Rules for Exhibition 2015
Rules for Exhibition 2015
Rules for Exhibition 2015 2015 Schedule of Events 8:00 am—1:00 pm 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm Wednesday, June 17, 2015 Set-up for Fair EARLY REGISTRATION FOR EXHIBITORS Burnet Community Center, 401 E. Jackson St., Burnet Thursday, June 18, 2015 9:00am— 12:00 noon 11:00am - 1:00pm 12:00 noon 1:00pm Registration for Exhibitor Entries Burnet Community Ctr.,401 E. Jackson, Burnet Lunch served by 4-H (By Donation) FAIR CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC Judging Friday, June 19, 2015 10:00am—7:30pm 10:30am – 3:30pm 4:00pm 5:30pm—6:30pm 6:30pm—7:30pm Open to Public Ongoing demonstrations “Texas Traditions” Cooking Demonstration by Linda Wells, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Burnet County FCS Agent Awards presentation and photographs of Best of Division and Sweepstakes Winners (Community Center Conference Room) 4-H Style Show (Community Center Conference Room) Saturday, June 20, 2015 9:00am—4:00pm 9:00am 9:00am—4:00pm 9:00am—2:30pm 11:00am 11:00am - 2:00pm 1:30pm 2:30pm 4:30pm – 6:30pm 6:30pm Open to Public Opening Ceremonies: Presentation of Colors—Fort Hood Color Guard; Welcome of Military, Police and Fire Department, Singing of National Anthem (Front of the Foundation Building) Vendors in the parking lot Lake Area Rods and Classics Car Club Car Show (Visitors will select a “People’s Choice Award”) Arrival of the Hill Country Flyer 4-H Barbeque (tickets on sale prior to the event and at the door) Burnet Gunfighters presentation at the Old Town Raffle drawings begin (NOTE: Winners of raffle items must claim them within 30 days of being notified of the selection.) Exhibitors pick up Entries and Raffle Items Fair will be closed to the public and committee members will break down and clean Community Center. Revised 11/04/2014 Page 2 “Texas Traditions” The 2015 Burnet County Area Fair will be held June 19th, and June 20th, 2015 at the Burnet Community Center, 401 E. Jackson St. Burnet, TX. The Burnet County Area Fair invites citizens in Burnet County, Bell County, Blanco County, Lampasas County, Llano County, San Saba County, Travis County and Williamson County to participate in the fair. The 2015 Burnet County Area Fair is a presentation of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension of Burnet County, Highland Lakes Master Gardener Association, the Texas Extension Education Association of Burnet County, the Highland Lakes Sewing Guild, the Marble Falls Quilt Club, the Highland Lakes Master Naturalists and the Burnet County Fair and Rodeo Association. We look forward to your participation in the fair. Registration for the 2015 Burnet County Area Fair will begin Wednesday, June17th from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. Registration will continue on Thursday, June 18 th from 9:00am to 12:00 noon. We hope these hours will be more convenient for our exhibitors. Judging will begin 1:00pm on Thursday, June 18 th. A Holiday Affaire Division will highlight Texas Traditions. Please note some of the other divisions will also include categories related to the Texas Traditions theme. Aprons and Patriotism Divisions have returned as permanent divisions. You will also notice Clothing and Needlework Divisions have been combined into one division – Fiber Arts Division. For 2015 exhibitors, we have added a new division – Story Board Display Division.. Once again we will offer cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners, Best of Division and Sweepstakes Award winners. The Sweepstakes Award will be given to an exhibitor in each age group who enters exhibits in three or more divisions and earns the most points. New for 2015 - exhibits will be picked up on Saturday, June 20th from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. Raffle items will be picked up at this time also. There will be no pick up on Sunday. We’ve worked hard to make the 2015 fair a family-friendly event that will be fun for all ages. For updated information about the 2015 Fair, please check out our website --The Burnet County Area Fair Committee Page 3 Table of Contents Schedule of Events page 2 2015 Burnet County Area Fair “Texas Traditions” page 3 General Rules page 4 & 5 Exhibitor Entry Form page 6 Division 1: Aprons Page 7 Division 2: Arts and Crafts page 8 Division 3: Baked Goods page 9, 10, 11 Division 4: Fiber Arts page 12 & 13 Division 5: Fine Arts page 14 Division 6: Metal Arts page 15 Division 7: Patriotism page 16 & 17 Division 8: Photography page 18 Division 9: Porcelain Arts page 19 Division 10: Potted Plants and Flowers page 20 Division 11: Preserved Foods page 21 & 22 Division 12: Quilting page 23 & 24 Division 13: Story Board page 25 Division 14: Holiday Affaire – Texas Traditions page 26 & 27 Division 15: Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs and Eggs Page 28 Division 16: Woodworking Page 29 Please read all general rules before submission of exhibits. Each division has specific rules, which are listed in their respective sections. General Rules 1. The Burnet County Area Fair Committee reserves the right to interpret these rules and to settle all questions arising in connection with the Burnet County Area Fair. 2. In no case will the Burnet County Area Fair Committee or the Burnet County Fair and Rodeo Association be responsible for any accident, damage, or loss of any property. 