Equestrian Schedule & Entry Form
Equestrian Schedule & Entry Form
14 15 16 17 18 January 2015 Equestrian Schedule Incorporating Wairoa Riding Club Dressage and Wairoa Branch NHB ESNZ Sunday Showjumping and Showhunter www.wairoashow.co.nz PO Box 313 Wairoa, 4160 PRINCIPAL SPONSOR (Founded 1900) A & P Showgrounds - PO Box 313 Wairoa 4160 January 15 16 17 2015 OFFICERS 2014-2015 Patron President Vice President Second Vice President Mr Bernie Kent Dave Martin Tony Maultsaid Rachel Martin Show Manager and Secretary Treasurer Horse Secretary 06 838 7512 06 838 3831 06 838 7220 Sue Wilson Amanda Mogford Merryn Maxwell 06 838 7823 027-818-2855 06 838 7510 [email protected] [email protected] Past Presidents: Messrs: H Bayly, RC Goldstone, NS Hill, RN Redmond, WT Powdrell, DJ de Lautour, JG Ross, N McKinnon Jnr, CD Stewart, M Rangi, DCC Wedd, BW Kent, G Tait, I Watson, BK Taylor, B Wilson, C Little, FD Wilson, R Foot. Honorary Life Members: Mesdames A Budd, C Coop, M Cooper, R Kent, L Mossman. Misses RL Foot, J Redshaw, S Williams; Messrs I Brown, W Coop, P Edwards, M Foley, R Govenor, E Huata, B Jones, B Kent, J Martin, I Maxwell, G Mossman, D Munro, B Proffit, N Rofe, P Smyth, L Stone, B Taylor, M Whitworth, FD Wilson, G Wilson, D Withers, J Young. General Committee: Mesdames: M Baynes, M Bennett, N Davies, R Foot, N Hadfield, B Hamlin, S Hopley, R Martin, M Murphy, H Wallace; Messrs: I Denton, B Hadfield, D Halley, J Heron, C Joblin, T Maultsaid, D Martin, R Mitchell, P Morunga, A O’Connor, B Taylor, M Whitworth, J Young. Solicitor: Ian McDonald Show Manager: Sue Wilson, PO Box 313, Wairoa 4160 Phone 06 838 7823 e-mail: [email protected] www.wairoashow.co.nz Other Contacts: Equestrian Rachel Martin Sheep: Ross Mitchell Wool: Tony & Lu Maultsaid Dog Trial: Ian Denton Home Industries: Bernadine Hamlin Shearing: Bart Hadfield Rodeo: Jeff Young Rural Ironman: Toby Taylor & Barry Everest Trade Enquiries: Bruce Taylor / Sue Wilson Junior Stock Judging Sue Crawshaw Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 838 838 838 838 838 838 838 838 838 837 7220 7844 3831 7007 6584 6732 8852 8869 or 06 838 8631 7823 8881 You are invited to become a Member of our Society. Annual Subscription $40 incl GST if paid before 31st October 2014 Subscriptions paid after this date will be $45.00 incl GST. Members intending to add their subscription with their entry fees will pay $45.00 incl GST if the payment is after 31st October. 1 Thank you to all our SPONSORS and VOLUNTEERS. Your support is helping the Wairoa Show continue to grow. HAVE FUN AND ENJOY OUR SHOW! GENERAL RULES & REGULATIONS Gang Patches are not permitted on the Wairoa A & P Show Grounds, Ruataniwha Road, Wairoa. All Prize money is GST inclusive. ALL COMPETITIONS are run under ESNZ, RAS, and Wairoa A&P Society local show rules. All entries are subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Society which are deemed to be included herein, as if inserted at length. HEALTH & SAFETY IN EMPLOYMENT ACT 1992 The Wairoa A&P Society is required to conform to the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992. However, as a Show Participant at this venue you are also obligated to accept responsibilities in relation to the operation and use of our “Place of Employment” within the focus of this Act which is to eliminate, isolate or minimise risk to Personal Health and Safety. The Wairoa A&P Society is responsible to present a safe venue for use. As user of these facilities you are required to take all practical measures to manage and supervise the health and safety of your event or exhibit representatives, agents, employees and servicing contractors, during the period of this event (including set up and disassembly). The Act embodies a considerable measure of sound common sense, with the key being to identify potential risks in advance by practical management application. Some obvious elements to note as potential hazards include: Leading livestock in public areas. Use of machinery, tools and equipment. Unstable stages, platforms and ramps. Riding Horses in public areas. Overhead Power Lines and the Wairoa River. Exhibitors must supervise and control their animals at all times and shall be liable for any hazards created or accident, illness or damage caused by the action of themselves or their animals at the showgrounds. Exhibitors must comply with the appropriate animal legislation and the Health and Safety Employment Act 1992. 2 Equestrian Rules and Conditions Equestrian Head Steward: Mrs Rachel Martin 06 838 7220 Equestrian Secretary: Mrs Merryn Maxwell 027 246 8964 Stabling Steward: Linda Kerley 022 659 1927 The Ground Jury includes The Wairoa A&P Society President, Equestrian Head Steward, Section Head Steward and the Technical Delegate. The entrance for Horses is at the Railway Road entrance, at the end of Ormond Road. All leased horses or ponies at Shows affiliated to the Royal Agricultural Society Inc. Must be registered with the Secretary of the Society, Christine Roberts C/- RAS PO Box 54, Woodend, 7641 before entries are made with the Wairoa A & P Society. 1. Substitution: Substitution of any entry can only be made at the discretion of the Show Committee. 2. Scratchings and Refunds: Refund of entry fees will only be considered if scratchings are made in writing officially with the Secretary either prior to the Show or in sufficient time to avoid disruption to the smooth running of the competitions. Refunds will be less 50% of original nomination and entry fee. Veterinarian certificates are not required unless competitor requires a full refund on entries. Refunds to the value of $10.00 or less will not be paid out. All other Refunds will be paid out after the completion of the show. 3. LATE ENTRIES incur 50% penalty on all classes entered. Late entries will start first. 