Program - Migration, Social Disadvantage & Health Conference
Program - Migration, Social Disadvantage & Health Conference
CONFERENCE PROGRAM DAY 1 Wednesday 11 February 2015, 9 am – 5.30 pm 8:00am Registration, arrival tea and coffee 9:00am Welcome and Opening address (TBA) 9: 40am Opening Keynote Address – A/Prof Kevin Pottie, Associate Professor & Physician, Departments of Family Medicine and Epidemiology & Community Medicine, University of Ottawa, Canada. Scientist, Bruyere Research Institute, University of Ottawa. “More than Good Intentions: Evidence Based Guidelines, Checklists and e-Learning to Improve Outcomes for Migrant Populations” 10:10am MORNING TEA Concurrent Oral Presentation Sessions 10: 30am – 11:15am ORAL SESSION:A1 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF MIGRATION HEALTH (OP1 – OP3) LYGON ROOM Chair: Dr Anne-Bunde Birouste ORAL SESSION:A2 REDUCING MIGRATIONRELATED INEQUALITIES (OP4 – OP6) RATHDOWNE ROOM Chair: Prof Andre Renzaho ORAL SESSION:A3 REDUCING REFUGEE/ ASYLUM SEEKERRELATED INEQUALITIES (OP7 – OP9) BOUVERIE ROOM Chair: Dr I-Hao-Cheng Oral presentations within each session A1: SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF MIGRATION HEALTH (OP1 – OP3) 10.30 am10.45am OP1: Comparison of general health status, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and fruit and vegetable intake between the immigrant Pakistani population in The Netherlands and the local Amsterdam population Qaisar Raza, Mary Nicolaou, Henriëtte Dijkshoorn and Jacob Seidell 10.45am – OP2: Becoming Amai (mother) in a foreign Land: The lived experience of Zimbabwean women in Melbourne, Australia 11.00am Sandra Benza & Pranee Liamputtong 11.00am 11.15am OP3: ‘My husband was the interpreter’: Afghan families and health professional’s experiences of language services during pregnancy, labour and birth Jane Yelland Elisha Riggs, Josef Szwarc, Sue Casey, Philippa Duell-Piening, Donna 1 Chesters, Sayed Wahidi, Fatema Fouladi, Stephanie Brown A2: REDUCING MIGRATION-RELATED INEQUALITIES (OP4 – OP6) 10.30 am10.45am OP4:Improving health and understanding loneliness of older Chinese immigrants Tess Tsindos 10.45am – OP5:Healthtalkonline Australia: immigration, ageing and health Victoria Team, Kath Ryan, Kayli Wild, Jaqueline Tudball, Lawurrpa Maypilama, Lorraine 11.00am Smith 11.00am 11.15am OP6: Cultural Variance in Respect to the Significance of Social Harmony and Professional Impartiality when Using an interpreter in English-Japanese Cross-linguistic Medical Encounters Nami Matsumoto A3: REDUCING REFUGEE/ ASYLUM SEEKER- RELATED INEQUALITIES (OP7 – OP9) 10.30 am10.45am OP7: An innovative model to address the health needs of asylum seekers and refugees: forging links between primary and tertiary care. Jacquie McBride, Rose Chapman, Andrew Block 10.45am – OP8: Improving access to specialist services for refugees and asylum seekers using outreach infectious diseases clinics. 11.00am NJ Chaves, TR Schulz, BA Biggs 11.00am 11.15am OP9: The ASRC’s Complex Case Team: A holistic approach responding to the mental health and support needs of asylum seekers in the context of the Australian government’s punitive asylum seeker policies. Sherrine Clark, Sarah Levings, Jamine Loueslati, Cameron McDonald 11:15am – 12:30pm ORAL SESSION:B1 REFUGEES & ASYLUM SEEKERS’ HEALTH (OP10 – OP14) LYGON ROOM Chair: Dr Paul Douglas ORAL SESSION:B2 HEALTH COMMUNICATION, HEALTH LITERACY & MIGRANT COMMUNITIES (OP15 – OP19) RATHDOWNE ROOM Chair: Dr Julie Green ORAL SESSION:B3 REFUGEE & ASYLUM SEEKERS’ RESETTLEMENT (OP20 – OP24) BOUVERIE ROOM Chair: A/Prof Kevin Pottie Oral presentations within each session B1: REFUGEES & ASYLUM SEEKERS’ HEALTH (OP10 – OP14) 11.15 11.30 OP10: Royal Australasian College of Physicians position statement: Refugee and asylum seeker health. 