“He said to them, "Whose image is this and whose inscription?’"
“He said to them, "Whose image is this and whose inscription?’"
Sacred Heart Saint Mary Catholic Church Catholic Church Elberton, GA October 19, 2014 ~ Twenty-ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time “He said to them, "Whose image is this and whose inscription?’" Matthew 22:20 Fr. Rafael Castaño, Pastor Fr. Dominic Tho Tran, Parochial Vicar Office Phone & Fax: 706-376-4112 1009 Benson St., Hartwell, GA 30643 Deacon Jerry Korte 706-436-3781, Deacon Barry Phillips 864-958-0601 email: [email protected] Website: http:www.sacredheartofhartwell.com Church secretaries: Betty Hampel and Christine Alfano Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am– 12:00pm For a pastoral emergency, after office hours– please call 706-371-4611 Regular Mass Schedule Monday 12 noon Tuesday 12 noon Wednesday 6 :00 pm Thursday 9 :00 am Friday 9 :00 am Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 8:30 am 10:50 am Spanish 11:00 am English at St. Mary In Elberton 155 Forest Avenue 1:00 pm Vietnamese Adoration All Fridays—9:30 am -1:00 pm 6:30 pm First Friday followed by Vietnamese Mass Sacrament of Penance Wednesday 5:10-5:45 pm Saturday 4:00-4:45 pm Next Youth Mass: Sunday, October 26 at 5:00 pm Thank you so much to our Sunday English teachers: Jose Gonzalez, Michelle Schleier, Kathy Davis, Hellen Brandeburg. They teach English to parents whose children attend second session of Religious Education. Thank you so much for helping others. If you want to have that experience as a teacher, please call the main office or see Fr. Rafael. Yes we are growing and we need a Parish Master Plan. Some of you for several years had mentioned to me the need to have a Master Plan for the future of our Parish. Yes, it is so. However in order to better accomplish this task, as discussed with the Finance Committee, we will first pay for the rectory in full. Once we are debt free, we can start with the Master Plan for the parish. We are looking at the first project to be the new parking lot. I will need a committee for this Master Plan which will have a representative from each cultural parish group and from those who have some expertise on construction. This Master Plan has to be done in coordination with the C.C.O of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. I will form the committee and soon I will let you know the committee’s names. So please be ready to say yes to my invitation. Thank you very much. Father Rafael There will be a “Clergy Appreciation Breakfast” in Founders Hall October 26, 2014 following the 8:30AM Mass. This will be a donation breakfast with all donations given to the clergy; all parishioners are encouraged and invited to attend. Our Lady’s Circle will have cake and punch. Both Saturday after 5:30 pm Mass and Sunday along with Knights Breakfast. All are invited to participate in this special event to honor our priests and deacons. The baskets for cards provided by Columbiettes. If you want to help in the preparation of the meal, please call Bob Satter at 706-376-4473. Eucharistic Adoration Our Lord Jesus is exposed in the Blessed Sacrament every Friday after 9am Mass until 1pm followed by Benediction. We would like to invite you to spend some prayer time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Imagine you and Jesus alone in prayer. Give Him your heart and he will speak to you in your heart. Talk to Him about the gifts He has given you. Tell Him your troubles you have and the strength you need to carry out His plans for you. Ourselves, our family, and our parish will benefit with these many blessings and graces. This is a wonderful time to spend quiet, personal time with Jesus. Come join with us. Any question or suggestion, please talk to Leona Wall, Eucharistic Adoration Coordinator: (706) 376-5147 American Legion Post 109 is spearheading an effort to bring the Wreaths Across America event to Hart County. The goal is to place a wreath on every veteran’s grave in Hart County on December 13, 2014. Estimates are approximately 1000 graves dating back to the colonial era. There will also be a community wide ceremonial event on December 13, 2014 at Nancy Hart Memorial Park. The premise of the program is to Remember the fallen, Honor those who have served and Teach our children and youth the meaning of freedom and liberty. Please provide Fallen Veterans name and burial location to Church Secretary, or to Pat Hansen, our program contact. Wreaths cost $15. Contact Pat at 706-376-7705 should you have any questions. To sponsor a wreath, please fill out the form available with church secretary or Pat Hansen. Forms will be available after Mass from now until October 26th. ANDERSON SENIOR FOLLIES Be assured of great seating when you order your tickets early for the annual and renowned sell-out 2015 variety show. The performances are as follows: Thurs. & Fri. March 19 & 20 at 7:30pm Sat. (2 shows) March 21 at 12:30pm & 5pm Sun. March 22 at 2:30 pm. Reserved tickets are $12 & $18 & due on reservation. Orders must be in by October 31st. Many of our church members have been attending for years as a church group at the Sunday performance. Call Judy Earle at 706-376-3476 or Kathy Mangan at 706-376-6913 for ticket reservations. Tickets will be delivered in early November. Update on the Shrine of Mary We have purchased the statue of our Lady of Lourdes, made in Italy by composite marble as you see her in the sanctuary. The price was $2,400, donated by a Vietnamese family. We also have ordered granites from Elberton to build the base for Mary's statue. When granites are ready, we will start building the base and stand her up, probably at the end of October. The base is about $3000, including material and labor, donated by another Vietnamese family. We may have extra funds from our Lady of Lourdes project and they maybe donated to the future church parking lot fund. Thanks for your prayer. The Vietnamese Ministry Book of RemembranceThis year, once again, you are invited to write the names of your deceased relatives and friends in our “Book of Remembrance.” The book will be in the narthex. The names in the book will be remembered at the weekend masses during the month of November. The book will be brought to the altar during the weekend masses remembering All Souls Day on Sunday, November 2nd. Youth MassWe will have a Youth Mass at 5:00 pm on October 26th. Our youth are very important at our church. We need volunteers to join and help out our youth with mass and activities. Altar Server Training Parents, are you interested in having your children trained as an Altar Server? If your children have received 1st Communion, please contact Christine Alfano—706-340-7010 and sign up for an Altar Server Training on Sunday October 26 after 8:30am mass. Altar Formación de servidores Los Padres, que esten interesades en que sus hijos sean monaguillos para la misa de 10:50am. Si sus hijos han recibido 1ª Comunión, póngase en contacto con Isaias Sanchez y firmar para un entrenamiento a las 12pm después de la misa del domingo 26 de Octubre. UPCOMING PARISH ACTIVITIES October 25/26 Clergy Appreciation Weekend October 31 7:00 pm Halloween Party for Children in FH November 8 Craft Sale at Founders Hall November 15 9:00 am Confirmation Retreat November 26 6:00 pm—Bilingual Thanksgiving Celebration November 27/28 Office Closed November 29 Grounds Clean up 8 am—noon December 1-23 Spanish Rosary at homes December 6 2:00 pm Confirmation December 12 5:00am Early Songs for Our Lady of Guadalupe 5:30am Mass in Spanish 9:00 am Mass followed by Adoration 7:00 pm Spanish Mass in Elberton December 13 Breakfast with Santa in Founders Hall December 14 Our Lady of Guadalupe procession from Library to church followed by 11:00 am Mass & Reception in FH HOMEMADE BAKED GOODS WANTED Our Lady’s Circle is having a bake sale at the Craft Show on November 8th. We would appreciate donations of anything you would like to make, using your favorite recipes. Please bring these goodies to the Founders Hall between 9 am—5 pm, Nov. 7th or before 9:00 am on Saturday, Nov. 8th. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Huge 6th Annual Indoor Arts & Craft Show here in Sacred Heart Founder’s Hall sponsored by Our Lady’s Circle Saturday, Nov. 8, 2014 ~ 9am – 3 pm * Unique artistry with many crafters * Baked goods & casseroles * Raffle tickets sold at door for great prizes * Breakfast &lunch Available MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS Saturday, October 18 Sunday, October 19 Monday, October 20 Tuesday, October 21 Wed., October 22 Thursday, October 23 Friday, October 24 Saturday, October 25 Sunday, October 26 5:30 pm Mass for +Frank Longden by Nancy and George Ferenchak 8:30 am Mass for +Randy Kohl by Kohl Family 10:50 am Spanish Mass 11:00 am Mass at Saint Mary in Elberton 1:00 pm—Vietnamese Mass 12:00 pm Mass 12:00 pm Communion Service for +Miguel Saucedo by Foster Saucedo Family 6:00 pm Mass 9:00 am Mass 9:00 am Mass & Adoration 5:30 pm Mass for +Jerry Harris by Jim & Pam Trubell 8:30 am Mass for +Mary Pridgen & Pat McGuire by Sharon McGuire 10:50 am Spanish Mass 11:00 am Mass at Saint Mary in Elberton 1:00 pm—Vietnamese Mass 5:00 pm—Youth Mass PARISH EVENTS Sat October 18— Columbiette State Installation—all day in FH up and downstairs 9:00 am– 12:00 pm—Spanish Prep and Baptismal Classes—Sanctuary 5:00 pm Rosary—Sanctuary Sun October 19 Breakfast Menu—French Toast , Grits, Sausage Biscuits, & Fruit 8:00 am- Rosary—Sanctuary 8:30am-11:00 am—Youth/Men’s/Women’s CRSP Groups– Bsmt of FH 9:45 am—10:45 am—Sunday School—Rel Ed Blg 9:30 am—11:30 am—Columbiette Breakfast—FH 10:00 am-11:00 am—Spanish RCIA– Meeting Room 10:30 am—Rosario—Sanctuary 12:00 pm—1:00 pm—2nd Session Sunday School—Rel Ed Bldg 12:00 pm-1:30 pm– Jesus and Maria Group—basement of FH 12:00 pm—1:00 pm—CRSP Selling food— outside FH Parish Events continued… Mon October 20 8:00 pm-9:00 pm–AA meeting-Founders Hall basement Tues October 21 7:00 pm-8:30pm– Jesus and Maria Group—basement of FH 8:00 pm-9:00 pm–AA meeting-Founders Hall basement Wed October 22 6:00 pm -7:00 pm—Confirmation Class—Rel Ed Blg Thurs October 23 12:00 pm—9:00 pm—Stroke Scan—FH 7:00 pm-8:30 pm– Choir Practice—Sanctuary Fri October 24 9:30 am-1:00 pm– Rosary and Adoration 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm- Knights activity—Knights’ Room 7:00 pm—9:00 pm—Grupo de Oracion Carismatico—Sanctuary Sat October 25 9:00 am—10:30 am—Wedding Shower for Amanda Kolkovich—FH 5:00 pm Rosary—Sanctuary Sun October 26 8:00 am- Rosary—Sanctuary 8:30 am-11:00 am—Youth/ Men/Women’s CRSP Groups– Bsmt of FH 9:30— 10:30 am—Clergy Appreciation Breakfast—FH 9:45 am—10:15 am—Altar Server training—Sanctuary 9:45 am—10:45 am—Religious Education—Rel Ed Bldg 10:00 am-11:00 am—Spanish RCIA– Meeting Room 10:30 am—Rosario—Sanctuary 12:00 pm—1:00 pm—2nd Session Sunday School—Rel Ed Bldg 12:00 pm-1:30 pm– Jesus and Maria Group—basement of FH 12:00 pm– 12:30 pm—Altar Server training—Sanctuary 12:00 pm—2:00 pm—CRSP Lunch— FH 5:00 pm—7:00 pm - Youth Mass with Social to follow 2nd Collection: October 19– Church in Latin America/Central and Eastern Europe/World Missions October 26— Annual Appeal Weekly Budget for Sacred Heart - Week Ending 10/13/14 Total Offertory: $4366.85 Budget: $ 5200.00* Short: $833.65 YTD: $64,804.96 Budget: $78,000.00* Short: $13,195.04 Rectory Balance: $16,367.39 *Adjusted amounts Thank you to all Parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus who have given generously to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal 2014. If you made a pledge and have not fulfilled your pledge, please do so as soon as possible so that Sacred Heart will get credit by the end of 2014. Thank you again for your help with Annual Appeal. Spanish Announcements Proximos Bautismos: Noviembre 22 y Diciembre 20 de 9:00AM12:00PM Padres y Padrinos: Casados por la Iglesia Padres y Padrinos Deben venir a la preparacion. Favor llegar10 minutos antes de la hora indicada. Gracias. Traer copia del acta de Nacimiento del bebe. Si usted es de otra parroquia que no sea S.C favor traer cartade su parroco diciendo que usted esta inscrito en esa dicha Iglesia. No se aceptan mas inscripciones para la session de 12– 1PM. Gracias por entender. Hay un total de 72 nuevos estudiantes en esta nueva session . Gracias a los profesores. Proxima Misa de Jovenes: Octubre 26 a las 5:00PM. El dia 31 de Octubre todos los niños de la parroquia estan invitados al Convivio que se llevara a cabo en el Founder Hall. El comite Guadalupano esta rifando una imagen de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe y un Televisor para recoger fondos y pagar Un Mariachi parala celebracion del Domingo 14 de Diciembre. $ 10 el boleto, por favor colaborenos con este motive que sera la fiesta de todos. Gracias. Saint Mary's Mission Announcements: Sunday Mass: 11:00 am Wednesday Mass: 5:30 pm (confessions at 5:00 pm) Please pay attention to a small change: Wednesdays: 5:00 pm Confessions, Rosary 5:30 pm Mass No Mass on first Fridays. In case of a real Pastoral Emergency call: 706-431-2255. And from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM call at Sacred Heart's office 706-376-4112. The fruits of your labor for your Church last Sunday: $930.00 Thank you so much for your generosity every Sunday. Leaders of Saint Mary representing (so far) some committees: Finance: Gino Saponari Maintenance: Bobby Alix Eucharistic Ministers: Linda Cifreo Religious Ed: Peggy Saponari As of July 1, 2014, Sacred Heart in Hartwell is responsible for the records at St. Mary Mission. You may contact the office MondayFriday 9am-1pm. Fr. Rafael day's off will be Thursdays and Fr. Dominic's will be Tuesday. This new change takes effect in October 7th. Daily week Masses schedule remains the same. If you want to register your children for Religious Education in Saint Mary's church, please see Peggy Saponari after Sunday Mass. Thank you. Amanda Kolkovich Thursday, October 23rd—Stroke Scan will be here starting at 12:00 pm for various health screenings. A representative will be here at all masses the this weekend of October 18th and 19th to answer any questions and for sign-up times. Please reserve the date if interested! Ministry Schedules Ushers for October : Saturday– 5:30 pm– William Lane, Ronnie Lane, Ken Dansbury Sunday- 8:30 am– Rosemary Bussure, Art Bussure, Ralph Kotal, Alan Davies Saturday, October 18 EM’s—H* KrisAnn Alexander Lectors— Candy Pursell and Larry Schreller Sunday, October 19 EM’s—H* Mary Jordan, *Lisa Kolkovich and Darrell Hart Lectors— Pat Hansen and Mark Kolkovich Altar Servers—+Jillian Hoell, Flannery Hogan, Olivia Ton-Nu Nursery— Corin Hoell, Ashlyn Willette Saturday, October 25 EM’s-H* Ann Roedler and * Helen Brandeburg Lectors– Ann Roedler and Rachel Felice Sunday, October 26 EM’s- H* Linda Doker, *Ken Doker, and Pat Hansen Lectors– Bill Griggs and Cheri Griggs Altar Servers- + Corin Hoell, Carly Congdon, and Laurel Griggs Nursery – Cynthia Lowe and Zoe Palmer Fortunate Families, a ministry to welcome families with LGBT members into full communion with the Catholic Church, host the “It’s All About Love” retreat at Ignatius House on Sunday, November 23, 12:307:00pm. Archbishop Wilton Gregory celebrates the opening Mass at 1:00pm and engages in discussion with retreat participants immediately thereafter. Additional speakers and group discussions will examine how to make LGBT family members feel welcome in the Catholic Church. Check-in begins at 12:30. Dinner is at 6:00pm. Due to limited space, please register early by contacting Michele McMahan at [email protected] for information. Registration deadline is November 13. Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center, 6700 Riverside Drive, NW, Atlanta 30328 REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Parishioners: Fr. Terry Kane Alina Schreller Mary Korte Maryann Latone Russell Becker Sandra Skelton Melanie Harris John Schleier Eleanor Nagele Diane Latone Teresa Kotal Ed Hasel Debbie Breeden Joe Brandeburg Gale Zgraggen Kathy Chenoweth Gene Larkin Jerry Harris Jay Earle Truong Bui Patricia Hansen Father Foley Marian Mead Elaine Beckham Family & Friends Joseph Patrick Ford II Lorenzo Zambino Valerie Fritsch Legato Kerry Clemmensen David Myers Jeanette Brooks Rina Gerace Joy Bryant Pia Buffone Nancy Martin Linda Gagnon Dusty DeStefano Ril Longden (mother of Nancy Ferenchak) Susan Haseldon Tom Spinelli Doug Boswell Richard Seihan Emily Gawel Linsay Schultz Loretta Barrett Nancy Morin Betty Bryson Lisa Wilson John Winders Dale Bryson Anthony Scalici Sister Regina Gegie Brenda Ashworth David Stone Michael Tiddick Kurt Werner Pat Gagnon Giavonna Giglio Carol Ankerich Dell Ouellette Jean Mitchell Max Carpenter Camille Russo Alejandro Garibaldi Tom Hoskins Frances Doar Sloan Johnson Tanya Ashworth Sandra Gualtieri Pam McGarity Parker King Bell Barnawell Linda Souders Jane Dooling William H. Stowe Tonya Jordan Jeanette Fowler Karen and Charles Schlock Harriette Brown Johnathon Swinsburg Tom McKinney Sydney Doker Becky Lambeth (daughter of Woody Eakin) Gerald Hawkins Fisher Martin Pat Farnitano Stella Seybolt Caregiver's Support Group Vickery Place Personal Care Home 5140 Vickery Street Lavonia, GA 30553 The 2nd Tuesday of every month from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Everyone is invited, from professional care providers to those caring for family and friends. For additional information, please call 706-356-5551. BEST CUTS DORIS ZAKRO— OWNER PARISHIONER 15 S. Forest 706-371-3457 Special thank you to the parishioners for all of your support! SACRED HEART CAMP is available for rental all year round. Prices start as low as $60 a day. Call the church secretary for more information and to make reservations. 706-376-4112 Vickery Place Personal Care Home Quality Senior Care in Downtown Lavonia For information call 706-491-2426 Or email [email protected] Contact Jennifer and Jay Beck Owners and parishioners