4. ALTERATIONS $2 charge plus entry fee difference. Secretary must be notified by 5pm the night before the class is run. 5. The committee reserves the right to deduct outstanding fees from prize money owing. 6. TRUCK PARKING: Parking Stewards are on site this year. You must display your truck parking sticker or you will be charged $5.00 per truck/float/car. Failing to comply may result in refusal of entry. 7. YARDS & CAMPING: $6 per night. The number of yards required and nominated nights (Tuesday - Sunday) must be specified on the Wairoa A&P or the ESNZ entry form. If you do not state your days/nights we cannot guarantee you will get a yard. The yard plan will be displayed on the notice board at arena end of yards. You are not permitted to use another yard without the approval of the Stabling Steward or Equestrian Secretary. Extra stabling is available at the Racecourse. Contact Stabling Steward or Secretary. Please note on your entry form if you are staying from Sunday night onwards and you must pay a camping fee of $10.00 per vehicle per night with your entries. If you do not inform us of your camping arrangements, you risk being locked in with no water or showers. 9. GROUND LEVY: of $8.00 per horse/pony. 8. STALLIONS: Special rules apply to Stallions (ESNZ & RAS rules apply). No Stallion entry will be accepted unless the owner/rider contacts the Stabling Steward prior to the close of entries. 10. MEASURING REGULATIONS: Height certificates and Novice Status cards must be carried at all times and be presented on demand, otherwise an exhibitor will not be allowed to start. These must be signed by the 3 steward. Microchips do not exempt a rider from having a height certificate. No competitor will be permitted to leave the ring/class once the class is in progress. 11. MOTORCYCLES: Use of power motorcycles and motorbikes in the horse area and the wider show area is forbidden. 12. DRUG USEAGE: The use of tranquillizers, stimulants, or any drugs and methods capable of affecting the performance of horses and ponies is forbidden. Competitors are advised that tests for forbidden substances may be carried out during the Show and that testing of all animals is at the owner's risk. Testing for forbidden substances will be carried out under the Royal Agricultural Society Forbidden Substance Judicial Committee (FSJC) procedures and rules (refer rule 97 RAS Equestrian Judges and Competitors Rule Book and rule 55a of the RAS General Rules and Regulations). 13. The Wairoa A&P Committee reserves the right to refuse or cancel any entry without adducting any reason for so doing and reserves the right to make any alteration to the Show timetable, or withdraw any event as may be deemed desirable. Any unruly or dangerous animal or exhibit may be required to leave the Showgrounds. 14. SAFETY HELMETS: A hard hat is generally described as a hunting cap, a bowler, protective headgear or a safety helmet. Wearing a hard hat is compulsory for anyone competing on, working in, or schooling or riding for any other reason a horse at the Wairoa Showgrounds Park. All riders 16 and under must wear protective headgear, which includes a retaining harness secured to the shell at more than two points. Such headgear must be worn with the chinstrap properly adjusted and fastened when in the arena or ring, the practice area collecting rings or anywhere else within a Showgrounds. PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR FOR ALL JUMPING EVENTS: Competitors are required to wear Protective Headgear conforming to the current NZ Safety Standard, or an equivalent standard. 15. No Adults are permitted to ride Ponies at the Wairoa A & P Show with the exception of the Pleasure Pony section. 16. REGISTRATION: YOU MUST STATE RIDER REGISTRATION NUMBER and affix HORSES CURRENT REGISTRATION STICKER on all entry forms and they must be SIGNED or we will not accept them. The Wairoa A & P Society reserve the right to refuse entry into any ESNZ class, if not accompanied with proof that the Rider and Mount are currently registered with the ESNZ. 17. PRIZES: Prizes will be paid up as follows: 1-3 entries 1st prize only; 1-5 entries 1st & 2nd prize only; 1-6 entries 1st 2nd & 3rd prizes; Show jumping Prize money 1:7 ratio. i.e: 1 prize for every 7 entries, excluding series classes. 18. LOCAL: Rider must permanently reside in the Wairoa District Council rating area. Wairoa Pony Club Inc. Members may compete in Local classes if they have met the criteria of having attended 3 rallies in the last 12 months and this has been signed off by the Wairoa Pony Club Inc. District Commisioner. 19. CATALOGUES will be paid with entry fee and held at the office for you to collect, if you require more please state on your entry form. Pre-ordered catalogues are $5. Catalogues purchased during showtime are $6 20. ENTRY FORMS: Official ESNZ or Wairoa A&P entry forms must be used with confirmation of Rider and Mount current registration attached and SIGNED! If your entry form is not signed, or is illegible, or the required certificates are missing, or the correct monies are not attached, your ENTRY FORMS WILL BE RETURNED with the cost of postage charged to your account. Entries must be on official entry forms. 4 21. All competitors can purchase a RAS Equestrian Judges and Competitors Rule Book, from the District Secretary, P O Box 432, Wairoa, 4160 at a cost of $15.00 plus P&P. The rule book is also available from RAS, P O Box 54, Woodend, North Canterbury. 22. Protests must be lodged in writing within 30 minutes of class being completed with a fee of $50.00 which will be refunded only if the protest is upheld. 23. Open ponies must be ridden by riders under 17 years of age except that, riders turning 17 after the 1st of January are able to ride ponies until 31st July that year. A pony rider eligible to compete on the first day of an event may continue to compete as a pony rider. 