2 Georgia Paxton Johnston V, Cherian S, Ofner E, Francis J, Block AA, Smith MM, Napthali K and Zwi K 11.30 11.45 11.4512.00 OP11:Child development and settlement: a longitudinal study of refugee children A/Prof Karen Zwi, Lisa Woodland, Dr Sue Woolfenden, Prof Katrina Williams OP12:Health of refugees and asylum seekers in Australia: an overview of the empirical research literature Selvarajah S, Dunt D, Marella M, Hewitt AW 12.0012.15 OP13:Learning problems among children of refugee background: a scoping review of prevalence, risk and protective factors Hamish Graham and Ripudaman Minhas 12.1512.30 OP14:Screening and early engagement in health care: improving primary health care outcomes for newly arrived refugees Sandy Eagar, Mitchell Smith B2: HEALTH COMMUNICATION, HEALTH LITERACY & MIGRANT COMMUNITIES (OP15 – OP19) 11.15 11.30 OP15:Health literacy as an intervention to address systems based inequalities Michal Morris and Lucio Naccarella 11.30 11.45 OP16:Access to qualified interpreters and quality health information in community languages are the key to maintaining good health for patients with low English proficiency. Eddie Micallef 11.4512.00 OP17:Contraceptive technologies, health literacy and information seeking among immigrant women in Melbourne Victoria Team, Andrea Whittaker, Lenore Manderson, Adele Murdolo, Regina Quiazon, Pauline Gwatirisa, Michal Morris, Jane Wicks 12.0012.15 OP18:Exploring health literacy barriers and enablers in three CALD communities Rhonda Garad, Sarity Dodson, Victoria Kalapac, Amanda Deeks, Janet Michelmore AO, Richard Osborne 12.1512.30 OP19:Health information needs of families having a baby in a new country: perspectives of Afghan families and service providers Philippa Duell-Piening, Elisha Riggs, Jane Yelland, Sue Casey, Josef Szwarc, Sayed Wahidi, Fatema Fouladi, Donna Chesters, Stephanie Brown B3: REFUGEE & ASYLUM SEEKERS’ RESETTLEMENT (OP20 – OP24) 11.15 11.30 OP20:Health impact of immigration detention: the experience of Médecins sans Frontières in 3 Greece An Huyskens, Apostolos Veizis, Barbara Maccagno, Aurélie Ponthieu, Ioanna Kostioni 11.30 11.45 11.4512.00 12.0012.15 12.1512.30 OP21:Unpredictability, invisibility and vulnerability: Unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors and their journey to Australia Ignacio Correa-Velez, Mariana Nardone, Katharine Knoetze OP22:A Model of Religiosity and the Refugee Experience: Shifting Typologies at Each Stage of the Refugee Journey Susan Ennis OP23:Karen matrilineages in transition Rachel Cleary, Mark Brough, Robert Schweitzer OP24:Multiple identity construction in repeated migration contexts Lena Belin 12:30pm 1:15pm LUNCH 1:15PM2:15 PM POSTER SESSION Poster presentations within themes REFUGEES ASYLUM SEEKERS &INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS (P01 – P06) P01:Resilience and adaptation in refugees and asylum seekers Michael Keem, Erminia Colucci, Harry Minas. P02:The Needs of Refugee and Asylum Seeking Children in Thailand Paradee Thoresen, Angela Fielding P03:Health and socio-cultural experiences of refugee women: An integrative review Sara Shishehgar, Michelle DiGiacomo, Leila Gholizadeh, Patricia Mary Davidson. P04:The intentional engagement of refugee community in employment and sport programs accelerates better settlement and integration which reduced inequality. William Abur, A/Professor Bob Steward and Dr Peter Ochieng P05:An interactive pain education tool for enhancing the pain treatment of people from refugee backgrounds. Truong D, Block M, Lester Jones P06: The problem of internally displaced persons in Jos, Nigeria: implication for peace and security in the area Talatu Buba Bello 4 GOOD PRACTICE IN HEALTH SERVICE DELIVERY (P07-P08) P07: My Health in Shepparton – A local approach to health service access Mellisa Silaga, Jessica Orr P08: Afghan Community Engagement (ACE) Project South Eastern Melbourne Medicare Local (SEMML) Anna Brazier Sayed Wahidi, Sahema Saberi, I-Hao Cheng, Larissa Popowski, Mitchell Bowden SOCIAL DETERMINANTS & EPIDEMIOLOGY OF MIGRATION HEALTH (P09-P13) P09:Factors that affect migrant Employability and Mental Health in Australia Suangi Karunaratne, Lata Satyen P10: Healthy Minds: Perceptions of Mental Health Among South Sudanese Australians Melinda Woodhouse, Anthony Zwi P11:Assessment of vitamin D and