13th March 2015 - Farlingaye High School


13th March 2015 - Farlingaye High School
Academic Year 2014-15 – Number 8
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13th March 2015
Ski Trip
Paris March
Music Workshop
Iceland Trip
Green Council
Law Taster Day
School Experience
Quiz Night
Little Shop of
French Exchange
PE Round Up
Elite Wheelers
Sky Sports Studio
Equestrian Event
13 March 2015
Ski Trip
Paris March
N Friday February 13th, 52
students and 6 staff headed off on
a 30 hour coach journey to Flogaria in
the Italian Alps. We had 5 days on the
slopes with a mixture of complete
beginners to advanced skiers with
everyone making huge progress
throughout the week. Even Mr. Parks
had some control of his turns by the
end! The weather was warm and sunny
with great conditions and beautiful
views. As well as the skiing we also
enjoyed some down time ice skating;
visiting the local town; going out for
pizza; karaoke and even a Mr. Trett
Quiz night! Despite having 3 hospital
trips and a helicopter mountain
rescue, everyone made it home with
nothing more than bumps, bruises
and grazes! A great time had by all.
Mr Parks
N A2 French we cover a variety of
issues, and often look at how they
affect French society. Recently we have
looked at whether the freedom of the
press should be a human right or not,
following the attacks on Charlie
Hebdo. We watch the news in French
almost every lesson, meaning we had
the opportunity to follow the attacks
very closely in a lot of detail. We also
looked at a variety of responses to the
attacks and the front page cover that
was released in commemoration the
next week.
My family and I decided to get a
Eurotunnel train early on Sunday
morning to head to Paris to join the
march. About 50 miles from Paris, we
began to see the big overhead traffic
signs showing directions to “Je suis
We parked half a mile from the Arc
de Triomphe and then followed crowds
onto the metro. The stops surrounding
the march were closed for safety
reasons, so we walked towards the
Place de la Republique, where the
march began. As we approached the
surrounding roads, we came to a stop.
All we could see ahead of us were
I had a fantastic time on the ski
trip - learning new skills in the
morning and racing down the slopes in
the afternoon with my friends. We also
went to karaoke and ice skating which
was fun and allowed us all to integrate
with other year groups - overall an
amazing week!
Hannah Hine 13X
13 March 2015
thousands of heads and hundreds of
It was a silent march, although
every so often there was a ripple of
clapping that started. There were also
lots of chants for “liberté” for
Our aim was to try to reach the
start of the march, however after
standing still for over an hour, we
followed many others along small side
roads to try to get closer to the start.
The large statue in the centre of the
Place de la Republique was finally in
We never made it to the start of
the march or even walked along the
route, and we later heard that people
were still passing the start at 17.00
GMT, whereas we unfortunately had
to come home!
All the same, to witness one and a
half million people standing up for
what they believe in and showing
such strong solidarity
remarkable and historic.
Hannah Hine 13X
Music Workshop
N Tuesday March 2nd, Music
Tech students attended a
workshop on mixing and mastering
performances. The masterclass was
to give students tips on how to polish
their coursework using professional
tips from experts in the industry.
Simon Allen and Nigel Palmer, both
mixing and mastering specialists led
the session looking at the use of EQ,
compression and balance to achieve a
polished finish. The event was
supported with speakers from PMC so
that students could hear their work
with real definition. It really was a
great opportunity for all involved and
a chance for music staff to get up to
date tips straight from the industry!
Ms Martino
13 March 2015
at more than 100°C so stepping off
the path was hazardous! The evening
gave us the chance to sight the
aurora borealis (or northern lights.)
Unfortunately, the snow blizzards
were rife and it continues to live up to
its illusive reputation. We did,
however, stay out searching until
1am giving us the greatest chance!
Day 2 introduced us to snow
blizzards Icelandic-style. Reykjavik is
the world’s northernmost capital city
and with temperatures of -7°C this
was easy to believe. A tour of the
south shore included a visit to
Hveragerði museum to experience an
earthquake simulator. At Seljandsfoss
the group viewed a plummeting
waterfall. By now, the weather was so
cold that the waterfall spray had
frozen our clothing stiff! We did
eventually thaw on the coach journey
back to Reykjavik.