24. IRD have deemed that any prize money earned in any one class in excess of $500.00 will pay withholding tax of 20%. Please provide your IRD # with the entry form if you are entering any class, which this applies to. 25. Hack /Saddle Hunter/Riding horse classes. Once a horse or pony commences the show season as a hack, or saddle hunter (flat) or saddle pony or saddle hunter pony (flat), the same horse or pony is not able to transfer to another section during that show season except for shows that do not hold the appropriate classes. 26. RAS have introduced the YELLOW CARD system for all shows. Wairoa A&P fully support this system and it will be operated in the RAS Equestrian section of the show. This will be offered for any inappropriate behaviour towards show officials and judges, fellow competitors or any third party connected with the show bringing the equestrian discipline into disrepute , or cases which are of a less serious nature to the above in accordance with the conduct of members, owners competitors and judges rulebook and rule 13 of the RAS equestrian implementation of the yellow card will be in accordance of the RAS rules that accompanied this card and full wording of the “yellow card” system is available to view on the RAS website. 27. Wairoa Show committee and volunteers will not tolerate any form of rudeness or disorderly behaviour this will result in disciplinary action, as will parking in NON- DESIGNATED AREAS. 28. Showjumping will be run under ESNZ rules. Wairoa A&P Show is a Grand Prix competition. 29. Each horse or pony may only enter TWO showjumping classes per day. 30.In order for Equestrian Competitors to obtain members tickets you must pay a General Membership Subscription. ONLINE ENTRIES: If you are entering online your entries will not be accepted until payment is received in full. If your payment is not received by 20 December the 50% late fee will be applied. 31. 32. NO DOGS PERMITTED 5 Wairoa Riding Club and Wairoa A & P Show Dressage Steward : Mrs Amanda Macpherson Phone 06 838 7836 This is a 2 Day Tournament being held in conjunction with Wairoa Riding Club CONDITIONS OF ENTRY ESNZ & DNZ rules apply 1 Classes 1 to 9 will be ribbons only and are for non members and ESNZ members on horses/ponies not registered for dressage 2 Class 9 is for registered and unregistered riders and horses/ponies and will only run if there are sufficient entries. There is copy of Prix Caprilli test and a non registered and non-members form on the website to download 3 Classes 10 to 32 are for registered riders and horses/ponies only 4 Class 21 test of choice, rider is to state the test they wish to ride on the entry form 5 All tests are the new tests in the dressage book dated 2013 6 The O.C. Committee reserve the right to alter or cancel the programme or prize money within the ESNZ rules. 7 Entries must be on official forms with current registration for rider and horse/pony for all graded classes and ungraded classes must use the ‘ungraded form’ available to download from DNZ website. 8 Full payment must be enclosed with entries, late entries incur a penalty fee of 50%. 9 Horses/ponies are limited to 3 starts per day but may enter any grade of which they are eligible. Introductory and unregistered combinations restricted to two starts per day. 10 BBQ/Auction: Wednesday evening $10 per person - you can pay this with your entries. 11 Ground Levy : $8.00 per Horse/Pony 12 Yards: to be paid with entries $6 per night per horse/pony. Please state which nights required. 13 In order for Equestrian Competitors to obtain members tickets you must pay a General Membership Subscription. 14 Entry fees: Unregistered Classes all $12.00 per test. Registered Classes all $17.00 per test. This entry fee includes the compulsory ESNZ Dressage Levy of $3.00 per test. 15 Prize Money: Classes 1 to 9 – Ribbons only 16 The O.C. accepts no responsibility for damage or injury to spectators, competitors or their property, ESNZ rules apply. 17 Prize money will only be paid out to registered combinations attaining a gradeable percentage (57% and above). 18 Non-graded competitions: All riders must be ESNZ Community members( this is free). From 1 January 2015 horses /ponies do not need to be ESNZ registered. The form for community member application is able to be downloaded from the ESNZ website. 19 Draw will be available on website from Sunday 11 January www.wairoashow.co.nz Wairoa Riding Club Dressage Wednesday, 14 January 2015 Dressage Entry Fee 1 OA Introductory $12.00 Ribbons only 2 0C Introductory $12.00 Ribbons only 3 1A Non Graded $12.00 Ribbons only 4 1C Non Graded $12.00 Ribbons only 10 1A Graded $17.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 18, 17 11 1C Graded $17.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 18, 17 12 2A Graded $17.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 18, 15 13 2C Graded $17.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 18, 17 14 3A Graded $17.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 18, 17 15 3C Graded $17.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 18, 17 16 4A Graded $17.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 17 17 4C Graded $17.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 17 18 5A Graded $17.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 17 19 5C Graded $17.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 17 20 6A Graded $17.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 17 21 Level 6/7 Test of Choice $17.00 PM: $ 35, 30, 25, 20 6 Prize Money Wairoa A & P Show Dressage Thursday, 15 January 2015 Dressage Entry Fee Prize Money 5 0B Introductory $12.00 Ribbons only 6 0D Introductory $12.00 Ribbons only 7 1B Non Graded $12.00 Ribbons only 8 1D Non Graded $12.00 Ribbons only 9 Prix Caprilli Training (USA) $12.00 Ribbons only 22 1B Graded $17.