its association with cardiovascular disease risk factors in an adult migrant population: An audit of patient records at a Community Health Centre in Melbourne, Australia Thilanga Ruwanpathirana, Christopher M. Reid , Alice J. Owen , David P.S. Fong, Usha Gowda, Andre M.N. Renzaho P12:Quality of life and associated factors among diabetic patients in urban setting, Sri Lanka Nethmini Thenuwara, Christopher M. Reid, Pushpa Fonseka, Andre M. N. Renzaho P13:The Health and wellbeing of immigrants in the Australian state of Victoria who speak a language other than English. Alison Markwick, Zahid Ansari. PLENARY SESSIONS 2.15pm Dr Anne Bunde-Birouste, Founder and CEO, Football United, Australia “Football United: Creating Chances for Youth newly arrived in Australia” 2.45pm Prof Andrew Markus, Pratt Foundation Research Professor of Jewish Civilisation, Monash University, Australia “The Australian context: immigration, multiculturalism and social cohesion” 3.15pm AFTERNOON TEA 3.30pm PANEL DISCUSSION 5 At the intersections: towards a gendered understanding of health and migration (Multicultural women’s health group) Panellists: Dr Adele Murdolo, Executive Director, Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health, Melbourne, Australia Dr Ndungi wa Mungai, Lecturer, Social Work and Human Services, Charles Sturt University, New South Wales, Australia Dr Maria Pallotta Chiarolli, Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Development, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia A/Prof Helen Meekosha, Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia 5.00pm5.30pm Closing Keynote Address – Dr Anne Bunde-Birouste DAY 2 Thursday 12 February 2015, 9 am – 5.30 pm 8:00am Registration, arrival tea and coffee 9:00am Opening address - Ms Liana Allan, CEO Migration Alliance & Sponsor of session on Immigration Policy 9:15am Dr Paul Douglas, Chief Medical Officer & Global Manager Health Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Australia “Migration medical assessments – A Mechanism for Global Public Health Benefit?” 9:45am Prof Mike Toole, Deputy Director (International Program Strategy), Burnet Institute, Australia “The health consequences of forced migration” 10:15am MORNING TEA Concurrent Oral Presentation sessions 10: 35am – 11:50am ORAL SESSION:C1 IMMIGRATION POLICY AND ITS IMPACT ON MIGRATION: GLOBAL AND AUSTRALIAN ORAL SESSION:C2 REFUGEE HEALTH SERVICE DELIVERY (OP30-OP34) RATHDOWNE ROOM Chair: Prof Mike Toole 6 ORAL SESSION:C3 IMPACT OF MIGRATION ON EMPLOYMENT (OP35-OP39) BOUVERIE ROOM Chair: Prof Andre Renzaho CONTEXTS (OP25 –OP29) LYGON ROOM Chair: Ms Liana Allan Oral presentations within each session C1: IMMIGRATION POLICY AND ITS IMPACT ON MIGRATION: GLOBAL AND AUSTRALIAN CONTEXTS (OP25 – OP29) 10.35 – 10.50 OP25:Loathsome diseases: The Policy, Legal, and Social Ramifications of the Health Test in Immigration Law and the Case for Reform Christopher Levingston 10.5011.05 OP26:Migration and integration policy in Czechia Eva Janska 11.0511.20 OP27: The Migration of Women Domestic Workers from Sri Lanka: Protecting the Rights of Children Left Behind Rasika Jayasuriya, Brian Opeskin 11.2011.35 OP28:Australian Immigration Policy and the Economy Henry Sherrell 11.3511.50 OP29:Australia, Migration and HIV: policy challenges Michael Frommer & Jill Sergeant C2: REFUGEE HEALTH SERVICE DELIVERY (OP30-OP34) 10.35 – 10.50 OP30: A needs analysis of catch-up immunisation in refugee and asylum seeker communities in Victoria, Australia Georgia Paxton, Pete Spink , Sue Casey, Hamish Graham 10.5011.05 OP31: The importance of community engagement in primary health care: the case of Afghan refugees Sayed Wahidi, I-Hao Cheng, Shiva Vasi, Sophia Samuel 11.0511.20 OP32: Enabling the voices of young people from refugee backgrounds to inform health care delivery and service planning. Paula Peterson, Ignacio Correa-Velez, Margaret Kay, Donata Sackey 11.2011.35 OP33: “We don’t have the capacity”: insights from policy advisors, planners and managers on the challenges and opportunities in evaluating the