On return to Keflavik Airport,
Iceland continued to thrill us with a
visit to the Blue Lagoon, one of the 25
wonders of the world! We bathed in
Iceland Trip
HAT a thrilling display of
nature’s forces! On February
14th, geography students travelled
north to explore the unique geology
that Iceland has to offer. We visited
geothermal springs, waterfalls, the
mid-Atlantic ridge, an earthquake
fault z one, and th e volcano
responsible for the 2010
Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption
whose ash clouds suspended air
traffic across Europe!
Day 1 was spent touring Iceland’s
Golden Circle. The day began with a
visit to Pingvellir National Park, where
the North American and Eurasian
tectonic plates are pulling apart at an
astonishing rate of a few centimetres
per year. Walking along the plate
boundary was more spectacular still.
The second site was the Geysir
geothermal area where the Strokkur
geyser shoots a column of water up
into the air every 5 minutes. At
Geysir, water bubbled to the surface
13 March 2015
38°C geothermal sea water and
applied silica mud masks onto our
faces: - this wasn’t your usual
geography field trip…
We’d love to send our personal
thanks to the Geography department
for organising an amazing trip and
keeping us safe!
‘insect hotels’ created last term. We
also put up three additional bird
boxes of our own to add to those put
up by Dr Harrison and the Science
department last year. Two years ago,
we planted a grove of trees, supplied
by the Woodland Trust as part of
their Jubilee Woods project in the
same area. These have struggled
against the nettles and are
completely swamped in the summer
months, so we have labelled them,
cleared the area around their roots
and added some mulch to help them
through this growing season. Thank
you to the students who took part in
this activity – an impressive effort for
only five people!
Mr Hatfield
Green Council Update
Preparing for Spring
N February 16th, a small but
dedicated band of Green
Council members gave up their
Sunday morning as part of our
ongoing efforts to make the school
grounds a little bit more wildlife
friendly. Blessed by sunny weather,
we set off for the area of trees and
rough ground between the field and
the A12 and got to work gathering
and cutting up sticks to add to the
Magdalene College Law
Taster Day – Cambridge
EN Year 11 students were
invited to attend a day designed
to showcase Cambridge University
Law subjects. Students had an
opportunity to tour the Magdalene
College site which is steeped in
history. They had lunch with current
students followed by seminars from
lecturers of Law. The seminars
covered topics such as the law of
“finders keepers” and “Publish and
be Damned “ investigating
defamation of character and the use
of Twitter. All students said they
really enjoyed the day and many will
have made more informed choices of
study after this experience.
Mr Hawtin
13 March 2015
School Experience
N Tuesday last week, we
welcomed 39 parents to School
Experience Morning.
The enthusiastic parents were
introduced to the school by Ms
Hargadon and Mr Smith, and then
attended an assembly. They were
escorted to all 3 of their very
different lessons by a helpful Year 8
student. At the lessons parents
experienced teaching methods, and
sometimes classrooms, very different
from those they remembered from
their own school days. They found
the lessons very interesting and
absorbing and noticed how the
students were involved throughout
the lesson and how well they
expressed themselves.
The morning was concluded with
a “speed dating” session, where the
parents had the opportunity to ask
various students lots of questions
about different aspects of the school.
The visitors left just before lunch,
having gained a useful insight into
how the school works on a daily
basis, the quality of the teaching
their child receives, how many
opportunities are open to the
students and having seen what the
student environment is like.
The feedback from the parents
was wonderful, here are just a few of
the comments:
“My first lesson (ICT with Year
13 March 2015
10) was genuinely interesting and I
loved the interaction between the
pupils and teacher. I learnt a lot too.
My intellect was stretched to the
limit by a Year 13 Physics class, but
I sat with girls who were delightful
and didn’t make me feel at all like
the science-phobe I really am. I even
put my hand up and asked a
question!” Mrs Leigh
“I have a daughter in Year 7. The
school experience morning has
really helped to alleviate some of my
worries and has demonstrated that
Farlingaye is a first rate school with
excellent facilities and superb staff
and that she is therefore in very
good hands. During my visit the
pupils at your school were
courteous, well mannered and
helpful throughout and my Year 8
guide was exceptionally helpful.”
