Slides - Power Systems Engineering Research Center
Slides - Power Systems Engineering Research Center
Hybrid Time Domain Simulation: Application to Fault Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery (FIDVR) Vijay Vittal Arizona State University PSERC Webinar Jan. 20, 2015 Presentation background • The work presented in this webinar is a part of the work being done in PSERC project S-58 at ASU • The PIs on this project are V. Vittal and S. Meliopoulos • The graduate student at ASU is Qiuhua Huang and the collaborator is Dr. John Undrill 2 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Part -1: OpenHybridSim: A new hybrid simulation platform 3. Part -2: Application to FIDVR study 4. Conclusions 3 Introduction: Background An increasing demand for simulating a portion of a system in detail with a very small time step and capturing point on wave detail while preserving the effects on the rest of the system • Power electronic converter based renewable energy integration • HV AC/DC systems • Residential air conditioners, variable frequency drive(VFD) and other power electronics based loads • Representing other needed detail at the distribution level PV Farm VSC-HVDC air conditioner 4 Introduction: Hybrid simulation Involves electromagnetic transient (EMT)- electro-mechanical transient stability(TS) hybrid simulation Remainder of the system • Sequence, phasor model • TS simulator Region of interest • Instantaneous variable model • EMT simulator Boundary Boundary bus i Iiabc Zik …… Composite Load Model Detailed System modeled in 3-phase PV Converter Vi0abc Zi + - Thévenin equivalent Vk0abc Vkabc Boundary bus k Zk Boundary bus i Ii120 Current injections External network Ik120 + - Detailed system modeled in an EMT Simulator Boundary bus k External system modeled in a TS Simulator 5 Introduction: Hybrid simulation Key requirements for a successful hybrid simulation platform • • • • Architecture : embedded/decoupled Interaction: communication + protocol Equivalent models of both detailed and external system Preparation and initialization of both detailed and external system Synopsis of literature review of EMT-TS hybrid simulation • Lab research or proof-of-concept type • The architecture design is not flexible and the simulators are limited to run on one computer • Targeted mainly for three-phase balanced applications • No publically available tool for hybrid simulation 6 Time scale of transient phenomena 7 OpenHybridSim: A new hybrid simulation tool Overall design • • • • Loosely decoupled architecture Socket communication InterPSS, an open source power system simulator A generic interface to an EMT simulator, e.g., PSCAD, Maltab/SimPowerSystems EMT Simulator Socket Communication Socket Component I120 EMT (t ) V abc T (t ) InterPSS Core Engine Network Equivalent Helper Socket Server HybridSim Manager 8 Socket based communication framework TCP/IP socket based communication framework • Enables decoupling of the EMT and TS simulators • Supports application environment - Single computer - Local area network(LAN) - Internet • Socket components in PSCAD and Matlab/SimPowerSystems are developed for interfacing Socket component in PSCAD 9 External system equivalent for EMT simulation Supports both 1-phase and 3-phase equivalents • 1-phase: mainly for three-phase balanced applications • 3-phase: any type of fault within the detailed system • Facilitates simulation of unsymmetrical faults 3-phase Thévenin equivalent of external system based on a 3-sequence network model • The given base case is modeled using 3-sequences • Details are provided on the next slide 10 Three-phase Thévenin equivalents of the external system • Step 1: Calculate 3-sequence Norton equivalents ziab • Step 2: 3-sequence to 3-phase transformation for each boundary bus abc 120 −1 y = Sy S I Niabc = SI 120 i i Ni • Step 3: 1-phase Norton to Thévenin for each boundary bus VTip = I Nip / yip zikabc zkac bus k zip = 1 / yip where p stands for one of the three phases …… Detailed system Single-phase line +_ VTia zib + _ VTib zic + _ VTic zka + _ VTka