delivery of services and programs to refugees Nilakshi Gunatillaka, I-Hao Cheng, Joanne Enticott, Sayed Wahidi, Mark Harris, Kevin Pottie, Crystal Russell,Grant Russell 7 11.3511.50 OP34:Communities of Practice for Community health counsellors working with refugee background clients: A pilot project Conrad Aikin & Adrian Harris C3: IMPACT OF MIGRATION ON EMPLOYMENT (OP35-OP39) 10.35 – 10.50 OP35: Ghanaian immigrants and South African workers in the informal sector of Mthatha: perceptions, realities and associated factors Becky A. Niba, Prof Longo-Mbenza 10.5011.05 OP36: Falling through the cracks? An analysis of health and safety resources for migrant workers in Australia Agnieszka Kosny & Amy Allen 11.0511.20 OP37: Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria (ECCV) advocacy for improving workforce participation for people from culturally diverse backgrounds Sam Afra JP and Irene Bouzo 11.2011.35 OP38:Satisfying employment as a social determinant of health: migration and gender inequalities in Australia Monica O’Dwyer 11.3511.50 OP39: Perceived health inequalities and workplace discrimination of immigrants: Czechia case study Dagmar Dzúrová and Dušan Drbohlav ORAL SESSION:D1 ORAL SESSION:D2 ORAL SESSION:D3 11:50am12:35pm NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE AMONG MIGRANTS (OP40 – OP42) LYGON ROOM Chair: Prof Andre Renzaho EPIDEMIOLOGY OF MIGRATION HEALTH, AND BURDEN OF DISEASES (OP43 – OP45) RATHDOWNE ROOM Chair: Dr Georgie Paxton INTERVENTIONS TO REDUCE MIGRATIONRELATED INEQUALITIES (OP46 – OP48) BOUVERIE ROOM Chair: Prof Andrew Markus Oral presentations within each session D1: NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE AMONG MIGRANTS (OP40 – OP42) 11.5012.05 OP40: Effective participation in prevention of migrant childhood obesity: Findings from the Community Readiness Interviews in Victoria Sheila Cyril, Julie Green, Andre Renzaho 12.05- OP41:Socio-cultural factors and perceptions associated with type 2 diabetes among sub8 12.20 Saharan African migrants in Melbourne Ayuba Issaka, Greer Lamaro and Andre Renzaho 12.2012.35 OP42:The Australian Haemoglobinopathy Registry: a new national resource to describe the epidemiology, treatment and clinical outcomes for patients with thalassaemia and sickle cell disease Ri Scarborough, Gemma Crighton, Merrole Cole-Sinclair, Erica Wood, Joy Ho D2: EPIDEMIOLOGY OF MIGRATION HEALTH, AND BURDEN OF DISEASES (OP43 – OP45) 11.5012.05 OP43:Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori infection and association with child growth patterns in a refugee cohort attending the Migrant Health Service, South Australia Razlyn Abdul Rahim , Jill Benson 12.0512.20 OP44:American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis risk among internal and cross-border migrants in an endemic area of the Peruvian Amazon Christine Murto, Raquel Rangel Cesario, Palmira Ventosilla, Esther Schelling 12.2012.35 OP45: Prevalence of dyslipidaemia and micronutrient deficiencies among newly arrived Afghan refugees in rural Australia: a cross-sectional study Mehdi Sanati Pour, Surabhi Kumble, Sarah Hanieh, Beverley-Ann Biggs D3: INTERVENTIONS TO REDUCE MIGRATION-RELATED INEQUALITIES (OP46 – OP48) 11.5012.05 OP46: The role of family in Pacific migrant participation in physical activity and sport Rosaline Michelle Schaaf 12.0512.20 OP47: Newly arrived young people of refugee and migrant backgrounds: an innovative, school-based partnership program to improve health and learning outcomes Lisa Woodland, Karen Zwi, Mellisa Kang, Chris Elliot, Astrid Perry, and Sandy Eagar 12.2012.35 OP48: For the community, by the community, with the community: An evaluation of the Good Start Health Program for Maori and Pacific Islander Children. Lisa Vaughan, Nicola Fa’avale, Sebastien Brignano, Inez Manu-Sione, Lisa Schubert 12:35pm – 1:15pm 1:15pm 2.15pm LUNCH POSTER SESSIONS Poster presentations within each theme 9 HEALTH SERVICE UTILISATION AMONG MIGRANTS (P14-P19) P14: Challenges to providing pre-travel care for travellers visiting friends and relatives: an audit