Miss Hammond
“I would love to go back to school
in the 21st century. You make it a
pleasure to learn.” Mrs Moussa
“Being able to attend the
assembly and real classes was a
fantastic experience. The teachers
are full of enthusiasm and generate
such interest in their subject, if only
it had been that way when I was at
The speed dating was a fantastic
idea, so much goes on at the school!
The students were confident,
outgoing, so polite at all times and
very focused intheir lessons. They
are a credit to you and your staff.”
Mrs Girling
“I was so pleased to have an
opportunity to gain a better
understanding of how my daughter
is taught every day, which far
exceeded my already high
expectations and views of the
The staff and pupils I met were
all so welcoming and I now realize
that learning is so much more
interesting and engaging than when
I attended school, which is reflected
in their enthusiasm.” Mrs Carlin
Mrs Shaw
Quiz Night
N Friday February 27 th, 260
eager quizzers assembled in the
Dining Hall for FSHF’s Annual Quiz
Night. Parents, staff and students
sat in teams of 8, rivalry abounding.
The particularly sneaky and
tricky quiz was written by Question
Master Mr Piddington. His Round
Titles were craftily concocted to
mislead teams into playing their
Joker on poorer rounds. Mr Moran
seamlessly performed
complicated task of collating the
The wellstocked, popular and
very reasonably priced bar was
organised by John O’Brien. The
ploughman’s platter and hunks of
lovely bread, organised by Bev
accompanied by gorgeous chutney
donated by Stoke’s Foods.
The raffle had some delicious
prizes of wine, chocolate, Stokes
Sauces and cookbooks. Proceeds
from the raffle contributed to the
overall sum raised of £1850.
Th e o v era ll winn er s we r e
“Octonauts” with a score of 93 and
the best student te am was
“Universally Challenged” with a very
respectable 63. Well done everyone.
A thoroughly enjoyable evening
was had by all. Many thanks to all
the FHSF committee who helped to
make it such a great evening.
Mrs Shaw (The Magnificent Seven)
13 March 2015
Little Shop of Horrors
musicians and crew who took
part in Little Shop of Horrors, it was
a great show and a fantastic
experience for all. Central to the
success of the show is ‘Audrey II’, the
plant with an appetite for people, and
she certainly looked and sounded the
part with the help of Christian Rivers
-Martin as the voice and Rob
Attwater giving life to the movements.
Great performances all round,
especially Maddie Salter as Audrey
and Fabian Marshall-Tierney as
Seymour, and notably Lewis Wilson
as mad dentist Orin Scrivello
(dentistry could be a new career
choice for him). The band, conducted
by Ms Martino, were excellent as
usual, hidden under the stage but
making their presence felt very
clearly! A special mention for the
crew and for all the good work that
went on behind the scenes and Front
of House, without whom the show
wouldn’t happen, and particular
thanks to Issy Reed who took on the
lighting board at short notice and did
a brilliant job.
Mr Picton
13 March 2015
“Being in the band for Little Shop
of Horrors was a great experience
and thoroughly enjoyable. I have
been able to develop my skills,
make some great new friends and
subconsciously learnt nearly every
word to the production!”
Anna Weir 12R
“It is always a pleasure to work
with other students on musical
projects and playing in the band for
Little Shop of Horrors was no
exception. The usual performers have
excelled themselves year after year,
some of whom have been playing for
shows since Year 9, and new
additions to the band fitted in
straight away. Each student took on
a challenging part for their
instrument and spent many evenings
and weekends rehearsing which
became evident on opening night as
they all performed tremendously.
Taking part in extra-curricular music
is an important part of music at
Farlingaye for supporting musical
understanding, but also for having a
good time and forming friendships.
It was fantastic to be part of such
a close team and the band members
are grateful to all the staff that made
this show possible.”
Dan Watson-Brown 13D
“I’ve been a part of the school
productions since Year 7. Seven
years performing along side many
others who have become very close
friends to me. I have been many
roles; chorus and all the way up to a
lead role last year. I have loved
performing every part. The teachers
who organised these performances do
more than just direct; they involve
themselves into every detail, learning
about us as students. We become
almost like a family, working and
relying on each other.
I’m so grateful to be a part of this
Drama Department. I’m so thankful
to all the teachers for giving others
and myself the opportunity to
perform and grow.
