january- march 2015
january- march 2015
season brochure januarymarch 2015 BOOKINGS BOX OFFICE 01-8852622 www.draiocht.ie Draíocht’s Box Office is open Monday to Saturday 10am-6pm. You can book in person by calling into our Box Office during these hours, or by phone on 01-8852622, or Book Online anytime at www.draiocht.ie. A booking fee of €1 per ticket applies. Booking by phone or in person incurs no booking fee. Payment is accepted by cash (in person only), cheque (with valid cheque card) and by credit card (Mastercard, Visa, Laser). Group Bookings & Special Offers // Buy 10 tickets and get your 10th ticket free. This offer applies to selected show tickets purchased at the full price or concession price only and is not available in conjunction with any other offer. Friends Scheme Members Offer Early Bird Offers page 6 Access // Draíocht is a fully accessible venue, with adapted toilets, wheelchair spaces in the auditorium, lift access to all levels inside the building and disabled parking spaces directly outside our front door. Please tell us when booking if Concessions // Draíocht offers concessions to the following you have any special requirements and we will do our best to facilitate you. Wheelchair spaces in both our main auditorium customers: Students in full time education & under 18’s / Senior Citizens – Over 65 / Registered Disabled / Wheelchair and studio space must be allocated at the time of booking. They are limited and are on a first come first served basis. Users / Carer (when accompanying registered disabled or wheelchair user) / Equity Card holders / Unemployed. Proof Latecomers // Will not be admitted until a suitable break of status for ALL concession seats purchased must be in the performance at the discretion of management. produced when collecting tickets from Box Office. Reservations // Reservations without payment are held for 24 hours only and then released and re-sold. Betelnut Café & Theatre Bar // The Betelnut Café at Draíocht is open for breakfast, lunch and snacks from 9am5pm Monday to Saturday. The Belelnut Café stays open until 7.30pm on performance nights for pre theatre refreshments. Our theatre bar is open for pre-show drinks from 7.30pm and interval drinks may be pre-ordered at the theatre bar before the show. Please note, consumption of food is not permitted in either theatre space. Refunds & Exchanges // We regret that tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded after purchase except in the event of a cancellation by the venue. Recording & Photography Policy // Members of the public/audience members are not permitted to record or photograph any event in Draíocht, including gallery exhibitions, events with children on stage (in accordance with Draíocht’s Child Welfare Policy), family days etc. A Big Thank You From Draíocht To All Our Friends Part of the Furniture Stephen Vernon Best Friends Paddy & Gladys Coyle Hartstown Community School Marie Moloney Donal & Celia O’Sullivan Friends Anonymous Aidan & Jo Bannon O’Keeffe The Beatty Family The Bernie Family Betelnut Café Mairead & Christy Boylan Dermot & Anne Byrne Roma & Niall Byrnes The Carberry Family Maurice & Rita Carbery Aine Cody Rory Coghlan Rachel Devlin Sarah Downey James & Teresa Dunne Blan Flanagan Paula Galvin Esther Gray Geraldine Hallahan Deirdre Hays & Family The Kelly Family Anna Kelly Michael D Kelly Catherine Kennington Marie Keogh George King Mary & Antoinette Lynch Maree Lynott Margaret & Brendan Miller Jeff Murphy Teresa & Kevin Murray Patricia O’Carroll Mairin & Tadgh O’Conchubhair Michael & Maeve O’Donoghue Philip & Maura O’Reilly Michael & Carol O’Riordan Noeleen & Arthur Quinn Mary B Rochfort James Ryan Matt Scallan Angela Sheehan & David Hughes Bindi Shah Terese Sherlock Catherine & Andrew Shirran Bernie Sullivan Siobhan & Padraig Tyrrell Grainne Uí Chaomhanaigh Leo Varadkar Michael & Helen Walsh Helen Ward Una Waters Buddies Oscar Hogan Sara Lynch Sean Lynch Let’s be Friends! You can save money on your theatre tickets by becoming a Friend of Draíocht for as little as €100. There are Friends offers on almost every show in Draíocht (look for the symbol), and you will also enjoy other benefits like complimentary tickets on your birthday, your name printed in our season brochure and on our website, advance programme information, priority booking and more. So don’t delay and sign up today so you can start saving money NOW! Phone Aidan Gately for more information 01-809 8024 or email [email protected] Season at a Glance Diary january TO march 2015 Book Now Tel: 01-885 2622 or online www.draiocht.ie SCHOOL & CRECHE SHOWS & WORKSHOPS MUSIC dateTime KAREN UNDERWOOD 24 JAN 8PM 10 A FEAST OF COOLMINE TALENT 26–27 JAN 8PM 10 REELING IN THE SHOWBANDS 28 JAN 8PM 11 LUMIERE 06 FEB 8.15PM page 13 REBECCA STORM 13 FEB 8PM 14 JIMMY BUCKLEY & DAUGHTER 24 FEB 8PM 17 REELING IN THE SHOWBANDS 05 MAR KIERAN GOSS 07 MAR 8PM 8PM 19 20 THE THREE TENORS 14 MAR 8PM 23 THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT! 20–21 MAR 8PM 24 THE FUREYS 27 MAR 8PM 26 DateTime FILM page FOCUS ON … JAN–FEB MAKING MUSIC 36 ART APPRECIATION JAN–MAR 37 THE GIRL WHO forgot 27 FEB TO SING BADLY 18 10AM & 12 NOON PRIMARY SCHOOL FEB–MAR SCREENING 37 TOURS FORMARCH PRIMARY CLASSES 36 LIFEBOAT 24 24–26 MARVARIOUS VARIETY & PANTO dateTime JACK & THE BEANSTALK 03–18 JANVARIOUS REACH FOR THE STARS 07 FEB 8PM page 8 13 date Time THE 100 YEAR OLD MAN 21 JAN 7.30PM 9 NIGHT MOVES 04 FEB 7.30PM 12 PRIDE AND PREJUDICE 11 FEB 7.30PM 14 TWO DAYS, ONE NIGHT 18 FEB 7.30PM 16 CINDERELLA (1950) 21 FEB 4.00PM 17 THE GRAND SEDUCTION 25 FEB 7.30PM 17 THE CASE AGAINST 8 04 MAR 7.30PM 19 IDA 11 MAR 7.30PM 21 JIMMY’S HALL 18 MAR 7.30PM 23 BRIGHT DAYS AHEAD 25 MAR 7.30PM 25 Check out our Early Bird Offers on page 6 page ADULT CLASSES FAMILY EVENTS & YOUTH WORKSHOPS page EXHIBITIONS & VISUAL ARTS date Time CREATE DANCE 10 JAN 38 HALLELUJAH! CLOWN CHOIRVARIOUs 7 GERRY O’MAHONYUNTIL 07 FEB 30 FAMILY DAY: WONDERFUL WEAVING 24 JAN 12–3PM 35 ACRYLICS BEGINNERS 04 FEB–11 MAR 34 SINEAD MCDONALDUNTIL 07 FEB 30 ACRYLICS INTERMEDIATE 04 FEB–11 MAR 34 BARTOSZ KOLATA 20 FEB–25 APR 31 DISCOVER THEATRE: ALL ABOUT BECKETT 25 JAn 12–2PM 39 UNDERSTANDING MODERN ART FOR BEGINNERS 05 FEB–12 MAR 34 JENNY FOX 20 FEB–25 APR 32 TINY TOTSFEB–MAR CREATIVE SESSIONS 38 D15 YOUTH THEATRE FEB–MAR 39 THE GIRL WHO FORGOT TO SING BADLY 28 FEB 18 DISCOVER THEATRE: VOICE WORK 22 FEB FAMILY DAY: COLOUR LIKE KANDINSKY 07 MAR 12–3PM 35 HUMAN CHILD 14 MAR 2PM & 4PM 23 DISCOVER THEATRE: CHOIR WORK 29 MAR 12–2PM 39 2PM & 4PM 12–2PM 39 date page date page KEVIN GAFFNEY –JAN–JUNE ARTIST IN RESIDENCE 33 DRAMA dateTime UNDERNEATH 14 FEB 8PM page 15 MOJO MICKEYBO 06–07 MAR 8.15PM 20 LITTLE GEM 12–13 MAR 8PM 22 DALLOWAY 25 MAR 8PM 25 A PRESCRIPTION FOR HAPPINESS 26 MAR 8PM 26 HANGING WITH THE ELEPHANT 28 MAR 8PM 27 COMEDY dateTime LIVE LOVE LAUGH 31 JAN 8PM page 11 JASON BYRNE 04–05 FEB 8PM 12 INVISIBLE WOMAN 14 FEB 8.15PM 15 APRÈS MATCH 20 FEB 8PM 16 FOIL ARMS & HOG 12 MAR 8.15PM 22 6 EARLY BIRD OFFERS JANUARY – MUSIC KAREN UNDERWOOD OF LADIES LOST AND FOUND Full price: €18 // Early Bird: €14 // See page 10 FEBRUARY – MUSIC LUMIERE Full price: €18 // Early Bird: €14 // See page 13 FEBRUARY – DRAMA BE AN EARLY BIRD AND BOOK BEFORE 09 JANUARY FOR THESE NEW SEASON SHOWS AND GET THESE GREAT DISCOUNTS! Tickets must be paid in full before 09 January to avail of these Early Bird Offers. A maximum of 6 tickets can be bought at these prices per person. Not applicable to group bookings. BOX OFFICE 01-885 2622 UNDERNEATH FISHAMBLE: THE NEW PLAY COMPANY Full price: €18 // Early Bird: €14 // See page 15 MARCH – DRAMA LITTLE GEM – BREDA CASHE PRODUCTIONS Full price: €18 // Early Bird: €14 // See page 22 MARCH – DRAMA DALLOWAY DYAD PRODUCTIONS WITH REBECCA VAUGHAN Full price: €16 // Early Bird: €12 // See page 25 HALLELUJAH! DRAÍOCHT’S COMMUNITY CLOWN CHOIR With Veronica Coburn – Theatre Artist in Residence 2014/2015 Hallelujah! began in 2012 as part of Veronica Coburn’s Residency in Draíocht for 2012/2013. A Clown Choir is a group of people who gather together to sing and laugh – to sing in celebration of what it is to be human and to laugh at the ridiculousness of the world we live in. You don’t have to be a good singer or a performer to join Hallelujah, you just have to be interested and willing. The ethos is one of accessibility, inclusiveness and artistic excellence. In 2013 Hallelujah! performed their signature tune, Smile written by Charlie Chaplin, in a variety of places. The choir also worked on a performance piece about road rage entitled The M50 Symphony, an original work for human voice and car horn. And to finish the year the choir performed their Clown Nativity on Draíocht’s Main Stage. 