of a specialist travel medicine clinic Kate Rowe, Nadia J Chaves, Karin Leder P15:Contraceptive practices and induced abortions status among internal migrant women in Guangzhou, China Jiazhi Zeng Guanyang Zou, Li Ling P16: Self-reported health and service utilisation among migrants working in small- to medium sized enterprises in Guangdong, China Li Ling, Guanyang Zou, Zhi Zeng, Wen Chen P17: Supporting individuals living with HIV from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds ….good outcomes and challenges in service delivery. Maureen Plain P18: Developing Local Solutions: Enabling access to HIV/AIDS care for HIV positive migrants Sue Porter, Bianca Parsons, Joanna Mesure, Michael Boyle P19: Are migrants likely to undergo increased Vitamin D testing in Australia? Findings from a Victorian primary health care service audit Usha Gowda, Ben J. Smith , Anita E. Wluka , David P.S. Fong, Ambika Kaur, Andre M.N. Renzaho SOCIAL DETERMINANTS & BURDEN OF DISEASE AMONG MIGRANTS (P20-P23) P20:A forgotten minority: The experience of migrant women living with HIV in Australia Carol El-Hayek and Karalyn McDonald P21: Ethnic and socio-economic disparities in oral health outcomes and quality of life among Sri Lankan preschoolers Vajira Nanayakkara, André Renzaho, Brian Oldenburg and Lilani Ekanayake P22: The Study of the Family Relationship, Child-Parenting Styles and Life Adaptation of New Female Citizens in Taiwan: In-depth interviews Chia-Hua Hsioa, Lee-Min Wei, Ming-Chu Chen, Chien-Ju, Lan P23: The Study of the Family Relationship, Child-Parenting Styles and Life Adaptation of New Female Citizens in Taiwan: Group Counselling Lee-Min Wei, Ming-Chu Chen, Chien-Ju, Lan 10 PERCEIVED DISCRIMINATION SOCIAL STIGMA & MENTAL HEALTH (P24-P27) P24: “Every time the law looks at them, they look at them the wrong way”: Interactions with police among substance-using African refugee youth Danielle Horyniak, Peter Higgs, Shelley Cogger, Paul Dietze P25: Immigration and crime: Do Sudanese immigrants bring more crimes to Australia? Peter Ajak, Atemthii Dau P26: Prevalence of potentially traumatic events, depression, alcohol use, and social network supports among Chinese migrants: An epidemiological study in Guangzhou, China Wen Chen, Brian J. Hall, Joseph D Tucker, Li Ling P27: Burned Alive: Myths of Rescue Therese Taylor 2.15pm3.15pm 2.15pm PLENARY SESSIONS Prof Andre Renzaho, Professor of Humanitarian and Development Studies, University of Western Sydney, Australia “The Healthy migrant effect and its policy implications: under-estimation of migrants’ health issues and the salmon bias hypothesis” 2.45pm Dr I-Hao Cheng, Adjunct Refugee Health Research Fellow, Southern Academic Primary Care Research Unit (Monash University, South Eastern Melbourne Medicare Local (SEMML), Monash Health).Refugee Health Program Manager, SEMML. General Practitioner, Hill Medical Services. “National priorities for refugee primary health care in Australia” 3.15pm AFTERNOON TEA 3.30pm PANEL DISCUSSION Priorities for Refugee and Asylum Seeker Health Research in Australia Chair: Dr I-Hao Cheng, Adjunct Refugee Health Research Fellow, Southern Academic Primary CareResearch Unit (Monash University, South Eastern Melbourne Medicare Local (SEMML), Monash Health), Refugee Health Program Manager, SEMML, General Practitioner, Hill Medical Services. Panellists: Dr Paul Douglas, Chief Medical Officer & Global Manager Health, Department of Immigration and Border Protection 11 Dr Georgia Paxton, Head, Immigrant Health and Consultant Paediatrician, The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Chair, Victorian Refugee Health Network. A/Prof Christine Philips, Medical Director, Companion House, Canberra. Associate Professor, Social Foundations of Medicine, College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, Australian National University. ACT representative, Refugee Health Network of Australia. A/Prof Kevin Pottie Associate Professor and physician, Departments of Family Medicine and Epidemiology & Community Medicine, University of