Little Shop of Horrors is definitely
one for the memory books. The size
of the production itself (and not just
the size of the plant) was incredible.
The atmosphere created by the
music, played by the band, the
lighting and the singing combined
with the acting…there was definitely
sturm and drang in the air. It was a
fantastic performance to end with for
the current Year 13s. I will leave this
school feeling proud of what
Farlingaye has achieved when it
comes to productions, and more
proud of the fact that I was a part of
it all.”
Emilie-Jane Osborne 13A
Audience reaction:
"I have to say the show was
fantastic. I went with my daughter
and her friend and absolutely loved
it. Great acting, singing voices and
the band were brilliant. I look
forward to next year’s show now."
"I just wanted to say how very
much all of my family and friends
enjoyed the "Little Shop of Horrors".
Please pass this on to the staff and
students, who I know worked so
hard. The music was fantastic as
usual, the performances were all of a
very high standard. We very much
appreciated being able to book our
seats in advance as it is always a
rush to get there. I also really liked
the programme which felt very
professional. "
“'Little Shop of Horrors' was really
amazing! It was awesome! And it was
really scary at times, the dentist was
Thank you for a wonderful time.”
(Year 6 student, St Mary's School)
Continues on the next page
From Woodbridge Primary:
Thank you so much for inviting us
to the dress rehearsal of Little Shop
of Horrors. Our class thoroughly
enjoyed it. We wrote reviews back at
school which were great and I
thought you might like to hear some
of what our Year 6 said:
'Fantastic Farlingaye do it again!'
'Orin Scrivello, Audrey’s
tyrannical boyfriend dentist, did an
amazing laugh impression when he
breathed in the gas. Lewis Wilson
(who played Orin) was exceptionally
'My favourite people were the
stupendous girl singers in their
dazzling dresses – their singing voices
were amazing.'
'I loved the splendid props (by
Dave Hall) the effect of them was as if
you were right on Skid Row.'
'Audrey was fabulous!'
'Fabian did an outstanding job of
bringing Seymour Krelborn to life.'
'A spectacular job by Christian
Rivers-Martin and Rob Attwater as
the voice and puppeteer of the
petrifying plant'
'I was trapped in a web of
outstanding singing and dancing.'
'As well as the magnificent actors,
a lot of credit should go to the
production team.'
' Th i s wa s a n e x c e p t i o n a l
performance by Farlingaye High
''I thoroughly enjoyed the whole
performance and can't wait to join
The French Exchange
2015 – Part 1
UR French visitors arrived with
big smiles (even though their
arrival by train had been delayed
13 March 2015
until 5.30pm) and spent just over a
week with us. They experienced life
in an English family, lessons and
craft activities at Farlingaye, and
visits to Norwich, Cambridge,
Woodbridge and Sutton Hoo.
Everyone I spoke to had had a great
time and it is now barely two weeks
before our students return to visit
Clermont Ferrand to see their
exchange partners again.
A very big thank you to everyone
who helped, notably Mrs Rozier, Ms
Hilton, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Jones
and Mrs Green. A very special thank
you to all the families who made their
French visitors so welcome.
Mrs Rudge
PE Round Up
Elite Wheelers
HAVE been doing Rhoenrad
(Wheel Gymnastics) with the
Torwood Wheelers in Kesgrave since
November 2013. Last year they held
a workshop weekend for people who
want to try Cyr or Rhoenrad and I did
a demonstration. From this, Sjoerd, a
Dutch coach, inspired me and 4
others to enter a competition in the
Netherlands. For this, I had to start
to learn to do vaulting which is hard
as we do not have any proper crash
mats to land on. In December,
Sjoerd, Anouschka, Patrick and
Monica came to Ipswich from the
Netherlands and they coached our
competition team, it was a very
intense 6 hour training session and I
learnt so much. Then in January we
went to Grou and entered a Dutch
Area Championship (Districtwedstrijd
in Friesland) Competition. I competed
in the Junior level 5 and I had to do
a straight line routine, a spiral
routine and a vault. We were very
13 March 2015
pleased that our team won gold,
silver and bronze medals, which was
a great achievement for the first
competition Torwood Wheelers had
I was then invited to take part in
a World Qualifications Competition
in Capelle aan den IJssel, Rotterdam
along with James and Konrad. Here
we all had to compete at level 1, I
competed in the Junior girls
representing Great Britain and the
other 2 in the adult males.