3. Exhibitors must at all times give the necessary attention to what they have on exhibition and take charge of the same at the close of the Fair. Page 4 4. The Burnet County Area Fair Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any exhibit or entry. 5. Exhibitors are limited to Burnet County and surrounding counties: Bell, Blanco, Llano, Lampasas, San Saba, Travis, and Williamson. 6. Entries are limited to one item per category per exhibitor. If a Division category has sub-categories, only one entry in each sub-category will be allowed per exhibitor. For example, if an exhibitor in the Baked Goods Division wanted to enter the Pie Category with both a fruit pie and a pecan pie that would be acceptable because those are both sub-categories in the Pie Category. 7. An Exhibitor Entry Form (see page 6) MUST be filled out by each exhibitor prior to arrival to the fair You will need this completed form before you register your entries. THIS COMPLETED FORM MUST NOT LEAVE THE PREMISES. FAILURE TO RETURN THE EXHIBITOR ENTRY FORM TO REGISTRATION WILL RESULT IN EXHIBITS BEING DISQUALIFIED. 8. Entry tags must remain attached to the exhibited article for the duration of the fair. 9. No entries will be removed before the designated pick-up time. 10. No entries from professionals will be accepted. A professional is defined as someone who earns over 40% of his/her income in the various divisions listed in this rulebook. Being a professional in one division, however, does not preclude that person from entering another division. 11. There are three age groups in each exhibit division. They are as follows: ADULT (18 years and over), SENIOR YOUTH (12 to 17 years), JUNIOR YOUTH (under 12). 12. Awards are given solely as recognition of merit and will be based upon the decisions of the judges. Entries not warranting an award in the opinion of the judges will not receive an award even if there is no competition in that category. Lack of competition shall not be the cause of withholding a prize. Decisions of the judge(s) are final and no appeals will be heard concerning the placing. 13. Entries from past years will not be accepted. AWARDS: First, second, third-place and honorable mention ribbons may be given in each age group in each exhibit category of the exhibit divisions. A small cash prize will be given for each place award as follows: $3.00 for first place, $2.00 for second place, and $1.00 for third place. A Best of Division award will be given for each age group in each exhibit division. In addition to a special rosette ribbon, the Best of Division award will include a small cash prize of $5.00. A Sweepstakes award will be given for each age group. To be eligible for the Sweepstakes award, an exhibitor must enter an item in three or more divisions (NOT CATEGORIES WITHIN A DIVISION). A point system based on the ranking of an exhibitor’s entry within each division will be used to determine the Sweepstakes winner in each age group. The point system is as follows: one point for each entry; two points for each 3rd-place ribbon; three points for each 2nd-place ribbon; four points for each 1st-place ribbon; and five points for each Best of Division rosette. Page 5 NOTE: SHADED AREAS ARE TO BE FILLED OUT BY DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS. NAME EXHIBITOR # ADDRESS _______________ TEL. # CITY ZIP E-mail THIS FORM MUST BE TURNED IN BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE FAIR PREMISES OR YOUR ENTRIES WILL BE DISQUALIFIED! Entries are limited to one item per category per exhibitor. If a Division category has sub-categories, only one entry in each sub-category will be allowed per exhibitor, but there is no limit as to how many categories may be entered. Refer to general rules and division rules in the Burnet County Area Fair Rules of Exhibition booklet for more information. BY ENTERING YOUR ITEMS, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT NOTHING MAY BE PICKED UP UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 20 TH FROM 4:30 PM TO 6:30 PM AGE DIVISIONS: (Check one) Junior Youth (Under 12) Senior Youth (12-17) Adult (18 & Over) *****STAFF: Please include Division Number and Category and Sub Category #***** DIV # 3 Tag # As s ig n e d on -sit e Division Name Baked Goods Entry Description Chocolate Sheet Cake Page 6 Category # Sub Cat # To be filled out by Division Supt. Division 1 - Aprons Superintendent: Lynda French – phone 512-489-9044; email – [email protected] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules The entries for the Aprons Division must have been made by the person entering the item. You may have only one (1) entry in each category, with the exception of Category 12, Mother/Daughter Aprons, which requires two aprons. Aprons are to be made of fabric. Aprons are to be in good condition. General appearance criteria: a. Attractive fabric suitable for the pattern. b. Well-pressed and clean. c. Trimmings and findings attractive. d. Pleasing color or color combinations. e. Thread and notions matched to fabrics as closely as possible. f. Professional-looking finish. g. Hems and facings inconspicuous from the apron’s right side. Entries not warranting an award in the opinion of the Judges will not receive an award even if there is no competition in that category. Lack of competition shall not be the cause of withholding a prize. DECISION OF THE JUDGES WILL BE FINAL. CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: BIB APRON CATEGORY 2: CHEF’S APRON CATEGORY 3: FULL APRON CATEGORY 4: WAIST/HALF APRON-EVERYDAY CATEGORY 5: WAIST/HALF APRON- APPLIQUE/EMBROIDERY