Untitled - Orinoco Sports
Untitled - Orinoco Sports
$pufrr$Tumn o{ ls the leadingrnanufacturer SportsTutor@ patented in the world. We tennisball machines ballmachine the firstpoftable,battery-powered been refining years and have ago, overtwenty ar e and upgr adng it evefslnce.ou r m ac hi nes usedwor dwlde,includingat the Association (ATP) TralningCenter of TennisProfessionals For lda. in PonteVedr aBeach, uIriltffitt r0nBmNilm$Wfl t E i2 TEt{lllSTWIST Pas€ strokes. beginner's ldealfor developlng for useanlv,/here. models AC andbattery-powered UrcW$S.:i,. 0finB Ptolite TUT0R TEI{tllS Pas€2 professional ballmachne full-featured lightest, Thesmallest, # l w 4.5 PIUS Pases3 TUT0R & TEl{l{lS TElll{lSTUT0R e " l ^ a c h re s i' rl" wo ' ld f o -o le lhe l1 o o d d b , b yeori Me n T V WNN::.]I:r' ll0Mt[0UfiIS 7,8 TElllllsT0WER Paqes mosthomecourt thefeatures Provides ownerswant,plusoptionalupgrades. e.ro,r1 SH0TMAKER Paqes ba I machine Top-of-the-lneprofessional cLub5. tennts for homecourtsand M0lrtws:\.,, PtAYtR M0DE PTAYER 6 Paqe ot the shotpatterns simulates tvlode"(patentpendinq) Plaver the lable on plavers lt is ava withthetouchof a button. real models Tower,andShotmaker TutorPus,Tennis Tennis K{'i Atllll fflltftMA$lllftlt$ AGGt$$0Rlt$ 8* 13 AGGESS0RIESPase foryourballmachlne. andupgrades Extras (ITHER MAGHII{ES TUIOB SPORTS andsoccer' volleyball, eakpeekat our machnesfor basebalL, THIltll8 IUTffi|rulitl ST, M _Sl[Ar=l E$T, _rlGHTE PROFESSIOI{AI BAtt iltAcHtl{E TheTennis TutorProLte'" isa full-featured professronal yet baI machlne, it standsonly 12inches tallandweighs lessthan30 pounds. Patented technology borrowed fromtheworlds #1 portableball machine,thelbnnisTutor, makesit possible. FEATURES r Five-second Set-up Theballhopperopensin seconds to hotd 125tennis balls. load Just theballsand you'rereadyfor action. r VersatileSpeed Bal speedisvariabe frorna gente tossthats ideafor kidsjustbeqnningtennis, to hard-hitt ng groundstrokes thatwil challenge eventop amateurp ayers. r VariableBallFeed Balfeedrate s variabe fromonebaI every (forquick{eaction 1-1l2seconds volleys), to oneballeveryI0 seconds. Start-upTimeDelay A stad-uptimedelaya lows the p ayertimeto getto the othersldeof the netbefore ballsbegn shooting. FullRangeof Trajectories Baltralectory is manually adjustable f fomgroundstroke to lob. Full-CourtOscillator (Optional) Whenyou'reready to hiton therun,justflp the oscillator switchandTennis TutorProLite wtlldeivershots y across random the court. Battery-powered models Thebuilt-in rechargeable batterytypically delverstwo to threehoursof playing time. And it canbe recharged between500and1,000 times before replacement. 1onansport as qrr'ase ' TheBattery modes comecomplete with a p ug-inchargng unitthatfullycharges the battery overnight.Andit evenhasa built-inbattery chargendicatol PROIITE M(IIIETS ProLiteBasicAC. Ac-powered, no oscillator ProliteBasicBattery Batery-powered, no oscilator ProliteAC. AC-powered, with oscillator Prolite BatteryBatterypowered, with oscilator WARRAI{TY Tennrs TutorProLite is backedbya oneyear warrantycoverng bothpartsandlabor. Extended warranties avalable. SPEGIFIGATI|ll{S Ballcapacty Trajectories BaI qectionspeed BaI feed rate Oscllator Pld.?ar1a/bar .rodel, 125balls Groundstroke to ob 10- 60 MPll 1-1l2to 10seconds Buiitn (closed) Dimensons Weight{W battery) 1 9 . 