2014 saw the Choir focus on building a musical and red nose repertoire including a selection of songs and short clown sketches. They performed at a number of events throughout 2014 including in City Hall as part of Culture Night and recorded their 7 www.draiocht.ie show, Clown Nativity, for local Radio to be broadcast on Phoenix FM. 2015 will see Hallelujah! develop a new show for performance on Draíocht’s Main Stage in the Autumn. The piece will be created through the workshop process and written by Veronica Coburn inspired by the participants own experiences. The red nosed performers will explore themes of personal ambition, fate and courage or lack thereof. We are currently welcoming new members to Hallelujah! If you are sociable, like to sing, like to laugh and are open to trying new things then WE WANT YOU! For Hallelujah! Veronica Coburn is Artistic & Clown Director. Choir Director is Debra Salem. Rehearsal Director is Louise Foxe. For further information please contact Emer McGowan on [email protected] Veronica Coburn’s 2014/2015 Residency is supported by The Arts Council’s Theatre Artist in Residence Scheme with additional support from Fingal County Council. PERFORMANCE JANUARY 2015 8 Jack & The Beanstalk Coolmine Panto Group EVENINGS: 03, 08–10, 15–17 JAN 7.30PM MATINEES: 04, 11 JAN 1PM & 5PM / 03, 10, 17–18 JAN 2PM Main Auditorium // €20 / €16 conc Things are not going well in Happy Valley where Mother Magee lives with her son Jack. All the crops and livestock are vanishing – even the King’s hen that lays the golden eggs has disappeared. Mother Magee is worried that her cow Daisy will disappear too. Jack is trying to find a solution to it all. Fairy Snow gives Jack magic beans that grow into a giant beanstalk. Jack climbs up through the clouds where he sees a castle which is home to a cruel giant. Jack battles the giant and rescues a young princess held captive in the castle. A fun Pantomime for all the family. BOOK ONLINE! Have you tried our Online Booking yet? Now you can pick your seat! It’s only €1 per ticket! And its open 24 hrs a day! Log on Now! www.draiocht.ie The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared (2013) Film at Draíocht WED 21 JAN 7.30PM Main Auditorium // €7.50 / €6 conc Cert: 15A / Language: Swedish/Subtitles Based on the internationally best-selling novel by Jonas Jonasson, this is the story of dynamite expert Allan Karlsson, who on this 100th birthday decides to bust out of his nursing home and start over on a new adventure. An encounter with a skinhead at the train station leaves our elderly hero in possession of a suitcase full of money which sees him being chased for the rest of the movie by various menacing gang members. Meanwhile Allan acquires his own makeshift gang, including a nervous, indecisive young academic, a burly stationmaster and a lady with an elephant. While on the road he recalls the famous people he’s met – Franco and Stalin, Truman and Reagan, Gorbachev – and the historic moments in which he’s played an unlikely role. ‘This beautifully shot film is darkly comic, absurdist, farcical, a chase caper, an espionage thriller and finally, peaceful. ‘ IMDB 9 www.draiocht.ie FILM AT DRAÍOCHT Welcome to our new season of Film at Draíocht. We have broadened and increased our programme to include some contemporary releases and also children’s films. Some of the films we might screen have not been certified by the Irish Censorship Office yet. In order to screen these films we still need to operate as a film club, so a nominal fee has now been integrated into the ticket price for all films. As a result you will be able to purchase tickets at a fixed standard price without having to join a film club. Our new prices for film screenings are €7.50 full price and €6 concession, which we hope you will still think is very good value. We are also delighted to announce a new association with Access Cinema. PERFORMANCE JANUARY 2015 10 Karen Underwood Of Ladies Lost and Found SAT 24 JAN 8PM Main Auditorium // €18 / €14 conc Karen Underwood is back in Draíocht with more passion than ever before. In making this new show, Karen has trawled jazz, blues and soul archives to find artists whose rise to fame was followed by a fall from grace. ‘Of Ladies Lost and Found’ is a celebration of love and loss. It offers a concert that celebrates the lives of divas who left the world too soon but whose music lives on in popular culture – Billie Holiday, Whitney Houston, Dinah Washington, Edith Piaf and Amy Winehouse – all ladies who were lost and found. The guiding force of John O’Brien, as both musical director and close friend to Karen, has helped propel this piece every step of the way during its development. John has worked on over forty different productions of opera and musical theatre in Ireland, Northern Ireland, London, Edinburgh, and Montreal, and together, John and Karen have crafted a show of real soul and flair. A Feast of Coolmine Talent 2015 Coolmine Community School MON 26 – TUE 27 JAN 8PM Main Auditorium // €5 Monday / €8 Tuesday Coolmine Community School’s students are back and promise to entertain you again this season. Prepare to be dazzled by their musical, dance and dramatic abilities. This is the 14th year Coolmine Community School has staged the Feast of Talent show in Draíocht and it promises to be a night not to be missed. Tickets available from Draíocht’s Box Office (not from the School). Available to the public from Monday 19 January 2015. Live Love Laugh Eilish O’Carroll SAT 31 JAN 8PM Main Auditorium €18 / €14 conc / Dur: 60 mins (no interval) Reeling in the Showbands It’s Back, it’s Bigger & it’s Better! WED 28 JAN 8PM Main Auditorium // €32 / €30 conc Go back in time to this magical era and never to be repeated time in Irish popular music! Compere Ronan Collins will sing his renowned tributes to Joe Dolan and Dickie Rock. Joining Ronan will be Lorraine McDonald, with her fantastic tribute to The Showband Ladies; the big sound of The Conquerors Showband and Eurovision stars Tommy and Jimmy Swarbrigg. Eileen Reid & Roly Daniels join the show for the very first time as well as seasoned entertainer supreme Paddy Cole. 11 www.draiocht.ie Best known as Winnie McGoogan in her brother Brendan’s successful BBC sitcom, ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys’, Eilish comes into her own here with this reflective look on an eventful life that includes a strict Catholic upbringing, two failed marriages and coming out as a lesbian at the age of 50. While poignant and deeply moving it is also packed with humour. A 1950s baby, and the