Order of Worship - First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto


Order of Worship - First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto
December 28, 2014
1st Sunday after Christmas Day
10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration
Good Morning!
Malo e lava mai!
Nisa bula vinaka!
In this Reconciling Congregation, all people are welcome, safe and cherished.
Presiding in worship today: Rev. Linda Holbrook & Rev. Sadie Stone.
Welcome guest Samantha Kauffman.
Lay Liturgist: Doris Lippitt
With the sounding of the chimes, we are gathered as a family of faith.
Please stand as you are able where indicated by an asterisk (*).
Children’s activity packets are available in the entry way.
Prelude / “Il Est Ne, le Divin Enfant” / Dale Wood
Angels, Peasants, Shepherds / Paxton
The Ushers distribute the Attendance Registers during the prelude.
Welcome / Rev. Linda Holbrook
*Call to Worship / Doris Lippitt
Leader: Joseph took Mary to Bethlehem.
People: And God showed up!
Leader: A star shown in the sky.
People: And God showed up!
Leader: Shepherds were tending their flocks.
People: And God showed up!
Leader: Angels announced Christ’s arrival.
People: And God showed up!
Leader: We gather to worship.
People: And God has shown up!
Unison Prayer
Creative God, you make all things new in heaven and earth. We come
to you this Christmastide and on the eve of a new years with new
desires and old fears, new decisions and old controversies, new
dreams and old weaknesses. Because you are a God of hope, we
know that you create all the possibilities of the future. Because you
are a God of love, we know that you accept all the mistake of the past.
Because you are the God of faith, we enter your gates with thanksgiving
and praise, we come into your presence with gladness and a joyful
noise, and we serve and bless you. Amen.
*Opening Hymn / O Little Town of Bethlehem / No. 230
Greeting & Celebration / Rev. Sadie Stone
*Passing of the Peace
Prayers of the People / Rev. Sadie Stone
Ariella’s Journey to Bethlehem / Samantha Kauffman
Invitation to the Offering / Doris Lippitt
Offertory / Bring a Torch Jeannette, Isabelle / Lovelace & Uehlein
*Doxology / Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow / No. 94
*Prayer of Dedication of Gifts & Self / Doris Lippitt / Unison
O Lord, the light of your peace shines like the dawn! Give us eyes of
faith so we will see that Christ is present in our midst. You have
covered your people in the finest clothes, the garments of salvation!
Receive these gifts as a sign of our gratitude and commitment to live
into our new reality in Jesus Christ. We ask this as a people clothed in
your Son’s grace. Amen.
*Closing Hymn / Go, Tell It on the Mountain / No. 251
*Thanksgiving for Worship / Rev. Linda Holbrook
*Benediction / Samantha Kauffman
*Sung Response / Shalom to You / No. 666
Shalom to you now, shalom, my friends.
May god’s full mercies bless you, my friends.
In all your living and through your loving,
Christ be your shalom, Christ be your shalom.
*Alleluia / No. 186 vs.1
*Postlude / Noel / Guilmant
All are invited to a time of refreshment and conversation
on the patio following worship.
Our Vision:
The Children in Our Midst
The Mission at Our Doorstep
A Place of Hospitality and Grace
The First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto
Rev. Linda Holbrook and Rev. Sadie Stone, Co-Pastors
Mark Shaull, Director of Music
Organist, Carolyn Lamcke
Lepani Verebasaga, Lay Leader, Fijian Language Ministry
Upstream Worship Celebration
December 28, 2014, 8:45 a.m.
Message: Ariella’s Journey to Bethlehem / Samantha Kauffman
The 10:45 am worship service is webcast live each Sunday. To view it go to
www.firstpaloalto.com/live. DVD’s and CD’s of the 10:45am worship service are
available to borrow in the library or to purchase by contacting the church office.
All printed music in the bulletin is used with permission, all rights reserved, under license numbers:
CCLI #3233940, CVLI:503824185, and OneLicense.net A-718504. Hymns from the United
Methodist Hymnal, all rights reserved, Copyright © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House.
WORSHIPcast License #6584.
Our electronic giving page is open! Whether you are a long time member,
or just joined us, you can give with just a few clicks at www.firstpaloalto.com/give.
As always, your generosity makes our mission possible! Thank you!
Free Concert - San Francisco Chamber Orchestra
New Years Day, January 1, 2015
W. A. Mozart Overture to Cosí fan Tutte, K. 588
Sergei Prokofiev Symphony No. 1 in D major, “Classical,” Op. 25
Felix Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64
Admission is free to all! Supporting members receive priority seating and
priority entrance 60 minutes before concert time (please bring your
membership card with you.) Non-members may enter 45 minutes before
concert time. http://www.sfchamberorchestra.org/
Un-Deck the Halls—Saturday, January 3, 2015 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Contact Mark Bateman to help, or just show up!
