Weekly Bulletin - Sacred Heart of Hartwell Homepage


Weekly Bulletin - Sacred Heart of Hartwell Homepage
Sacred Heart
Catholic Church
Saint Mary
Elberton, GA
January 4, 2015 ~ Epiphany of the Lord
“...magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying,
‘Where is the newborn king of the Jews?
We saw his star at its rising
and have come to do him homage.’”
Matthew 2:1-2
Fr. Rafael Castaño, Pastor
Fr. Dominic Tho Tran, Parochial Vicar
Office Phone & Fax: 706-376-4112
1009 Benson St., Hartwell, GA 30643
Deacon Jerry Korte 706-436-3781, Deacon Barry Phillips 864-958-0601
email: [email protected]
Website: http:www.sacredheartofhartwell.com
Church secretaries: Cathy Hanneken and Christine Alfano
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30am– 12:30pm
For a pastoral emergency, after office hours–
please call 706-431-2255
Regular Mass Schedule
12 noon
Tuesday 12 noon
Wednesday 6 :00 pm
Thursday 9 :00 am
9 :00 am
5:30 pm
8:30 am
10:45 am Spanish
11:00 am English at
St. Mary In Elberton
155 Forest Avenue
1:00 pm Vietnamese
All Fridays—9:30 am -1:00 pm
6:30 pm First Friday followed by
Vietnamese Mass
Sacrament of Penance
Wednesday 5:10-5:45 pm
Saturday 4:00-4:45 pm
Happy New Year to all our family, friends,
and visitors!
We wish you much laughter, good health,
and a growing faith in the year to come!
God, thank you for a new year. May everyone in our family be willing to
begin anew with a clean slate. We know that you are always ready to
forgive us. Help us to be willing to forgive ourselves and to forgive one
As we begin a new year, remind us of our truest values and our deepest desires. Help us to live in the goodness that comes from doing what
you want us to do. Help us to put aside anxiety about the future and the
past, so that we might live in peace with you now, one day at a time.
Epiphany of the Lord (Manifestation of the Lord):
"Some interesting details to ponder from our readings today:
Isaiah mentions only gold and frankincense among the gifts that
come from all nations. It is Matthew who adds the gift of myrrh the symbol of the future passion and death of the newborn Messiah. The magi must consult the revelation of faith to find their way to
Bethlehem; their own means are not enough. As we listen to God's
word now, what details strike you? How is the Messiah revealed to
you today? "
Upcoming Liturgical and Pastoral Calendar
January 22—9:00 am Mass for the Unborn Children
February 18—Ash Wednesday
9:00 am Mass in English
12:00 pm Mass
6:00 pm Mass
6:00 pm at Saint Mary
7:15 pm—Mass in Spanish
We would like to Welcome the Jones Family to our Parish Family…
Michael, Shannon, Hailey, Charles, and Ashleigh.
January Wedding Anniversaries1st– Tom and Harlene Habel
3rd—Paul and Millie Eifler
3rd—Tom and Gale Zgraggen
10th—Ignacio and Maria Perez
January Birthdays
1st- Bennie Bee
Rejino Reyes
Tuyen Tran
2nd- Maria Zetina
5th- Erick Barrientos
Jamie Duarte
Jillian Hoell
6th– Mia Sanchez
7th– Donavon Voss
8th– Apolinar Garcia
Dung Si Le
Jose Robledo
Vanessa Telles
9th—Adelaide Rowland
10th– Leona Wall
Jon Willette
11th—Palemon Gonzalez
12th—Jaime Lara
Kathy Mangan
13th– Herminda Barrientos
14th– Narelda Carillo
Brissa Cervantes
GE Roedler
15th– Lizeth Medorio
Daniel Rico
Larry Schreller
16th– Virgilio Silva
17th– Ann Sequerth
Fatima Velazquez
18th– Linda Doker
Leonor Tinajero de Lu
19th– Mike Morris
20th—Jose Cervantes
21st—Irma Hernandez
Anelila Hernandez
Serafin Lara
22nd– Cynthia Kramer
Jose Nunez
Lizbeth Servin
23rd– Guadalupe Camacho
Kristen Cody
Shirley Drescher
Joan Frost
Bob Mangan
24th—Bao Pham
Paula Suarez
25th—Paola Rubio Aguilera
John Kunik
27th—Sergio Delgado
Juana Negrete
Angel Serrano
28th– Haydee Albarron
Sophia Felice
Esteban Franco
Pablo Medellin
29th—Anabel Marin
Maria Sanchez
30th—Mary Jordan
31st– Adrianna Hoell
Cecicillio Rubio
KrisAnn Alexander visited
with Father Kane over the
holidaysHe was saying
HO-HO-HO when taking
the picture.