5' Lx 1 8 " Wx1 2" H 29 pounds 7-o t-oul5. typfal Spe.f|catons subledto.hangew thournor.e. PORTABILITY... GOMPROMISESTRUE 1{O enoughto take is portable Tutor@ Tennis A]IDMORE to challenge yet powedu enough anj,$/here, only measuring Tutofistrulyportable, Tennis '12inchestallwhentheballhopperisfolded Andwiththetowinghandle downfof transporl. just it tows likeluggage efrcnded, Waen\oL,getTolre coJn.Lh'od|loppe op"n' ' to holdl5o bals,whichlsmorethantu'/o seconds fullof bals pick-up baskets standard Tutor players. ln Jad,Tennis eventop-Level ot is usedbytennisprosat the Associauon (ATP)Training center onals Profess Tennis Florida. in PonteVedfaBeach, HI{OIOGY, TEG PAIEI{TED batterycandelver PERFORIIIAI{GE Tutor'sbuiltin rechargeable PBOVEI{ Tennls time. lf youwantevenmore hourso{ playing combined patented technology, TutorS Tennis relinement, and yeas exper ence of withover20 *1 portable havemadeTennisTutorthe ball machineworldwide. uo to six Pack Battery batterylife,theleis an optionalExternal control aneledronlc Tutorfeatures Tennis (orl'olo ba pane. whr,h give'you'icaetip andballfeedrate(thetime tralectory speed, baLlthrows).Ballspeed interval bet\r'r'een to gentle tossfor chlldren a frorn ranges be can speed.Balltrajectory world-class and betweengroundstroke setanywhere an),^/,/here rate adiusts ball feed lob,while from1-Tl2to 10seconds. ifJfil a i; fittltlll$ YoucansetTenn5 Tutorto repeatShots and or to osclllate youneedto practice, y the coun acToss random directshots an excuslve Tutofa soteatures Tennis sm,anda mechan feeding anti-jamball timedelayto glve start-up 1o-second ro yoJt'-e ro geT yo-r(ioeor the^ar' ? \','lr I l',*,* iTNN\S IUIOR $- s i Tennis Tutorhasa bu t- n batterychargeindcator, and t evenpoitelybeepswhenthereisony one-half l'rourOTllattery chargeeft. Andol course, Tenns Tutof comescomplete wth a p ug-in charqing unt thatfuly cnarges ine batteryovernight.Andit canbe re.harged between500and1,000timesbeforereplacer.ent TE]{]{IS TUTOR PIUS Tennis TutorPus ncudesallthefeatures of thestandard Tennis Tutor,p us addstopspinand underspin capabiity. A simpeda controls theamountof topspn or undersp n youdesire.TheTennis TutorPlus { measures eightinches talerthan thestandard Tenns Tutor. 19q I v TennisTutor Plusis the only portableball machinethat displaysthe Elevationsetting right on the controlpanel. A simpleIo-segmentdisplay showsthe Elevationsettingso you canset it to your favorite spot beforefiring any balls. El€VANON P(IPUTAR OPTIOI{S ITNNI$ " '*rn%*^', \* ' Jt' E. H,,nnno rel$qi .^ rl't .,r-l I' $ Tennis TutorandTennis TutorPlusareboth avaiabe with a two-function w reless remote contro. Thehand-heid remoteletsyoustart andstopbaI delveryandcontrol the sideto sideposton of thebalthrows.Both arealsoavailable witha 2 | neJunct onthat automatcalyshootsto two preset courtpositions. Ths featureallows youto practlce a ternatingforehand andbackhand shots,or a lowsan instrudror to automatica ly shootto two lnesof students.Therearetwo 2- nesettinqs, nanowandwde, tor addedversatility. Additionally, Tennis TutorPlus is availabbwith PlayerMode". PlayerModesimulates the shot patternsof realplayers,and is described on page6 of this brochure. Ittl|Nl$frll IIN N I$ - ' ,L' ,f ' , - , , Thecompactsizeof the standardTennisTutor portabity,whllethe talLer provides exceptlonal topspn andunderspin Tennis TutorPusprovides is r Whichone ghttor you? capabllity. TEl{1{tS TUTOR Manyteaching and pro{essionals playlng who use against a flatlyhit bal. T-ann s Tutorpreferto practice a soid,dependab e Oncea playerhasdeveloped strokeagansta flat ball,he or shecaneasly to variations n spin. adjust PLUS TE]{]{IS TUTOR too.ot hi le') ,eqLrarv