CATEGORY 6: GINGHAM-CROSS STITCH OR TRIMMED CATEGORY 7: SMOCK/COBBLER APRON CATEGORY 8: HOLIDAY, ENTERTAINING, FANCY OR SPECIAL OCCASION APRON CATEGORY 9: DOUBLE DUTY (SUCH AS APRON TO BONNET) CATEGORY 10: MEN’S APRON CATEGORY 11: RECYCLED (SUCH AS MADE FROM JEANS) CATEGORY 12: MOTHER/DAUGHTER (TWO APRONS) CATEGORY 13: UTILITY APRON CATEGORY 14: CHILD’S APRON Page 7 Division 2 - Arts and Crafts Superintendent: Lisa Zinz—phone: 512-755-3620; email: [email protected] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules All articles must be exhibited in the name of the bonafide owner, creator or manufacturer. All entries must be clean and in good condition. Wall art articles must be appropriately prepared for hanging or they may be disqualified. General Appearance: Article must show good design and color for intended use. Workmanship must be of high quality with attention to details. Division chairs will assign exhibits to sub-categories as appropriate. CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: BASKETS CATEGORY 2: BEAD CRAFTS CATEGORY 3: CERAMIC CRAFTS CATEGORY 4: CLAY CRAFTS CATEGORY 5: DOLLS CATEGORY 6: EMBELLISHMENT CRAFTS CATEGORY 7: GLASS CRAFTS CATEGORY 8: GOURDS CATEGORY 9: HOLIDAY CRAFTS CATEGORY 10: HOME DÉCOR CATEGORY 11: JEWELRY CRAFTS A. Individual Pieces B. Sets CATEGORY 12: LEATHER CRAFTS CATEGORY 13: LEGO CRAFTS CATEGORY 14: MODELS/MINIATURES CRAFTS CATEGORY 15: PAPER CRAFTS/QUILLING CATEGORY 16: RECYCLED/REPURPOSED CRAFTS CATEGORY 17: SCRAPBOOKING CRAFTS CATEGORY 18: TEXAS TRADITIONS CRAFTS CATEGORY 19: WEAVING CRAFTS CATEGORY 20: OTHER CRAFTS Page 8 Division 3 - Baked Goods Superintendent: Valli Bennett – Phone: 512-489-2493; email: [email protected] PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules 1. All Baked Goods will be judged on Presentation (30%), Recipe (20%), and Taste and Texture (50%). All items will be cut/sliced as part of judging. 2. Each entry must be accompanied by the recipe. Recipes should be neatly written, printed or typewritten and must have a complete list of all ingredients that were used, as well as detailed preparation and baking instructions. DO NOT put the name of the exhibitor on the recipe. The printed recipe will become the property of the Burnet County Area Fair Committee, which has the right to use the recipe for fair publicity. All entries will become the property the Burnet County Area Fair and will not be returned to the exhibitor because of health reasons. 3. All entries must be the work of the exhibitor. Exhibitors are limited to one (1) item per sub-category. All entries must be submitted on a sturdy white paper or foam plate unless otherwise noted. Each entry is to be sealed in a gallon zip bag or covered with clear plastic wrap. 4. All entries must be made from scratch with the exception of those indicated otherwise. 5. All baked good entries shall be placed on a disposable plate or disposable container AND WILL NOT BE RETURNED TO THE EXHIBITOR. You pick up your ribbons and awards Saturday 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Food Safety Rules Fillings, frostings, glazes, and meringues (whether uncooked or cooked) are not permitted to contain cream cheese, whipped cream, sour cream, un-pasteurized milk or raw eggs. Home-canned fruits, vegetables, or meats are not permitted in products. Contestants should carefully wash their hands and make sure that their hands do not have any open cuts before preparing foods. Baked goods should be delivered in covered containers, plastic wrap, or foil if specified. CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: CAKES Each cake must be delivered on a disposable, non-returnable container that is covered with plastic wrap, with the exception of those cakes with icing. Iced cakes may be presented in a cake carrier. A. Angel Food G. Cakes made with mix (Must use two or B. Bundt more ingredients other than those called C. Layer for by the mix.) D. Sheet H. Other E. Pound F. Gluten Free CATEGORY 2: CANDY (12 pieces) A. Fudge B. Divinity C. Nut Brittle D. Dipped E. Other CATEGORY 3: COOKIES (12 each) A. Bar B. Brownies C. Rolled D. Drop Page 9 E. F. G. H. Pressed Refrigerator Cookie made with mix (Must use two or more ingredients other than those called for by the mix.) Other CATEGORY 4: MACHINE BREADS (1 loaf) A. Fruit B. Raisin C. Cinnamon D. Mix (Must use two or more ingredients other than those called for by the mix.) E. Other CATEGORY 5: QUICK BREADS (1 loaf) A. Fruit (dried or fresh) B. Nut C. Vegetable D. Gingerbread E. Other CATEGORY 6: YEAST BREADS – HAND-KNEADED A. Loaves (1 loaf) 1. Fruit 2. Nut 3. Sourdough 4. Rye 5. 6. 7. 8. White Whole Wheat Gluten-Free Other B. Sweet 1. Coffee Cake 2. Tea Ring 3. Cinnamon Rolls (6 each) 4. Other C. Rolls (6 each) 1. White Dinner 2. Whole Wheat Dinner 3. Gluten-Free 4. Other CATEGORY 7: MISCELLANEOUS BREADS (6 each) A. Biscuits B. Cornbread C. Tortillas D. Muffins E. Other CATEGORY 8: PIES (Crust recipe must be included. No store-bought crust allowed.) A. Two-Crust 1. Cherry 4. Peach 2. Apple 5. Cobbler 3. Berry 6. Other B. One-Crust 1. Pecan 2. Fruit 3. Cobbler 4. Other Page 10 CATEGORY 9: DECORATED COOKIE JAR – TEXAS TRADITIONS THEME A. Individual Cookie Jar B. Group Cookie Jar Submission Rules for Decorated Cookie Jar 1. Each entry must be submitted in a clear glass jar or container with wide-mouth, approximately one (1) gallon capacity, decorated in the theme for this year. Entries may be submitted by individuals and/or groups. These will be returned to exhibitor on Saturday, June 20th from 4:30pm – 6:30pm. 2. Jar must be filled with an assortment of at least three (3) different kinds of cookies. Two (2) of each kind are to be placed on a plate for judges to taste. 