Valentines Dinner Dance
Founders Hall February 14, 2015
Doors open 6:00PM—Dinner Served 7:00PM
Tickets $15.00
No tickets sold after February 8, 2015
Tickets sold after Mass, church office
and from any Knight
A thoughtful and well-planned will is a final statement of a life’s work. It is a
way to show love and concern for family members and friends and a means for
expressing gratitude to God for blessings bestowed. Just as you would provide
for your personal family in your will, you can also provide for your family of
Faith. Only with a will are your wishes known and brought to pass.
The following information may be included in the will of someone wishing to
leave a memorial bequest to Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
"I give and bequeath the sum of $____________ to Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, for the exclusive use and benefit of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in
Hartwell, GA" Gifts of stock, real estate, household goods or other possessions may also be specified.
For additional information regarding bequests and other planned giving options
contact Church office: 706-376-4112
Saturday, January 3
5:30 pm Mass +Arthur Treutlein
by Claudia Treutlein
Sunday, January 4
8:30 am Mass The Epiphany of the Lord
+ Bill Fritsch, +David Leverette,
and +John Schleier by Mary Lou Leverette
10:45 am Spanish Mass
11:00 am Mass at Saint Mary in Elberton
1:00 pm Vietnamese Mass
Monday, January 5
12:00 pm Mass
Tuesday, January 6
12:00 pm Communion Service
with Deacon Jerry
Wed., January 7
6:00 pm Mass
Thursday, January 8
9:00 am Mass
Friday, January 9
9:00 am Mass and Adoration
Saturday, January 10
5:30 pm Mass Leona Wall by Bill Wall
Sunday, January 11
8:30 am Mass +Rose Meehan
by Frank and Claire Boylan
10:45 am Spanish Mass
11:00 am Mass at Saint Mary in Elberton
1:00 pm—Vietnamese Mass
Our Lady's Circle will meet on Sunday, January 11
after the 8:30 am Mass in the Meeting Room.
All women of the parish are invited to attend.
Saint Mary is holding a fundraiser for
their new accessibility ramp. They are
selling these vases. There is a limited
quantity so get them while they last.
Sale Price $60
See the office if interested.
Sat January 3
5:00 pm Rosary—Sanctuary
Sun January 4 - No Religious Ed Classes
8:00 am- Rosary—Sanctuary
8:30 am-11:00 am—Youth/ Men/Women’s CRSP Groups– Bsmt of FH
9:30 am—11:00 am—Columbiette Breakfast
10:00 am-11:00 am—Spanish RCIA– Meeting Room
10:30 am—Rosario—Sanctuary
12:00 pm—1:00 pm—CRSP Lunch— FH
12:00 pm-1:30 pm– Misioneros de Jesus y Maria—Basement of FH
Mon January 5
5:00 pm—9:00 pm– Friendship Force– FH
8:00 pm-9:00 pm–AA meeting-Founders Hall Basement
Tues January 6
7:00 pm-8:30pm– Misioneros de Jesus y Maria—Basement of FH
8:00 pm-9:00 pm–AA meeting-Founders Hall basement
Wed January 7
5:40 pm—6:00 pm—Liturgy of the Hour Prayer Group—Sanctuary
6:30 pm—7:30 pm—CRSP Meeting—Basement of FH
Thurs January 8
7:00 pm– 8:30 pm—Choir Practice—Sanctuary
Fri January 9
9:30 am—Rosary and Adoration
4:30 pm - 8:00 pm- Knights activity—Knights’ Room
7:00 pm—9:00 pm—Misioneros de Jesus y Maria- Sanctuary
Parish Events continued...