l /oi olavl^eav\ artroubleaganst or if youhaveparticu players who hitwth a lotof spn, then a Tennis TutorPlusmaybethe ight choice tor you. MODETS SPEGIFIGATIOI{S TUTOR TEI{I{IS Tutorwth ightweightbattery Tennis Tenns Tutor remote Tenns Tutorwithwlreless Tennis Tutorwith 2- neJeature Tennis Tutorwith remote& 2 lineleature Tennls TutorPlus Tenns TutoTPuswith remote Tennis TutorPusPlayer with remote Tennis TutorPlusPlayer ACPllWER All Tenns Tutormodelscanbe ordered with AC powernsteadof batterypower charge. for a m n maladditional V'IABRA]ITY Tenns Tutoris backedby a oneyear bothpartsand abor. warfantycovefing Extended warrantles areavaiable. ty 150ba s Ballcapac Groundstroke to lob Tralectories speed 85 N/PH Nlax.ballejectjon 1-1l2to 10seconds Balfeedrate Bui t- i n Oscilator Lead-acid, soid,seaed Battery Typ-" Play ng tir.e wth ightweightbattery 2 to 3 hours,typica with healydutybattery 4 to 6 hours,typica tirne 12hours, typcal Rechafge (hopperclosed) D mensions 19. 5" 1x20" Wx 12" H Tennis Tutor ' 19.5" 1x 20" W x 20" H Tenn s TutorPlus Weight(ncludingheawdutybattery) 42 pounds Tenn sTutor 46 pounds Tennis TutorPlus 5p€.f cato.s nrblectto.hangewtholt notc€ ,i rf ' ll rltt ltl 0nr With the pushof just one button, p ayerMode" (Patent Pending) s muiates a p ayeron theornerstoe ot the net. iustpushthe Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced buttons, andPlayer Modeautomatca y prcks an approprate speed andspn, thenchanges boththes deto-sidepositionandthe depthof shots of thatablity. .lustI keyouwerep ayingsomeone Theside-to-side positionand depthof ea.hshot are not simplychangedin a randomor sweeping motion,but arecomputerprogrammed to simulatethe shotpatternsof realplayers, Forinstance, llegnningp ayerswi i seemoreshots towardsthe m ddleof the couftandmorevaratlon in depthof shotsthanw I advanced playe|sAndyou arenotstuckwith ony thestandard settngs,youcan custom zethesettings byadding or subtracting more speed, spn, or depthasyou ike 4lq\ aaa ,. "E ,.@-,@. r ' . ioa "@^-@* ,@" PIAYER MOIIE (tII ISAVAITABLE THESE MODETS SHOTMAKER TEI{t{ts TUToR Ptus IINNI$ , , ,THEH(IME GET G(IURT AIIVAl{TAGE Tennis TowerSntutvecontropanedesign means youdon'tevenneedto readthelnstrudron manua if youreay don'twantto (althouqh offcialywe sti recoramend t). Justturn t on,takeessthan a m fute to adlust thecontrols, andp ay (lF AFULICIIMPLEMEI{T STAI{DARD FEATURES Speedrangesfrom 10 MP Hto 85 MP H . Spinis adjustable from heavy underspin,to flat, to heavy topspin(exceptCompetitorClassic) BallFeed(interval)controladjusts the time betweenshotsfrom 1-l/2 to l0 se(onds. Traiectoryis adjustablebetween groundstroke and lob. Built-inrandomoscillator. 225 ball capacity. TennisTower'displays the Elevation settingrighton the controlpanel. A simplelo-segmentdisplayshows the Elevationsettingso you canset it to your favorite spot beforefiringany balls. TherearefourTennis Tower nodels available,Whichmeans youcanselect thecombinat onof features thatbest yourneeds. meets GOMPETITOR GTASSIG Includes allthestandard features exceptsprncontrol. TOWEN CIUBGOIIR('!PAIIET :l GOMPETITOR Includes alithestandard features includ nq spincontrol. GtUB r lncludes plusa allthestandard features, two-function wireless remotecontrolthat lets youstaftandstopballdelveryandcontrol the position side-to-side of theballthrows. T PROFESSIOI{AL PLAYER n additionto allthestandard features, ano remotecontrol.the Professional Plaver modelincludesPlayerMode'. PlayerMode simulatesthe shot patternsof real players,and