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 18, 17 23 1D Graded $17.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 18, 17 24 2B Graded $17.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 18, 17 25 Level 2 Musical Graded $17.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 18, 17 26 3B Graded $17.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 18, 17 27 Level 3 Musical Graded $17.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 18, 17 28 4B Graded $17.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 17 29 Level 4 Musical Graded $17.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 17 30 5B Graded $17.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 17 31 Level 5 Musical Graded $17.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 17 32 Level 6 & Above Musical Graded $17.00 PM: $ 35, 30, 25, 20 Pleasure Horse/Pony 17 Yrs and Over Steward: Sam Knauf The Pleasure Horse/Pony section is aimed at the non-competitive riders and horses/ponies. Pleasure Horse/Ponies are not eligible for the Showing and Registered Dressage classes. Riding attire is informal with Pony Club uniforms acceptable. Hard Hats with 5 point harness are compulsory There will be Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons awarded. Pleasure classes commence at 1pm. Adults can ride Ponies in the Pleasure Pony Section. Qualification for HOY Thursday, 15 January 2015 Entry Fee Prize Money Rodeo Arena 1 :00 PM 40 Best Turned Out Horse/Pony $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 41 Horse/Pony Most Suitable for Beginner $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 42 Best Walking Horse/Pony $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 43 Best Trotting Horse/Pony $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 44 Paced and Mannered Horse/Pony $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 45 Best Rider 17-21 Years $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 46 Best Rider Over 21 Years $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 **** Champion & Reserve Pleasure Horse $0.00 Ribbons only st nd Selected from 1 placegetters in Classes 41 -44. 2 placegetters to be on standby 7 Pleasure Horse/Pony 16 Yrs and Under Steward: Sam Knauf The Pleasure Horse/Pony section is aimed at the non-competitive riders and horses/ponies. Pleasure Horse/Ponies are not eligible for the Showing and Registered Dressage classes. Riding attire is informal with Pony Club uniforms acceptable. Hard Hats with 5 point harness are compulsory Adults can ride Ponies in the Pleasure Pony Section. Qualification for HOY Thursday, 15 January 2015 Rodeo Arena Entry Fee Prize Money 50 Best Turned Out Horse/Pony $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 51 Horse/Pony Most Suitable For Beginner $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 52 Best Walking Horse/Pony $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 53 Best Trotting Horse/Pony $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 54 Paced & Mannered Horse/Pony $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 55 Best Rider 12-16 Years $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 56 Best Rider 11 Years and Under $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 **** Champion & Reserve Pleasure Horse/Pony for 16 and Under $0.00 Ribbons only Selected from 1st placegetters in Classes 51 -54. 2nd placegetters to be on standby. Pleasure Horse/Pony Encouragement Ring For 16 Years and Under For Lead or just off the Lead Riders/Mount Cannot enter in any other Pleasure Horse/Pony Section To Follow Pleasure Horse/Pony 16 Years and Under Thursday, 15 January 2015 Rodeo Arena Entry Fee Prize Money 60 Best Turned Out Horse/Pony $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 61 Horse/Pony Suitable for a Beginner $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 62 Best Walking Horse/Pony $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 63 Best Trotting Horse/Pony $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 64 Paced and Mannered Horse/Pony $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 65 Best Rider 8 Years and Under $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 66 Best Rider 9-16 Years $7.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 Show Hunter Steward: Kay Harding Ph 06 837 7669 PONY AND HORSE SHOW HUNTER CONDITIONS Run under ESNZ Membership Rules. All Riders must be full members of the ESNZ to compete in any Show Hunter class All horses & ponies must pay the Jumping/Show Hunter Discipline Levy of $5.00 per Show Horses and ponies can compete using the Casual Equine Registration; ($5.00 per show) & the Flexi – Start System; ($5.00 per day), they will be able to start in HOY qualifying classes and receive prize money, but they will not have ANY qualifying points awarded. Show Hunter Series Classes: Only Horses & Ponies with Full ESNZ Equine Registration & a Full Jumping/Show Hunter Discipline start are eligible to enter series classes. No Practice Rounds Ponies limited to one category, but must jump in their correct Category for Show Hunter High Points Series Classes. Classes MAY be run back to back at judge’s discretion. Class 73: is a combined Open Pony Championship run over the three categories. Ponies enter must be the correct category for their height. One set of points and prize money. NRM Equitation Series classes are Rider Classes; there for a rider may only ride one mount in an Equitation class. Run Under ESNZ Show Hunter Rules 2014 V7 & ESNZ Show Hunter Equitation Series Conditions 2014. Part of the Gisborne Fertco & LP Low Hunter Show Hunter 2014-2015 Series. 