President`s Daily Diary, March 13, 1965


President`s Daily Diary, March 13, 1965
calling upon people of US
observe March 16 1965 as Dr Robert H Goddard
White House
March 13 , 1965
Director Kermi t Gordon t&'/J
Jack Valent i f
6. O
Secretary Robert McNamara (£
Breakfast in bed w/ Mrs. Johnson -- Jack Valenti joined
George Reedy
Dr. Burkley and Dr. Young -- Dr. J. Willis Hurst and Dr. James Cain
all checked the President --a routine physica l check-up .
After the check- up^ th e President again talked o n the telephone -- an d th e
Doctors talked w/ Mrs. Johnson and Zephyr Wright the cook about the statu s
of his health, and the importance of diet and exercise
Then, the Doctors talked w / the President
(NOTE Agent Youngblood stoo d bv on the 2nd floor to be available t o the Presiden t
Bill Mo yers fo
r report s o n demonstrators i n Selma, Ala .
and in the Whit e House -- insid e and in front)
Secretary Robert McNamara
Marvin Watson ioined the President an d group
To th e office -- w/ Marvi n Watso n and Jack Valent i ai^xWTKJsoSfeo^fidiix^H&Hsrix ;
In mjdr's office talking on her cal l to Earl Death e in Austin, Texa s
Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach --- for briefing before meeting
meeting w/ Governor Wallace
Former Assistant
Assistant AG
AG Burke
Burke Marshall
Marshal ljoined
joined for
for about
about 55 minutes.
To the Cabinet
Cabinet Room w/ Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach
and greeted Governor Georg
Georgee Wallace ooff Alabama
Alabama and
an d group
calls ushers ofc
March 13 , 196 5
White Hous e
In mjdr's office w/ Governor George Wallace o f Alabama, hi s aide-C__ Attorney General Katzenbach and Bill Moyers.
Agent Youngbloo d was als o in the offic e -- an d the President introduced
Mr. Younglbood to the Governor -- saying that he was from Georgi a - - and
told Governor Wallace tha t he also had an agent from - Lem Johnson -Youngblood sent for Le m an d while he was on his way -- the President and
Governor Wallace exchanged (conversation -- an d lightly bantered back an d forth.
Agent Johns arrived i n mjdr's offic e -- and was also introduced t o the Govrnor •"Lem, I want to introduce you to your Governor - - Governor Wallace. H
To the offic e with Governo r Wallace , his aide
Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach.
Also in th e meeting were: Bill Moyers an d Mr. Burke Marshall
(Him and Blanco wer e taken in by Sgt . Glynn an d remaine d in th e room for th e bet :er part
AG Katzenbach and BM left -- and then returned in 5 minutes -- (of
the meetin
AG Katzenbach and B M out
Marvin Watso n
BM in and ou t
Bill Jones and Earl Morgan of Governor Wallace's staf f in
(The President an d th e Governor met privately in the lounge whil e
Burke Marshall , the Governor's aides, and met
the Oval Office . ) Bill
Moyers joined at the Pres i dent's request. (out
To the West Lobb y w/ Governo r Wallace - - bothth e President and Governor Wallace
talked to the live television cameras and the Eporters tha t wer e assemble d
"The Presiden t said that they had had a profitabl e meetingand the n introdueec
Governor Wallace t o the press --The Governor sai d that they ha d discussed a
wide variety of subjects
subjects including
including Viet
Viet Nam
3:00 p)
March 13 , 1965
White House
• The Presiden t returne d to his office - - an d remembered tha t he had wante d to
see Kermit Gordon before going into the Cabinet Roo m fo r his pre-press conference
briefing .
Director Kermi t Gordon
To th e Cabinet Room w/
' Secretar y Dean Rusk $'
Attorne y Genera l Nichola s Katzenbach
C Secretary Robert McNamara Q
Bourke Marshall
•--• Secretary Willar d Wirt z
Under Secretar y George Bal l
Jim Greenfiel d
Staff: Cater, Horace Busby, Bill Moyers, Jack Valenti, McGeorge Bundy
(The President ate a bow l of sou p during the brieing that mjdr too k in to him )
To th e offic e w / MW and JV - To the Flower Garden fo r live PRESS CONFERENCE
Approximately 200 or mor e photographer s and reporters
The President delivered prepare d remarks o n the situation i n Selma, Ala.
answered questions and the n introduce d AG Katzenbach for background briefing o n
To the offic e w/ MW and JV and GER and HB Voter
s Right s Legislation
Marvin Watson (pl)
Senator Harry Byr d , Berryville, Virginia (b . 1)
Jack Valent i (pl)
March 13, 196 5
White House
March 13, 1965
Mrs. Johnson
Bill Moyer s (pl)
George Reedy (pl)
McGeorge Bundy (pl)
David Ginsburg (lawyer)
vm -- "Agent Youngblood thought that you might be intereste d in knowing that
Governor Wallace was air-born at 5:15 pm "
Chairman Gardner Ackley, CEA and Secretary Douglas Dillon of Treasury
Geprge Reedy
Senator Edward Long , Canton, Missour i
Phil Potter
To the Mansion —
Al Friendly, Washington Post
Phil Potter
March 13, 1965
White House
Private DINNER PARTY honoring Ambassador designate to Spain and Mrs. Angier
Biddle Duke in th e State Dinin g Room
112 guests were present
The President left th e Stat e Dininp Room an d went to the second floor to
contact lenses put in, and then returne d to the guest s at 9 : 20p
have hi s
Coffee in the East Room and Hallway
Dancing in th e Eas t Room
To second floo r apartments with Mrs . Johnson , Mr. and Mrs. Tyle r Abell,
Mr. William Walton , Mrs. Jeanne Murray Vanderbilt , Mr. and Mrs. C . Wyatt
The Abells and Mr . Walton departed
To office with Mrs. Vanderbil t and Mr. and Mrs. Dickerso n
The Dickersons and Mrs. Vanderbilt departed, th e President wen t t o the
second floor , and retire d at 4:25 am