ninth of ten children, she describes her childhood with affection and good humour. Then there’s her discovery of orgasmic proportions via the hydraulics on a double decker bus and her discovery of sex! At one stage she was sure that there was something wrong ‘down there’ because her sex life was unfulfilling. Her discovery that she was a lesbian is also tenderly handled with good humour. The end result is a warm, witty triumph that joyously celebrates being true to yourself. ‘Laugh out loud funny’ Edinburgh Evening News Some adult content & strong language. PERFORMANCE JANUARY 2015 12 Night Moves (2013) Film at Draíocht WED 04 FEB 7.30PM Draíocht Studio // €7.50 / €6 conc Cert: 15A / Language: English Night Moves, the fifth feature film from acclaimed filmmaker Kelly Reichardt, is the story of three radical environmentalists coming together to execute the most intense protest of their lives: the explosion of a hydroelectric dam – the very source and symbol of the energy-sucking, resourcedevouring industrial culture they despise. Josh (played by Jesse Eisenberg, Oscar-nominated star of The Social Network) is their leader, a self-made militant, devoted to the protection of the Earth by any means necessary. Dena (Dakota Fanning) is a high society dropout, sickened by the consumer economy into which she was born. And Harmon (Peter Sarsgaard) is a former Marine, radicalized by tours of duty overseas. His life in the military is behind him, but at heart he remains the same reckless alpha male he always was. Night Moves is a tale of suspense and a meditation on the consequences of political extremism. Jason Byrne You Name The Show WED 04 – THUR 05 FEB 8PM Main Auditorium // €20 / €16 conc It has often been said that no two Jason Byrne shows are ever the same. Now the master of improvised comedy pushes the limits even further with the introduction of the wheel of stand up. This totally original stand up concept, which is either an act of extreme daring or supreme laziness, involves Jason not only letting the audience name the show but getting them to choose the topics discussed as they are invited to spin the wheel of random nonsense. Some adult content & strong language. Lumiere FRI 06 FEB 8.15PM Draíocht Studio // €18 / €14 conc Lumiere’s debut album brought together two distinct voices cut from the same geographic cloth. One is Éilís Kennedy, whose sound has ready access to the soul without need for scaffolding or spotlights. The other half of the musical whole is Pauline Scanlon, an award-winning singer from the same Kerry town of Dingle. With Lumiere, the song and its delivery are the primary focus. Technical concerns give way to feelings, as song and singer effortlessly merge. Since their debut launch, the duo have toured their distinctive sound from the cosy snugs of their native Dingle to international concert halls including Carnegie Hall in New York and The Barbican in London. A worldwide audience has connected with their offering of real music by real singers communicating real emotions. As a duo, Lumiere takes something that is sacred and age old and re-imagines it simply and beautifully, reclaiming beauty, truth and trust, for the modern age. 13 www.draiocht.ie Reach for the Stars 2015 In Aid of the Laura Lynn Foundation The Norma Breen Stage School SAT 07 FEB 8PM Main Auditorium // €22.50 The Norma Breen Theatre School presents an energetic and fast-moving evening of song and dance, showcasing the children’s talents with well known celebrity guests. Produced and Directed by Norma Breen. PERFORMANCE FEBRUARY 2015 14 Pride and Prejudice (1940) Film at Draíocht WED 11 FEB 7.30PM Main Auditorium / €7.50 / €6 conc Cert: CLUB / Language: English Adapted from Jane Austen’s drawing-room comedy, Robert Leonard’s film centres around the romantic trials and tribulations faced by a quintet of husband-hungry sisters during the 1800s. Laurence Olivier is cast as the dashing, if cool, Mr Darcy and Greer Garson plays Elizabeth, the eldest of the five Bennet daughters whose mother finds them a drain on her purse and energy. How will she ever find husbands for them all! The New York Times film critic praised the film as ‘the most deliciously pert comedy of old manners, the most crisp and crackling satire in costume that we in this corner can remember ever having seen on the screen.’ Step back in time and enjoy this black and white classic on the big screen in Draíocht. Rebecca Storm in Concert FRI 13 FEB 8PM Main Auditorium / €27.50 / €25 conc Loved for her haunting portrayal as Mrs Johnstone in ‘Blood Brothers’ as well as Eva Peron in ‘Evita’ – Rebecca Storm and her friends bring you a night to remember. She will include songs from her leading roles in ‘Evita,’ ‘Les Miserables’ and her anthem tune, ‘Tell Me It’s Not True’ from ‘Blood Brothers’. Always in demand with concerts, radio and TV appearances around the world, Rebecca enjoys a busy and varied career, produced by her husband and musical director, Kenny Shearer. Underneath Fishamble: The New Play Company SAT 14 FEB 8PM Main Auditorium / €18 / €14 conc Sticks and stones didn’t break Her bones, but words and pointing crushed Her. Is Beauty really only skin deep? Does Ugliness hide somewhere deeper? Following the runaway international success of ‘Forgotten’ and ‘Silent’, Fishamble presents Pat Kinevane’s third solo play, ‘Underneath’, directed by Jim Culleton. This stunning new play is a blackly comic, rich and vivid tale of a life lived in secret, a testament to the people who live on the fringes, under the nose of everyday life. It explores the surface, and what lies underneath. ‘Ireland’s excellent Fishamble’ Guardian ‘Drop everything...book now...captivating, moving and – yes – even unforgettable’ Irish Times [on Forgotten] ‘passionate one-man show…carefully wrought production…Kinevane [is] an artist of the theatre’ New York Times [on Silent] Adult Content & Strong Language, Age 16+ 15 www.draiocht.ie Invisible Woman With Maxine Jones SAT 14 FEB 8.15PM Draíocht Studio / €12 / €10 conc Older women are often see-through. Maxine Jones shakes off her invisibility cloak and steps into the spotlight. Following her popular debut as ‘Embarrassing Mother’, she repossesses her life as an older, unattached woman – with superpowers. Maxine has been on BBC Radio 4, RTE Arena and the John Murray show and has featured in the Irish Times and Independent. ‘Outstandingly funny’ Entertainment.ie ‘Hilarious, fresh new stand-up. Brilliant’ Northern Standard PERFORMANCE FEBRUARY 2015 16 Two days, One Night Film at Draíocht WED 18 FEB 7.30PM Main Auditorium // €7.50 / €6 conc Cert: CLUB / Language: French / Subtitles An excellent Marion Cotillard stars as Sandra, a young married woman with children who has recently recovered from a bout of depression and is now facing redundancy from her job. Her fate lies in the hands of her colleagues who must vote in a secret ballot whether to let her back or not. To sweeten the deal, the employees have been promised a €1000 bonus for taking on the extra work. Sandra only has one weekend to convince them to vote in her favour. If Sandra can get nine votes out of 16, her bacon has been saved – which is to say, she returns to the same divisive and alienating employment which has caused her nightmares in the first place. She has nothing to offer her friends and neighbours but her desperation. ‘A compelling and moving film.’ ***** The Guardian Après Match FRI 20 Feb 8PM Main Auditorium // €25 / €23 conc Gary Cooke, Risteárd Cooper and Barry Murphy collectively are known as Après Match. Their blend of brilliant commentary, outrageous humour and wicked impersonations has delighted the nation for almost two decades. Expect all the classic characters including Frank, Eamon, Bill, Gunther and many more from their bulging back catalogue. A show of sketches that goes way beyond the confines of football. Not just for men and you don’t have to know anything about football, just love great comedy! Cinderella (1950) Film at Draíocht SAT 21 FEB 4PM Main Auditorium €7.50 / €6 conc / €5 children Cert: G / Language: English / Ages 5+ When Cinderella’s cruel stepmother prevents her from attending the Royal Ball, she gets some unexpected help from the lovable mice Gus and Jaq and from her Fairy Godmother who magically transforms her reality into a dream come true. Featuring catchy songs such as ‘Bibidi-BobidiBoo’ and a host of loveable characters, this classic animation from the Disney archives is a sparking delight and a must-see on the big screen. 17 www.draiocht.ie Jimmy Buckley & Daughter Claudia The Grand Seduction With Special Guest Patrick O’Sullivan Film at Draíocht TUE 24 FEB 8PM Main Auditorium // €22 / €20 conc WED 25 FEB 7.30PM Main Auditorium // €7.50 / €6 conc Cert: 12A / Language: English With a hectic schedule that includes recording, performing, and touring throughout Ireland, Country & Irish music sensation, Jimmy Buckley, is certainly living up to his reputation as ‘Ireland’s top entertainer’. Along with his great country music hits, Jimmy Buckley is becoming increasingly recognised for his ability to perform base country, waltzes, jives and rock and roll. Joining Jimmy on this special night in Draíocht is his 15 year old daughter Claudia. The small harbour of Tickle Cove is in dire need of investment. When a vital factory contract comes their way, the residents of this small Newfoundland fishing village conspire to charm a big-city doctor into becoming the town’s full-time physician in this sparkling comedy brought to life through superb performances from Brendan Gleeson and Canadian icon Gordon Pinsent. No doctor … no contract; and so begins ‘the grand seduction’. ***** New York Times PERFORMANCE FEBRUARY 2015 18 The Girl who Forgot to Sing Badly Theatre Lovett FRI 27 FEB 10AM & 12 NOON / SAT 28 FEB 2PM & 4PM Main Auditorium // €7 Adults / €5 children Dur: 75 mins / Age 7+ Sometimes it takes a girl-sized human to solve an adult-sized problem. Peggy O’Hegarty and her parents are packers. They squeeze fruit into tins, foxes into boxes, even bikes into brown paper bags. And all the while Peggy sings with the voice of an angel – a grossly unfortunate angel, who can’t sing at all. But one day work stops working and the jobs stop coming and Peggy steps outside to find that winter has arrived… and everyone in her city gone! Ingenious performer Louis Lovett leads the audience on an untamed adventure that crosses snowy lands and wild seas. As Peggy desperately tries to save the day, we learn about love, loss, the reassurance of goats and the courage to sing gloriously on or off-key. ‘It not only works, it wows’. The New York Post Originally produced by The Ark in association with Theatre Lovett ‘The theatrical equivalent of going to bed on Christmas Eve’. The Sunday Times The Case Against 8 (2014) Film at Draíocht WED 04 MAR 7.30PM Main Auditorium // €7.50 / €6 conc Cert: Club / Language: English The Case Against 8 is an account of the epic fiveyear legal battle that overturned Proposition 8. Co-directors Cotner and White take us on a riveting, hold-your-breath, behind the scenes look at the historic Californian trial that overturned the controversial constitutional amendment. The story first made headlines with the unlikely pairing of Ted Olson and David Boies, political foes who last faced off as opposing attorneys in Bush v. Gore. The film also follows the plaintiffs, two gay couples who find their families at the centre of the samesex marriage controversy. This extraordinary film provides fly-on-the-wall coverage of a trial the public was never allowed to see. WINNER Audience Award, SXSW Film Festival 2014 WINNER Best Director, Sundance Film Festival 2014 GAZE On Tour is a project to share stories about the LGBT experience with a wider audience by screening our films in increased locations across Ireland. 19 www.draiocht.ie Reeling in the Showbands It’s Back, it’s Bigger & its Better! THUR 05 MAR 8PM Main Auditorium // €32 / €30 conc Go back in time to this magical era and never to be repeated time in Irish popular music! Compere Ronan Collins will sing his renowned tributes to Joe Dolan and Dickie Rock. Joining Ronan will be Lorraine McDonald, with her fantastic tribute to The Showband Ladies; the big sound of The Conquerors Showband and Eurovision stars Tommy and Jimmy Swarbrigg. Eileen Reid & Roly Daniels join the show for the very first time as well as seasoned entertainer supreme Paddy Cole. PERFORMANCE MARCH 2015 20 Kieran Goss – Live & Solo SAT 07 MAR 8PM Main Auditorium // €25 ‘One man, one guitar and a voice sent express mail from Heaven’ … Time Out Mojo Mickeybo On Q Theatre Company FRI 06 – SAT 07 MAR 8.15PM Draíocht Studio €16 / €14 conc / Dur: 60 mins (no interval) Two actors perform 17 parts in this fast paced, poetic and colourful play by award winning writer Owen McCafferty. It offers a child’s-eye view of 1970s Belfast during one long, hot summer, when every day is a new adventure. Mojo and Mickybo are childhood friends who forge a friendship over a shared love for the film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. But while the children are busy having mock shoot-outs, the adults are warring for real on the streets of Belfast. Long hailed as one of Ireland’s leading songwriters and performers, Kieran Goss’s music has won him fans across the globe. But if his songs have made him a star, his live shows have made him a legend. Live on stage is where Kieran Goss really shines. This is a rare chance to see Kieran performing live and solo. Don’t miss it! ‘The sense of fun is tremendous, the playing first rate and the songs are sheer quality. The encores were genuine, but only because the man is too.’ The Irish Times ‘Kieran Goss is one of the most gifted performers around today. He has an amazing ability to reach out to his audience and connect with them in a very special way. This guy is the real deal, and that’s what makes him the star he is’. Don Williams Ida (2013) Film at Draíocht WED 11 MAR 7.30PM Main Auditorium // €7.50 / €6 conc Cert: CLUB / Language: Polish / Subtitles Anna, an orphan raised in a convent, is preparing to take her vows when she’s sent to visit Wanda, her aunt and only living relative. A cynical, harddrinking Communist Party judge, Wanda reveals that Anna’s real name is Ida and that her parents were Jews murdered during the Nazi occupation. So the two embark on an unusual journey through the wintry countryside to unearth their family’s dark history. An astonishing work, both graceful and haunting, the film’s beautiful black-and-white imagery is so artfully composed that every frame belongs in an exhibition. Ida is vibrant and intimate, a subtle portrait of two fascinating, contrasting women: the sheltered Ida, who is exploring her faith, and Wanda, who—having seen the worst of humanity—has no faith left. London Film Festival, 2013 Best Film Polish Film Awards, 2014 Best Film, Best Director STAY CONNECTED Show us you care and LIKE Draíocht on Facebook! We’ll make it worth your while with competitions, event updates, pics, videos, our blog and much more! You can also find us on Twitter, YouTube and Flickr (Pawel Pawlikowski), Best Actress (Agata Kulesza) 21 www.draiocht.ie PERFORMANCE MARCH 2015 22 Little Gem Breda Cashe Productions THUR 12 – FRI 13 MAR 8PM Main Auditorium // €18 / €14 conc Three