zkb +_ VTkb zkc +_ VTkc ziac zibc …… where S is the transformation matrix, is the bus primitive admittance bus i zia zkab zkbc Three-phase line 11 Detailed system represented by sequence current sources in TS simulation Need to extract three-sequence, fundamental frequency currents from instantaneous, waveform values Use well-established FFT algorithm • PSCAD provides an FFT component Directly used in the network solution (I=YV) in TS simulation FFT Component in PSCAD 12 Three-sequence based TS simulation for simulating unsymmetrical faults I (1) EMT ( t ) Positive-sequence network solution and integration step x (t ) = f ( x(t ), y ) x(t + ∆T ) = x(t ) + x (t ) ∆T (1) (t ) (1) TS ( t +∆T ) V (1) 0 g1 ( x(t + ∆T ), y((1)t + ∆T ) , I EMT = (t ) ) I I (2) EMT ( t ) (0) EMT ( t ) Negative- and zerosequence network solver (2) 0 = g 2 ( y((2) , I t + ∆T ) EMT ( t ) ) (0) 0 = g 0 ( y((0) , I t + ∆T ) EMT ( t ) ) VTS(2)(t +∆T ) VTS(0)(t +∆T ) 13 The interaction protocols between two simulators 2 (a) series 3 1 TS … … EMT 5 4 .. . .. . .. . T T+ΔT T+3ΔT T+2ΔT TS … … EMT (b) parallel ... ... (c) combined T T+2ΔT T+ΔT Parallel Protocol ... T+3ΔT Series Protocol Parallel Protocol … … … … ... ... T Fault on T+ΔT T+2ΔT ... ... ... T+3ΔT T+4ΔT ... T+5ΔT TS EMT T+6ΔT Fault cleared 14 Implementation with the series type protocol The series protocol • Use the updated equivalent data for simulation with each simulator • Performance issue: One simulator has to remain idle when the other is running the simulation I x(t ) I I x (t ) = f ( x(t ), y((1)t ) ) x(t + ∆T ) = x(t ) + x (t ) ∆T Negative- and zerosequence network solver (2) EMT ( t ) 0 = g2 ( y (0) I EMT (t ) 120 EMT ( t ) Step (1) 0 = g0 ( y Step (2) (2) ( t + ∆T ) (0) ( t + ∆T ) ,I (2) EMT ( t ) ) ,I (0) EMT ( t ) ) InterPSS (1) VTS ( t +∆T ) V 120 TS (t + ∆T ) (1) = 0 g1 ( x(t + ∆T ), y((1)t + ∆T ) , I EMT (t ) ) socket server VTS120(t ) Positive-sequence network solution and integration step (1) EMT ( t ) VTS(2)(t +∆T ) 120 I EMT (t ) VTS(0)(t +∆T ) Calculate 3-phase Thévenin V abc equivalent T (t + ∆T ) x(t + ∆T ) socket server VTS120(t +∆T ) Step (3) V abc T (t + ∆T ) Three-sequence TS simulation Step (4) I 120 EMT ( t ) 120 I EMT ( t +∆T ) socket client t EMT step 1 EMT step 2 EMT step 3 Step (5) …………………………………….. EMT EMT step N-1 EMT step N t + ∆T 15 Implementation with the parallel type protocol The parallel interaction protocol • Steps (d) and (e) run simultaneously • May cause significant interfacing errors under fast transient conditions, as the Thévenin equivalent data is one-step delayed x(t + ∆T ) VTS120(t ) Calculate three-phase socket 120 Thévenin server I EMT ( t ) equivalent x(t ) VTS120(t ) 120 I EMT (t ) I Step (b) Step (a) socket server Threesequence TS simulation Step (d) Step (c) V abc T (t ) 120 I EMT ( t +∆T ) Step (e) 120 EMT ( t ) socket client t EMT step 1 EMT step 2 ... VTS120(t +∆T ) EMT step N-1 EMT step N t + ∆T 16 Automatic protocol switching algorithm Automatically switch interaction protocol based on the system conditions, reflected by the maximum rate of change of sequence current injections I RI I 120 EMT ( t ) 120 EMT ( t ) I 120 EMT (t −∆T ) max( max i p ∈ (1, 2, 0) Maximum rate of change 120 RI EMT ( Y EMT ( i , t ) I −I ( p) EMT ( i , t − ∆T ) )) / ∆T (1) EMT ( i , t − ∆T ) 1 series 120 RI EMT >ε? N time step ( p) N last step used series? Y Delay 0 parallel ∆T Logic of the protocol switching algorithm 17 Automatic creation and initialization of the external network Boundary bus i Base case Ii120 Boundary Configuration bus i bus m Ii120 …… The remainder of the external system bus k bus n Ik120 Vk120 The remainder of the external system Detailed System 1) Set buses and branches within the detailed system out of service 2) initialize the external system …… Depth first search(DFS) to identify detailed system bus m bus n Ik120 Vk120 bus k Boundary Power flow 18 Testing of the developed platform Test system Bus2 18 kV Bus 8 230 kV 100+j35MVA Bus 9 Bus 3 230 kV 13.8 kV Bus 7 230 kV 0.0085+j0.072 (case 1) 0.0119+j0.1008 G2 G3 0.017+j0.092 