Ottawa. Scientist, Bruyere Research Institute, University of Ottawa. WHO Guideline Review Committee, Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care. GRADE Methods Working Group. Dr Elisha Riggs Research Fellow, Healthy Mothers Healthy Families Research Group at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. Events Coordinator, Researchers for Asylum Seekers Mr Josef Szwarc, Manager, Policy and Research, Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture Dr Sayed Wahidi, Research Assistant and Cultural Advisor, Southern Academic Primary Care Research Unit (Monash University, South Eastern Melbourne Medicare Local (SEMML), Monash Health). Refugee Health Program Program Officer, SEMML 5.00pm – 5.30pm Closing keynote address – A/Prof Kevin Pottie 7.00pm11.00pm CONFERENCE GALA DINNER (dinner tickets available with conference manager) DAY 3 Friday 13 February 2015, 9 am – 5.00 pm 8:00am Registration, arrival tea and coffee 9:00am Dr Julie Green, Executive Director, Raising Children Network Ltd, Victoria, Australia “Developing and sharing reliable parenting information for families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds: important in anyone’s language” 9: 30am Prof Graeme Hugo, ARC Australian Professorial Fellow, Professor of Geography & Director of the Australian Population & Migration Research Centre, University of Adelaide, Australia “Environmentally Induced Migration: Climate change and its impact on migration” 10:00am MORNING TEA 12 Concurrent Oral Presentation sessions 10.20 am -11.05am ORAL SESSION:E1 ORAL SESSION:E2 ORAL SESSION:E3 SETTLEMENT OF REFUGEES (OP49OP51) LYGON ROOM Chair: Dr Paul Douglas CLIMATE CHANGE AND IMMIGRATION (OP52-OP54) RATHDOWNE ROOM Chair: Prof Graeme Hugo GOOD PRACTICE IN HEALTH SERVICE DELIVERY : REDUCING INEQUALITIES (OP55-OP57) BOUVERIE ROOM Chair: Dr Elisha Riggs Oral presentations within each session E1: SETTLEMENT OF REFUGEES (OP49-OP51) 10.2010.35 OP49: The strength within: The role of refugee community-based organisations in settlement and a case study of the Association of Hazaras in Victoria Louise Olliff, Zamera Shariffie 10.3510.50 OP50: Resettlement experiences of former refugee youth in Western Australia: using photo narratives to showcase resilience Sara Bayati, Jaya Earnest, Sonal Kantaria,Sandra C Thompson 10.5011.05 OP51: How perceived social attitudes influence the way young Middle-Eastern refugees adapt and form connections with their new social environment Pranee Liamputtong, Hala Kurban E2: CLIMATE CHANGE AND IMMIGRATION (OP52-OP54) 10.2010.35 OP52: The effects of climate change, El Niño, extreme meteorology, winter season, and emigration on the epidemic, trends, and projection of malaria in the arid highlands of eastern cape province from South Africa: 2000 – 2025 Longo – Mbenza B , Lokotola LCD , M.D.V Nakin , Rozenho A, Simba N , Ngatu R, Mbula MM, Divengi Nzambi JP, Kendjo E, Wumba DR, Yobi D 10.3510.50 OP53: Levels of social trust two years after the 2011 Queensland floods: The experiences of men from refugee backgrounds Ignacio Correa-Velez, Celia McMichael, Sandra M Gifford, Augustine Conteh 10.5011.05 OP54: Housing and its implications for social development and disadvantage: experiences of rural to urban young migrants in Hanoi, Vietnam Thao Dang E3: GOOD PRACTICE IN HEALTH SERVICE DELIVERY : REDUCING INEQUALITIES 13 (OP55-OP57) 10.2010.35 OP55: Does research evidence reflect culturally diverse practice in the management of chronic pain? Bernadette Brady, Veljanova I, Chipchase L 10.3510.50 OP56: Pain and Movement Reasoning Model: A tool for educating health and social care professionals about the multiple influences and determinants of pain in survivors of torture and trauma. Lester Jones, Block M 10.5011.05 OP57: Branching Out: Exploring innovative ways to support Refugees and Asylum Seekers experiencing pain Melanie Block, Carlon P, Dang McDonald K, Jones LE, Dentry T, Martinez Cruz M 11.05am12.35pm ORAL SESSION:F1 ORAL SESSION:F2 EVIDENCE FOR EVIDENCE FOR CULTURAL CULTURAL COMPETENCY & COMPETENCY & GUIDELINES TO