3. Jar will remain closed at all times. 4. Cookies are to be homemade. The recipe for each variety of cookies must be presented. Recipes should be neatly written, printed or typewritten and must have a complete list of all ingredients that were used, as well as detailed instructions on how to prepare. DO NOT put the name of the exhibitor on the recipes. The printed recipes will become the property of the Burnet County Area Fair Committee, which has the right to use the recipe for fair publicity. 5. Decorated cookie jars will be judged on presentation (20%), recipe (20%), taste and texture (20%), and decoration of the cookie jar (40%). Page 11 Division 4 – Fiber Art (Formerly Clothing and Needlework Divisions) Superintendent: Roxanne Dunegan – phone: 512-756-3059; email: [email protected] Fiber Art refers an art whose medium consists of natural or synthetic fiber and other components, such as fabric, leather or yarn. It focuses on the materials and on the manual labor on the part of the artisan as part of the works’ significance, and prioritizes on aesthetic value. Fiber Art revolves around the use of fiber and/or textiles. It also encompasses countless techniques which this fair committee has tried to represent below. As long as the work conceived and created is rooted in textiles, it can be considered “fiber art”. PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules The rules below are in addition to the General Rules of the fair. 1. Articles entered in “Original Design” classes may not be kits, commercial patterns or copies. The design, choice of material, and selection of colors must be the original work of the exhibitor. 2. Framed items and articles to be hung must be wired and ready to hang. 3. Exhibitors entering free-hanging articles must provide their own hanging equipment. 4. Sets or ensembles may be entered as one entry. If more than one unattached piece is included in one exhibit, the exhibitor must label each piece in a set, ie. 1 of 2, 1 or 4, etc. 5. Entries may be limited or not displayed based on size, content, subject matter or for any reason determine not in the best interest of the fair. 6. Exhibitor may include a brief description of article. 7. All finishing work must be done by the exhibitor except blocking and framing which may be done by a professional. CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: Upcycled Items – Using innovation and creativity to make a new item, or embellish existing item from unwanted or scrap materials. A. Clothing B. Home Accessories C. All Other Items, specify CATEGORY 2: Felting A. Handbag or Tote B. All Other Items, specify CATEGORY 3: Weaving and Spinning A. Hand-weaving, any item, specify B. Hand-spun yarn, any fiber CATEGORY 4: Christmas A. Sewing B. Needle Art ( crochet, knitting, felting, embroidery, needlepoint C. Mixed Techniques, specify D. Ornaments E. Handcrafted item. Specify Page 12 CATEGORY 5: Knitted and Crocheted Art – Wearable art, Dolls, Toys and Animals A. Wall Hanging or Wall Art B. 3-D Art, specify C. Wearable Art, specify D. Dolls, Toys and Animals, specify CATEGORY 6: Afghans: Crocheted or Hand-Knitted A. Baby Afghan B. Granny Square C. Original Design (no pattern used) D. All other Crocheted Afghans 42” x 48” E. All other Hand-Knitted Afghans CATEGORY 7: Crocheted Clothing A. Child and Baby Clothing B. Adult Clothing, specify C. Original Design, any item (no pattern used) CATEGORY 8: Crocheted and Hand-Knitted Fashion Accessories, Doll and Pet Apparel A. Crocheted Scarf, Poncho, Cape, Shawl or Cowl B. Knitted Scarf, Poncho, Cape, Shawl or Cowl C. Doll and Pet Apparel D. All other items, specify (hat, purse, bag, tote, etc.) CATEGORY 9: Crocheted and Hand-Knitted Home Accessories A. Dollies, Placemats, Table Runners or Tablecloths, specify B. All other items, specify CATEGORY 10: Hand-Knitted Clothing A. Child and Baby Clothing B. Adult Clothing, specify C. Original design (no pattern used) , any item, specify Page 13 Division 5 - Fine Arts Superintendent: Jon Zubkus—phone: 512-793-2501; email: [email protected] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules All entries must be at least 100% done by the exhibitor. Paintings, including frame, may not be larger than 36" x 27." All framed paintings must be dry, and substantially wired. Flat art pieces that do not require a frame, but that need to be hung for display must be mounted on a foam core backing and have a hanging tab that will support the weight of the piece. All freestanding artwork must be stable enough to be placed on a shelf or on the floor depending on size of piece. Entries must have been completed within the last two years. Entries from a previous Burnet County Fair are not eligible to be submitted again. The Fair Committee reserves the right to reject work based on size, fragility, inappropriate content or other rule infringements. CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: OIL PAINTING (oil, enamel, alkyd, encaustic) CATEGORY 2: WATERCOLOR (watercolor, tempera, gouache or any media used transparently on paper) CATEGORY 3: ACRYLIC PAINTING (casein, acrylic and egg tempera) CATEGORY 4: DRAWINGS (Anything drawn with pencil, crayon, pastel, charcoal, chalk, pen and ink, or any mixture of these) CATEGORY 