generations of women tell us their story of one extraordinary year. Party girl Amber has brutal indigestion that the sambuca’s won’t shift. Lorraine loses it at work and is shipped off to see the ‘head doctor’. While Granny Kay ‘toys with the idea of Kermit’ scratching an itch that Gem no longer can. Be prepared to be enthralled and entertained in this revealing, poignant and hilarious play. Starring the inimitable Anita Reeves and Hilda Fay with Kate Gilmore. Written and directed by Elaine Murphy. ‘Little Gem is a huge optimistic love poem to the spirit of all women’ Irish Theatre Magazine ‘Blazing authenticity’ The Times ‘Gurgles and giggles with life … Elaine Murphy’s delightful first play more than lives up to the title’ The Guardian Foil Arms & Hog THUR 12 MAR 8.15PM Draíocht Studio // €12 / €10 conc Fantastically bizarre and deliriously funny, it’s sketch comedy at its best. In this year’s show you’ll find out what happens at an Irish Intervention for a boy who ‘doesn’t drink’, you’ll see the selfindulgent ‘La Bullshat’ theatre group, and you’ll meet Christian Rockers ‘God Vibrations’. Dubbed by the critics as a ‘powerhouse of sketch comedy’, Foil Arms and Hog have recently completed a World tour, have over 4 million hits on YouTube, are starring on Jason Byrne’s upcoming TV3 show ‘Snaptastic’ and have sold out 6 years running at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Human Child The Three Tenors Jimmy’s Hall (2014) Collapsing Horse Theatre Company With Star Violinist & Local Guest Choir Film at Draíocht SAT 14 MAR 8PM Main Auditorium // €28 / €26 conc WED 18 MAR 7.30PM Main Auditorium // €7.50 / €6 conc Cert: 15A / Language: English SAT 14 MAR 2PM & 4PM Draíocht Studio €7 Adults / €5 children / Age 8+ / Dur: 60 mins Human Child is inspired by W.B Yeat’s The Stolen Child and is a beautiful, enchanting and highly exciting piece of theatre for the whole family. It is the story of a girl who struggles to be true to herself while growing up. She is pulled to become someone else but as the story magically unfolds she discovers a world where she is celebrated for just being herself. ‘It is impossible to walk out from this highly sophisticated piece of theatre without a smile on your face’ Irish Theatre Magazine 23 www.draiocht.ie This thrilling concert is packed with the world’s most beautiful and magical feel-good songs, from Sinatra (My Way/New York, New York), Leonard Cohen (Hallelujah) and The Dubliners (Song for Ireland), to Pavarotti (Nessun Dorma) and Elvis (Love Me Tender) plus a rousing Irish Selection to include ‘Song for Ireland’ and ‘The Wild Rover.’ The trio, Declan Kelly, Ray O’Hare and Dominic McGorian bring a very warm atmosphere to their concert and encourage their audience to join in with them. In 1921, to meet the needs of the young people of rural Leitrim, Jimmy Gralton, in spite of his reluctance to cause upset to his old enemies (the Church and the local landowners), decides to reopen the local ‘Hall’, where the local young people meet to learn, to argue, to dream… but above all to dance and have fun. Success comes quickly, but the growing influence of Jimmy and his radical ideas is not to the taste of everyone in the village. PERFORMANCE MARCH 2015 24 SPRÉACHA 2015 PRESENTS Lifeboat Catherine Wheels Theatre Company, Scotland TUE 24 – THUR 26 MAR 6 School Shows Age 9+ / Dur: 75 mins / Available on tour to your school That’s Entertainment! Coolmine Musical Society 20–21 MAR 8PM Main Auditorium // €16 / €14 conc Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes before the curtain goes up? Join Coolmine Musical Society as they celebrate the hoofers, the wannabees, the dancers and singers of the backstage musical. Laughter and tears, rehearsals and auditions, callbacks and casting come together in a fun packed show. With music from the Hollywood blockbusters right through to more recent backstage settings, this show will pack lots of surprises and send you home with a spring in your step. Lifeboat is the extraordinary true story of Bess Walder and Beth Cummings. Set in World War II, it is a story of courage, a story of survival and a story of enduring friendship. On Friday 13 September 1940, a ship, The City of Benares, set sail from Liverpool for Canada. On board were 90 evacuees escaping the relentless bombing and dangers of war torn Britain. Four days into the crossing, the ship was torpedoed and sank. Only eleven of the evacuees survived. Two fifteen year old girls, Bess Walder and Beth Cummings, spent 19 terrifying hours in the water on an upturned lifeboat. They willed each other to survive. Lifeboat tells their story. ‘I was mesmerised from beginning to end… extraordinary talent’. Audience Member Spréacha is presented by Draíocht in partnership with Fingal County Council. Phone 01-8852622 for school booking information sheet. Dalloway Dyad Productions with Rebecca Vaughan WED 25 MAR 8PM Main Auditorium // €16 / €14 conc Bright Days Ahead (2013) Film at Draíocht WED 25 MAR 7.30PM Draíocht Studio // €7.50 / €6 conc Cert: CLUB / Language: French / Subtitles In this sophisticated French drama, a woman in her 60s (film icon Fanny Ardant, 8 Women, Confidentially Yours) falls for a much younger man (Laurent Lafitte, Little White Lies), her computer teacher at the local seniors’ club. As she finds herself courting danger—taking her young lover to places they could easily be discovered by her husband (Patrick Chesnais, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly)—she must decide if her retirement will mark the end for her marriage, or a new beginning. 25 www.draiocht.ie Its 1923 and the War is over. While Clarissa Dalloway prepares a party in Westminster, Septimus Smith is diagnosed with shell-shock, their memories and dreams magically intertwining with those of 15 other disparate souls, this hot blue day in June. Conjuring the hopes and regrets of middle and upper-class London, this adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s celebrated map of hearts, minds and memories offers a compellingly feminine response to the aftermath of the First World War. Written and directed by Elton Townend Jones (The Unremarkable Death of Marilyn Monroe). Performed by Rebecca Vaughan (Female Gothic, I, Elizabeth, Austen’s Women). ««««« ‘Richly re-imagined, exquisitely evocative stage adaptation, portrayed with heart breaking poignancy and passion.’ Edinburgh Guide ««««« ‘Breathtaking solo performance … beautifully designed and directed.’ Fringebiscuit PERFORMANCE MARCH 2015 26 A Prescription for Happiness with Dr Mark Rowe THUR 26 MAR 8PM Main Auditorium // €18 / €14 conc A stimulating and entertaining evening presenting you with a tool-kit for meaning and well-being; a prescription for cultivating inner happiness in your own life. Dr Mark Rowe will take you on an empowering journey that guides you towards living a life filled with happiness, positivity and health. Packed full of life-enhancing information that can have a major impact on your physical, emotional and relationship wellbeing, this event will no doubt have transformative powers for many people. A well-known family doctor and healthcare entrepreneur, with over twenty years of experience, Dr Mark Rowe is practical and down to earth in his delivery and advice about how to create more happiness in your own life. Receive guidance on boosting your happiness and bouncing back from adversity. Dr Mark Rowe shows how you can become an active participant in your greatest asset – your own happiness and prosperity. The Fureys FRI 27 MAR 8PM Main Auditorium // €25 / €23 conc Legends of Irish music & song The Fureys, renowned for their hit songs ‘I Will Love You’, ‘When