125+j50MVA 0.01+j0.085 Bus 5 230 kV 0.039+j0.17 0.032+j0.161 192MVA T2 XT=0.0625 T3 128MVA XT=0.0586 Bus 6 230 kV 90+j30MVA Bus 4 230 kV T1 XT=0.0576 Bus 3 16.5 kV G1 247.5MVA The IEEE 9 Bus system Modeling of Bus 5 and the external network Thévenin equivalents in PSCAD 19 Case 1: The interaction protocols Case 1 setting: 12 PSCAD - EMT time step = 50 us -TS time step = 5 ms -Threshold ε = 0.004 - Delay = 2 cycles A three-phase fault at 0.1 s and lasts for 4 cycles Plots (Top) Positive-sequence current injection at bus 5 into the external network (Bottom) Protocol switching signal current (kA) Protocol control setting: EMT-TS(series) EMT-TS(parallel) 10 EMT-TS(combined) 8 6 4 2 0 0.05 0.1 2 1 0 0.15 (a) 0.2 0.25 0.2 0.25 -5 120 log(RIEMT(t)) -10 0.05 log(0.004) protocol signal 0.1 0.15 Time (s) (b) 20 Case 2: Performance of the developed platform under unsymmetrical faults Internal network: Bus 5 and branch Bus5-Bus7 Two-port three-phase Thévenin equivalent Detailed modeling of bus 5 using the WECC composite load model, with the 1-p air conditioner compressor motor represented by a EMTP type model developed by Yuan Liu, et al [1] Bus2 18 kV Bus 8 230 kV 100+j35MVA Bus 9 Bus 3 230 kV 13.8 kV Bus 7 230 kV 0.0085+j0.072 0.0119+j0.1008 G2 G3 0.039+j0.17 0.017+j0.092 125+j50MVA 0.01+j0.085 Bus 5 230 kV 0.032+j0.161 192MVA T2 XT=0.0625 T1 XT=0.0576 T3 128MVA XT=0.0586 • Single line to ground fault • starting at 2.0 s • 4 cycles 230 kV/69kV 150 MVA 10% 69kV 69/12.47 kV 50 MVA 8% Bus 6 230 kV 90+j30MVA 12.47 kV Bus 4 230 kV Equivalent feeder Bus 3 16.5 kV G1 Bus 5 230 kV Composite Load Model 12.47 kV Composite Load Model 69/12.47 kV 50 MVA 8% 12.47 kV Composite Load Model 247.5MVA Detailed modeling of Bus 5 [1] Y. Liu, V. Vittal, J. Undrill, and J. H. Eto, "Transient Model of Air-Conditioner Compressor Single Phase Induction Motor," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 28, pp. 4528-4536, 2013. 21 Case 2: Performance of the developed platform under unsymmetrical faults EMT-TS(parallel) PSCAD EMT-TS(combined) protocol signal 2 Voltage (kV) 200 PSCAD EMT-TS(parallel) EMT-TS(combined) protocol signal 100 1.5 0 -100 1 -200 Phase A -300 1.95 2 2.05 2.1 2.15 Current (kA) 200 Voltage (kV) 0.5 2.2 100 0 0 -0.5 0.7 -100 -1 -200 0.6 Phase B -300 1.95 2 2.05 2.1 2.15 2.2 -1.5 0.5 Voltage (kV) 200 0.4 -2 100 2.014 0 -2.5 1.95 -100 2 2.05 2.1 2.016 2.018 2.15 2.2 Time (s) -200 Phase C -300 1.95 2 2.05 2.1 2.15 Time (s) Three-phase voltage of Bus 5 2.2 The phase A current injection at Bus 5 into the external network 22 Takeaways of part-1 1. The combination of the decoupled architecture and socket-based communication facilitates both simulators to be run on either one computer or several computers to achieve more flexibility and a better performance 2. The proposed combined interaction protocol with the auto-switching feature helps improve the hybrid simulation efficiency while a good accuracy is guaranteed 3. Application of the multi-port three-phase Thévenin equivalent enables simulating unbalanced faults within the detailed system, without the constraint of phase balance at the boundary buses 23 Fault induced delayed voltage recovery (FIDVR) Fault • distribution, subtransmission and transmission systems Delayed voltage recovery • several to tens of seconds Root cause of FIDVR • air conditioner (A/C) compressor motor stalling and prolonged tripping Voltage profile during a typical FIDVR event [2] [2] D. N. Kosterev, A. Meklin, J. Undrill, B. Lesieutre, W. Price, D. Chassin, et al., "Load modeling in power system studies: WECC progress update," in 2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, 2008, pp. 1-8. 