5: SCULPTURE (metal, clay, wood, or stone) CATEGORY 6: MIXED MEDIA (more than one medium and collages) CATEGORY 7: RECYCLED MATERIAL (use of any non-typical material such as paper, wood, rubber, etc.) CATEGORY 8: OTHER (art not fitting into other categories listed above) NOTE: When a Category above has a sufficient number of entries (in the opinion of the Burnet County Area Fair Fine Arts Division Chairman) Subcategories may be established within the main Category Page 14 Division 6 - Metal Arts Superintendent: Randy Lackey – email: [email protected] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules All articles must be exhibited in the name of the bonafide owner, creator or manufacturer. entries must be clean and in good condition. Wall art articles must be appropriately prepared for hanging or they may be disqualified. Entry tags must remain attached to the exhibited article for the duration of the Fair. General Appearance: Article must show good design and color for intended use. Workmanship must be of high quality with attention to details. Division chairs will assign exhibits to sub-categories as appropriate. Unless otherwise noted, each category will have the following sub-categories: Large, Medium, Small, and Other. CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: INDOOR SCULPTURE/DÉCOR CATEGORY 2: OUTDOOR SCULPTURE/DÉCOR CATEGORY 3: INDOOR FURNITURE – TABLE CATEGORY 4: INDOOR FURNITURE – CHAIR CATEGORY 5: INDOOR FURNITURE – BENCH CATEGORY 6: OUTDOOR FURNITURE – TRELLIS CATEGORY 7: OUTDOOR FURNITURE – TABLE CATEGORY 8: OUTDOOR FURNITURE – CHAIR CATEGORY 9: OUTDOOR FURNITURE – BENCH CATEGORY 10: JEWELRY CATEGORY 11: HOLLOWWARE CATEGORY 12: OTHER CATEGORY 13: TEXAS TRADITIONS ITEM Page 15 Division 7- Patriotism Division Chaired by the Oatmeal Extension Education Club Superintendent: Carolyn Smith, Phone: Carolyn 512-355-2549; email: [email protected] The Patriotic Division reflects all Patriotic Holidays, items of Red, White and Blue or honors the Military and First Responders. PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules 1. The entries for this Division must be made or assembled by the person entering the item(s). Except in Category 9 which can be any Patriotic item which was given to you by a friend or family member who served in the Military and accompanied by a story. 2. Exhibitor can have only one (1) entry in each category unless it’s a set of items, for example: Table cloth and Napkins or the Mother/ Daughter Aprons which required two items. 3. All item(s) can be made of purchased materials and assembled by the exhibitor. 4. General criteria a. Items are to be in good clean condition, fabric items should be well pressed, trimmings and findings attractive, pleasing color or color combinations, thread and notions matched to fabric as closely as possible, hems and facings inconspicuous from the right side and a professional looking finish. b. Aprons, table runners, place mats, table cloths, napkins and pillows (pillow forms can be used), are to be of fabric and sewed by the exhibitor. c. Attractive fabric suitable for pattern d. Table centerpieces shall not exceed 24 inches. e. Swag no longer than 6 feet f. Wreath no larger than 36 inches. g. All mechanics shall be inconspicuous. h. All items entered must reflect the Patriotic theme of the Division. 5. Entries not warranting an award in the opinion of the judges will not receive an award even if there is no competition in that category. Lack of competition shall not be the cause of withholding a prize. DECISION OF THE JUDGES WILL BE FINAL. 6. No article shall be permitted to be exhibited in this Division if it has been awarded a prize in the previous year’s fair exhibitions. CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: PATRIOTIC SWAG CATEGORY 2: PATRIOTIC WREATH CATEGORY 3: PATRIOTIC APRONS CATEGORY 4: PATRIOTIC TABLE LINENS (cloths, napkins, placemats, table runner) CATEGORY 5: PATRIOTIC PILLOW CATEGORY 6: PATRIOTIC WALL HANGING OR WALL ART CATEGORY 7: PATRIOTIC CARVING, OR CERAMICS ITEM Page 16 CATEGORY 8: PATRIOTIC ARRANGEMENT A. Artificial Flowers or Plants B. Live Flowers or Plants CATEGORY 9: PATRIOTIC QUILT (ANY SIZE, HAND OR MACHINE QUILTED) CATEGORY 10: OTHER PATRIOTIC ITEM Page 17 Division 8 - Photography Superintendent: Mike Childers—phone: 830-693-5061; email: [email protected] PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules PLEASE NOTE: ALL PHOTOS MUST BE MOUNTED ON STURDY 8”X10” BACKING! 1. Photography must be printed on photo paper. 2. Recommended and MAXIMUM size of mounted photo is 8”X10”. 3. Photos must be mounted on sturdy 8”X10” (or smaller as appropriate) backing such as mat board or foam core board. The quality of the mount will be considered in the judging process. 4. Framed photos or matted photos are ineligible and will not be accepted. 5. Entries are limited to one photo per category per entrant. 6. No entries from professionals will be accepted. Photographers with 40% of income derived from photography are considered professional. 7. Division chair reserves the right to assign exhibits to categories as appropriate. 8. The Fair Committee reserves the right to reject work based on size, fragility, inappropriate content or other rule infringements. 9. No article shall be permitted to be exhibited in this Division if it has been awarded a prize in any previous fair exhibitions. 10. Awards are given solely as recognition of merit and will be based upon the decisions of the judges. No appeals will be heard concerning the placing. 