You Were Sweet 16’, ‘The Green Fields Of France’, ‘The Old Man’, ‘Red Rose Café’, ‘From Clare To Here’, ‘Her Father Didn’t Like Me Anyway’, ‘Leaving Nancy’, ‘Steal Away’ and many more, are back in Draíocht this Season. The Fureys are responsible for some of the most stirring music ever to capture the public imagination and their emotive songs stir many emotions; tears and laughter, sadness and joy. Hanging with the Elephant Michael Harding SAT 28 MAR 8PM Main Auditorium // €15 Michael Harding, author of six plays for the Abbey Theatre, including ‘Una Pooka,’ ‘Misogynist’, ‘Sour Grapes’ and many more for other Irish theatre companies, has lived a life of writing, reading, acting and talking. A chronicler of ordinary life in midland Ireland through his column in the Irish Times, no one was more surprised than he when he was struck down with depression in the summer of 2012. His subsequent record of recovery, the multi-award winning book ‘Staring at Lakes’, brought him to a whole new level of engagement with audiences throughout the country. To mark the publication of his latest book ‘Hanging with the Elephant’, Michael Harding takes to Draíocht’s stage for one night only. Hear him speak with openness, honesty and great wit on how he continues to attempt to tame the ‘elephant’ – an Asian metaphor for the unruly mind. Hilarious yet poignant, homespun yet profound, down-to-earth yet prone to amazing flights of fancy, there’s nothing quite like an evening with Michael Harding. Michael has previously won the Bord Gais Energy Irish Book Awards 2013 Non-Fiction Book of the Year and the John Murray Show Listeners Choice Award Book of the Year for his novel ‘Staring at Lakes’. ‘Often funny, occasionally disturbing and not without its moments of deep sadness, Harding has peeled back his soul and held it out on the palm of his hand for all to see’. Christine Dwyer-Hickey 27 www.draiocht.ie PERFORMANCE MARCH 2015 28 HIGHLIGHTS – COMING IN APRIL – NOW ON SALE Far Away From Me Presented by The Ark SAT 04 APR 2PM & 4PM Main Auditorium // €7 adults / €5 children / Age 6+ Kevin is a little prince... at least that’s what his mum tells him. Kevin likes the idea of being a prince on a horse, a beautiful brown horse with a white splotch down his nose and galloping across the kingdom. His Kingdom. From his bedroom behind the 8th door, on the 8th floor of a tall building (one of eight in a row), Kevin can go anywhere. And he wants to go. Far away from here. So his towering imagination takes him on some high-flying adventures. But there’s a storm coming and he needs to decide what’s real and what’s not real as his fast paced fantasies land with a spectacular bump right there on his bed. Far Away From Me is a new theatre show written and directed by Amy Conroy, inspired by The Princess and the Pea and infused with the wild energy of aerial performance, dance music and great storytelling. The Chronicles of Oggle Asylum Productions SAT 11 APR 8PM Main Auditorium // €18 / €14 conc Meet Pakie. An orphan, a storyteller, an adventurer, a survivor. He may not be the sharpest sandwich in the toolbox, but Pakie knows a thing or two about the history of his native town – from the vicious Vikings, to the less-than Christian Brothers. Pakie’s a laugh a minute... but Pakie’s got secrets. Secrets the God fearing people of Oggle may not be ready to hear. This is a hilarious and heart-breaking story of small towns and even smaller minds. DRAÍOCHT FUNDRAISING ‘…art can absolutely change the world’ … Tracey Emin, Artist Text ART to 50300 to donate €2 to Draíocht As you know, Draíocht is a magical place… in fact Draíocht is the Irish word for Magic! … a place for fun, for discovery, for all who come here. Dancers dance, puppets play and stories unfold right before your eyes. In Draíocht you can experience wonderment, be invigorated, see something beautiful, try something new. You will be inspired, emotional, exhilarated and surprised. You’re never too old or too young to try. We will show you how. The arts can be magical and as artist Tracey Emin says, ‘… art can absolutely change the world’. Believe in Draíocht and you believe in the magic of the arts. Draíocht needs to raise more funds to continue our work in the community. The recessionary years have been difficult on everyone including our funders, with our programme grant receiving a cut of 40% in the last 5 years. Now we need your help! 100% of your donation goes to Draíocht across most network operators. Some operators apply VAT which means that a minimum of €1.63 will go to Draíocht. Service Provider: LIKECHARITY Helpline: 0766805278 29 www.draiocht.ie Draíocht has a particular commitment to high quality arts provision for all children and young people. Your donation will be used specifically towards this programme element, enabling us continue to provide Free Family Art Days on Saturdays as well Free Create Dance Workshops for children with intellectual disabilities. Thank you. Draíocht is a registered charity non-profit arts centre, CHY12696 DONATION 30 Gerry O’Mahony Sinead McDonald Keepers of Silence Uchronia UNTIL SAT 07 FEB 2015 GROUND FLOOR GALLERY UNTIL SAT 07 FEB 2015 FIRST FLOOR GALLERY ‘In my work I seek to confront the instinctive realities of human and cultural challenges in a world which fluctuates between the familiar and the unknown, an odyssey that shows humanity’s struggle to find ways to inhabit the planet in a peaceful, productive and co-operative way. These pieces show the influence of patterned, colourful symbols of ancient and primitive art where the creations are a celebration of a life that is simple and uncontrived: an art without ‘art’. The work is a response to all of these influences and yet none of them – a separate entity created from the inter-mingling of both major and minor influences. The work is an expression of a vision of the world, an invitation to observers to share that vision and create their own. It is both a statement and a challenge.’ A series of real and imagined self-portraits, these images investigate fate, free will and predestination, truth and longing and looks at how decisions, accidents and circumstances can change us utterly. What is it that makes us who we are? What if we could go back and undo things? Do we really have the power to shift our own narratives? Sinead McDonald is a Dublin based artist and NCAD graduate. She has exhibited widely in Ireland and abroad, with recent work shown in the U.S., Estonia, Latvia, the UK and an ongoing community arts project in Western Finland. Bartosz Kolata Circus FRI 20 FEB – SAT 25 APR 2015 GROUND FLOOR GALLERY In 1915 Fred Bradna became the Equestrian Director of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and remained in that position until 1945. They were a part of the show in Hartford Circus in 1944 which saw one of the worst fire disasters in the history of the USA with an estimated 167–169 people dead and more than 700 injured. The show was attended by approximately 7,000 people. ‘Some photographs of Fred Bradna’s troop were a starting point for my canvases. In these paintings I challenge myself with my pessimistic worldview and believe that human existence has no sublime meaning or value. My works are often on the borderline of being kitschy and comical. That is how I see the circus when it is stripped of its romantic and sentimental vision. In these paintings I assemble different and sometimes opposite situations, using my own sense of humour. By combining vintage acrobats, animals, clowns and freaks with modern day people I try to express the senselessness and absurdsity of our nature. By constantly staying with traditional and conservative values, we are unable to deal with our consciousness, leading us to unhappiness and in the end to destruction.’ Image detail: Bartosz Kolata, Circus, 130 x 150 cm, oil on canvas, 2014 31 www.draiocht.ie VISUAL ARTS 32 Jenny Fox Distant Thoughts and Faded Songs FRI 20 FEB – SAT 25 APR 2015 FIRST FLOOR GALLERY Jenny’s work is an emotional response to light and space, exploring the concept of place. The predominant mood behind her work is one of dense stillness and unhindered horizon, a sense of quiet and restfulness; an empty place, as if the subject has simply stepped out. Her canvases can appear empty, cold and pared back, but on closer inspection are rich with subtle texture and tone, her colours muted, almost monochrome at times, like the diffused sunlight on an overcast day; indistinct structures nestling within this abstract place veiled by a transparent mist. The composition evolves as the process of applying plaster and oil paint begins. It is these materials and their application, which creates an environment where things can happen by chance. It is this element of chance which provides the moment of excitement, when the work is led somewhere unexpected. This continues throughout the making process, as the work builds in layers of thin colour, settling into crevices and filling spaces, only to be sanded or scratched back and then re-applied, gradually building a richness of depth. Jenny works on as many as eight pieces simultaneously. She was brought up in Mayo and now lives and works in Co. Tipperary. A graduate of NCAD, her work is represented in several public collections, including those of University College Dublin, Iona Tech and TSB, as well as private collections in Ireland, UK and Germany. Image detail: Jenny Fox, Those Funny Little Plans, 110 x 110cm, 2014 Kevin Gaffney – Artist in Residence January – June 2015 Kevin Gaffney is a visual artist from Dublin. In 2011, he graduated from the Royal College of Art’s MA in Photography & Moving Image, and was awarded an Honorary Mention from the Startpoint Prize for Emerging Artists in the Czech Republic. In 2014, he was awarded an UNESCO-Aschberg Bursary for a residency at the National Museum of Modern & Contemporary Art in South Korea. Kevin works in film and photography, writing texts which feature in accompanying publications or as dialogue in the films. A recent project, Everything Disappears, was made in Taiwan with five local participants as performers. Portrayals of the participants unravel across intimate scenes to surreal staged events, reflecting on ideas of self-image and identity. The spoken words of the characters bring us through a series of psychological landscapes, reflecting on the relationships we have with ourselves and our native countries. Another project, Seeing Colours in an Oil Slick, explores the remnants of lead and coal mining infrastructure which remain on the Irish landscape, using performance as a tool to re-activate the spaces. On residency at Draíocht, Kevin will develop and produce a new body of work, using the local area as a departure point for his research. 33 www.draiocht.ie VISUAL ARTS 34 Book Now through Draiocht’s Box Office on 01–885 2622 For more info email [email protected] ADULT CLASSES Acrylics for Beginners Acrylics Intermediate WITH JENNI CLEARY WITH JENNI CLEARY WEDNESDAYS, 1PM–3PM 6 WEEKS / 04 FEB–11 MAR 2015 Draíocht Workshop Room Course Fee: €95 / €75 conc Materials must be supplied by participants. A list is available upon booking. WEDNESDAYS, 10.30AM–12.30PM 6 WEEKS / 04 FEB–11 MAR 2015 Draíocht Workshop Room Course Fee: €95 / €75 conc Materials must be supplied by participants. A list is available upon booking. This is a complete beginners workshop in acrylic painting to discover the benefits and skills involved in using acrylic paint. We will be exploring different painting techniques, composition, colour mixing, light and shade and layering. We will be using famous artsists’ works and styles as inspiration and our subject matters will vary from landscapes to still lives. Each individual will be shown how to start their own personal project and to develop their styles and technical skills. This class is for anyone who has already attended one of the previous acrylic workshops in Draíocht. In these classes participants will further evolve their personal styles. We will be looking at how to create landscapes in different seasons and weather conditions. We will particularly be exploring expressionism and how to show emotion and moods in your paintings using colours and perspectives. Draíocht has a number of Access Places available on all its courses. If you would like to nominate someone to participate who may not have the fee, please contact Emer McGowan on 01-8098027 or [email protected] in confidence. Draíocht is committed, within its resources, to access to the arts for all. Understanding Modern Art for Beginners WITH DES MCGUINNESS THURSDAYS, 11.30AM–12.30PM 6 WEEKS / 05 FEB–12 MAR 2015 Draíocht Workshop Room Course Fee: €45 / €35 conc This six week course is designed for those curious about or interested in modern and contemporary art. Each hour long session will include an illustrated talk and a short group discussion. The course will map-out art movements and discuss questions of beauty, colour, composition, content, form and meaning. Visits to both Draíocht’s Galleries and one other in Dublin, will also be included. Des McGuinness is passionionate about sharing his love and knowlege of art/art history. His professional involvement includes The School of Communications, DCU, where he taught modules on ‘art and modernism, ‘image analysis’ and ‘visual culture’. FREE FAMILY DAYS FAMILY DAY: WONDERFUL WEAVING SAT 24 JAN 2015 DRAÍOCHT GALLERIES // SEE NOTES FOR NEW TIMES With the help of our artists, explore colored paper weaving by creating some wonderfully woven scales on the back of your very own designed cut out fish or crocodile! FAMILY DAY: COLOUR LIKE KANDINSKY SAT 07 MAR 2015 DRAÍOCHT GALLERIES // SEE NOTES FOR NEW TIMES Even as a child the Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky was really interested in colour. He used it to show emotion rather than to make objects look real. This family day we will take a look at some of his work and create some colourful pictures of our own inspired by this great artist, using chalks and oil pastels. So come along and have some fun with colour, with the help of our artists. FAMILY DAY NOTES: SESSIONS ARE FREE, BUT SPACE IS LIMITED. MAX 50 PER WORKSHOP. SESSION 01: 12PM–12.50PM SESSION 02: 1PM–1.50PM SESSION 03: 2PM–2.50PM Dress for Mess / Unless otherwise stated workshops are designed for children from 5–10 years, though younger and older siblings are welcome to take part / Please be aware that Draíocht’s Family days are not designed for groups / All children must be accompanied by an adult and all adults must be accompanied by a child! 