24 Fault induced delayed voltage recovery (FIDVR) Accurate FIDVR studies require • Detailed A/C modeling • Detailed network model down to distribution feeder level Limitations of the conventional positive-sequence TS simulator • Distribution system configurations • Response of single-phase devices when subjected to unsymmetrical faults FIDVR events are generally localized • Detailed modeling can be limited to a small portion of a large power system FIDVR Area A large power system 25 Determination of the boundary of detailed system Use a simple yet generic test case to quantify the voltage dip threshold at a transmission bus causing A/C motor stalling Criterion: A bus is included in the internal system if a singlephase or three-phase fault at that bus causes a phase-to-neutral voltage at buses with a large percentage of A/C motor loads to drop below 0.75 pu. x = 0.025 T x = 0.05 x = 0.1 T T X= 2.5 − 20% T Bus 3 0.03 + j 0.04 Composite Load model s Voltage dip magnitude (pu) 115 kV 1.04 pu 0.005 + j 0.05 Voltage dip magnitude (pu) Equivalent Step-down feeder transformer Bus 2 Bus 1 impedance T x = 0.2 T 0.5 0.5 Equivalent source impedance x = 0.15 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 115/12.47 kV 0.25 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.8 A/C load percentage (a) 1 0.25 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 A/C load percentage (b) 1 Voltage dip magnitude w.r.t. the A/C load percentage and the transformer impedance: (a) A/C power = 4.9 kW (b) A/C power = 6.0 kW 26 Applied the boundary selection criterion to the WECC system The WECC system Transmission Buses lines Generators 15750 13715 24156 26105 24097 3074 24042 NORTH 14005 Buses with a large percentage of 1-Ф A/C motor load Loads • Bus 24151 7787 STATISTICS OF THE DETAILED SYSTEM MODEL 15061 Total number of buses 24086 15021 sub sub 15090 24092 24236 EAST 24801 24138 sub 28040 15093 sub sub 24151 115 kV M M M Load Load • Bus 24138 Number of buses of different voltage levels 500 kV sub sub Sub-system below 500 kV Total Load 238 500 kV 7 230 kV 37 161 kV 3 115 kV 68 92 kV 18 <= 66kV 105 11.9 GW One-line diagram of the study region 27 Initialization of the detailed system with a large percentage of load as induction motors The built-in initialization function of PSCAD fails to initialize the detailed system A two-step initialization approach Bus (1) The switch K is turned to the position 0, and the distribution systems and the CLMs are energized by the fixed voltage sources and initialized independently. (2) After the CLMs are successfully initialized, the switch K is turned to the position 1 such that distribution systems are connected to the transmission system. NOTE: The magnitude and phase angle of the fixed voltage source, S, are set based on the power flow solution of the given base case HV LV 1 s 0 K Static equivalent load Distribution network CLM CLM CLM CLM: composite load model 28 Benchmarking hybrid simulation against conventional transient stability 1.1 1 EMT-TS InterPSS 0.95 0.85 0 1.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time (s) 1 EMT-TS InterPSS 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.1 0.2 0.3 Time (s) 0.4 0.5 Machine reactive power (pu) Voltage magnitude(pu) Bus 24801 positive sequence voltage 0.9 Bus 24151 positive sequence voltage 0.7 0 1.05 Voltage magnitude(pu) Both use constant impedance load A single line to ground (SLG) fault is applied on the phase A of bus 24151 at t = 0.2 s 0.25 Bus14931 machine #1 reactive power 0.23 EMT-TS InterPSS 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.15 0 0.1 0.3 0.2 Time(s) 0.4 0.5 29 FIDVR event triggered by a SLG fault Detailed modeling of the region served by Bus 24151 Bus 24151 500 kV 415 +j*75 MVA 415 +j*75 MVA 0.2536 pu 560 MVA 531.615/120 kV 403 +j*96 MVA 403 +j*96 MVA 0.2536 pu 560 MVA 531.615/120 kV 0.2536 pu 560 MVA 531.615/120 kV 0.2536/0.40/0.512 pu 560 MVA Bus 24229 115 kV Bus 24160 115 kV 22 + j*1.1 MVA 46.8 MVAr Bus 25423 115 kV M 0.12 pu 250 MVA 115 /12.47 kV 0.12 pu 250 MVA 115 /12.47 kV M M f-2 Equivalent Feeder f-1 Equivalent feeder Model 202+j*(-8) MVA Feeder modeled in two sections f-3 Equivalent feeder Model Equivalent feeder Model 202+j*(-8) MVA 1 Z 4 feeder A B f-4 Equivalent feeder Model 202+j*(-8) MVA 202+j*(-8) MVA f-5 Equivalent feeder Model 202+j*(-8) MVA f-6 Equivalent feeder Model 202+j*(-8) MVA f-7 Equivalent feeder Model f-8 Equivalent feeder Model 202+j*(-8) MVA 202+j*(-8) MVA 3 Z 4 feeder