is described I on page5 of thi5brochu.e. t JI @ TheProlessional Player rnodel alsoincudesa pre-prograrnmed two-inetunction.At thetouchof a button,thetlvo linefunctionshootsballsto two presetposttons.Thishelpsan instruaor Tennis Toweris backedbya oneyear workwithtwo I nesof studenls ina grouplesson, warrantycovering bothpartsandlabor. of allo\6 a single player to practice alternating Extended warranties avaiable. torehand andbackhand shots.Thereareactually tvro2-lnesettings to select from,'2-linenarrow' or'2-linewide',depending on yourpreference SPECIFIGAIIOlIS for spacing Ballcapac of thetwo positions. ty 225 balls Trajector es Groundstroke to lob lvlax.baI eject.speed 85 t\,4PH Bal Feedlnterval 1-1l2to 10seconds No matterwhichTennis SpinControl Toweryouselect Topspln/Underspin we veqot yoL.overeo.tverymodeltomes Dimensons: 44"Hx23"Lx22"W Weight wth a protective all-weather 65 pounds cover. Power 100wattsmaximum WABBAI{TY WE'LL GOVER YOU Specitications subject to.hangewthoutnorce l'r, ,,' TOP.OF.THE.tIl{E ne TheShotmakerd s ourtop-of-the-l profess onalbalmachne. ltspowerand #,iI ve d. ir,A lcha'eroeo,dr'p_a_a . "i"1. onas. lnfacr,shotmaker incudinqprofess ot is usedbytenns prosat theAssociation (ATP) Tenns Professionals Tran ng Center Vedra Beach, For da. ln Ponte (lF AWENHH FEATURES provides thefeatuf-"s Shotmaker youwoud expectof a top of-the-ne bal machne ncludng: Speedrangesfrom '10MPHto 95 MPH, spin is adjustablefrom heavyunderspin, to flat, to heavytopspin. Intervalcontroladjuststhe time between shotsfrom one secondto six seconds. Trajedoryis adjustablebetween groundstrokeand lob. IT'SIil THE DETAITS several Shotrnaker alsoncorporates features to enhance usabity: distnC[ve r A singleelectronic panelcontrols all functionso{ the Shotmaker,lt is convenientlylocatedat the backof the machineabout waist levelto allow operationin a naturalstandingposition. Youcaneasilydial-inthe tennisshotsyou want while observingthe entirecourt in front of you- Randomand programmable oscillatorfunctions. 300ball capacity. TERM DURABITITYFouroversizedcasterwheelsfor LOI{G I F Shotrdler s caser. ..adA o! Ligr - pa ' plastic andpowdercoatecl nlection-molded for strength andrustresstance. alumlnum Theelectric motorsarea comn-rerc a grade free. andmaintenance easyrollingon and off the (ourt. A protectiveall-weathercoveris includedwith eachmachineto protect your investment. A see-through,high-impadplasticcover providesextra protectionfor the controlpanel. STAI{DARII MOIIET TheStandard modecontrolpanelisorganized in tlvo simplfledsectons. Theleftsideof the controipanelcontrols thetype ot shotyouwant. ndividual dialssetspeed,Spin, andthe Interval betweenshots,wh le simple swrtches controlPower(On/Of0,Elevation (Higher/Lower) (On/0f0. andRemote I Therightsideof the controlpanelcan be programmed to shootbalsto any or allof thethreepositions(A,B,C) shownon thetenniscourtdiagram abovethe corresponding switches. Forinstance, to shootto positions A and'C'ony,pushtheposition A and position 'C' swtches ON,andleave the position'B'switchOFF.Toshoot balsrandomly across thecourtpush allthreeposition switches to'OFF'. 