8 CATEGORY A: Ponies 133cm and Under. Fences maximum 70 cm based on 3.05 m (10' stride) CATEGORY B Ponies over 133cm up to and including 143cm. Fences maximum 80 cm based on 3.20 m (10' 6" stride) CATEGORY C Ponies over 143cm up to and including 148cm. Fences maximum 1 m based on 3.35 m (11' stride) Trophies for Section: Forbes & Co Cup & The Marion Wilson Memorial Cup Friday, 16 January 2015 Entry Fee Prize Money Pony Show Hunter 8 :00 AM 70 Open Welcome Hunter 60cm $9.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 71 Open Pony 60cm Restricted To 20 Points Or Less On Current Sticker $9.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 72 73 Open Pony 70cm Category A Open High Points 70cm $9.00 $10.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 15 73.1 Combined Open Pony Championship 70cm $15.00 PM: $ 50, 40, 20, 15 73.2 Combined Open Pony Championship 80cm $15.00 PM: $ 50, 40, 20, 15 73.3 Combined Open Pony Championship 90cm $15.00 PM: $ 50, 40, 20, 15 74 Cat B Open Welcome Hunter 70cm $9.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 75 Open Pony 70cm Restricted To 20 Points Or Less On Current Sticker $9.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 76 Open Pony 80cm $9.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 77 BURGER KING Category B Open High Points 80cm $10.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 15 78 Open Welcome Hunter 80cm $9.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 79 Open Pony 80cm Restricted To 20 Points Or Less On Current Sticker $9.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 80 NRM Pony Rider Equitation Series 80cm $10.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 15 81 Open Pony 90cm $9.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 82 Aniwell Category C High Points 90cm $10.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 15 Friday, 16 January 2015 Entry Fee Prize Money Horse Show Hunter 12:00 PM 85 Low Hunter 70cm $9.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 86 Low Hunter 80cm $9.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 87 Low Hunter 90cm $9.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 90 Open Welcome Hunter 90cm $9.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 91 Open Horse 90cm Restricted To 20 Points Or Less On Current Sticker $9.00 PM: $ 25, 20, 15, 10 92 Horse Open Maximum Height 1m $10.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 15 93 Gyro Plastics Horse Junior Hunter High Points $10.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 15 94 Albany Toyota Amateur Hunter High Points 1m $10.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 15 95 NRM Junior Rider Equitation 1m $10.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 15 96 NRM Adult Rider Equitation 1m $10.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 15 97 Open Horse High Points 1.10m $11.00 PM: $ 50, 40, 20, 15 9 Horse Saddle Hunters PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF START TIME – NOW IN RING 1 FRIDAY 8.00AM Steward Linda Kerley Hunter shown under saddle should have substance, be active and well mannered with strong easy paces. Capable of carrying the required weight for long distances. Will not be required to jump but must gallop in workout if asked. Height Certificates/RAS Performance Cards must be carried at all times. No rider will be permitted to leave the ring once the class is in progress. Supreme Horse of the Show to be judged at the conclusion of Hack Classes in ring 4 approx 12.30pm Entry Fee $ 9.00 per Class Prize Money 1st $20 2nd $15 3rd $12 4th $10 Friday, 16 January 2015 Ring 1 8 :00 AM Entry Fee Prize Money 100 Local Novice Saddle Hunter $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 101 $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 102 0-3 wins. Rider residing in the Wairoa District Council Rating Area. Refer to rule number 18. Novice Saddle Hunter 0-5 wins in a Hunter class at an A & P Show Heavyweight Saddle Hunter $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 103 Lightweight Saddle Hunter $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 104 Best Paced and Mannered Saddle Hunter $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 105 Ladies Saddle Hunter $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 **** Champion & Reserve Saddle Hunter Ribbons only 1st placegetters from Novice, Heavyweight and Lightweight classes will be eligible for Champion Saddle Hunter and Reserve Saddle Hunter. 2nd placegetters to be on standby. Park Hack Steward - Linda Kerley 022 659 1927 Height over 148cm and up to 158cm Height Certificates/RAS Performance Cards must be carried at all times. No rider will be permitted to leave the ring once the class is in progress. Entry Fee $ 9.00 per Class Prize Money 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $12, 4th $10, Please Note: Change of Start Time - Now in Ring 4 at approximately 12.30pm Friday, 16 January 2015 Ring 4 12:30 PM 110 Entry Fee 111 Novice Park Hack 0-5 Wins Novice Best Paced and Mannered Park Hack 112 0-5 wins Open Park Hack $9.00 PM: $ 20 113 Best Paced and Mannered Park Hack $9.00 PM: $ 20 **** Champion & Reserve Park Hack 1st placegetters from Novice Park Hack and Open Park hack will be eligible for Champion Park Hack and Reserve Park Hack. 2nd placegetters will be on standby. 