C M M A/C 30 FIDVR event triggered by a SLG fault (cont’) Terminal voltage of the A/C motors at the 1/4 length point • 70% 1-Ф A/C motor, 15% 3-Ф induction motor, 15% constant impedance • Phase A and C were directly affected by the SLG fault at Bus 24151 • A/C motor stalling propagated to nonaffected phases (phase B in this case) • Voltages of all three phases were depressed after 0.95 s 1 phase A phase B phase C 0.5 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Speeds of the A/C motors at the 1/4 length point 1 0 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Speeds of the A/C motors at the end of the feeder 1 0 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Sequence voltages of the 115 kV bus# 24160 1 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Sequence voltages of the 500 kV bus# 24151 1 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.5 Positive Negative Zero 0.5 0 0.5 1.5 Positive Negative Zero 0.5 0 0.5 1.4 phase A phase B phase C 0.5 0.5 1.5 phase A phase B phase C 0.5 0.5 1.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 31 Effects of load composition on FIDVR 4 5 • • Propagation of A/C motor stalling to unfaulted phase is consistent across a substantial range of load compositions The impacts of SLG faults close to certain regions of the system with high A/C penetration could be more severe than perceived Speed (pu) Speed (pu) 75% 1-Ф A/C motor, 25% constant impedance 75% 1-Ф A/C motor, 10% 3-Φ NEMA type B induction motor, 15% constant impedance 70% 1-Ф A/C motor, 15% 3-Ф NEMA type B induction motor, 15% constant impedance 60% 1-Ф A/C motor, 15% 3-Ф NEMA type B induction motor, 25% constant impedance 50% 1-Ф A/C motor, 25% 3-Ф NEMA type B induction motor, 25% constant impedance B Casephase 1 phase C 1.5 Speed (pu) 3 Load composition Speed (pu) 2 phase A Speed (pu) Case # 1 1 0.5 Case 1 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.5 1 0.5 Case 2 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 Case 4 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.5 1 2 Case 3 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.5 1 2 2 Case 5 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Time (s) 2 32 Effects of point-on-wave (POW) on FIDVR (a1) 0.5 1 (b1) 0.5 0 0.5 1.5 1 2 bus 24151 bus 24160 1 (c1) 0.8 0.6 0.5 1.5 1 2 Phase C 1 (a2) 0.5 0 0.5 2 Voltage(pu) 1.5 1 Speed(pu) 1 0 0.5 Voltage(pu) Phase B Positive Seq.Voltage(pu) Speed(pu) Phase A Positive Seq.Voltage(pu) • POW effects on the occurrence and evolution of FIDVR are apparent, based on the differences in the response of the A/C motors of bus 24160 • The POW when the fault occurred should be considered for detailed FIDVR study 1.5 1 2 1 (b2) 0.5 0 0.5 1.5 1 2 bus 24151 bus 24160 1 (c2) 0.8 0.6 0.5 1.5 1 t(s) t(s) Case 5A, POW = 45 deg Case 5, POW = 0 deg 2 33 Takeaways of part-2 1. The study shows that a normally cleared, single line to ground fault at a 500 kV bus close to the A/C loads can lead to a FIDVR event. The event begins with A/Cs stalling on two directly-impacted phases, followed by A/C stalling propagating to the unimpacted phase. 2. Further, five study cases with quite different load compositions show similar A/C motor stalling results. 3. The POW when the fault occurs could have a significant impact on the response of the A/C compressor motors. 34 Conclusions 1. A new EMT-TS hybrid simulation tool is developed, which features 1) decoupling architecture, 2) generic interfacing with an EMT simulator, 3) flexible switching of interaction protocol and 4) support of three-phase equivalent of external system. 2. The hybrid simulation tool has been applied to study the FIDVR phenomenon within a region of WECC system, certain aspects of the evolution of the phenomenon were uncovered for the first time. 3. The developed tool is not limited to FIDVR study, but also applicable to studies that require detailed models and simulation of a part of a large power system, while preserving the slow dynamics of the rest of the system 35 Thank you! 36
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