0ptional Bemole Gonlrol A fll/eluncrionwireless remote controletsyoustaftandstopball deiveryandcontrolthe side-to,side position of theballthrows. lfEIUXE lrlODEt TheDeluxemodelisour mostversatile yeteasrest-to-use Shotmaker. lt isdescribed on me nexIpage. ji!.,rr/, l iil u-1 Memory SholProgram MolfEt DETUXE QuickSet-up model TheQuickSetupfeatureof theDeluxe basedon playLng provides shotselection one-touch to your abillty.lustpushthebuttoncorresponding (beginnet advanced), intermed ate, or skiLlevel a deliver modelwillautomaticaLly andtheDeLuxe shotto the middleof the court pre-programmed interval.lf youwantsomethinq at an appropriate shots, othefthanthepreproqrammed youcanusetheQuick Set-upbuttonsasa starting convenient point,andthenadjust the shotcharacterlstics with andshotposltjons contro5. the easy-touch Plaprilode The Deluxemodel includesPlayerMode-. PlayerMode simulates the shot patternsof realplayers,and is on page6 described of this brochure. Fl;lrammabil'rry t I f letsyoustoreshot lvlemory TheShotProgram and for yourfavoriteworkoutsor driLls, sequences The Shot of a button. with the touch thenrecalthern panel remembers everysettingon the control Program andShot Elevation, Spln,Interval, Speed, includlng that nine Shot Programs up to You can store Pattern. feature is especially canbe recaledat anytime. This wherethereis morethanoneuser usefulin situations as for the machine, eachusercanprogramin their ownfavoritesettings. Two-Funclion Remole Gontrol model TheDeluxe includes a tvr'o-{unction remote wireless control.The 'BallFeed' button alternately startsand stopsthe balldelivery button The Oscillatoi startsandstops alternately When theshotprogram. balls ony thro\,$ program is Shotmaker stopped, theshot wasstopped. wheretheprogram to theoneposition V{ARRA]ITY arebackedby baI ma.hlnes Shotrnaker rnodelcan TheDeluxe botnpans warrantycovertng a two-year to shoot be programried availabLe. Extended warranties Labor and paftern to six shots of up in a balls to any SPECIFIGATIOlIS (SHOT I thruSHOT6),with eachshotdirected (A, of sevendifferentcourtpositions B,C, D, E,F G) 300Balls or to a RANDON,4Balcapacrq/ shownon thetenniscourtdiagram, to Lob Groundstroke Trajecrories switchissetto OFFit w ll not position.lf a shotselector MPH 95 speed l\,4ax. llghtsshow in the shotpattern.Indicator belncluded Balfeedinterval 1 to 10seconds theactiveshotPosition. Topsp n/Underspin SpinControl to shootoneball Dimensions 38.5" H x 31' 1x 21.5'W lf youwantShotmaker Forinstance, (forright-hander5), thenoneball Welght 90 pounds wideto yourforehand p followedbya randomlyacedshot, Powef 120wattsmaximum downthemiddle, asfollows:SHOT1 to 'B', witholt not ce thensetthe sixswitches suble.r to change 5pe.f.atlon5 rest 'D', and the 3 to'MNDOM', SHOT 2 to SHOT to oFF. of the switches TEilllll$ | 'tIl;_f t{oTJusTFoR KDS Tennis Twist'wasdesigned especially for begnn ng tennis players.ts compactsizeand easyoperation makelt an ideal firstbaI machine for k dsjust startingtennis.lf a chld can swng a racquel,neor sne canplaywithTennis Twist. Begnningtennisplayers of anyage will benefitfromTennis Twist.Tennis Twistwon't mindif you'rea littlewild whie experiment ng withyourstrokes. Anddogsthatlikeplaying fetchwil likeTenns Twtsttoo. EASY TOUSE WABRA]ITY Tennis Twistissimpleto use. Justturn t on andit shootsa balleveryfve seconds. The arcof the ballcanbeadjusted anywhere Jrom12to 20 feet in ength.Theunique spjral designholdsup to 28 balls. Tennis Twistis backedby a oneyear warrantycovering bothpartsandlabor Tennis Twistisavailable in AC andbattery-powered models. TheBatterymodelwilloperate upto tenhourson six'D'size (not ncluded).Tennis batteries Twistbadjustab e rangemakes practical It for usein driveways, backyards, andevenbasements. Andsincelt we ghsjust 'l1 lbs, it5 easily transported to the localtenniscounsor park. Thehiqh-impact plastic case comeswitha convenient built-n carrying handle. Butdon'taska kidaboutthe conven enceofTennis Twist, they'l jun tel youhowmuchfun it is. ]IOTJUST FOR TEI{IIIS Tennis Twstcanalsobe usedto tossbattingpractice (using for beginning players baseball tenns bals). Tennrs balsaresaferfor kids,andwon't bredK windowsikebaseballs. TEll Ttt| | | rtr,r :1It t'- .t -=-) .