35 www.draiocht.ie YOUTH ARTS 36 DRAÍOCHT & PRIMARY SCHOOLS FOCUS ON....MAKING MUSIC After the success of these workshops last year, The Mobile Music School returns to Draíocht, with workshops that incorporate many elements of the primary school curriculum with a considerable emphasis on listening, performing and composing – the three core strands of the National Council for Curriculum & Assessment. LEARN AND EXPLORE MON 26 JAN AGE RANGE: JR & SNR infants CLASS 9.30AM–10.30AM OR 11AM–12PM TUE 27 JAN AGE RANGE: 1ST & 2ND CLASS 10AM–11.15AM OR 11.45AM–1PM Through musical games and fun utilising song, musical excerpts and handheld percussion instruments, these sessions showcase what’s involved with composing, writing and performing music. MUSICAL THEATRE MON 02 –TUE 03 FEB AGE RANGE: 3RD & 4TH CLASS 10AM–11.15AM OR 11.45AM–1PM These workshops encourage creativity and immerse pupils into the world of musical theatre. During each session, pupils are encouraged to sing, move and act and are introduced to fun vocal warm ups, breathing exercises and script reading. The content of these workshops incorporate the three core strands of the music curriculum whilst incorporating the drama curriculum too. LET’S DRUM WORKSHOP MON 09 –TUE 10 FEB 10AM–11.15AM OR 11.45PM–1PM AGE RANGE: 5TH & 6TH CLASS Pupils are given the opportunity to play a range of percussion instruments and perform as a member of a percussion ensemble. By the end of each session, pupils will perform a piece of percussion ensemble music as a class. Workshop Notes: Limited to 1 class per school but other classes are welcome to be part of a waiting list. Cost per class €45 (max of 30 pupils per class). Please get in touch with Sarah Beirne 01-809 8029 if cost is an issue for your school. Booking is essential through Box Office on 01-885 2622. TOURS FOR PRIMARY CLASSES FROM MARCH 2015 Visit Draíocht’s two exhibition spaces, encourage pupils to examine and voice their opinion about the artists and their work and explore the rest of the building including our two theatre spaces, backstage and dressing rooms. Please book with Sarah, email: [email protected] or phone 01–809 8029. Tours will take approx. 50 minutes, are free, but are subject to availability. Class numbers are restrictred to 30 pupils with accompanying teacher. DRAÍOCHT & PRIMARY SCHOOLS Primary School Screening Draíocht in Association with the Irish Film Institute February – March 2015 MAIN AUDITORIUM 10.30AM Cost: €2 per student / 2 teachers free per class Suitable for 4th, 5th & 6th class pupils Draíocht continues its association with the Irish Film Institute and brings you another great film for Primary Schools this season. Keep an eye on our website for further date information and showings. Sign up for our teacher ezines on www.draiocht.ie to be sure you’re sent out up to date news and offers. DRAÍOCHT & SECONDARY SCHOOLS Preparing for Section 3 Art Appreciation JANUARY – MARCH 2015 COST: €1 PER STUDENT / Duration 1 hour This section of the Leaving Certificate exam paper often includes a question on visiting an exhibition or a gallery space. Facilitated by artist Andrew Carson, this tour gives students an opportunity to ask questions and find out further information about Draíocht’s exhibitions, focus on how we layout, install, display and light work. They will also have an opportunity to make notes, sketches and diagrams. Contact Sarah on 01–809 8029 to arrange a tour that will help students answer possible questions around gallery installation and exhibitions. All materials will be provided. Please give at least 2 weeks notice. Max 30 students per class with accompanying teacher. 37 www.draiocht.ie YOUTH ARTS 38 Draíocht & THE COMMUNITY CREATE DANCE PROJECT TINY TOTS CREATIVE SESSIONS COMMENCING SAT 10 JANUARY 2015 WITH ARTIST ORLA KELLY JR GROUP: (5–8 YEARS) 12.30PM–1.30PM SNR GROUP: (9–16 YEARS) 2PM–3PM FEBruary – MARCH 2015 AGES 2-4 YRS Now into its 2nd year, dancers and facilitators Mark Rogers and Philippa Donnellan continue to work magic with dance with this group of children who love to dance and also happen to have an intellectual disability. Parents and siblings also take part. This term participants will concentrate on music of different tempos and from different cultures from around the globe. Participants will watch, listen and feel, while dancing, laughing and creating. After the success of our Tiny Tots Sessions during 2014 with our resident artist Orla Kelly, Draíocht will once again work with Orla into 2015. If you have a child aged between 5–16 years with a love of dance, please get in touch. Booking through Box Office on 01–885 2622. Orla’s unique creative environments in Draíocht’s Workshop Room helped and supported parents to get creative with their children in an exciting, fun and curious environment. The one hour weekly sessions explored a variety of creative and playful elements including storytelling, movement, painting, building, music making, drawing and so much more. Stay tuned to Draíocht’s website for full details or email [email protected] to register your interest. If you are interested in finding out more about Orla’s work, visit earlychildhoodcreativity.com D15 YOUTH THEATRE FEBruary – MARch 2015 Now in our 4th year, the Dublin 15 Youth Theatre will work with one classic and one contemporary script for the first part of the year. This script work will later feed into a full scale production in Summer 2015 - so keep your eyes on the website for an upcoming D15 Youth Theatre Show! If you are interested in finding out more about D15YT, please contact Sarah on 01–809 8029 or [email protected] or log on to the D15 Youth Theatre Facebook page for up to date details. DISCOVER THEATRE Theatre Talks and Workshops for 14–18 Year Olds This is a chance to find out more about Theatre. Each session will be a mixture of games, improvisation, voice works, technical theatre, working from script and production talks. Over the next few months keep your eye on the website for upcoming talks and practical workshops, as well as facilitated visits to professional shows. SUNDAY 25 JAN 12PM–2PM All about Beckett // €2 SUNDAY 22 FEB 12PM–2PM Voice work // €2 SUNDAY 29 MAR 12PM–2PM Working as a Choir // €2 (With Micheal Dawson) Booking through Box Office on 01-8852622. 39 www.draiocht.ie YOUTH ARTS draíocht season brochure january-march 2015 Since opening in 2001 Draíocht has reached right to the heart of the people it serves in Dublin 15 and its environs to provide stimulating and accessible arts programming. Over 50,000 people a year attend performance events including a mix of professional, national, international and local work. In addition, thousands more attend our two exhibition galleries, use our conference facilities and of course many enjoy the facilities of our Bar and Betelnut Café. We aspire to reaching as wide an audience as possible and our commitment to access for all to the facilities and activities of the Centre forms the backbone of all our endeavours. By presenting an exciting line-up we hope to offer you, our audience, a programme which will be entertaining and exciting as well as at times challenging and provocative. Programme details are published in good faith but changes may occasionally be necessary. MAILING LIST // If you’d like to keep in touch more regularly with everything happening at Draíocht why not log on to www.draiocht.ie and join our free monthly ezine list, or just send an email to [email protected] with EZINE in the subject field. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Box Office // Telephone: 01-885 2622 Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday, 10am-6pm CONTACT // Draíocht, The Blanchardstown Centre, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 Administration: 01-885 2610 Fax: 01-824 3434 Email: [email protected] How to get to Draíocht // Draíocht is located opposite the Blue entrance of the Blanchardstown Shopping Centre. By car we are located on the Navan Road/N3 off the M50, and there are over 7000 free parking spaces available. Or you can take the 39a Bus (quickest), 39 or 37 from Dawson Street & Aston Quay. accessibility // Draíocht is fully accessible. FUNDERS // Draíocht is generously funded by Fingal County Council, with additional funding provided by The Arts Council. Draíocht also has a loyal network of Friends who contribute annually to the Company. www.draiocht.ie