Sat January 10
1:00 pm—2:00 pm –Quinceanera– Sanctuary
3:00 pm—5:00 pm—Misioneros de Jesus y Maria (Coro) - FH Basement
5:00 pm Rosary—Sanctuary
Sun January 11
8:00 am- Rosary—Sanctuary
8:30am-11:00 am—Youth/Men’s/Women’s CRSP Groups– Bsmt of FH
9:30 am– 10:30 am—Our Lady’s Circle– Meeting Room
9:45 am—10:45 am—Religious Ed Classes– Rel Ed Building
10:00 am-11:00 am—Spanish RCIA– Father Rafael’s Office
11:45 am—12:45 pm—Religious Ed Classes– 2nd session– Rel Ed Building
12:00 pm—2:00 pm—CRSP Continuation—FH Basement of FH
12:00 pm-1:30 pm– Misioneros de Jesus y Maria —Basement of FH
12:00 pm—1:00 pm—CRSP Lunch—FH
Our Lady’s Circle and the Knights will be taking down the
Christmas decorations starting at 9 am on Tuesday, January
13. If you would like to help, please feel free to join us.
We are sorry for the parishioners that did not receive their
2015 church calendar.
We are attempting to get more but unsure if the request will be
honored. Please be patient and we will keep you informed.
Future MeetingsParish Council:
January 21, 2015 at 6:45 pm
Finance Meetings:
January 22, 2015 at 6 pm
February 12, 2015 at 6 pm
Liturgy Meeting:
January 20, 2015 at 6:30 pm
2nd Collection:
January 4- Saint Vincent de Paul
January 11– Rectory Fund
Weekly Budget for Sacred Heart - Week Ending 12/28/14
Total Offertory: $4393.31 Budget: $5200.00 Short: $806.69
YTD: $109,556.16 Budget: $135,200.00 Short: $25,643.89
Rectory: $7,277.42
Eucharistic Adoration
Please consider making your New Year’s resolution
to spend one hour at week with the Lord.
Our Lord Jesus is exposed in the Blessed Sacrament
every Friday after 9am Mass until 1pm
followed by Benediction.
Any question or suggestion, please talk to Leona Wall,
Eucharistic Adoration Coordinator: (706) 376-5147
There is a wooden desk outside the office in the hallway. If anyone
would like it, you are welcome to take it home.
Thank you—Father Rafael
Youth MassWe had fun at the December Mass and Youth Night.
Please join us
January 18th at 5:00pm for
our next Youth mass.
Saint Mary's Mission Announcements:
Sacred Heart's office 706-376-4112
Sunday Mass: 11:00 am
Wednesday Mass: Adoration, Confession and Rosary at 5:00pm,
Mass at 5:30pm
Thank you so much for your generosity every Sunday.
Sunday 12/28/14: $553.00
Christmas: $842.00
For pastoral emergencies after office hours, please call the Rectory
at 706-431-2255.
Please call the office or email [email protected] to submit
the names of the homebound parishioners of Saint Mary.
The parish is holding a fundraiser for our new accessibility ramp. We are selling these vases.
There is a limited quantity so get them while they
Sale Price $60
Please call the SHJ office if interested.