=,) - I - =) .=,) SMART BATTERY CflNRGER SIIART/FAST BATTERY GHARGER Automatically shutsoff whenthe batteryischa.ged, and ndcates fuJlcharge withan LED. Simiar to theSmart Battery Charger butwil charge thebattery upto threetlmesfaster. ra': 1"h^" fu'a' p.ol ie, rcnni, r-tat le^ni\futo Plu For: Tennislutot lennis TutarPlus EXTERT{At BATTERY PACK Provdesan addt onal4-6 hoursof batterypower for a Tenns Tutor A nyloncafrying casehouses the Charger. batteryanda built-inSmartBattery For: lennis Tutot ProLite,TennisTuta, lennis lutor Plus EXTERIIIT ACPllWER SUPPTY PlugsntoanACoutletto provdecontinuous operaton for batterypowered Tenns Tutors. Comesn a nyloncarrying case. Fat:TennisTutat PrcLite,lennis lutot Tenrtsluta. Plus PROTECTIVE C(lVER HeaU/ v nylcoverf ts snuglyovera I Tenns Tutorrnodes to protectthemffornweather, dirt,anddust. Far: lenhis lutar PraLite,TennislutoL Tenn6Tuta. Plus WIRELESS REMllTE GOI{TRI!t Thetv/ojuncrion remoteetsyoustartand hand-hed .ropb" de .o^ro .1o ;da.o. depo".ol "4 a o of theba throws. PR0tlTE REiloTE C0l{TR0[ StartsandstoDsbalLdeiverv. Attaches with Bo-footongtubing. F|lRTEl{I{IS TUTON ACPOWER ltPTIOII withAC pow,"r AnyTenn s Tutofmachine canbeordered power for a m n maladditionacnarge. instead of battery OIH m;f fiif; lf "ruirfiAGlltlt-f .I D -1 t I ilt $I i$I I '4\\ LlJ,Ii"J#"i, ***tr#"n'ii'# I r_._ Lovdryba t aieclo] dndspeFdto o.odJ(e .- I d e r ive ' se "ve ' ) d - ' 0 o6 e0 e N' d sr4 oDr g,i'*+t**gl,fn***n+;u, #f '_ l , - - l: i: / poweredbya rechargeable powered rechargeable battery battery to make makethem portab themtruy portab e \ a ^. I I f:: MO[fl$I|ART Weight Speed Interval {lbs.) (MPH) (secondd Play Time Ball R€mote Spin Capadty TEl{illSTW|ST Battery AC tl tl 1 0 -1 5 1 01 5 5 5 6 DCe s 5 lo h rs AC n/a 2a 28 no no opt no opr opt no no yes no yes no TEl{lllSTUT0R Prolile Basic AC Basic Battery AC 2A 21 22 29 10 60 I 5,10 AC \/a 10- 60 ' r .s10 Darrery 23h|5 10- 60 1.510 AC n/a 1060 1.5,10 battery 2-3 hrs 125 125 125 125 TEl{1{IS TUTOR TutorW ght battery 39 Tutor 42 TutorWremote 42 TutorW2-line 42 TutorWremote& 2- ine 42 "e; I 10-85 1 0 -8 5 1 08 5 1 0 -8 5 1 s 'r0 1 . s1 0 1 . 5 -1 0 1 . 5 -1 0 battery battery battery battery battery 2 3 hrs 4 6 hrs 4 6 hrs 4-6 hrs 4-6 hrs 150 150 46 46 46 46 1 08 5 1 08 5 r0 8 5 t0-85 ] 5-10 1.5-10 1.5-10 15-10 battery battery battery battery 4-6hrs 4-6hrs 4-6hrs 4 6 hrs 150 150 150 150 no yes no yes yes yes yes yes 60 65 65 65 1 0 -8 5 1 0 -8 5 1 0 -8 5 1 08 5 1 . 5 -1 0 r. 5 1 0 r. 5 1 0 I 5 -1 0 AC AC AC AC n/a n/a 225 225 225 225 no yes yes yes yes yes 90 90 90 l0-95 1 -1 0 1 0 -9 5 1 -1 0 1 0 -9 5 1 1 0 AC AC AC n/a n/a a 300 300 300 no yes yes yes yes yes 10-85 1 5 10 150 TEI{I{IS TUTOR PIUS TutorPus Pu5Wrernote PusPlayer PusPlayer Wremote TEl{]ilS II|WER Compettor Class c Conrpettor c!b Proiessonal Payef SHOTMAKER Standard Standard Wremote DeLuxe 5p€.t.ationr slblecl b changewthdlr noric€. Player Mode (Patent Pending) 5imulates the shot patterns of real playeG with the touch of a button. $Pt|RI$ SP(|RTSTUT(|R.COM TUT||R' IilE$P0Rr$ Mlolill{t C0MPAilY 3300W nonaAvenue. Burbank. CA 91504 To tree:800.448.8867 Phone:a1A.972.2772 @2008 SponsTutor,l.c,