10 Prize Money $9.00 PM: $ 20 $9.00 PM: $ 20 Ribbons only Hack Steward Linda Kerley Phone 022 659 1927 To follow Park Hack classes 1.15pm approx Height Certificates/RAS Performance Cards must be carried at all times. No rider will be permitted to leave the ring once the class is in progress. Supreme Horse of the Show to be judged at the conclusion of Hack Classes Entry Fee $9.00 per class Prize Money 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $12, 4th $10, Friday, 16 January 2015 Ring 4 120 Entry Fee Prize Money Novice Hack 0 - 5 Wins Open Hack Over 158cm $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 123 Ladies Hack To be ridden by a lady. Best Paced And Mannered Hack $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 124 Open Rider 121 122 **** **** $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 17 and over. Champion & Reserve Hack Ribbons only 1st placegetters from the Novice and Open Classes will be eligible for Champion Hack and Reserve Hack. 2nd placegetters to be on standby. Champion & Reserve Local Horse Rider On The Flat Ribbons only Chosen from local riders permanently residing in the Wairoa District, competing in all flat classes. Refer to rule number 18. **** Supreme Champion Horse Of The Show On The Flat Ribbons only Selected from Champion Park Hack, Champion Hack and Champion Saddle Hunter Horse Saddle Ponies Steward: Height Certificates/RAS Performance Cards must be carried at all times, no rider will be permitted to leave the ring once the class is in progress. Entry Fee $8.00 per Class Prize Money 1st $15 2nd $12 Friday, 16 January 2015 Ring 4 8 :00 AM 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 **** Entry Fee Novice Pony Ponies 148cm And Under. 0 - 2 Wins In A Saddle Pony Class At An A & P Show Novice Pony Ponies 148cm and under. 0-5 wins in a pony class. Novice Paced And Mannered Pony Ponies 148cm and under. 0 - 5 wins in a pony class. Champion & Reserve Novice Pony 148cm And Under Selected at judges discretion. Open Saddle Pony Ponies not exceeding 138cm. Open Saddle Pony Ponies over 138cm but not exceeding 148cm. Open Paced & Mannered Saddle Pony Ponies 148cm and under Champion & Reserve Saddle Pony 148cm & Under Selected at judges discretion. 11 Prize Money $8.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 $8.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 $8.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 Ribbons only $8.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 $8.00 PM: $ 15 $8.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 Ribbons only Riding Classes Classes to follow Saddle Pony Section Age as at date of competition Entry Fee $8.00 per Class Prize Money 1st $15 2nd $12 3rd $10 4th $8 Friday, 16 January 2015 Ring 4 140 141 **** 143 144 145 146 **** 148 149 Entry Fee Best Local Rider 12 Years and under. See Rule 18 Best Local Rider $8.00 $8.00 13 - 16 Years. See Rule 18 Champion & Reserve Local Pony Rider On $0.00 The Flat Best Rider Open $8.00 8 Years and Under Best Rider Open $8.00 9-10 Years Best Rider Open $8.00 11 - 13 Years Best Rider Open $8.00 14 - 16 Years Champion & Reserve Open Rider On The Flat $0.00 To be judged at judges discretion. School Horse or Pony $8.00 Most suited for taking school child/children to school. Conformation Prize Money PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 Ribbons only PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8, PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 Ribbons only PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 not to count. Devery Jumping Competition $0.00 PM: $ 5, 4, 3, 2 Beginners only. For children 11 years and under. Mount and/or rider not entered in any other jumping competition at the A & P Show. Mount must be a non-registered pony or horse. NO HORS' CONCOR. NO EXCEPTIONS. POST ENTRIES. To follow riding classes Pony Saddle Hunters Steward: Sam Knauf Rider under 17 years. Hunters shown under saddle should have substance, be active and well mannered with strong easy paces. Capable of carrying the required weight for long distances. Will not be required to jump. Height Certificates/RAS Performance Cards must be carried at all times. No rider will be permitted to leave the ring once the class is in progress. Entry Fee $8.00 per Class Prize Money: 1st $15 2nd $12 3rd $10 4th $8. Ring 4 To follow Horse Saddle Hunter competition at the completion of the Supreme Horse of the Show. 2.00pm approximately Friday, 16 January 2015 Ring 4 2 :00 PM 151 152 Entry Fee Novice Pony Saddle Hunter 0-3 Wins in a Hunter class at an A & P Show Novice Pony Saddle Hunter 157 0-5 Wins in a Hunter class at an A & P Show Novice Paced And Mannered Saddle Hunter 0-5 Wins in a Hunter class at an A & P Show Champion & Reserve Novice Pony Saddle Selected at Judges Discretion Open Pony Saddle Hunter 138cm and under Open Pony Saddle Hunter Over 138cm and not exceeding 148cm Open Paced and Mannered Pony Saddle Hunter **** Champion & Reserve Open Pony Saddle 153 **** 155 156 Prize Money $8.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 $8.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 $8.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 Ribbons only $8.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 $8.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 $8.00 PM: $ 15, 12, 10, 8 Ribbons only Selected at Judges Discretion **** Supreme Champion Pony of the Show Ribbons only Chosen from the winners of the Champion Pony Saddle Hunter and Champion Saddle Pony. Reserves included at Judges discretion. To be judged at the conclusion of the Pony Saddle Hunter Classes. 