
Vol. 1, Fall 2007
Exam Central:
November 2007. . . Calling all Pencils!
November 14, & 15,
2007 marks the end of
an era for the pencil
and paper exam for
the IIA.
The registration deadline for the November
exam is September 30,
2007. Starting January
2008, the IIA will post
the Computer Based Testing (CBT) on-line brochure.
Keep posted for our second quarterly newsletter to be
distributed in December 2007 for more information!
The CIA and other specialty exams will be offered
two out of every three months of each quarter.
The 2008 Testing Schedule is as follows:
CBT offers a tremendous flexibility for our aspiring CIA’s
and other specialty certifications. The exam will be offered
five or six days a week, based on local availability.
Tests will be scheduled on a first
come first serve basis. Walk-in
testing is not allowed.
CAE 8.22.07 Roundtable
Thank you for your invitation
to the meeting this morning,
it was very valuable for me and
I feel privileged meeting other
Internal Audit leaders in this
setting. You are doing a great
job strengthening the IIA!
Maria Panyi, MSMIS, CISA, CHC
Director of Internal Audit
Mt. Sinai Medical Center
February and March
May and June
August and September
November and December
The Miami Chapter is no longer
hosting the exam sittings. Pearson
VUE will be the international
sponsor for the CBT exams.
New CFSA’s
and CGAP’s
Hector Nieto, Protiviti, CFSA
Yaritza Velez, Protiviti, CFSA
Officers and Governors
• Connie Valencia, President
• Josh Shilts, VP of Marketing
• Sanjay Deo, VP of Education
Rosa Castro, Miami Dade Housing
• Roger Sicre, Treasurer
Agency, CGAP
• Laura Klutz, Secretary
• Jonathan Wolfe, Governor
New CIA’s
• James Sutter, Governor
Jacqueline Francis, Spherion
• Joris Jabouin, Governor
Member Meeting 8.16.07
At our Member Meetings,
I have been able to make
valuable contacts that could
lead to potential job
opportunities for myself!
Michael Lawrence, E&Y
• Blanca Malagon, Governor
Kesi Sinclair, Steiner Management
• Michele Drolette, Dist. Rep.
William Wallace, CPA, CIA, CLU
President, South Dade Chapter
Connie Valencia, Grant Thornton
• Isabel Vermeer, IIA Rep.
John Logan, CHAN Healthcare
Horace Nwachukwu, Miami Dade
Raymond Sabatier, Assurant
William Wallace, Wallace & Assoc.
• Ron Midei, Governor
• Rick Rochester, Governor