1: NatWest Bank plc Piccadilly & New Bond St Branch 63 Piccadilly, London W1J 0AJ Sort Code: 50-41-01 Account No 23114193 Swift No: NWBKGB2L IBAN No: GB04NWBK50410123114193 VAT No: 235 5606 66 Address line 2: Town: County: Postcode: Telephone: Fax: Under UK excise regulations delegates from all countries are required to pay VAT on any course taking place in the UK. E-mail: Booked by: CANCELLATIONS/SUBSTITUTIONS Substitutions at the same membership level can be accepted at any time. If a booking is cancelled within 14 days of the event, or if the delegate fails to attend the course, the full course fee is payable. E-mail address for receipt/invoice to be sent if different from above: Post: Mavis Wright, CIA, Kings Buildings, Smith Square, London SW1P 3JJ Fax: 08718 130306 CONFIRMATION Confirmation of booking/joining instructions will be issued by email. Email: [email protected] Telephone: 020 7963 6737 Payment details Cost per delegate: please tick appropriate box CIA Members: £90 (+ 20% VAT £18.00) = £108.00 Non Members: £120 (+ 20% VAT £24.00) = £144.00 Cheque: Please make payable to Chemical Industries Association Bank transfer: NatWest Bank plc, Piccadilly and New Bond Street Branch, 63 Piccadilly, London W1J 0AJ. Sort code: 50-41-01: Account No 23114193; Swift No: NWBKGB2L; VAT No: 235 5606 66 Please forward a remittance advice to our accounts department quoting reference: 80480 Bookings not accompanied by payment must quote a purchase order no: Credit Card: Please debit my: Mastercard Card No: Security No: (last three digits on reverse of card) Name and address of cardholder if different from above: Visa Expiry Date: Amex CONTENT There may be occasions when changes in programme content, speakers, timing and location have to be made for reasons outside our control. CIA accepts no responsibility for the opinions of speakers or any other persons expressed on its courses. In the event that CIA has to cancel a course a full refund will be given. CIA accepts no responsibility for any travel arrangements or cost due to cancellation. ACCESS REQUIREMENTS To help us ensure that all delegates attending the event are able to participate fully, please let us know about any requirements you have by contacting [email protected]. DIETARY REQUIREMENTS We always provide vegetarian options at our events, but please inform us if you need us to cater for any other dietary requirements. DATA PROTECTION CIA processes the information provided by its members and non-members to enable it to carry out its activities in accordance with its objectives and for its administrative purposes. We may use the information to tell you about our other products and services. We will not make it available to any other person without prior consent from you.