11. Entries not warranting an award in the opinion of the judges, will not receive an award even if there is no competition in that category. However, lack of competition shall not be the cause of withholding an award. Decision of the judges is final. 12. First-, second-, and third-place awards may be given in each age group in each category. Additionally, a Best of Division award will be given for each age group. When appropriate up to two Honorable Mention ribbons will be awarded in each category. 13. All ribbon winners will be exhibited from the opening of the fair until the close of the fair. Remaining entries will be displayed on a space-available basis. 14. Entry tags must remain attached to the exhibited article for the duration of the Fair. 15. Entrants must bring their ticket stub(s) to the photography display area during the designated pick-up time to retrieve their photos. 16. No entries will be removed before the designated pick-up time. CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: SCENIC/LANDSCAPES/ SEASCAPES CATEGORY 2: CITYSCAPES/ ARCHITECTURE CATEGORY 3: ANIMALS CATEGORY 4: PLANTS AND FLOWERS CATEGORY 5: SPORTS/ACTION CATEGORY 6: STILL LIFE CATEGORY 7: PEOPLE CATEGORY 8: BLACK AND WHITE CATEGORY 9: HOLIDAY AFFAIRE – 2015 – TEXAS TRADITION THEME PHOTOS Page 18 Division 9 - Porcelain Arts Superintendent: Kathleen Feller—phone: 830-693-7910; email: [email protected] PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules 1. All paintings must be hand painted by the artist. All entrees must be the work of the exhibitor. The entry may be completed from a pattern but no seminar or class pieces will be accepted. 2. Artist’s signature must be covered with masking tape. (It will be removed after judging.) 3. Entries should be submitted with a tagged easel, stand or hanger for displaying purposes. A return address label will do. 4. The entry should have been painted within the time period of two years previous. 5. Each entry will be judged on: a. Design—size and shape b. Color—good contrast; lights and darks c. Technique d. Ability to control the medium and tools e. Originality CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: ANIMAL CATEGORY 2: BIRD CATEGORY 3: FI S H CATEGORY 4: DOLL / FIGURINE CATEGORY 5: FLORAL CATEGORY 6: DRESDEN CATEGORY 7: FRUIT CATEGORY 8: LANDSCAPE / SCENE CATEGORY 9: MINIATURE /JEWELRY CATEGORY 10: EGG CATEGORY 11: MUG / CUP AND SAUCER CATEGORY 12: GOLD / ENAMEL / PASTE CATEGORY 13: PEN WORK CATEGORY 14: PORTRAIT CATEGORY 15: TEA SET / COFFEE SET / CHOCOLATE SET (LIMIT 6 PIECES) CATEGORY 16: VASE / PITCHER CATEGORY 17: FRAMED TILE CATEGORY 18: CHRISTMAS CATEGORY 19: OTHER Page 19 Division 10 - Potted Plants and Flowers Superintendent: Kay Lee—phone: 512-964-3021; email: [email protected] PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules 1. All specimen flowers must have been grown by the exhibitor. Flowers used in designs must be fresh; however, they need not necessarily be grown by the exhibitor. 2. Potted plants, hanging baskets, and dish gardens must have been in the exhibitor’s possession at least three months. 3. All specimens must be clean and free from visible pests and spray residue, or they will be refused. 4. All containers for flower arrangements, potted plants, and dish gardens must have the exhibitor’s name and address attached to the bottom of the container. 5. All plants and cut specimens shall be identified and labeled. CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: POTTED PLANTS – FERNS CATEGORY 2: POTTED PLANTS – FOLIAGE PLANTS CATEGORY 3: POTTED PLANTS – FLOWERING PLANTS CATEGORY 4: POTTED PLANTS – SUCCULENTS CATEGORY 5: POTTED PLANTS – OTHER CATEGORY 6: HANGING BASKETS - FERNS CATEGORY 7: HANGING BASKETS – FOLIAGE PLANTS CATEGORY 8: HANGING BASKETS – FLOWERS CATEGORY 9: HANGING BASKETS – SUCCULENTS CATEGORY 10: HANGING BASKETS – OTHER CATEGORY 11: FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS – FRESH CATEGORY 12: FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS – DRIED CATEGORY 13: FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS – ARTIFICIAL CATEGORY 14: DISH GARDENS – SUCCULENTS (ONLY) CATEGORY 15: DISH GARDENTS – MIXED SPECIES CATEGORY 16: TEXAS PLANTS AND FLOWERS CATEGORY 17: PLANTS AND FLOWERS – ALL OTHER Page 20 Division 11 - Preserved Foods Superintendent: Lela Goar—phone: 512-585-7606; email: [email protected] PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules 1. All exhibits must have been preserved entirely by the exhibitor during the past year. 2. All canning must be in standard canning jars with a lid and band. All lids must have an airtight seal with ring intact, smooth, unbent and free from rust and corrosion. 3. All jelly, jam, preserves, and butters should be in a standard canning jar, with a lid and band. Leave the band on the jar. No paraffin seals will be accepted. 4. All containers must be sealed to be judged. No canned goods will be opened or tasted. 5. Jar tops should be labeled with contents and dated. 6. A recipe specifying ingredients and method of preservation must accompany all entries. 7. All canned goods must be heat processed using either a boiling water bath or a pressure cooker, as appropriate. No open kettle method allowed. 8. The same item cannot be entered in more than one category, with the exception of Category 1, Gift Container. 