Unfortunately I did not get into the
Worlds as I was one point off the
qualifying score. I was really pleased
to have got this far as I was the
youngest person from outside the
Netherlands that had ever competed
in a Dutch District and World
Qualification competition and I am
the youngest person to have
represented Great Britain in
Rhoenrad in Europe. It was a bit
scary competing as everyone around
you is speaking a different language
but many of them did try to speak
some English to me and I was
pleased that Anouschka was there as
my coach as she translated for me.
I was invited by Anouschka to
train with their Elite Wheelers after
the Rotterdam Competition, so I
stayed on in the Netherlands for their
training night. There were 4 Dutch
wheelers at this training session and
I was helped and encouraged to do
new harder moves.
I look forward to doing more
competitions latter this year and
Ceri-Ann Proctor 9L
Sky Sports Studio Visit
N Wednesday March 4 th ,
Farlingaye High School took 30
of their Talented in PE students to
Sky Sports Studio Centre in West
13 March 2015
London. Students had a tour of the
Studios and were able to go behind
the scenes to learn how to make,
shape and share their programs with
the world. Students then had the
opportunity to create a news segment
of their own in the Sky Skills Studio.
Students used state of the art
cameras, editing equipment and
lighting to produce a news report
based around the illegal use of
performance enhancing drugs in
sport. The group produced an
informative, humorous and creative
news report that can be viewed in the
PE section on our FLG. The trip
greatly enriched the learning of all
those that attended, developing many
key skills, none more so than
teamwork and communication. Many
thanks to all those that dropped off
the students at 5:45am!
Mr A Steed
Suffolk and the school at the
National championships out of 44
Meghan Foreman
Amelia Slater
Clear and
individually placed 1st. Individual
qualification to represent Suffolk and
the school.
Freddie Anderson
Clear (This
was Freddie’s first time representing
the school)
Beth Fewings
Well done girls. Good luck in the
National Competition.
Mrs Slater
Topthorn Equestrian Event
no longer need, we would
N February 8th, we had the
following riders represent the
school at the NSEA Suffolk qualifier
for the National Competition to be
held at Bury Farm in Bucks on April
70cm Team
Team 1st – qualified to represent
love them.
If anyone has any old working
manual slr cameras that they
Many thanks
Miss Crofton
Sports Results
U12 Rugby
U14 Rugby
Girls’ Cricket
U15 Football
South Suffolk Cup
Semi Final
U12 Netball
13 March 2015
Your Governors
We would like to introduce to you our Board of Governors, who do such an
amazing job looking after this school.
Emma Bond (Vice Chair)
Emma was elected a Parent Governor in September 2010 and is the
Vice Chair. She is on the Finance Committee and the Staffing and
Salaries Committee. Emma is attached to the Vocational Education
faculty and works closely with the PSHE coordinator, Safeguarding
and the e-safety lead.
She lives in Woodbridge and has a daughter at the school. She is
particularly interested in children’s rights, safeguarding and working
with marginalised groups.
Emma has extensive research experience, she is the author of
‘Children, Mobile Technologies and Everyday Experiences’ published
by Palgrave and is the Director of iSEED, the Institute for Social,
Educational and Enterprise Development at UCS.
June Cowles
June became a Parent Governor in December 2011. She is on the
Staffing sub-committee, Hearing Committee, Admissions committee
and is attached to the English Faculty. June lives in Woodbridge and
has a son in Year 12 and a son in Year 8.
She is committed to helping every student reach their full potential
and is a student mentor at Farlingaye High School.
She is also a Local Authority Governor at Kyson Primary School. June
works at Otley college supporting students with special needs. When
not working she enjoys theatre, cinema, cooking and fund raising
Andrew Dalby
Andrew has been a Governor since May 2010. He is on the Finance,
Appeals and Admissions Committees and is the nominated Governor
for Children in Care. Andrew is attached to the Technology Faculty.
Andrew lives in Hasketon and is the Managing Director of Brafe
Nigel Edge (Teacher Governor)
Nigel was elected Governor in July 2011. He is Head of Vocational
Education at the school and, as such, has a particular interest in
Economics. He also follows Politics.