Spanish Announcements
Proximos Bautismos: Enero 17 y Febrero 14.Ojala los Padrinos esten
casados por La Iglesia. Por favor inscribase con anterioridad. Gracias
Recuerde por favor que necesitamos de usted paraque nos ayude a
pintar las paredes de la parte Bajadel Founders Hall. Gracias por
mostrar su amor a laIglesia. Anotese con el Padre o con Vicente o
Cena de San Valentin. Celebren como esposos el dia14 de Febrero a las 6:00PM. en el Founders Hall. Compresu tiquete por $
15 dolares en la oficina. Salga de la rutina y demuestre su carino
a su esposa/esposo ese dia. No vestir jeans, vestido formal ya
que es cena de gala. Gracias..:)
Ministry Schedules
Ushers for January:
Saturday 5:30 pm—Bill Wall, George Ferenchak, Jim Wallace,
and Dominick Capobianco
Sunday 8:30 am—Rosemary Bussure, Art Bussure,
Ralph Kotal, and Alan Davies
Saturday, January 3
EM’s-H* Rachel Felice
Lectors– Helen Brandeburg and Candy Pursell
Sunday, January 4
EM’s- H*– Angela Griggs, Tim Thompson, and *Sharon McGuire
Lectors– Mark Kolkovich and Linda Doker
Altar Servers– Jillian Hoell, Laurel Griggs, George Parham,
Jaden Willette, and Flannery Hogan
Saturday, January 10
EM’s—H* Bill Wall and *Leona Wall
Lectors— Ann Roedler and Rachel Felice
Sunday, January 11
EM’s—H* Art Bussure, *Rosemary Bussure
Lectors— Madison Congdon and Susan Schafer
Altar Servers—Connor McDuffie, Duncan McDuffie, Zoe Palmer,
Kate Alfano, Simon Le
The walls downstairs in Founders Hall will be
painted on Saturday, January 10th in the morning.
If you want to help, please call the main office by
Friday January 9th. We will give you the exact
time the labor starts. You may also leave your
name at the main office. Vicente Aguilar and
Faustino Rivera will count on you. Thank you
Fr. Terry Kane
Alina Schreller
Larry Schreller
Maryann Latone
Russell Becker
Sandra Skelton
Melanie Harris
Eleanor Nagele
Diane Latone
Teresa Kotal
Debbie Breeden
Joe Brandeburg
Gale Zgraggen
Gene Larkin
Jay Earle
Truong Bui
Father Foley
Marian Mead
Elaine Beckham
Marshall Martin
Lou Horvath
Kim Campbell
Ed Hasel
John Bowman
Betty Hampel
Dorothy Pane
Family & Friends
Joseph Patrick Ford II
Lorenzo Zambino
Valerie Fritsch Legato
Kerry Clemmensen
David Myers
Jeanette Brooks
Joy Bryant
Linda Gagnon
Dusty DeStefano
Ril Longden
Susan Haseldon
Tom Spinelli
Doug Boswell
Richard Seihan
Emily Gawel
Linsay Schultz
Loretta Barrett
Nancy Morin
Betty Bryson
Lisa Wilson
John Winders
Dale Bryson
Anthony Scalici
Sister Regina Gegie
Brenda Ashworth
David Stone
Michael Tiddick
Kurt Werner
Pat Gagnon
Giavonna Giglio
Carol Ankerich
Dell Ouellette
Jean Mitchell
Max Carpenter
Camille Russo
Tom Hoskins
Frances Doar
Tanya Ashworth
Sandra Gualtieri
Pam McGarity
Parker King
Bell Barnawell
Linda Souders
Jane Dooling
William H. Stowe
Karen and Charles Schlock
Harriette Brown
Johnathon Swinsburg
Tom McKinney
Becky Lambeth
Gerald Hawkins
Pat Farnitano
Stella Seybolt
William Doker
Jimmy Moorehead
Mary Ann Sanders
Martha Hall
Bibbi Tschudy
Hugh Hackney
Fran Weber
Joanie Haley
Leo Latini
Nick Corish
Help Wanted:
We are in need of someone to care for our mother in her home. We are
needing someone to provide home health care. Examples - meal preparation, aiding my mother to the bathroom and bed for a number of hours
a week. Please call Annette Lendacki if interested—706-376-8068.
Thanks so much.
15 S. Forest
Salon Closed Jan. 4-11th
Re-opening on Jan12th with
Mon & Tues—9am-6 pm
Wednesday 9am -?
Vickery Place
Personal Care Home
Quality Senior Care in Downtown
For information call 706-491-2426
Or email [email protected]
Contact Jennifer and Jay Beck
Owners and parishioners
Caregiver's Support Group
Vickery Place Personal Care Home
5140 Vickery Street, Lavonia, GA 30553
The 2nd Tuesday of every month from 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Everyone is invited, from professional care providers to those caring
for family and friends.
For additional information, please call 706-356-5551.