9. Unless otherwise noted, exhibits must be in half-pint, pint, or quart jars. CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: GIFT CONTAINER (Theme container/basket displaying six (6) homemade canned products from Categories 2 through 9). The theme for this year’s container/basket is Texas Traditions. All entries in this category should reflect the theme. The items in the container may also be entered in individual categories. CATEGORY 2: FRUIT (Jelly Glass or Pint Jar) A. Apples/Applesauce B. Apricots C. Berries D. Figs E. Peaches F. Pears G. Plums H. Sour Cherries I. Sweet Cherries J. Tomatoes K. Other CATEGORY 3: FRUIT BUTTERS (Jelly Glass or Pint Jar) A. Apple B. Peach C. Pear D. Plum E. Other CATEGORY 4: JAMS & PRESERVES (Jelly Glass or Pint Jar) A. Apple B. Apricot C. Blackberry D. Cherry E. Figs Page 21 F. Peach G. Plum H. Raspberry I. Rhubarb J. Strawberry K. Tomato L. Other CATEGORY 5: JELLIES (Jelly Glass or Pint Jar) A. Apple B. Apricot C. Blackberry D. Grape E. Plum F. Raspberry G. Strawberry H. Other CATEGORY 6: PICKLED GOODS (Pint Jar or Quart Jar) A. Beets B. Bread and butter pickles C. Dill pickles D. Mixed pickles or last of garden E. Sweet pickles F. Okra G. Other CATEGORY 7: SAUCES & RELISHES (Pint Jar or Quart Jar) A. Corn Relish B. Sandwich spread C. Sauce – chili, taco, salsa D. Spaghetti E. Sweet relish F. Tomato ketchup G. Other CATEGORY 8: VEGETABLES (Pint Jar or Quart Jar) A. Beans, green or yellow B. Beets C. Carrots D. Corn E. Okra F. Squash G. Soup mix H. Other CATEGORY 9: MISCELLANEOUS A. Honey B. Other Page 22 Division 12 – Quilting Superintendent: Mary Clendennon, email: PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules 1. Kits will be accepted. 2. Each item must be the work of the person entering the item. All categories are individual entry only, except for group quilts, Categories 28, 29, and 30. 3. No unfinished tops will be accepted. 4. Judges will consider the following criteria: a. General appearance b. Workmanship c. Beauty and design d. Color harmony CATEGORIES QUILT – HAND-PIECED and HAND-QUILTED CATEGORY 1: Appliquéd CATEGORY 2: Embroidered CATEGORY 3: Pieced QUILT – HAND-PIECED and MACHINE-QUILTED CATEGORY 4: Appliquéd CATEGORY 5: Embroidered CATEGORY 6: Pieced QUILT – MACHINE-PIECED and HAND-QUILTED CATEGORY 7: Appliquéd CATEGORY 8: Embroidered CATEGORY 9: Pieced QUILT – MACHINE-PIECED and MACHINE-QUILTED CATEGORY 10: Appliquéd CATEGORY 11: Embroidered CATEGORY 12: Pieced WALL HANGING (Smaller than 50”X70”) – HAND-PIECED and HAND-QUILTED CATEGORY 13: Appliquéd CATEGORY 14: Embroidered CATEGORY 15: Pieced WALL HANGING (Smaller than 50”X70”) – HAND-PIECED and MACHINE-QUILTED CATEGORY 16: Appliquéd CATEGORY 17: Embroidered CATEGORY 18: Pieced WALL HANGING (Smaller than 50”X70”) – MACHINE-PIECED and HAND-QUILTED CATEGORY 19: Appliquéd CATEGORY 20: Embroidered CATEGORY 21: Pieced Page 23 WALL HANGING (Smaller than 50”X70”) – MACHINE-PIECED and MACHINE-QUILTED CATEGORY 22: Appliquéd CATEGORY 23: Embroidered CATEGORY 24: Pieced BABY QUILT – HAND- or MACHINE-QUILTED CATEGORY 25: Appliquéd CATEGORY 26: Embroidered CATEGORY 27: Pieced GROUP QUILT (made by more than one person) – HAND- or MACHINEQUILTED CATEGORY 28: Appliquéd CATEGORY 29: Embroidered CATEGORY 30: Pieced QUILTED ITEMS – HAND- or MACHINE-QUILTED CATEGORY 31: Garment CATEGORY 32: Pillow CATEGORY 33: Table Runner CATEGORY 34: Accessories CATEGORY 35: First Quilt CATEGORY 36: Yo-Yos CATEGORY 37: Miniature CATEGORY 38: Other Techniques CATEGORY 39: Texas Traditions Themed Quilted Item Page 24 Division 13 – Storyboard Display Superintendent: Roxanne Dunegan – phone: 512-756-3059; email: [email protected] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules If you have conducted any type of experiment or test to solve a problem or improve a situation, developing a presentation display board can convey and share your investigation with the public. A display board presents information to the general public on results from a project you have been working on. It is a visual written way to communicate the results of your project. All displays must be made from a Tri-fold Display Board 36” x 48”. This display folds out on the sides. No other size will be accepted The board background can be any color. All information must be attached to the board. No models or items placed on the table top will be accepted. Your display board must include the following: a. Title of project b. Identify the situation. Your project should address a need. c. What was your Goal? What were you trying to accomplish? d. What was Your Plan? What were the steps in accomplishing your goal? Did you need to include other people? How long did this take? How much did it cost? e. Did you accomplish your goal? Write your conclusion. You can incorporate some or all of the following into the design of your display board a. Bright and interesting colors b. Include graphs or interesting ways to convey your data c. Include photographs of your steps d. Use graphics to explain items in #6 above. e. Use creativity as long as it is attached to the board. Is your project unique? Judging will be determined as follows: a. 30% Overall appearance and clarity b. 20% Organization of information c. 20% Use of graphics and photographs d. 10% Creativity, uniqueness e. 20% Conveyed the results or conclusion Page 25 Division 14 – A Holiday Affaire: The Theme for 2015 Fair is Texas Traditions Chaired by the Marble Falls Extension Education Club Contact: Lynda French, 512-489-9044; [email protected] or Polly Krenek, 512-355-2633; [email protected] PLEASE READ GENERAL RULES Submission Rules The Texas Traditions Division reflects typical Texas items symbolic of our beautiful state of Texas. 