GUIDELINES TO REDUCE REDUCE MIGRATIONREFUGEE/ASYLUM RELATED SEEKER -RELATED INEQUALITIES INEQUALITIES (OP58-OP63) (OP64-OP69) LYGON ROOM RATHDOWNE ROOM Chair: Prof Andre Renzaho Chair: Dr I-Hao Cheng ORAL SESSION:F3 HIV AMONG MIGRANTS: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES for POLICY (OP70-OP75) BOUVERIE ROOM Chair: Prof Mike Toole Oral presentations within each session F1: EVIDENCE FOR CULTURAL COMPETENCY & GUIDELINES TO REDUCE MIGRATION-RELATED INEQUALITIES (OP58-OP63) 11.0511.20 OP58: Competing for attention: Engaging public health professionals in multicultural health matters Ruth N Lopez 11.2011.35 OP59: Using an Equity lens to provide high quality and safe health care: Lidia Horvat 11.3511.50 OP60: An organisational approach to reducing migration related health inequalities Astrid Perry &Lisa Woodland 11.5012.05 OP61: A community development approach to support the emotional wellbeing of new mothers from Afghanistan living in Melbourne, Australia 14 Alana Russo, Belinda Crockett, Stanley Luchters, Belinda Lewis, and Andrew Joyce 12.0512.20 OP62: The National Community Hubs Program in Australia: Using citizen-centric access points for the coordinated delivery of services through a place based approach Tony Fry 12.2012.35 OP63: Establishing components of cultural competence health care models to better cater for the needs of migrants with disability: A systematic review Sarah Jamison-Olaussen, Andre Renzaho F2: EVIDENCE FOR CULTURAL COMPETENCY & GUIDELINES TO REDUCE REFUGEE/ASYLUM SEEKER -RELATED INEQUALITIES (OP64-OP69) 11.0511.20 OP64: Asylum Seeker Integrated Healthcare Pathway – South Eastern Melbourne Miriam Decker , I-Hao Cheng, Fotini Strongylos, Jacqui McBride, Hannah Jakubenko, Andrew Block 11.2011.35 OP65: Understanding primary mental health care access and utilisation among young Hazara refugees living in Melbourne Sahema Saberi ,Caroline Wachtler,Phyllis Min-Yu Lau 11.3511.50 OP66: Asylum Seeker Health Orientation and Triage Model for Northern and Western Metropolitan Melbourne Jamad Hersi, Lindy Marlow and Bernice Murphy, Sue Casey, May Maloney and Peter Spink 11.5012.05 OP67: Addressing social determinants of asylum seeker health and wellbeing through meaningful engagement: A volunteering initiative in southeast Melbourne, Australia. Rob Koch, Jacquie McBride, Alana Russo, and Zoe Peltekis 12.0512.20 OP68: “We are all scared for the baby”: Promoting access to dental services for refugee background families during pregnancy Elisha Riggs, Jane Yelland, Ramini Shankumar, Nicky Kilpatrick 12.2012.35 OP69: Better primary health care for refugees: a systematic review to identify tools to evaluate the performance of programs and services. Nilakshi Gunatillaka, Grant Russell, I-Hao Cheng, Joanne Enticott, Sayed Wahidi, Mark Harris, Kevin Pottie, Crystal Russell F3: HIV AMONG MIGRANTS: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR POLICY (OP70OP75) 11.0511.20 OP70: HIV notifications among people born overseas: issues and responses Jill Sergeant 11.20- OP71:Positive Living in a Predominantly Muslim Society – Case Study of Women Living 15 11.35 with HIV in Bangladesh. Catherine Louise Street Suzanne Belton, Nafisa lira Haq and Mohammad Mostaq Pervez 11.3511.50 OP72: HIV and Resettlement, qualitative research undertaken with positive individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds living in Melbourne, Australia. Maureen Plain, Deborah Zion 11.5012.05 OP73: HIV and Mobility in Australia: A Roadmap for Action Graham Brown, Roanna Lobo, Gemma Crawford 12.0512.20 OP74: Patients’ mobility guiding provision of HIV care: lessons learnt from the Musina model of care Gilles Van Cutsem, Marc Biot, Helen Bygrave, Avril Benoit, Aurélie Ponthieu 12.2012.35 OP75:Researching marginalisation: Reflections from a research study with people who were seeking asylum and living with HIV Lois Orton, Jane Griffiths, Heather Waterman 12.35pm 1.20pm 1.20PM 1.50pm LUNCH Melbourne Declaration on “Reducing migration-related inequalities and improving the wellbeing of asylum seekers” – Prof