Nigel lives in Aldringham and has a young family which keep him
He enjoys most sports but, in particular, squash and
Tim Fosker (Chair of Governors)
Tim has been Chair of Governors since September 2010, having been
on the Governing body for about ten years. He is one of the four
Founder members of the Academy.
He is on the Finance Committee and the Salaries & Staffing
Committee. His particular interest is maintaining educational
Tim works at BT and lives in Woodbridge. His two children have
passed through Farlingaye and are now qualified doctors.
When he is not at work, Tim enjoys amateur dramatics and is a
season ticket holder at Ipswich Town.
13 March 2015
Louise Franks
Louise has served on the Governing body since her election in September
2010. She lives in Woodbridge and has a son studying at Farlingaye Sixth
form, a daughter undertaking a Law degree and four older step
daughters. She is Chair of the Finance Committee and the Pupil
Discipline Committee and is a Governor Mentor.
Louise delivers training to school Governors within Suffolk and
Nationally, has ten years of experience as a governing body clerk and is a
clerk for stakeholder group meetings in Suffolk, Essex and Kent. She has
a strong academic background in science and is attached to the Science
faculty within school.
When not working, Louise is a keen walker and an avid reader and enjoys
spending time with her extended family.
Sue Hargadon (Headteacher)
Sue Hargadon was appointed Headteacher and Governor in January
1996. She thoroughly enjoys her job and has close contact with all the
governors, working with them on all issues related to the leadership of
the school.
Neville Howe
Neville joined the Governing Body in 2012 having previously served as
Deputy Chair at a primary school. He is link Governor to the Lower
School and is particularly interested in the role Farlingaye can play in
broadening students’ perspectives and in providing opportunities for a
rounded education.
Neville lives in Woodbridge and has three children at the school. He is a
lawyer and currently Legal Director at RSA. Before qualifying as a
solicitor, Neville spent 10 years in the British Army as a Royal Engineer.
He is a sailor and enjoys most outdoor activities.
Belinda Jarvis
Belinda was appointed as a Governor in October 2013 and lives in
Felixstowe. Having worked at Lloyds Bank as a Commercial Manager for
33 years she recently took the opportunity to leave and is currently
undertaking CPD with a view to changing her career track.
Belinda is married with one son, who is in Year 8 at Farlingaye. Outside
of work she enjoys watching tennis, going to the gym & walking the dog.
Apart from being a Governor at Farlingaye she is also a co-opted governor
at The Federation Fairfield & Colneis Schools in Felixstowe. Belinda sits
on the Finance Committee and is linked to the sixth form.
Jane Newall
Jane was appointed as a Governor in October 2012 and lives in Bawdsey.
She is on the Staffing and Admissions Committees. Jane supports
mentoring in the school and is attached to the Student Support and
curriculum area.
Jane is currently employed as a Schools Partnership HR Consultant and
works with four High Schools in Ipswich. Jane has worked for most of her
career in Personnel and has also been a part time lecturer in HE.
Wendy Norris (Staff Governor)
Wendy has been a Governor since January 2008. She lives in Shottisham
and works in the school office as our Data manager and Healthcare Coordinator. Her two children have now left Farlingaye.
Wendy is a keen cook and prior to working at Farlingaye she was a
registered nurse and midwife.
13 March 2015
Eric Orme
Eric is one of the four Founder members of the Academy and has been a
Parent Governor since September 2010. He lives in Melton and has one
daughter at the school in Year 11. He leads an independent social research
agency which specialises in topics such as bereavement, addiction etc. and
with “hard to engage” groups such as disaffected young people and people
with mental health issues.
Eric is on the Finance Committee and the Pupil Discipline Committee. He
has an interest in Creative Arts and how the school supports those with
learning or behavioural difficulties or special needs. Eric is linked to the
Creative Arts faculty within the school.
Outside of work, Eric is involved in the theatre and the arts. He was a
founder director of the New Wolsey Theatre in Ipswich. He is also qualified as
a commercial yacht skipper and provides disadvantaged young people with
personal development opportunities at sea with the Cirdan Sailing Trust
Beverley Rogers
Beverley was elected as a parent governor in October 2014. She lives on a
Dutch barge in Woodbridge and has a son and daughter in year 7 and 8.