1. The entries for this division must be made or assembled by the person entering the item(s). 2. Exhibitor can have only one (1) entry in each category unless it’s a set of items. 3. General criteria: a. Items are to be in good clean condition, fabric items should be well pressed, trimmings and findings attractive, pleasing color or color combinations, thread and notions matched to fabric as closely as possible, hems and facings inconspicuous from the right side and a professional looking finish. b. Aprons, table runners, place mats, table cloths, napkins and pillows should be made of materials suitable for the item or pattern. c. Table centerpieces shall not exceed 24 inches. d. Swag no longer than 6 feet. e. Wreath no larger than 36 inches. f. All mechanics shall be inconspicuous. g. All items entered must reflect the theme of the Division and an optional short description telling why it’s a “Texas Tradition” can be attached. (This is not mandatory.) 5. Entries not warranting an award in the opinion of the judges will not receive an award even if there is no competition in that category. Lack of competition shall not be the cause of withholding a prize. DECISION OF THE JUDGES WILL BE FINAL. CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: SWAG CATEGORY 2: WREATH CATEGORY 3: APRON CATEGORY 4: TABLE LINENS (cloths, napkins, placemats, and table runner) CATEGORY 5: PILLOW CATEGORY 6: WALL HANGING OR WALL ART CATEGORY 7: CARVING OR CERAMICS ITEM CATEGORY 8: ARRANGEMENT CATEGORY 9: TEXAS TRADITIONS QUILT (ANY SIZE; HAND OR MACHINE QUILTED) CATEGORY 10: OTHER TEXAS TRADITIONS ITEM Page 26 Division 15 – Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs and Eggs Superintendent: Colleen Struss – phone: 512-422-5446; email: [email protected] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. PLEASE READ THE GENERAL RULES Submission Rules An insufficient number of specimens will disqualify the entry. See Category for number required. All entries to be exhibited must have been grown by the exhibitor. Exhibits must be free of insects or disease that may infect or damage other exhibits. No artificial coloring, leaf shine, spray, oiling, or wiring is allowed. Vegetable or fruit variety, if known, should be listed on the exhibit tag. For “Celebrity”, you should include that information on the tag. If you are entering herbs, you should list the type, for example, “Sage”. Items that do not deteriorate during exhibition, such as potatoes and onions, may be picked up by the exhibitor following the fair. All other exhibits become property of the Burnet County Fair Committee following the fair. Exhibits will be displayed on white paper plates provided by the Burnet County Area Fair Committee. Category 12, Odd or Amusingly-Shaped Vegetables, is a just-for-fun category in which all age groups compete against one another. CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: TOMATOES A. Beefsteak (3 each) B. Cherry (6 each) C. Globe (6 each) D. Grape (6 each) CATEGORY 2: PEPPERS A. Bell (3 each) B. Banana (3 each) C. Jalapeno (3 each) D. Other (3 each) CATEGORY 3: SQUASH (3 each) A. Zucchini B. Yellow (straight or crookneck) C. Patty pan D. Winter E. Other CATEGORY 4: POTATOES (3 each) A. White B. Red C. Other CATEGORY 5: OTHER ROOT VEGETABLES (3 each) A. Beets B. Carrots C. Radishes D. Turnips E. Rutabagas Page 27 CATEGORY 6: CURCUBITS A. Cucumbers (3 each) B. Pumpkin (1) C. Watermelon (1) D. Cantaloupe (1) E. Gourd (3 each) CATEGORY 7: LEGUMES (6 each) A. Beans B. Peas C. Peanuts CATEGORY 8: ALIUMS (3 each) A. Onions B. Garlic C. Leeks CATEGORY 9: LEAFY GREENS (6 stalks) A. Swiss Chard B. Kale C. Collards D. Other CATEGORY 10: MISCELLANEOUS (3 each) A. Okra B. Sweet corn C. Eggplant D. Other CATEGORY 11: FRUITS (3 each, unless otherwise noted) A. Apples B. Figs C. Peaches D. Pears E. Plums F. Grapes (1 bunch) G. Blackberries (6 each) H. Other CATEGORY 12: ODD OR AMUSINGLY SHAPED VEGETABLES (1 each) A. Largest B. Most misshapen C. Funniest CATEGORY 13: HERBS (3 stems each) A. Basil B. Mint C. Rosemary D. Other CATEGORY 14: EGGS (3 each) Page 28 Division 16 - Woodworking Superintendent: Blair Feller—phone: 830-693-7910; email: [email protected] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PLEASE READ THE GENERAL RULES Submission Rules All entries must be the work of the exhibitor. Basis for judging: quality of workmanship, difficulty of construction or technique, suitable finish, general characteristics, and originality of design. Wall art articles must be appropriately prepared for hanging or they may be disqualified. Exhibitor’s signature must be covered with masking tape. (It will be removed after judging.) Division chairs will assign exhibits to sub-categories as appropriate. CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1: FURNITURE – TABLE CATEGORY 2: FURNITURE – (OTHER THAN TABLE) CATEGORY 3: HOUSEHOLD ITEM – DECORATIVE CATEGORY 4: HOUSEHOLD ITEM – UTILITY CATEGORY 5: SCROLL SAW PROJECTS CATEGORY 6: SCROLL SAW – INTARSIA OR INLAY CATEGORY 7: WOODTURNED – BOWL OR OPEN VESSEL CATEGORY 8: WOODTURNED – CLOSED VESSEL, HOLLOW FORM, OR OTHER CATEGORY 9: CLOCKS CATEGORY 10: HAND CARVING A. Animals B. Caricature C. Relief/Chip Carving/Pyrography D. Other CATEGORY 11: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CATEGORY 12: TOYS AND MODELS CATEGORY 13: OTHER Page 29