Andre Renzaho WORKSHOP Australian Red Cross – Working in the migration space Chair: Lis de Vries Presenters: Jennie Bunney, Megan Goodwin, Ann Clark 3.00pm Afternoon tea Concurrent oral presentations 3.15pm to 4.45pm ORAL SESSION:G1 ORAL SESSION:G2 ORAL SESSION:G3 GOOD PRACTICE IN HEALTH SERVICE DELIVERY (OP76-OP81) LYGON ROOM Chair: Dr Elisha Riggs PERCEIVED DISCRIMINATION, SOCIAL STIGMA & MENTAL HEALTH (OP82-OP87) RATHDOWNE ROOM Chair: Dr Lata Satyen EVIDENCE FOR CULTURAL COMPETENCY & REDUCING MIGRATION-RELATED INEQUALITIES (OP88-OP92) BOUVERIE ROOM Chair: Prof Andrew Markus Oral Presentations within each theme 16 G1: GOOD PRACTICE IN HEALTH SERVICE DELIVERY (OP76-OP81) 3.15-3.30 OP76: Equity Focussed Health Impact Assessment (EFHIA) of Healthy Together Victoria (HTV) Lang Baulch 3.30-3.45 OP77:Hospital Tours Program Jessica Orr, Mellisa Silaga 3.45-4.00 OP78: Tried and true: successful sexual health promotion in CALD populations through community led peer education Jane Howard, Hilary Veale, Alison Coelho, Samuel Muchoki, Carol El-Hayek 4.00-4.15 OP79: Access to reproductive health care among Sri Lankan-born people living in Australia: Results from the Understanding Fertility Management in Contemporary Australia survey Sara Holton, Nilaweera I, Kirkman M, Rowe H, Bayly C, Jordan L, McBain J, McNamee K, Sinnott V, Fisher J 4.15-4.30 OP80: Towards an evidence base for creative therapies: evaluation of a school-based intervention for young people from refugee backgrounds Rosalind Quinlan, Robert Schweitzer, Nigar Khawaja, Karen Dooley, Lyn Vromans, Jane Griffin 4.30 – 4.45 OP81: Is discrimination institutionalized? Planning for Equal Access to Health Care for Australians with Low English Proficiency Emiliano Zucchi G2: PERCEIVED DISCRIMINATION, SOCIAL STIGMA & MENTAL HEALTH (OP82-OP87) 3.15-3.30 OP82: Psychosocial Issues in the Lives of Women who have entered Australia under the Women-at-Risk Visa Category Robert Schweitzer, Lyn Vromans, Mark Brough, Ignacio Correa-Velez, Mary Asic-Kobe, Caroline Lenette and Louise Farrell 3.30-3.45 OP83: Sudanese encounters with authority: Can past encounters influence current responses Marg Liddell, John Whyte, Diana Johns 3.45-4.00 OP84: Mental health status and work environment among workers in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Guangdong, China ----A cross sectional survey" Li Ling, Zhi Zeng, Yan Guo, Liming Lu, Lu Han, Wen Chen 4.00-4.15 OP85: A Critique of Migrant Youth Crime Statistics in Melbourne: Do immigrant youth of Sudanese descent commit violent crimes more than any other in Australian society? Atemthii D. Dau 17 4.15-4.30 OP86: News media reporting on substance use among people of African ethnicity in three Australian states, 2003-2013 Danielle Horyniak , Megan Lim, Peter Higgs, Paul Dietze G3: EVIDENCE FOR CULTURAL COMPETENCY & REDUCING MIGRATION-RELATED INEQUALITIES (OP87-OP92) 3.15-3.30 OP87: Cultural competence education: improving health outcomes? Lidia Horvat, Dell Horey, Panayiota Romios, John Kis-Rigo 3.30-3.45 OP88: Enabling access to sexual health services for Asian sex workers Suzanne Porter, Dawson S, Dobson P, Entwisle G 3.45-4.00 OP89: Health problems, health behaviors and accessibility to health care services of migrant workers in Thailand: A systematic review Lawang Wannarat, Sunsern Rachanee, Dungmung Nichakan 4.00-4.15 OP90: Insights from the Building a New Life in Australia study: Initial findings from the first wave Ben Edwards, John De Maio, Diana Smart, Michelle Silbert, Rebecca Jenkinson 4.15-4.30 OP91: Humanitarian Migrants: Pathways to wellbeing. Findings from Building a New Life in Australia: the Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants Laura Bennetts Kneebone 4.30 -4.45 OP92: The Impact of migration in Health and well-being of Afghan-American Community in northern California Younos Farid, Lipson J.G., Smith Valerie, Firling K, Omidian P.A, Omeri A, Fernandez E, Edward D.B 4.45 -5.00 pm CLOSING ADDRESS AND PRIZE DISTRIBUTION – Prof Andre Renzaho 18
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