Bev is an Environmental Education officer for Suffolk Wildlife Trust,
working with children and young people of all ages and abilities in the
outdoors. She is currently specialising in coastal and marine environments.
Travelling on her barge through Europe, Bev gained experience of teaching
abroad whilst also home educating her children before settling in
Woodbridge in 2009.
Bev is an active FHSF member and is committed to seeing the school
maintain its high standards. She is our link member with the FHSF.
Marie Stevens
Marie has been a Governor since September 2010 and is on the Finance
Committee. She is attached to the Maths faculty and has a keen interest in
ensuring children achieve their maximum potential in all areas of their
Marie lives in Kesgrave and works for AXA. She loves food (both cooking
and eating it), gardening, books, film and travel.
Adam Thomas
Adam joined the Governing Body as a Parent Governor in 2008 and is on
the Finance Committee and the Salaries & Staffing Committee. He is
attached to the Languages faculty within school. He is committed to
maintaining and improving the current excellence of Farlingaye.
Adam lives in Ufford with his wife Tig and has two sons at the school. His
passions are his family, walking and the theatre.
Adam is the chairman of a number of industrial companies. At work he
uses his maiden name - Adam Robson.
David Williams (Teacher Governor)
Dave has been a Governor since 2009. He has worked at the school since
1999 and is Head of Science at Farlingaye. Dave lives in Felixstowe and has
a young family that he enjoys spending time with
13 March 2015
13 March 2015
13th March 2015
Dear Parent/Carer
Thank you to all of you who came to the Quiz Night. We had over 260
people and raised an amazing £1800 towards a second mini-bus. It was a
great evening and huge thanks to all the FHSF committee for all their hard
work. Thank you particularly to Bev Rogers, one of our parents, who
organised all the food and to Mr Piddington, our Deputy Head, who wrote
the entertaining and challenging quiz.
We also have some great things to look forward to. Red Nose Day on March
13th should be good fun. This weekend we have ten students competing in
the National UK Cross Country Competition in Lancashire. Good luck to
Jack Millar, Shannon Hopkins, Rosie Seabrook, Theo Passmore, Henry
Milldown, Abi Rose, Anna Firth, Jasmine Slater, Amy Brammar and Alex
Tripp. The year 11 Study Days at Hallowtrees start next week - a great
opportunity for our year 11 students to enhance their revision skills.
Both trips over half term went really well to Iceland and the Ski trip. Staff
take a lot of responsibility when they organise and accompany these. Thanks
go to Mr Parks, Mr Wakeley, Mr Haughan, Mr Trett, Miss Mardle and Mrs
Masters on the Ski Trip and to Mrs Plumb, Mr Harris, Miss Thurlow and
Mr Webb who all accompanied the Iceland Trip. The first part of the French
Exchange went well.
Over 40 parents seem to have really enjoyed the School Experience Morning.
There is a big report in Farlingaye Forum. Thank you to those parents who
visited us and to the staff and students who were so welcoming in their
Don’t forget the FHSF ‘Glitz and Groove Night’ on Saturday May 9 th. This
should be great fun with dancing to an excellent band. There will be a pay
bar and the idea is to bring your own food. Groups of 10-12 people can get
together to book a table. Tickets are available from reception for £10 each.
Best wishes
Ms Sue Hargadon
13 March 2015
Events/Activities To Look Out For
Year 11 Study Days are being held between March 16th and April 23rd.
Letters have been issued to the students.
The Indoor Rowing Club are taking part in the National Junior Indoor
Rowing Championships, London on March 20th.
The Year 9 Mock Trial competition is being held on March 21st.
The Primary School Choral Concerts take place on March 23rd and 24th.
The Farlingaye French Exchange takes place from March 25th to April 1st.
Spring Term ends on Friday March 27th and students return to school on
Tuesday April 14th.
The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Expeditions are taking place on
April 18th/19th and April 25th/26th.
The Duke of Edinburgh Silver Qualifying Expedition in the Peak District is
from April 9th to 12th.
The FHSF ‘Glitz and Groove Night’ is on May 9th. Tickets are available from
reception for £10 each.
The Farlingaye German Exchange takes place from April 14th to 21st.
13 March 2015
13 March 2015