12 Working Hunter Horse Steward Linda Kerley No Qualifying Jump A RAS Performance Card must be carried. A height certificate is only required if the class has a specific height stated. Boots and Bandages can be worn in all classes except Working Hunter. Saturday, 17 January 2015 Ring 3 8 :00 AM Entry Fee Prize Money 170 Novice Working Hunter $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 171 0-5 wins Open Working Hunter Jump $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 $5.00 PM: $ 10, 8, 6, 5 $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 172 173 Wire Jump Hunting Style. Handy Hunter Jump 174 Working Hunter $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 12, 10 Horse most suitable for a hunter. You may be required to gallop before being judged on flat for conformation, type, soundnessand manners. Judging - 40% Jumping, 30% Conformation & 30% Paced & Mannered **** Champion & Reserve Working Hunter Horse $0.00 Ribbons only Awarded to the horse with the most points in all Working Hunter Classes except Novice Working Hunter Pony To follow Working Hunter Horses Approx 10.00am A RAS Performance Card must be carried. A height certificate is only required if the class has a specific height stated. Boots and Bandages can be worn in all classes except Working Hunter Pony Class Saturday, 17 January 2015 Ring 3 180 181 182 183 184 **** Entry Fee Local Jump $9.00 Horse or Pony. Rider under 17 years of age. See Local Rule 18. Novice Pony Jump $9.00 Prize Money PM: $ 16, 14, 12, 10 PM: $ 16, 14, 0-5 wins. Open Pony Jump $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, To be judged in conjunction with Best Rider over Jump. Best Rider over Jump $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, To be judged in conjunction with Open Pony Jump. Working Hunter Pony $9.00 PM: $ 20, 15, Pony most suitable for Hunter. Must qualify over two fences.You may be required to gallop before being judged on flat for conformation, type, soundness and manners. Judging - 40% Jumping, 30% Conformation & 30% Paced & Mannered Champion & Reserve Working Hunter Pony 13 12, 10 12, 10 12, 10 Ribbons only Selected from placegetters in Open Pony and Working Hunter Jump Classes 12, 10 Show Jumping Steward Molly Bennett 06 838 8912 Please read and take note of the horse section rules. All Showjumping classes shall be judged under ESNZ rules Wairoa A&P is a Grand Prix Competition. Each horse or Pony may only enter TWO Show Jumping classes per day. Entry Forms: Official ESNZ or Wairoa A&P entry forms must be used and SIGNED!! Compulsory ESNZ SJ/SH Discipline Levy of $5.00 will apply.If using Official ESNZ entry forms, please state which days/nights you require yards or you risk missing out on yards. LATE ENTRIES WILL INCUR A 50% INCREASE ON ALL CLASSES ENTERED - with the exception of the Horse Grand Prix ENTER THE CHAMPION SHOWJUMPING CLASSES Sponsored by Farmers Air Ltd and PGG Wrightson Livestock AND BE IN TO WIN $450.00 See Class 227 and 228 for more details. Friday, 16 January 2015 Entry Fee Prize Money Ring 1 11:30 AM 200 Pony 1.15 -1.20m AM5 2 Phase $11.00 PM: $ 50, 40, 30, 20 201 Horse 1.20 AM5 2 Phase $12.00 PM: $ 50, 40, 30, 20 202 Horse 1.30 AM5 2 Phase $20.00 PM: $ 120, 90, 75, 60 203 Canterbury Equestrian Young Rider Series 1.25-1.35 AM5 $25.00 PM: $ 150, 130, 90, 60, 40, 30 $21.00 PM: $ 120, 100, 90, 60, 50, 30 204 (Part of the Canterbury Equestrian Young Rider Series) Goldengrove Stud Seven Year Old Series AM5 1.30m (Part of the Goldengrove Stud Seven Year Old Series). Ring 2 8 :00 AM 210 Horse A1 0.80 Introductory 2 Phase 211 Horse .90 - 1.00 AM5 $10.00 $7.00 Ribbons only PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 15 212 Horse 1.10 AM5 2 Phase $10.00 PM: $ 45, 35, 25, 15 213 Pony 0.80 Introductory A1 $7.00 Ribbons only 214 Pony .90 - 1.00 AM3 2 Phase $9.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 10 215 Pony 1.10 AM3 2 Phase $10.00 PM: $ 35, 30, 25, 15 216 Horse 0.90 - 1.05 AM3 2 Phase $10.00 PM: $ 35, 30, 25, 15 217 Horse 1.10 AM3 IJO $11.00 PM: $ 60, 40, 30, 20 Show Jumping Saturday, 17 January 2015 Entry Fee Prize Money Ring 1 8 :00 AM 220 Telford Junior Rider Series 1.15-1.25M AM5 (Part of the Telford Junior Rider Series) Caledonian Amateur Rider 1.10-1.20M AM5 (Part of the Caledonian Amateur Rider Series) $15.00 PM: $ 70, 60, 50, 45, 40, 35 $15.00 PM: $ 85, 65, 55, 40, 30, 25 $20.00 PM: $ 250 224 Mitavite Six Year Old Series 1.25M A1 IJO (Part of the Mitavite Six Year Old Series) Horse 1.25 AM5 $16.00 PM: $ 100, 80, 65, 40 225 Pony Grand Prix Series 1.20-1.30M AM5 222 223 226 $25.00 (Part of the Pony Grand Prix Series) Country TV Grand Prix Series 1.40-1.50M AM3 $45.00 (Part of the Country TV Grand Prix Series). Post Entries Accepted 14 PM: $ 150, 130, 90, 60, 40, 30 PM: $ 370, 300, 250, 230, 200, 150 Wairoa Showjumping Champion Classes – Non Riding Entry Fee 227 – see below Prize Money PGG Wrightson Livestock Wairoa Showjumping Pony Champion $5.00 PM: $ 450 Most Points Gained from Classes 200 and 225 and 807. Winner Takes All. 228 Farmers Air Ltd Wairoa Showjumping Horse Champion $5.00 PM: $ 450 Most Points Gained from Classes 202 and 226 and 808. Winner Takes All. Ring 2 8 :00 AM 234 Pony 70-80cm Introductory 230 East Coast Performance Horses Five Year Old Series A1 IJO 1.15m $7.00 $16.00 PM: $ 250 231 (Part Of The East Coast Performance Horses Five Year Old Series) Horse 1.15 AM5 $15.00 PM: $ 70, 55, 45, 35 232 Pony 0.90-1.00 AM3 IJO $9.00 PM: $ 30, 25, 20, 10 233 Pony 1.10-1.15 AM3 IJO $11.00 PM: $ 50, 40, 30, 20 15 Ribbons only Wairoa Branch NHB Area ESNZ Sunday Showjumping and Showhunter SUNDAY 18th January, 2015 CONDITIONS All classes run under ESNZ rules. Formal dress standard required. All heights maximum. Riders ride at their own risk. Horses & Ponies restricted to TWO show jumping starts. GROUND LEVY of $8.00 per horse/pony payable with entry fee. Scratchings LESS 50% if notified to the Secretary by 5pm day prior to Show. Alterations $2 per change plus entry fee difference. These must be notified to secretary 1 hour prior to class. LATE ENTRIES 50% EXTRA and start first. Refunds $10 or less will not be paid out. Horse & Pony showhunter open classes are part of the Gisborne Fertco series. Classes 815-817 are part of the Harris Family, LP Low Hunter Series, held in Gisborne Area. SH ponies can compete in only one height category. Open Pony restricted classes run as a combined class with one set of prize money & points. *Class 821 & 830, non jumping classes, is the highest score in open horse classes, or highest in a,b,c, classes. No HoY