Oikos Young Adult Fellowship Group meets every other Wednesday in
the Wesley Room at 7 p.m. They're studying the book, Under Wraps: The
Gift We Never Expected by Jessica LeGrone, Andy Nixon, Rob Renfroe,
Ed Robb. All are welcome to join the small group, even if you've never
attended before.
Save the Date - Koinonia’s January 10th event will be a Chinese dinner
to be held at 6:00 p.m. at Su Hong Eatery in Palo Alto, CA. It is located at
4256 El Camino Real.
Let’s go to the snow! Truckee, CA! Young Adult Ski Retreat January
23, 24 & 25th. The Squaw Valley Chapel is in the middle of the Olympic
Village, a three-minute walk to Starbucks, restaurants and winter shopping.
Cost for the two nights, which includes food to be cooked on Friday and
Saturday nights and Saturday and Sunday breakfast, is $100. Let Pastor
Sadie know if you’re interested in attending - [email protected] or
650-323-6167 - and if a scholarship is needed.
Couples Fellowship Group: 2nd & 4th Sundays each month from 12:15
to 2 p.m. in the Wesley Room. The group is on Winter Break. Meetings will
resume Jan. 25, 2015.
Snack-n-Chat Sign-Ups: The Snack-n-Chat signup chart is in the Education
Building. Please stop by and sign up. Thank You!
Tuesday Trekkers: We start at 9:30 a.m. on all Tuesdays with 20 minutes
of yoga warm-up stretches, followed by introductions and announcements.
The walk starts at 10 a.m. sharp. During the month of December we will
be meeting at the end of San Antonio Road where it meets Terminal
Road. Walks are around the Shoreline area. See you there. Call Patty
Bellardo (650) 387-5256 with questions and suggestions.
We lift the names of those asking for prayer, with thanksgiving for
the healing already being received: Allen Smoll, David Gobuty, Ryan
McCauley (Jeri Foley’s granddaughter), Kiran Keyes, Verl & Ann Clausen,
Ruth Smith, Emilie Sweet, Lela Jones, Alice Green, and Emmanuel
Ballesteros (Conrado Basco’s brother-in-law).
We lift the names of those who have passed away:
Herb Warne on 12/7.
To add your name to the prayer list, fill out a Prayer Request Card and place in the
offering plate. Our "ongoing prayer list" (for persons who are homebound, battling
YOFPA -- Youth of First Palo Alto: Contact Rev. Sadie Stone at
[email protected] or 650-323-6167 x.102.
Dec 28th & Jan 4th - No YOFPA. Enjoy your Christmas Break!
Angel Promotes Mission Work: While there will not be a Make and Bake
sale this year, our mission work continues. We have an angel in our midst:
The United Methodist Women has been offered a $1,000 matching grant
to help us continue our work in mission to women, children and families.
Each of you can be an angel too by donating to help us receive this
wonderful gift. There will be a jar on the Welcome Desk each Sunday and
in the church office during the week. Checks to UMW should indicate
“Matching” in the memo line.
December 28, 2014
1st Sunday after Christmas
Annual Community and Interfaith Celebration Honoring
Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. “The Journey of Non-Violent Disobedience”
Sunday, January 18, 2015, 3:00-4:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Guest Speaker: Jeff Steinberg, Founder and Director, Sojourn to the Past,
Former High School History Teacher, White House Committee Award Recipient.
Check our online calendar at www.FirstPaloAlto.com for the latest schedule information.
Church Office Hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Closed weekends.
Sunday December 28
11:30 a.m. Sunday School Fijian Fellowship, Chapel
11:45 a.m. Snack-n-Chat, Patio
12:00 p.m. Fijian Fellowship Prayer Warriors, Chapel
1:30 p.m. Fijian Fellowship Worship Service, Chapel
3:00 p.m. Fijian Fellowship Bible Study, Wesley Room
Monday December 29
5:00 p.m. Breaking Bread, Kohlstedt Hall
Tuesday December 30
10:00 a.m. Tuesday Trekkers
Thursday January 1—Happy New Year!
Church Office Closed
3:00 p.m. Free Concert - San Francisco Chamber Orchestra, Sanctuary
Saturday January 3
8:00 a.m. Un-Deck the Halls, Sanctuary
Sunday January 4
8:45 a.m. Upstream, Chapel
9:45 a.m. Adult Bible Study, Pat’s Place (Lower Level)
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
Preschool - Butterfly Room (1st Floor)
Grades 1st - 5th, Rainbow Room (2nd Floor)
Jr High/High School, Stuart Youth Center (Lower Level)
10:45 a.m. Sanctuary Worship Celebration
8:45 AM and 10:45 AM
625 Hamilton Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301
650.323.6167 Office
650.323.3923 Fax
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