points. *Classes 823a,b,c restricted to 20 points or less on current sticker. One set of rewards. Committee reserves the right to alter programme and prizes and reserves the right to refuse any entry. Email: [email protected] Online entries to main-events.com Bank A/c 02 0784 0014098 00 Entries must be on ESNZ or Wairoa A&P Entry Forms, available on wairoashow.co.nz website BBQ dinner available Saturday night $12.00 ENTER THE CHAMPION SHOWJUMPING CLASSES Sponsored by Farmers Air Ltd and PGG Wrightson Livestock AND BE IN TO WIN $450.00 See Class 227 and 228 for more details. Sunday, 18 January 2015 Entry Fee Prize Money Showjumping Ring 1 8 :00 AM 801 Caledonian Amateur Rider Series AM5 1.10-1.20 $18.00 PM: $ 80, 60, 50, 40, 36, 34 East Coast Performance Horses 5Yr Horse A1 1.15m $16.00 PM: $ 250 Telford Junior Rider AM5 1.15-1.25m $15.00 PM: $ 75, 65, 55, 45, 35, 25 $18.00 PM: $ 250 (Part of the Caledonian Amateur Rider Series) 802 (Part of the East Coast Performance Horses 5 Year Old Series) 803 (Part of the Telford Junior Rider Series) 804 Mitavite 6Yr Horse A1 1.25m (Part of the Mitavite 6 Year Old Horse Series) 805 Open Horse AM5 1.25m $18.00 PM: $ 80, 50, 40, 20 806 Canterbury Equestrian Young Rider Series AM5 1.25-1.35m $25.00 PM: $ 150, 130, 90, 60, 40, 30 (Part of the Canterbury Equestrian Young Rider Series) 807 T & M Nurseries Pony Grand Prix Series AM5 1.20-1.30m $25.00 PM: $ 150, 130, 90, 60, 40, 30 808 Horse Mini Prix AM5 1.35m - MD Richardson Memorial Salver $40.00 PM: $ 500, 200, 120, 90, 90 16 Ring 2 8 :00 AM 809 Introductory Pony 80cm $7.00 Ribbons only 810 Open Pony AM5 1.00m $9.00 PM: $ 25, 15, 10, 9 811 Open Pony AM5 1.10m $10.00 812 Introductory Horse .90-1.00m 813 Open Horse AM5 1.05m $10.00 PM: $ 60, 20, 30, 15 814 Open Horse AM5 1.10m $10.00 PM: $ 60, 30, 20, 15 $8.00 PM: $ 40, 25, 15, 10 Ribbons only Horse Showhunter Ring 3 8 :00 AM 815 Low Hunter 70cm $8.00 PM: $ 22, 15, 10 816 Low Hunter 80cm $8.00 PM: $ 22, 15, 10 817 Low Hunter 90cm $8.00 PM: $ 22, 15, 10 818 Open Horse * .90-1.00m $8.00 PM: $ 22, 15, 10 819 Open Horse * 1.05m $8.00 PM: $ 22, 15, 10 820 Open Horse * 1.10m $8.00 PM: $ 22, 15, 10 821 Horse Showhunter Champion/Reserve, Non Jumping Class * $5.00 Ribbons only Pony Showhunter 822 Introductory Pony 60cm Ribbons Only $6.00 Ribbons only 823 Cat A Open Pony A * 60cm $6.00 PM: $ 15, 10, 7 824 Cat A Open Welcome Hunter 60cm $6.00 PM: $ 15, 10, 7 825 Cat A Open Pony Hunter 70cm $6.00 PM: $ 15, 10, 7 826 Cat B Open Pony B * 70cm $6.00 PM: $ 15, 10, 7 827 Cat B Open Welcome Hunter 70cm $6.00 PM: $ 15, 10, 7 828 Cat B Open Pony Hunter 70cm $8.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 10 829 Cat C Open Pony Hunter C * 80cm $6.00 PM: $ 15, 10, 7 830 Cat C Open Welcome Hunter 80cm $8.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 10 831 Cat C Open Pony Hunter 90cm $8.00 PM: $ 20, 15, 10 832 Pony Showhunter Champion/Reserve, Non Jumping Class * $5.00 Ribbons only 17 WAIROA A & P SOCIETY 2015 SHOW Wairoa A & P Society GST Number: 011-029-477 RUATANIWHA ROAD, WAIROA ENTRIES CLOSE 20 DECEMBER 2014 Exhibitor's Name: Address: City: Mobile Phone: Post Code: Telephone: ( ) ENTRY NO: This entry form may be CONDITIONS OF ENTRY photocopied. Bank A/c No. for Prize Money/Refunds Entries will be accepted by mail only on this entry form or Online via Main-Events.com __ ____ _______ ___ or the ESNZ entry form Email : PROVIDED THAT HORSE / PONY DETAILS Class No Entry Fee details in bottom panel of ESNZ Form reflect this Wairoa A&P Format Fax entries will not be Name of Horse / Pony accepted Reg No. if applicable Drugs The attention Name of Rider of exhibitors is particularly drawn to the Reg No. if applicable conditions relating to the Misuse of Drugs, and the intention of the Committee to undertake testing for Name of Horse / Pony forbidden substances. Reg No. if applicable Exhibitor Declaration Name of Rider Each exhibitor must supervise and control their animals at all times and shall be liable for any hazards created or accident, illness or damage caused by the action of themselves or their animals at Showgrounds Park. Reg No. if applicable Name of Horse / Pony Reg No. if applicable I accept the A & P Society's conditions of entry and Name of Rider indemnify the Society under the provisions of the Health and Reg No. if applicable Safety in Employment Act 1992 and H&S Amendment Act 2002. Please State if Horses or Ponies: Number of stallion/s: H/P Total Entry Fees $ My signature hereto Plus Late Entry Penalty 50% (if applicable) Wairoa A & P Show - ESNZ No. Horse Yards @ $6.00 per Night per Horse Discipline SH/SJ Levy $5.00/Horse/Show (You Choose Whether to Pay) (Please circle day/night as applicable) Wairoa Branch NHB ESNZ - Sunday ESNZ Discipline SH/SJ Levy $5.00/Horse/Show (You Choose Whether to Pay) (on this entry form) and/ or participation in the @ $6.00 Ground Levy of $8.00 per Horse competition/s denotes Wednesday Day/Night @ $6.00 Sunday Ground Levy of $8.00 per Horse my acceptance of the Tuesday Day/Night Thursday Day/Night @ $6.00 Friday Day/Night @ $6.00 @ $6.00 Saturday Day/Night TOTAL Yards/Fees Camping Fee from Sunday night onwards $10.00/vehicle/night RAS Forbidden $5.00 Prepaid Catalogue ($6.00 on the Day) Total Yard Fees $ Direct Credit Wairoa A & P Society BNZ 020784 0014098 00 Total Entry Fees Enclosed/DC If Paying by Direct Credit/Internet Banking please use name as reference Substance Rules and Regulations & Conditions $ LOOK !!>>> MUST BE SIGNED!! Post Entries To: The Equestrian Secretary, Wairoa A & P Society, P O Box 313, Wairoa 4160 Closing Date for Entries is 20 December 2014 ________________ All Prize money will be paid by direct credit using your cheque details unless otherwise advised above ENTRIES RECEIVED AFTER CLOSING DATE WILL INCUR A 50% PENALTY (Please add on if applicable)